Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Fare estimate

    It does say ESTIMATE.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Is Uber sending the closest driver? Not necessarily!

  • Here is another link if you really want more info on batch matching.

  • Uber is now using Batch Matching instead of closest driver. Here is a a screenshot and a link to the entire article.

  • I get same request over a 20 min time period 3 to 4X. Usually rider has a low rating, shared ride, pool ride, or fake name. If I declined once going to decline next 3X. It is rather annoying. 

  • Download Uber and Lyft App. Whichever is cheaper at the time go with that App.

  •  I watch you tube videos when I am bored, in the car driving (not with passenger obviously) and to waste time. Most do it because they make money (nothing wrong with that). Others have good tips that I coukd've used when I first started. Probably made every rookie mistake out there. I manage to make it work still. Do I hate the rates, the BS that U & L both pull, are we underpaid, YES.  I personally have no control over it. CA is probably going to change rideshare for better or for worse for every city. I love driving, setting my own hours, but if things get any worse I will move on. I do not trust the government, Uber,  or Lyft to do whats right for the drivers. Again all the players have their own agenda and its not to benefit the drivers. If RP follows through and is really in for the drivers. Great. Right now I can still make money but if things get worse I go back to a healthcare job. I am waiting to see where the pieces fall. 

  • I want no parts of being employee. I dont want to have to maintain a certain acceptance rate nor do I want to have to take every crappy ride that pings my phone. I want to set my own hrs, go on & off the apps when I feel like it.  Minimum wage here is 7.50. 

  • Just watch him Dustin, Mark, when really bored Kevin between rides. I thought RSG was on bored with RP. He pops in on vids and comments. Everone has an egenda. They all have their codes referral codes up. They all make money off their referral codes, You Tube videos,  etc... I dont invest money into any anything (other than the few free $ I get from you tube for chats) so no loss. Just curious to see how this all plays out. Harry did commercials for Uber who is to say he isnt on Ubers side? There is pros and cons to all these guys.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  What are all Rideshares in Long Beach CA?

    Ride guru fare calculator as Mick Dorsey posted 

  • I was just explaining that you Do Not have donate. If you choose to donate you can for a little as 2.00. If you decide to donate it is being used for Attorney Fees. What is RSG?


    Check out Rideshare Professors video. Secret meeting between Uber and Labor Unions Causing Uproar. A Yber employee spilled the beans. Uber up to no good again. There is an Uber/Lyft rally in CA hosted by them in CA. Rideshare Professor flying in with some other people to attend. Going to livestream it. Plans to speakout. Very interesting to see what happens. May want to check it out and maybe that will help to see if he is legit. He is asking for donations as little as 2.00 to hire lawyers to go after these companies. He does say if you cant afford it just share videos, links to sites, etc... Not like he is asking for big bucks. I know doing these livestreams, videos, takes time and he is putting in a lot of time. He is allowing people to sign up for street teams and G.O.A.T for free. From what I've seen and read dont see any reason to think he isnt legit. He seems like he really cares about the drivers. Time will tell. 

  • Yes we can. Unless you are giving driver hard time, being disrespectful, obnoxious, making a mess etc... drivers dont want to kick you out. I've never kicked anyone out in over 2200 rides. Came close one night with 6 drunk idiots. RedAnt's comment gives reasons why we cant kick you out. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  I need a ride

    Order an Uber

  • In 38 yrs of driving I got 1 speeding ticket 3.5 yrs ago. In the 2 yrs I have been driving for Uber and Lyft I've been pulled over 4X with passengers. One was my passengers fault telling me GPS was wrong to go straight. Got out of turning lane then she decided she was wrong. Four cops were sitting at intersection. I knew not to do anything wrong. I put my signal on there was no traffic & pulled back in turning lane. Back end of my car sticking out slightly over line. If I pulled up would've went into intersection. Got pulled over no ticket. Had turned down my headlights waiting on riders as I was blinded people who were outside the bar. Forgot to turn them back up. No ticket cop was actually very nice. Got pulled over in Princeton NJ cop was more interested in questioning my passenger. Definately the strangest traffic stop. Never did find out why I got pulled over. No ticket. Pulled over again Princeton NJ failure to pull in left lane as a cop had someone pulled over on the shoulder. However there was traffic in those lanes so I slowed down to 25 in a 55.  That is legal. No ticket. My riders didnt complain we got a good laugh and off we went. I did receive a tip on all 4 rides. I drive with cruise control on and I obey the laws. When I did get pulled over its for minor things that had Township cops & had no reason to ticket me. No laws were broken. The one stop with the lights was valid. It was embarassing but I think my riders were just happy it was me behind the wheel and not them:) Uber and Lyft drivers are on the road much more than the average person bound to get pulled over.

  • Yes rider request can go back to a driver that all ready declined. I've had request come back to me 4X over 20 min. 

  • I just started watching his you tube channel. So far what I have checked into has checked out. He still drivers for Uber but dors Black SUV he has license to do private rides. He seems to know a lot of people. Dont think he would lie about who he knows on a video when those people could call him out on it. Seems to have good business connections. He helps a lot of drivers. I am signing up by the 3rd. I am signing up for free. If things start progressing and it looks like the new rideshare will go forth then I may go for a pd. membership. He just started all this aftdr the LA strike and so far what he has said he was going to do he has done. He hasnt asked for a dime. My advice is watch his videos dating from LA strike to recent. Sign up for free for Street Teams watch his live stream on the 4th. Go from there. At this point most you lost is some time watching videos. He does give good advice, intelligent, fair,  and has no problem calling these companys out on their BS. He did a recent video on TRYP telling them about his experiences so far, he is pissed. I personally think he is a kind, decent, man that will do what he says. Watch his vids, live stream on july 4th, sign up for free on street teams is my best advice. He isnt asking for money so it sounds legit. However I will post updates in case you dont want to sign up until you know more. 

  • Rideshare Professor, You Tuber

    Started a site where drivers can connect from all over the world. A site to get info out to drivers quickly. When LA had the strike no all drivers knew about. Other ciries had strike but many drivers didnt know. He wants suggestions for new rideshare company, Uber, and Lyft. Check put his videos to understand more.  

  • YES!!!!! I Just started following The Rideshare Professor a few months back. He seems like a  honest, hard working, businessman. He knows his shit, dont put up with crap, helps drivers out all the time, very vocal about Lyft and Uber's BS, and wants to start another company. Not happy with "Goat" name but maybe that will change:) lol What's the worst that could happen? At least we will know whats going on. I think CA drivers hold are fate in their hands. Hope they do the right thing and dont make us employees. Whatever happens there is likely to change rideshare everywhere. They should allow him & few drivers from major cities sit down with Uber & Lyft and come up with an agreement that will benefit drivers.  He will and does stand up for the drivers. I am signing up for free. Not sending any money until I see where this is all going. I guess we will know what his plans are on July 4th. I like the idea of him telling people no negativity or rude comments on Street Teams or your booted. Thats why i like ride guru.   We can all state our opinion without the negative BS and rude comments. We may not always agree but no one jumps all over your post with the rude replies. Some other forums and FB pages are ridiculous. Some of these drivers are so rude to other drivers. I am sure they are with their passengers no wonder they are complaining no one tips them:) 

  • Unless Your area has something new neither the Lyft or Uber platform has that capability. Uber has "Pool" and Lyft has "Shared". What that means as those rides are discounted. The driver may or may not get other riders during your trip but regardless you will be given an "Upfront Price". That price is what you will pay no matter if someone else gets in the car or not during your trip. The Pool or Shared ride just means you may or may not get other riders in the car with you. It doesn't mean the cost is shared. The ride is just discounted compared to an Uber X or Lyft ride.