There are a lot of factors included in being a safe and legal driver on the road. Having a valid license, a car, and a tank of gas is not the only thing you need to be a driver. Car insurance is a necessary part of owning a car. Almost every state requires a driver to have a minimum amount of car insurance. This helps protect the driver, passengers, and other drivers on the road. Saving money is something most everyone wants to do. Car insurance is never as cheap as we would like it to be, but why is …
read moreThe following two part series is a fascinating look into the Micro-mobility trend that is currently sweeping the country. In Part I, I am going to dig into the proliferation of thousands of these units taking over the sidewalks and gradually becoming a nuisance for local residents but also creating hazardous conditions for drivers and riders. In Part II, I am going to dig deeper into the economics of the Micro-mobility trend itself and look into the effects of this trend on rideshare drivers. Since all these companies are jumping in with both feet, it must be a very …
read moreUnhappy customers are unpleasant. Sometimes, things just do not go the way they were supposed to. An unhappy or difficult customer can happen in any industry and in any field. They are part of life. You may not be able to avoid the situation, but hopefully, you can make the situation better and leave the customer with a good impression of you and your company.
Food delivery is one of those jobs where people can be unreasonably difficult. Most of the time, people are lovely and easy to work with but not always. Hanger is more than a punchline to …
read moreRideshares are great! They enable people to get where they’re going without too much hassle. What can be a real bummer is if you leave you leave something behind in your rideshare. Yikes! Not all is lost, though.
The best thing to do is to call the driver! Hopefully, they are not far away and can return it to you quickly. Most rideshare platforms will charge your account a small fee in order to compensate the driver for their time and gas. For example in the United States, Uber charges a $15 lost item fee. Unfortunately, Uber drivers are independent …
read moreUnleaded or premium gas? It should not be this hard to figure out what a car needs or if one is better than the other, but it is. At least, it seems like it is. There is so much information out there on the topic, and everyone has an opinion.
The first thing you should do is look at your car’s owner manual. This tells you what kind of fuel you should be using. Listen to your manual. If your car does not require premium gas, don’t spend extra on premium gas because it will NOT make your car run …
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