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Does my City have Uber?

Posted by: Lilly Kenyon in Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 8 months ago

Wondering if Uber is available in your location? Need to check if Uber is available where you are traveling?

Uber is a global company. It happened quickly, but Uber is providing passengers with drivers all around the world. Unfortunately, Uber is not everywhere. There are some cities, regions, and even countries that do not have Uber operating. Uber also does not have a definitive resource allowing their customers to see if Uber is in their area. If Uber isn’t in your area, it’s impossible to order a ride or become an Uber driver, so it’s important to figure out where …

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Uber Drivers Want To Thank Riders For Tips

Posted by: Felicia Dodge in Driver Community , Rider Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 8 months ago

Tipping Uber

In the United States, tipping is seen as "mandatory or highly suggested" at restaurants, bars, and within taxis. However, this is not the case with ridesharing. Since Uber and Lyft originally made a strong stance against tipping, many riders still feel they can get away without tipping their driver. While not many riders may tip their drivers, all drivers can agree that tipping is flattering; tipping makes a difference!

We’ve been hearing a lot of buzz from rideshare drivers. They want the ability to thank their riders who tip them because it is an act of kindness and generosity. It …

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Safety, Physical, & Mental Health Risks of Being an Uber & Lyft Driver

Posted by: Sergio Avedian in Driver Community , Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 8 months ago

All across the country, millions of people use ride-hail services, like Lyft or Uber, to go out to dinner, get to events such as baseball games and concerts, run errands, commute to work, for airport trips etc. With a tap of a button on their smartphones, passengers request a car and a driver arrives quickly, picks them and drops them off safely at their destination. More than 1 out of 3 people in the US have used ride-hail services, which are most prominent in major cities, such as New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Uber’s 17% of total revenue …

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Uber Lays Off More Employees

Posted by: Bekah Wheeler in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 8 months ago

Uber Lays off More Workers

At the beginning of 2019, Uber started the first of, what they say are, three rounds of company wide layoffs. In the ten and a half months of 2019, the company has laid off enough employees it has become a percent of their entire company’s population. The third and final round of layoffs included 350 employees from a wide range of teams and departments. 

Dara Khosrowshahi, Uber’s CEO, sent a company wide email detailing the most recent layoffs. The company said goodbye to employees in the EATS, global rides and platforms, recruiting, performance marketing, and Advanced Technologies Group. Other employees …

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Uber Argues They Don’t Employ ANY Drivers

Posted by: Felicia Dodge in Rideshare Knowledge 4 years, 8 months ago

Uber news

Uber has a tendency to say things that don’t necessarily make sense to the public at large. The latest seemingly nonsensical phrase catching people’s attention is the fact that the tech giant insists on calling their drivers “independent, third-party transportation providers” instead of the easier and more identifiable term "drivers".

The company has been involved with more than a handful of court cases over the years because of a variety of reasons. No matter the case, Uber insists the attorneys, judges, and everyone else never refer to the people operating cars or vehicles on their behalf as drivers …

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