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Posts by bBerman81
Another no-mask story. Driver: “I’m pretty sure I’m an a-systematic carrier.”
LOL:The ride home was long, partly because of the distance, and partly because of the conversation. We (he) talked … -
Congratulations to Uber, the Worst Performing IPO in U.S. Stock Market History
Fun article.Rideshare unicorn Uber doesn’t do anything small. When it was in the game of raising money, it raised … -
Lyft drags down Uber IPO - $120B is more like $91B
Uber reported Friday that it was aiming for a valuation of between $80.5 billion and $91.5 billion, less than the … -
Lyft sinks 12%, falls below IPO price - Calling it a "Gut check for Uber"
CNBCThe stock ended trading at $69.01, 22 percent below its Friday intraday high of $88.60More than 41 million … -
Uber Ride Pass - Create your own Route Pass on Uber for Savings
Did everyone (i.e. rider) see this? It says, "Get 28 days of conistent prices with a ride pass. Enjoy peace … -
Mom: Disabled son taken on joy ride by Uber driver to boost fare price
$89.99 for a 10 minute drive. http://westchester.news12.com/story/39055625/mom-disabled-son-taken-on-joy-ride-by-uber-driver-to-boost-fare-price -
Are there code of conduct between rideshare drivers? Secret rules, commonsense manners, etc.? Do you guys even get along or is there competition?
Can Uber pull up the passenger's GPS location to solve a dispute with the driver? Say to settle a disagreement between drivers and riders as to where the drop off occurred?
Say if a passenger gets off at a certain location but the driver does not terminate the trip and keeps … -
Are there operating hours for UberPool? How come they don't seem to be available at nights and early mornings?
One of the drivers told me UberPool doesn't run at different times of the day. Like they would close for … -
Does Uber check and verify driver's profile photos? Can't they make it up?
There's no way for Uber to know, right? Can't they just upload a picture of anyone? -
After dropping off the passenger, can the Uber driver keep driving without completing the ride? ...in order "to run up the meter?"
This is my follw up question to https://ride.guru/lounge/p/can-a-uber-driver-start-the-trip-without-the-passenger-in-the-car-and-take-an-imaginary-passenger-for-a-ride-to-make-money -
Can a Uber driver start the trip without the passenger in the car? ...and take an imaginary passenger for a ride to make money?
I keep hearing that this is the fastest growing business in Uber in terms of orders and revenue, albeit there is a lot of competition. How does this make sense?
Another start-up where profits and sound business models are completely ignored for the sake of growth. Notice how a few investors decide what businesses and concepts should be next. No matter what any one says, we live in a world where a few people determine how the world should turn.
Why does everyone thinks this is a good idea then?
Investors? Uber is obviously not making any profits, so this must be based on growth and their attempt to capture the market share. It's another start-up business taking over an existing industry and operating under heavily leverage finances (borrowing a lot of money for growth for potential long-term gain).
I feel all the other businesses that are being affected by this changing tides.
Only way it makes sense economically.
Wow. That’s a bit sad to see. This is like the opposite of unity.
Did this work at all?
Buffet is all about buy and hold on trusted companies. He has long term outlook and strategy and Uber I’m sure doesn’t fit into that model.
Man, I was reading this from a rider’s perspective. It’s for drivers, huh.
You should create one for riders.
But then you’d be dinged with another fare.
City regulations didn't shut down Uber and Lyft for many years. Well, let me rephrase. Cities tried but they didn't listen.
So Bird and Lime should just ignore the authorities again, right?
What a beautiful story. Trash stories are always the best
Exactly. This article is starting to make me mad a bit. What a sham. Preying on the middle class to spend their hard earned money just so the rich can get richer.
Just sling the pizza pie from your window to the doorstep, newspaper style.
That people are evil?
Oh totally. 11 isn’tate for taxis and Uber’s. Especially at an airport as big as IAH.
SuperShuttle? I thought they took reservations
Why would I? I don’t drive a freight truck.
"on them?" I mean, sure, it would definitely reflect on their employment status, right? and yes, I think they do have to pay.
When a company is worth billions of dollars and have hundreds of millions in cash, I don't know if that's a lot of money or not.
These are automated scooters and can really help short distance travels and commutes. I feel like this is a segment no one else has covered before. You wouldn't take an Uber four blocks away but you would a Scooter. Sure you can walk it but you'd also pay $1 to make it easier.
I am actually a fan.
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