Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Well stated BigFrank!

  • Uber and Lyft hasnt treated drivers well or respected them as independent contractors. They sure as hell wont respect us as employess. We will definately be slaves to the app and the companies. 

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     5 years ago in  TeslaCams capturing some crazy footage

    Just look at restrooms and what you've seen in them. You wonder how people can take feces and put it all over the walls, toilet seat, etc.... Things you hear about in Ubers and Lyfts now. There are really disgusting people out there. There was a delivery  guy who dipped his testicles into someones salsa, most recently a guy driving for Uber Eats masterbated in someone's driveway befote giving them the food. Now you want me to get into a car that has no human in it . No thanks.  Dont want to get into a car not knowing what a disgusting, degenerate delinquent  may have done in it before I got in. Someone named D!@kSwallower order a Lyft a few months ago. I got the request 4X which I declined. Perfect example of an idiot. If he/she puts that in as his/her name on Lyft I am sure he/she is capable of being that idiot who pulls something in a driverless car. I'll pass.

  • RedAnt has posted the scenario for this new "get paid as soon as you accept a ride" with Lyft. She has made good points and shows that it is a loss to the drive. I watched a  You Tube video by the Rideshare Guy's Channel, Jay Crader. Lyft claims they will start paying the driver as soon as they swipe accept. What they didnt tell you is the 6 markets they are testing this in they are lowering drivers overall rates. 

    Key Takeaways

    According to the You Tube video shorter pick uos (less time) will cause drivers to lose $ compared to what they were making prior to this new "get paid as soon as you accept trip". However longer pick up times may increase driver earnings. Jay states, "it will take more time and expansion into more markets to get the final results". Just another way to screw the driver. Do they really think all drivers are cluless? That drivers dont see the info on forums and You Tube? The answer is They Just Dont Give A Damn about drivers and what they are paid.

     I understand why veteran drivers still drive. Some know their market, know when and where to drive and can still make $.  What I dont understand is why people would still be signing up with these companies to drive.  Unless they did their research or another driver handed them all the info you could possibly need why would you sign up to drive? Anyone thinking of driving please do your research, know your market, and most important dont go out and buy a new car to drive for Uber and Lyft. Rates are being cut, these companies are operating at a loss, and drivers all over are not happy. Make sure you know what you are getting into before quitting your job to drive. 

  • Sounds like it. On Uber there is a threshold in each market. My market is 10 min. If I get a long pick up 20 min away in certain areas & its a long trip I will take it. I will make approx. $10 to go get them on top of the fare of the long trip. I am getting mixed answers on them paying while picking up the passenger. It seems they are lowering rates then adding the adding the additional  fare for the pick up. This is causing a loss for the driver. Funny how they make it seem like they are doing something good for the driver but just pushing the knife in further. See RedAnts post above. I am going to watch a You Tube video to see what he figured out. Ill report back after viewing it.

  • I dont understand why you would not clean your car. It's your personal car that you use to drive yourself, family, and friends. You have no clue who you are picking up and where they have been, what they were doing, or what their hygiene is. Just look at public restrooms, what you see in them. You really want your own personal car to have more bacteria than a toilet seat? I dont understand people. Some are so disgusting, lazy, and nasty.

  • If you dont mind me asking how much do you owe? I would assume the most they can do is bn you from using platform until it's paid or send you to collections. If its a small amt. under $50/$100 I would assume they wouldnt do anything. I'ts their dumbass fault for allowing you to request rides with no money in your account to pay for it. I would hope the driver wasnt screwed.  That Uber didnt take  the fare back for your ride/rides that you couldnt/wouldnt pay for. Why would you request rides that you couldnt pay for? Suppose they didnt pay the driver? That driver would lose time, money, and a possible more lucrative trip. Did you stop & think that you may have screwed the nice driver that picked you up and got you home safely? Better yet what were you thinking? 

  • Would be nice. Wouldnt cost Uber and Lyft a dime. Drivers would get an increase. See that as a win win. What is  common sense to most people doesnt always apply to everyone especially these big greedy companies. CEO's that make 46M per year dont care about the little people (drivers). Even though its not coming out of their pockets. Most people depend on using rideshare and will not stop for 15% surcharge. Those who do stop would be the terrible low rated cheap asses that dont belong in our cars anyway.

  • Lol. I have seen stories where females have offered lap dances and other sexual favors for tips. Although some of the stories I dont necessarily believe. I think those drivers were hoping this would happen more so than it actually happening:) One driver found a few hundred in cash and a bag of weed although dont think that rider meant to leave that as a tip. Thankfully that driver found it before his next rider. Some drivers got bottles of wine. I got the obvious cash but also a pack of cigs when I used to smoke, candy bar, offers to buy me food or drinks if we stop at store or drive thru. Funny thing about those who offer you food or drinks and you decline some end up not tipping you. It wouldve cost them cash at drive thru if driver declines why not give a cash tip? I guess they secretly hope you decline the food and drinks. Lol I've been invited in to bars for a drink (just what a driver needs). I had a rider one night who ordered express pool, never walked to pick up location found him at the bar claimed he didnt know he had to walk. Dropped him at his front door.  Bragged the entire 7 min trip how much money he made, how much his home cost, told me is family was on vacation and had the balls to invite me on for a drink. I obviously declined but no tip. Guess i turned down what was to be my tip. One other time I was invited in to snort adderall, smoke some weed, drink beer and have a few shots:) That was another tip I declined. People are stupid. Suppose the riders befire them offered me those things then I went and picked them up. Would you really  want that driver driving you? So dumb. 

  • Agreed Bigfrank. If we were tipped 15% on each ride it would help the drivers with these types of things. On weeks that I make over 100.00 in tips it greatly helps my income. The increase in gas prices, running the air, keeping car clean, etc.... Riders using Uber and Lyft sometimes dont realize how good they have it. Not knocking taxi service but rideshare is cheaper, more convenient (in areas that you cant hail a taxi), easier, in some instances cleaner and nicer vehicle (better to pull up to a big event in a nice clean car versus a yellow taxi cab).  People got spoiled with these cheap rides and many still dont care to tip. I still dont understand when 6/7 order an XL and they are splitting the cost of their 60.00 ride approx 8.50/$10 each. Why cant they all spend that extra 1.00 or 2.00 to tip the driver? I find this problem with the 20/30 something crowd headed to a bar. Most of these people will tip their bartender but not the driver out at 2am driving with drunks on the road, loud drunk people in their car who got them home safely. Most times they have 2 or 3 stops to drop friends offs of course "they live just a block away". I just dont understand some people. I have riders I go out of my way for that dont tip a dime others I do nothing extra for but drive them safely from A to B and give a 20% tip or more. Go figure. 

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     5 years ago in  TeslaCams capturing some crazy footage

    I want no part of driiving in a car thst is not operated by a human being. I also wouldn't get into one of these cars because who knows how often they are cleaned or what other people have done in them. I keep my car very clean and lysol it down after each rider. You do not know who you are picking up, what illness they may have, what their hygiene is, or what they did in the driverless car. Look at public restrooms, piss on the floor & seat, feces on the seat, floor, and walls, etc... Some people may think it would be fun to have sex in these cars. Uber drivers have had passengers change clothes, masterbate while they are in their car. I want no parts of sitting in a car that someones bare ass, genitials, or bodily fluids have been on that seat. What happens if someone vomits how will the computer driven car know this? Is it going to drive to the nearest detailer to be cleaned. Thankfully I drive myself where I need to go but in the event I would need a rideshare car to pick me up I prefer a human anyday.

  • Lyft is being used more in Philly then say a year ago. Uber definitely more popular. I think a lot of riders have started checking prices. Whoever is cheaper at the time that is the company they go with. Lyft riders are great for short rides. Uber has it share but I find most Lyft riders ard going a short distance compared to Uber riders. 

  • What is your thought process on this study being so accurate?

  • See RedAnt's comment. I will add that Uber will give you a an accurate time the trip will take if its over 45 min. In certain areas that I wait for rides and the time of day I can usually guess where the person is headed. If the trip is less than 45 min they do not show how long so no way to tell until rider is in your car and driver swipes "start trip".

  • Especially since Lyft request tend to be 10 min or more away. Most of the time is 15/20. Uber does pay over a certain threshold for long pick up. Lyft to date hasnt. Sounds good if they do this but hopefully they atent lowering rates first. 

  • Exactly. We would have to take every crappy trip that hits our phone. Including low rated riders and riders with fake names. I am not accepting a trip from D!@kSwallower at 2am with a 4.2 rating. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber Event created, does that guarantee a driver?

    Yes the surge is supposed to go to the driver. However many drivers out there are seeing a rider is being charged the surge but the driver isnt getting it. There has been screen shots showing proof of this. A few months ago my daughter called me to pick her up as Uber XL was 122.00 normally it would've been a $50/$60 ride. I went on my driver app it was showing the drivers there was a 10.00 surge. That tells me Uber was showing drivers it was $10 but charging rider much more. So where was the $ going Uber. I also was sitting a spot that was surging I declined the first 2 trips that were surged then a long trip request pinged my phone however no surged attached. At this spot was a multiplier surge so on a long trip driver would make decent $. I declined request because rider rating was a 4.01. I am nit picking a rider up with that low if a rating. To me that screams Not Worth The Aggravation. I got another request after the long trip request and that was surged. So what this tells me is Uber was offering drivers a surge on short trips but pocketing surge on long trip. 

    Short answer. 

    Who knows. Uber takes what they want, when they want and dont care that they lie,cheat, and steal. Riders and drivers should start comparing their apps at the end of trips. Who knows what we find. I can guarantee it wouldnt  be good. 

    Upfront pricing = Charging rider for the longest most timely route. Driver takes shortest route. When driver gets you to destination 10 min earlier than Uber says you dont get that money back.  Driver dont get it. Uber does. 

  • Ask them to pull over in a safe well lit spot and get out. Tell the driver you are not feeling well. Send report to Uber explaining what happened. If it's a legitimate reason they will refund you for the trip. Wait a few min and order another Uber just make sure its not the same driver if it is cancel immediately. Of course if its something bad go in your app to contact 911. Leave your app open so they can find your location. 

  • Some forums people (drivers) are pretty nasty when answering people. If someone says they made X amt of $ they call them a liar or come up with some negative comments to put them down. Whatever happened to discussing something if you dont agree state your point politely agree to disagree and be done:) We dont all have to agree but still can be respectful:)

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     5 years ago in  Why are taxis cheaper than Uber or Lyft in some areas?

    I dont know of any areas that I am aware of where taxi's are cheaper then Uber and Lyft. Do you know what cities a taxi is cheaper? Just curious.