Guessing Uber worried not enough drivers will be out for New Years Eve
Posted 6 years, 2 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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Just got a notice for another promotion New Years Eve 10pm to 4am 12 rides $60.00. That's better:)
Usually have to do 40 trips in a week for $20.00. They took away all Promotion bonuses for Christmas week except for a few consecutive trip bonuses in Center City. This is for Philadelphia. If you do 12 trips do you get $40? Doubtful but just thought I would ask. Any drivers from other cities get better Promotions for New Years Eve?
Im a rider. What is a quest? Do you get quests a lot? Sounds like a game...
Yes its Ubers game to get you to take ALL request and stay on road longer. I have capability to drive Uber XL but I also drive Uber X ( not enough XL requests)which then makes me available for express pool and pool. The last 2 options are not worth it as my gas mileage is awful. New Years Eve Uber offered $20.00 for 6 rides and $60 for 12 rides between 10pm and 2am. I was lucky and made over 12 rides with only 1 pool ride. During the week Uber post 7 (I think) different quest/promotions ex. 30 rides 15.00, 40 rides 20.00. The money that is paid out is pd. by Uber not the rider. If driver is tired but only 2 rides left to hit bonus of course they will stay out to complete quest. So yes its like a game but not a fun game most of the time. This year I had many riders who made me wait 2/3 min before they headed out to my car. I had 2 riders I cancelled as i waited almost 10 min the other one 7 min. Any rider who us not ready when we pull up is rude, inconsiderate, and cost us money. Yes, …
Yes its Ubers game to get you to take ALL request and stay on road longer. I have capability to drive Uber XL but I also drive Uber X ( not enough XL requests)which then makes me available for express pool and pool. The last 2 options are not worth it as my gas mileage is awful. New Years Eve Uber offered $20.00 for 6 rides and $60 for 12 rides between 10pm and 2am. I was lucky and made over 12 rides with only 1 pool ride. During the week Uber post 7 (I think) different quest/promotions ex. 30 rides 15.00, 40 rides 20.00. The money that is paid out is pd. by Uber not the rider. If driver is tired but only 2 rides left to hit bonus of course they will stay out to complete quest. So yes its like a game but not a fun game most of the time. This year I had many riders who made me wait 2/3 min before they headed out to my car. I had 2 riders I cancelled as i waited almost 10 min the other one 7 min. Any rider who us not ready when we pull up is rude, inconsiderate, and cost us money. Yes, there are things that happen as your ready to walk out but have the decency to at least notify your driver. Most people dont even apologize. If you make driver wait you should definately be tipping that driver. This is one of the reasons your ratings fall. Making the driver wait. I am not necessarily directing the wait issue to you personally. Just hoping to educate riders if they are reading this.
Last year had a rider puke in my car New Years Eve (no didnt report it) the husband cleaned the inside door which wasnt bad at all. Most of the mess was outside on door and quarter panel. He did hand me 20.00 to wash outside which is what I spent that day to wash it. It was enough of a mess to take me off the road because time would've ran out or my doors and locks would've froze. I was 1 trip off of hitting my quest of 65.00.
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why in the world wouldn't you report the puke?!
Mom of 4 posting on sons phone. I did end up with the Promotion but it was close. It was busy but Uber sent me 7 request 15 to 25 min away 9 or more miles. I didn't accept those as some were not even surged. I declined 2 pool rides until my last trip as it was 3:35. Uber added a second rider with no notification sent that they were adding another rider. Plenty of surges last night but nothing more than 18.00. 9 of 17 rides were surged. Without the surge, promotion, and tips my pay would've been awful. Only 3 trips were over 20.00. All my trips were short ones and traffic in City was awful. I got out as quick as possible. Thankfully I only ended up down there 2X. Had a problem with 2 trips I cancelled because those people made me wait. If you can't have the courtesy to text or call after 7 min I am out of there. I don't understand people. It's all about them, too inconsiderate to realize they are wasting drivers time and costing them money. They don'…
Mom of 4 posting on sons phone. I did end up with the Promotion but it was close. It was busy but Uber sent me 7 request 15 to 25 min away 9 or more miles. I didn't accept those as some were not even surged. I declined 2 pool rides until my last trip as it was 3:35. Uber added a second rider with no notification sent that they were adding another rider. Plenty of surges last night but nothing more than 18.00. 9 of 17 rides were surged. Without the surge, promotion, and tips my pay would've been awful. Only 3 trips were over 20.00. All my trips were short ones and traffic in City was awful. I got out as quick as possible. Thankfully I only ended up down there 2X. Had a problem with 2 trips I cancelled because those people made me wait. If you can't have the courtesy to text or call after 7 min I am out of there. I don't understand people. It's all about them, too inconsiderate to realize they are wasting drivers time and costing them money. They don't give a damn. Lots of accidents last night. Would be nice if pay was like that every night. It did then out to be a profitable night with low mileage. Hope everyone has a good night. Happy New Year.
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They're trying entice people to do shorties rather than the profitable long runs. Regardless, when you have 90% of the active drivers in your city driving, hitting that 6 hr quest isn't going to be as easy as people imagine it will be.
Of course. They never give you anything for nothing. There is always a catch. Usually to keep you the road longer accepting crappy rides. They probably have better Promotions for drivers that take all rides. I do not. So the big question to accept pool or not? Only if it's my last 2 rides to hit 12. Otherwise they can keep their money. Pool and express pool so not worth the aggravation unless there is a big surge attached or consecutive ride bonus. Last week caught both surge, consecutive ride bonus and 3 very nice people. One actually tipped a few bucks. Two were express and were actually out there waiting in right spot. Have a Happy New Year RedAnt. Be careful, be safe if you drive tonight.
It was the 1st time someone puked. I only drove 4 days out of month. The inside just looked wet on the door. Didnt even resemble puke. Although the outside was messy nothing a car wash couldn't fix. I really didnt think Uber would do much considering most of it went outside the car. I guess looking back I could've brought up that i lost bonus because of it.
The 3 times anyone that has thrown up in my car it has been contained for the most part. Friends with those people help me clean up it took 10 min. They have been helpful and nice and will tip. I just dont have the heart to report it. Thats a lot of money to be taken out of their account. If rider pukes and its all down my seats and in my carpet then I would report it. All 3 incidents were easy clean up mostly on outside. Just dont feel right charging someon 200.00 for quick easy clean up.
They do quests for a reason...
If they put out a 10 rides in 6 hrs quest and oversaturate the market with drivers, many/most will NOT finish it in time, so it costs them near nothing and prevents surge. In the end they have a lot more drivers driving at much lower rates, the passengers are happy and it was all subsidized by drivers who gave up their holiday to subsidize the profit margins of the rideshare companies. From what I hear, many of the drivers who gave up their holiday didn't make much more than they do on any other night of the year.
Sadly, few will learn from this experience, and Uber/Lyft will refine the process next year to further maximize their bottom line at the expese of drivers.
Interesting that they do promotions like this instead of just jacking up the surge... since this costs them money, and surge effectively does the same thing but makes them money. I expect worse from Uber...
Who drove on NYE and how much did you make?
I did drive on New Years Eve. 6.5 hrs. 231.00 after gas and taxes. If it wasnt for half my rides being surged, cash tips, and quest it would have not been worth it. Most of my rides were short fares under 10.00. Thankfully areas I drive in were surged most of the night.
Nope. Not working tonight. Weather is horrible, cant count on big surges like in the previous years. Staying in and staying warm.