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Should you make out with someone in the backseat of the Uber? Will I get a lower rating?

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87 Rider
 Posted 7 years ago

I'm just curious what drivers think about this, and if making out in the backseat of an Uber would make my passenger rating go down. Nothing crazy happening but I'm just curious what people's opinions are on this.


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    524 Rider Driver
     7 years ago

    Would you want a couple of strangers making out in the back of your car?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    398 Driver
     7 years ago

    As a driver, I will tell you it happens often. Been driving taxi in NYC for many years, I have seen everything.  People making out in the back is a routine on weekends.  Something about keeping it going between the bar/club to wherever they are headed.  

    It's awkward, but I don't stop them.  Remember though, many Uber drivers now have dashcam that records everything.  Thank that Subway executive that knocked the driver over the head and grabbed his hair.

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      330 Rider
       7 years ago

      Well, the question is...  do you give a low rating?

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        398 Driver
         7 years ago

        You know, as old and jaded as i am, I probably would.  it's the respect thing.  why here.  have some dignity and a little bit of patience.  

    {{ ratingSum }}
    560 Driver
     7 years ago

    ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED.  Why would you want to make out in someone else's car?  with someone else in it?  Do you want someone in your hotel room while you are making out with your boyfriend? That's weird.

    I get it that some people are into this stuff, but come on.  Not in my car.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      LA Girl!
       7 years ago

      hey sometimes after a long night of drinking it's fun to make out in the car. drunk people usually don't care who sees them kissing

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    42 Rider
     7 years ago

    Umm.. I think as long as you aren't messing anything up, driver is'nt going to care.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       7 years ago

      Isn't this public indecency?  same laws and rules apply?

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        uber driver texas
         7 years ago

        you would think so!! I've seen some strange things happening in the back of the car. most of the time, im scared to look back. i don't want to see that

      {{ ratingSum }}
      457 Driver Driver
       6 years ago

      $150 for clean up fees for bodily fluids.

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    1202 Rider Driver Guru
     7 years ago

    Actually, I had to look this up.  It's actually a part of their community guidelines.

    Give riders and drivers some personal space

    We all value our personal space and privacy. It’s OK to chat with other people in the car. But please don’t comment on someone’s appearance or ask whether they are single. As a passenger, if you need to make a phone call, keep your voice down to avoid disturbing your driver or other riders. And don’t touch or flirt with other people in the car. As a reminder, Uber has a no sex rule. That’s no sexual conduct between drivers and riders, no matter what.

    Uber Community Guidelines

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      102 Rider
       7 years ago

      Yes, but that doesn't say anything about making out. You just can't flirt.  Kissing isn't touching.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1149 Rider
         7 years ago

        Why a I not surprised this thread ended up here.  She is asking a legitimate question.

      {{ ratingSum }}
       7 years ago

      You can't touch anyone?   It sounds like you have to define whaet you mean by touch.   Gosh, Uber.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     7 years ago

    Didn't we learn anything from the other farting thread?  Making out lands somewhere on the 4 levelf of cleaning severity rue.

    Show Hide  6 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      1202 Rider Driver Guru
       7 years ago

      Did you know Uber has a NO SEX RULE.  I am not making this up.

      • Physical contact with the driver or fellow riders. As our community guidelines make clear, you shouldn’t touch or flirt with other people in the car. As a reminder, Uber has a no sex rule. That’s no sexual conduct with drivers or fellow riders, no matter what. And you should never hit or otherwise hurt a driver or fellow passenger.

        {{ ratingSum }}
         7 years ago

        We are two conscending adults.  We can hit each other if we want to!

      {{ ratingSum }}
      161 Rider
       7 years ago

      For those of you who don't remember.

      • Level 1: Vacuuming needed
      • Level 2: Vomitting outside of car
      • Level 3: Vomit inside car.
      • Level 4: Bodlly fluids inside car.

      So, making out lands somewhere between 3 and 4.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        60 Rider
         7 years ago

        I don't get why Level 1 is Vacuuming need but Level 2 is Vomiting OUTSIDE of the car? It seems like level one would be worse...

      {{ ratingSum }}
       7 years ago

      What farting thread are you talking about.

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    jessica li
     7 years ago

    i agree with what these other people said. it's kinida gross if you ask me

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       7 years ago

      *heavy breathing* from the front seat.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    207 Driver
     2 years ago

    Kissing is no big deal.  Not a homophobic... so it really does not matter who is kissing who.  Grosses me out a little though.  It is when it gets to more than kissing, I am not comfortable:  My first week had a couple that was doing a lot more than kissing.  Was not sure if I should speed up or slow down... was to scared to say something (as if I would be reported as a pervert.)  It was also taxing on the car... but the worst part was after they got out, I had to check the seats and that was when I started to feel violated (no mess... thankful of that.)  No tip either and therefore no class.   A room would have cost them $50 to $100 and they were picked up at an expensive country club.   If it was my friends, I would not mind... but hey... If I you are not my close friends... then please stop at kissing... your rating will be fine.  I also have a camera... which I think pretty much put a stop to getting past first base.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Morals have taken a deep decline in this country along with people that ask a Stupid question and post it with a picture of of herself.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    560 Driver
     7 years ago

    This is a queue to reply, "the rating will depend on how you perform."  or "depend on whether you let the driver join in."

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    189 Driver
     4 years ago

    No way, you may get a higher rating if you let the driver watch. not sure who would downvote. hehe

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Me personally as a lyft driver don’t really care. If couples are making out in my car, I am happy that you chose not be a lesbian or gay. Make out and kiss each other as much as you want. It even excites me

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    Make out in your own car and have some respect for yourself and the driver. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    The way I see it as long as they're not vandalizing a vehicle or doing anything illegal they're fine cuz it's their dime but you want to go farther very well there expect me to charge the cleaning fee and I reserve the right to watch LOL( just joking about that part) but point being the longer they're in the car the more I get paid and when I'm on the clock it's about customer satisfaction

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    2098 Rider
     7 years ago

    SHOULD you?  Probably not.  COULD you without driver complaining?  Probably.

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    291 Driver Driver
     7 years ago

    just like jbauer, I am a driver and heard and seen everything. I don't mean to sound gross, but all kinds of sounds and noises can be heard in the back.  

    I think the unwritten rule is to don't distract the driver and keep it somewhat calm.  Kissing should be alright, but nothing more...right?