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Tipping chart. Do drivers agree that riders tip 90% of the time?

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8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 3 months ago



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    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Part of the tipping issue is with millennial's which as a class of people, don't like to tip.  I've heard MANY of this age group say "i'd rather they raise the rates than have to tip"...  and frequent "I hate tipping" commentary.  So the 18 to 30 group are consistently very poor tippers in my experience.  Once the rider is beyond 40 years old, the tip percentage increases drastically.

    Second is the current rates.  Yes that's correct, we're TOO CHEAP.  Uber has become affordable for everyone - including the poor and disadvantaged, and where they previously were limited to public transportation, now they can afford to use Rideshare for a few more bucks.  But you can KNOW that poor folks aren't going to be tippers.  They literally don't have it to give!!!  

    I received more cash tips back when the rates were more than double what they are today and those were cash (since it wasn't available …


    Part of the tipping issue is with millennial's which as a class of people, don't like to tip.  I've heard MANY of this age group say "i'd rather they raise the rates than have to tip"...  and frequent "I hate tipping" commentary.  So the 18 to 30 group are consistently very poor tippers in my experience.  Once the rider is beyond 40 years old, the tip percentage increases drastically.

    Second is the current rates.  Yes that's correct, we're TOO CHEAP.  Uber has become affordable for everyone - including the poor and disadvantaged, and where they previously were limited to public transportation, now they can afford to use Rideshare for a few more bucks.  But you can KNOW that poor folks aren't going to be tippers.  They literally don't have it to give!!!  

    I received more cash tips back when the rates were more than double what they are today and those were cash (since it wasn't available via the app).  Think about that!  Most of the readers weren't driving 3 1/2 years ago when Uber was still "starting up"....  and don't realize how things really have changed.  Now only perhaps 20% of the rides tip, and back in the day, even when Uber was still touting "tipping not necessary" in their marketing, I still received some extraordinary tips.

    i'm hoping that a new rideshare company starts that charges about double the current prevailing rates, BUT, also guarantee's highly vetted drivers over 25 years old with cars that are less than 8 years old, inspected annually by the company with a rigid safety standard inspection with safety and appearance being the primary concern, allowing for underage riders lowering the minimum age to 16 when requested by a parent through the app, with a rating system that is either "yes or no" without the degrading and often manipulated system currently in place from all the rideshare companies.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      Amen! Everything you say rings true with me.

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    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

    I would love to drive in city where riders tip 90% of the time. Maybe if you frequent areas where people are 30 yrs old and above tipping % would increase.  I find riders who are under 30 yrs old tip the least. 30 to 40 yrs old usually tip, above 40 yrs old always seem to tip. Very rare not to receive a tip from 40 yr old +.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      810 Driver
       6 years ago

      The chart maybe accurate as far as tip % to cab drivers. Cab drivers on the forum may be able to confirm if 90% of passengers tip them, maybe that use to be the case prior to rideshare, but now with rideshare around I bet it changed in a negative way.. Rideshare drivers would not fall into same category as cab drivers by any stretch in this chart. We need our own category and the percentage of tipping passengers would probably be no more that 30 (and I am being generous).

      If passengers being accustomed these days to not tip rideshare drivers and occasionaly order a cab, I bet their cheapness travels with them and even the cab drivers will now get less tips because of it.

      I do not think I will ever see a cultural shift with passengers enough to have rideshare drivers in a similar chart with tipping passengers in 60/70% range

        {{ ratingSum }}
        OP 8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        I dont think tipping rideshare drivers is ever going to reach 50%:) Tipping % seems to have gone down from how many riders tip and how much they tip. Had many more tips and bigger tips when I first started then compared to this year. I drive bigger vehicle, navagation has improved (not that it was bad before), ratings pretty much the same as last year,  got a little more cautious with my driving but not to an extreme. Havent really changed anything. So not sure why tips are less frequent and definately less amt. then use to receive. Cheaper riders? Younger riders? Definately notice under 30 yrs old are awful tippers.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          668 Driver
           6 years ago

          50% sounds right. Though, I've had candid talks with my passengers and they were surprised to be told not everyone tips.  So it isn't that people tip 50% of the time.  It's that 50% of the people never tip. They don't know or realize there's an expectation.  

          This will eventually change, as this cannot be sustained as a societal norm. (where some pay and some don't)   An expectation or "commonsense" or "rule" will be established at some point, and EVERYONE will folow that. We just don't know where that norm will be set.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        145 Driver
         6 years ago

        I second this. This says taxi drivers.  For them, it was definitely a norm where the tipping was expected.  90% basically means "everyone", except that there are always bad apples.

        BTW, I don't believe bartenders get tipped 98% of the time. That just doesn't make sense.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    These commie pinkos would rather cut their hand off before tipping

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      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Bigfrank you never let me down with your comments. Lol I was waiting.

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    422 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I would bet it's true for cab drivers. Rideshare drivers? Ah nope. Uber screwed that up with their original "no tipping" policy and now we all pay for it.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Yes agreed. I started the month Uber came out with tipping. Last year for the first 6 to 8 mths didnt do great but got more and decent tips then. Seems to have fizzled out over past 6 mths. Dont see has many tips as before. Havent changed anything. If anything drive an SUV now more room. You would think during holidays they would get better but no they dont.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    94 Rider
     6 years ago

    really 99.5% of people tip wait staff? I think that is too high. I was a waitress for many years and there are some a**holes out there

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    40 Driver
     6 years ago

    This is an excellent tip.

    "Tip more if you get off somewhere where they're unlikely to find a customer."

    ...but... this basically speaks to when the driver has to take on the expense (out of pocket) to continue working.  It can be applied to so many other situations when it's rideshares.  


    - "Tip more if your trip is shorter than 10 minutes or 2 miles...lazy bum."

    - "You make the driver wait more than a few minutes on the curb."

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      I like these suggestions as well.  I like it how it doesn't say commonsense stuff like:

      - "Tip when they greet you nicely."

      - "Tip more when they get you to the destination."

      - "Tip when puts one light backpack in the trunk."

      ...because I am starting to feel drivers are entitled and expect tips for things that they should be doing already.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        54 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        Drivers dont need to put things in their trunk for you. Yes its the right thing to do but it is a shared ride service. Anything a driver does beyond being nice and respectful, clean car is an added benefit to rider. There is another post on here where driver avoids a very bad accident. He was tipped 60.00. Although that was very generous yhe riders couldve done less and it still wouldve been appreciated i am sure by the driver. Drivers come in contact with many morons, drunks, careless drivers etc... Why not tip a driver even $2/3 for getting you safely to destination, being respectful, kind, clean car, etc... thats not asking much. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I have driven rideshare for 1 year and I have signs and snacks and chargers and water...all the amenities. I get tipped about 40-50% of rides. Not surprisingly, the people who they are going to leave a big tip never leave anything. Same as when I waited tables in college. A-holes. If i’m lucky, I total about 9-10% in tips. Which sucks because the nice clean car costs me minimum $3 per day, gas from 15-26$ per day plus the costs for snacks, water, emisis bags etc...People. Really. I hope all of the college kids who ate all my food and threw the trash all over my car and the people who didn’t get a vomit clean up fee because i came prepared realize that next time a ride sucks it’s Rideshare Karma. 

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    18 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I have a suspicion this chart is backwards, riders tip more like 10% of the time LOL

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I agree:) Percentages are pretty high on here. Having a hard time believing any of it:) Maybe its a certain city/state. Thats why I put it up didnt think it was too accurate.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    40 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Of course not but this does say "cab driver". I think 90% is actually pretty accurate for traditional cab drivers. Uber just screwed over the rideshare marketplace by sticking to the "no tip" thing for so long.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    LOL at the columns that say if you don't tip your "the worst". No better way than to shame the stingy folk.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Agreed. Lol I thought that was too funny:)


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    76 Rider
     6 years ago

    90%? Ha! Hilarious joke.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Thats why I posted this. Its a joke. I assume they are talking in taxi days before Uber. Would be awesome if it were true. If only a few dollars on each trip:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    you cannot force people to tip because rideshare apps have more people that are tightwads and would rather cut their hands off before they tip. legally you can apply a 15% surcharge that goes directly to the driver . STAND IN UNITY  

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Would be nice. Wouldnt cost Uber and Lyft a dime. Drivers would get an increase. See that as a win win. What is  common sense to most people doesnt always apply to everyone especially these big greedy companies. CEO's that make 46M per year dont care about the little people (drivers). Even though its not coming out of their pockets. Most people depend on using rideshare and will not stop for 15% surcharge. Those who do stop would be the terrible low rated cheap asses that dont belong in our cars anyway.