I am curious, has anyone played around with your dress style and whether or not you received more tips? I am not about to go put on a suit and tie but if it made me significantly more money, well then....
Does how you dress as a driver impact your tips?
Posted 6 years, 9 months ago
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No, I will NOT tie the mattress to the top of my Toyota
OMGGGGG Uber is SO annoying. I left my phone in the car and had to go an hour and a half to get it. And then they charge me $15! I met him near his house!
Well, the answer is definitely yes, right? If the dude is wearing ripped up clothes and just totally crappy, I may not tip as much thinking he just doesn't care.
Caring matters. Respect your job and hose around you.
Nah, I think the OP is talking about dressing up. Not wearing puke covered clothes.
I think the answer to that is, nah, I don't care. Just be good at driving, be polite, and get me there
From a rider's perspective, yes well dressed drivers will win points and I bet tipping will be affected positively. Maybe not even consciously but subconsciously. N
Significant more money? I will wear anything, tin foil hat, steak over my shoulders, Barney the dinosaur costume, I don't care. Nothing but diapers? Pay me more and I'll do it
I was with you until your diaper comment.
I'll do all those plus more to get paid. It beats yelling at Uber who never listen anyway.
I do dress nice btw. I feel like it's expected. Collar and khakis at least.
I notice when my driver is dressed nice, but does it make me tip more? nah...
I see most posters saying yes, but... Maybe I got something to learn here. One of the things I love about being an Uber driver is that I can wear anything I want. Things super comfortable. Remember we drive hours and hours a day
Sneakers and sweat, baby. I drive an UberX not UberBlack
What's steak over shoulders.
I don't even notice what my driver is wearing. For all I know, they aren't wearing pants. And I don't ever check.
As a rider, if my Uber driver is well dressed, opens doors for me, and generally makes me feel valued, then ya, I would give a better tip. But if they were well dressed and still a jerk then the "dress" aspect would have no affect on me whatsoever.