Ask a Driver
Do you have questions for your Uber anad Lyft drivers? What about tips and suggestions? Whether you are a driver or a rider, share your comments here and get responses from real rideshare drivers.
Heroin Epidemic. As an Uber driver would you be willing to carry Narcan in the event someone would Over Dose in your car?
I drive in Philly. Mostly nights. I do pick up a lot of drunk people and i have had riders …
Explaining the rating system
I came up with this. What do you think? 5⭐️ Keep this driver on the road. 4⭐️ Driver …
Tipping chart. Do drivers agree that riders tip 90% of the time?
Why do Uber and Lyft drivers become so angry when riders don't tip?
I am actually a driver myself. I agreed to all the rates and how much I get paid when I …
What are some tips and tricks to earning more from ride share.
There are so many factors it is hard to quantify. First you have to be in a market where Uber …
As a Driver, will you buy Uber or Lyft stock when it becomes available?
It appears both Lyft (which has already initiated the paperwork to go Public) and now Uber is rushing to follow, …
Uber Destination Mode Paying 30% Less
Uber apparently has been taken over by Bernie Sanders. They don’t want us using destination mode anymore so instead of …
DRIVERS STOP DRIVING CHILDREN WITHOUT CAR SEATS. Car Seat Issue Yet Again! What is wrong with patents? Drivers? Uber & Lyft???
Last Friday night I get a request on Lyft XL 8 min away at 1030pm at Dave & Busters. I …
What can your riders do to make your life a little easier?
Make themselves readily findable. Help the driver to find them quickly and easily by text or calling. Treat the driver …
What do you think of the new Uber driver app?
The new driver app is out! What do y'all think of it? I've heard some complaints that it's harder to …
Do Uber drivers give low ratings to passengers that are quiet and do not engage in conversations?
Recent Articles
Why did my Uber driver take pictures of my girlfriend puking?
Alright, I will admit. She had way too much to drink, and she was foaming at the mouth. Then she …
Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?
I keep reading about this big new campaign to encourage riders to ask drivers what their name is before getting …
Which amenities do you provide for your passengers?
I'm just kinda interested to read what everyone has to offer for their passengers. I myself have: a USB charging …
Is driving from 9-5 a pipedream for an Uber driver?
I was thinking about driving for an Uber so I asked a driver of my intentions. I told him I'd …
As an Uber/Lyft driver, what have you been accused of by riders?
There must be some good deactivation stories. I also noticed that Lyft provides feedback directly to the drivers, right? Like …
Does it make sense to buy a (used) car for Uber?
That is the ONLY thing that makes sense. A new car would be ruined by the mileage you run up …
What almost every driver says not to do. Sometimes when someone needs your help its worth the risk.
Drove Saturday night in Philly & Lower Bucks. Rain was relentless, flooding everywhere, visibility awful. After seeing my 8th accident …
Quick Survey for Rideshare Workers
Hey everyone! Sorry to intrude. I'm a high school student conducting research on the gig economy.I'm conducting a quick …