Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • If you want to raise your ratings dont slam the drivers door and tip the driver. Even if its $2/$3. I dont rate passengers low for these reasons but many drivers will.  However if your driver goes out of their way for you you should be tipping. If driver takes you to a city they cannot pick up in such as NY (unless they are a NY driver)tip them as they are coming back empty or in awful traffic. Gas has risen, driver rates have been cut, bonuses $ quest have been dropped. Passengers fares are still cheap and have not increased. A small tip greatly helps drivers out. Obviously if your driver sucked dont tip:)  Unless a passeger slams the door purposely I dont agree with giving a low rating as I am sure it was an accident. If a driver is so worried about their door get out open it and shut it for passenger. A passenger doesnt get in and out of our vehicle everyday.  They may not realize how nuch force is needed or how little. 

  • Uber claims they are sending warnings to passengers with low ratings giving them a chance to make their ratings better. They have not said what they consider low for passengers. Drivers are deactivated at 4.6. As a driver along with many other drivers will not accept request from low rated passengers. I usually dont pick up passengers lower than a 4.50. It also depends where I am and time of night I may not accept request below a 4.8. Ratings are the only thing drivers have to protect themseves. There are plenty of stories out there about drivers being a problem there are many where drivers get attacked. We really dont have anything to keep us safe. I also think that along with drivers being rated unfairly passengers are being rated low unfairly also. I hesitated the night I got the request for the rider with a  4.5. I was in a decent area and decided to accept. He was very sweet but liked to give navagate. I have no problem with that. He even tipped 20.00 cash. Other drivers dont like when a passenger navagates.  The ratings system is deeply flawed for both rider and passenger. Lyft's rating system is based off 100 rides Uber is 500. It takes awhile on Uber for your ratings to increase but will decrease faster with just a few low ratings. Drivers believe Uber will not deactivate any passengers with low ratings. This was just put out there to pacify drivers. I still see ratings 4.1, 4.4. As long as I see a rating under under 4.5 I will not accept its too risky. 

  • CEO's of Uber and Lyft are despicable deceitful human beings. They really must think drivers are idiots and will not realize they are making less money. Both companies continue to cut drivers rates, bonuses, etc... sadly it doesnt surprise me. They put info out to drivers in other markets about getting paid once you swipe accept but never mentioned they were reducing anything. If it wasnt for the drivers they wouldnt have a company. It sucks. Hopefully CA drivers will do the right thing and force these companies to at the very least increase fares. Not holding my breath. Hang in there. Maybe they will get whats coming to them. We hzd our XL fares lowered cant wait to see what they are going to next.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Car Upholstery Stain Removal Tips?

    My 3 boys had reflux as infants. Especially my 1st one puked evety bottle like the exorcist movie:) Baby Wipes were my best friend:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Car Upholstery Stain Removal Tips?

    Goo Gone is also good.

    Sticky messes, chewing gum, old or new stains on fabric use Krud Kutter for carpets.

     Zep Degreaser or Dawn for grease.

     Baby wipes actually are good for a lot of stains. 

    Magic Erasers are awesome for everything. 

    WD40 will work to get crayon, permanent blk marker, and stickers off car. 

    Mixture of baking soda and peroxide make a paste can be used on just about anything. Just need to let it sit for an hour or longer if its old, thick, greasy, crusty things:)

    Vinegar and baking soda. It does fizz up just be careful. This also works great on slow drains let sit for few hours and wash down with hot water.

    I have an older vehicle 2004 Honda Pilot. Need to keep it up and looking good. Always used Armour All products for my car since the 80's. I now use Maguire's High shine detailer for inside of car (plastic, rubber) makes your dash, door panels, look brand new. They have a bottle to use on outside of car trim, bumper, etc... will make your car look like new. Prices for their products are reasonable at Wal Mart.  

    I am OCD when it comes to cleaning. Tested many products out there.  The above products have worked on anything I've ever needed them for. I have a few other things that have been suggested for cars. Interior and exterior (paint), rims, and tires. Once I try them myself and see they work I'll post. Dont like to suggest anything unless I know they work. 

  • You can give them your number then when they need a ride you can drive to them. Then they can request ride on Uber or Lyft while you are there.  It should then ping your phone first accept the ride. Some drivers report that rider may have to try a 2nd time. It has always worked for me the first time. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Hi to all

    These trips dont  show hrs. worked or tolls that may have been reimbursed on the trip.  If you pd tolls on these trips that shows as your earnings. Each trip could've had $5/$10/$15 in tolls. That is not earnings but it shows as earnings in that particular screen shot.  Doesn't really give you accurate earnings. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Hi to all

      I wouldn't expect anyone to give out valuable or profitable info out for free. What my point was is there is so many scams out there promising things that are nothing but BS. They just take peoples money. You come on a  forum that you have never posted on asking for 1K saying you can increase drivers profits by 2/3K per mth. Not much info, explanation, or background. Again not asking for you to share your secrets for free but your post is very vague. As for the screen shot I make that on a daily basis also driving for Lyft with just as few legit rides. If you are scaming Lyft, riders, or a trick you found on the app Lyft will eventually find out causing drivers to be deactivated. There are some very intelligent people including good business people driving and sharing their info on forums and You Tube videos. I find it hard to believe they wouldn't all ready know your hack. Which as I stated will do nothing but get drivers deactivated and then they will have lost 1K also.  Sharing, charging for good info is great but giving drivers a hack not such a good idea. Not trying to be rude but both of your post are somewhat difficult to understand in the way they are worded. Dont think drivers on this forum are willing to send a stranger 1k for the following reasons:

     They dont know you, you are a stranger, they know nothing about you,  your post are difficult to understand, and using a hack is extremely risky. 

    I do have to ask who is affected by the hack? Lyft or Rider? Surely you dont want to be screwing riders. At least I hope not. You can do what you want & post what you want. Just informing you most drivers here in the forum are intelligent, hard working people that will probably not trust what you posted and see it as a scam. At the very least something that may get them deactivated. Good luck.  I dont use hacks and this dont count my cash tips. 

  • Sorry  Chris thought I put them in. Thank you for catching the mistake:)

  • It reminds me of an old arcade game called Frogger. You have to get your frog across the road of moving cars without getting run over. Lol

  • I dont let them see my road rage as nothing good would come of it. I agree.   It just really annoys me especially when these idiots are on their phone texting.  Left lane doing 35mph in a 65mph & braking every 200' for no reason other then they are too busy texting. I get we all make mistakes at times but sometimes people are just rude or distracted.  Had riders yesterday was forced off the road by a tractor trailer. Beeping did absolutely nothing he just coming into my lane. Thankfully I had a wide shoulder & was able to pull onto it. My riders seen the whole thing so they knew it wasnt my fault otherwise they may have sent a bad report to Uber. Had another incident few weeks back where a deer jumped in front of me with rider in the car. She was on her phone not paying attention.  I had to brake quickly. She said, "damn what was that for"? I told her and the deer was still visible. Had she not said anything so I could explain that could've meant bad report to Uber. Not all riders see what these idiots are doing and can cause them to report the driver. It just gets frustrating. Most times its the idiots on their phone while driving. You do just have to ignore and get on with your day but at the time very frustrating.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     4 years ago in  Hi to all

    You are asking people to send a $1,000.00 to someone they know nothing about to increase their Lyft earnings? Out of the approx 1.4M drivers in the USA you are the only one who discovered how to do this? We are supposed to believe this just on your word? Sorry but this seems worse than the TRYP influencers. At least with them it was only a few hundred. This post is screaming SCAM. 

  • Would love for more drivers and riders to share their thoughts. Please post your answers to the questions below. Very curious to hear why some feel its a good idea and why or bad idea & why?

    This question was posted 9 months ago. We have new drivers on the forum and woukd like to hear more thoughts on this. I have seen countless videos on You Tube and post on forum telling drivers to put sign up or put a tip jar in your car. They guarantee it works. 

    I still dont agree. I still cannot bring myself to do this. I would be so uncomfortable the minute my rider stepped into my car. 

    Drivers what do you do? Do you have sign? Jar? Do you think it works? Do you have proof it works? How do you not feel uncomfortable? Do you think it works in certain tyoes of riders? Certain markets? Please post your opinions. 

    Riders, what is your opinion/thoughts on drivers doing this? Most rider post I see dont think drivers should  have it in their car  or they dont tip because its in their car. Is there any rider out there who thinks its a giid idea? Dont mind it being in a driver's car? Tips because you see it in the car or can pit money in the box? Please share. 

  • Lyft is now asking for a receipt from the driver within 24 hrs of getting car cleaned or repaired. Basically if the driver does the cleaning there may be no fee given to driver. Of course not that I would do this nor am I suggesting you do this:) but Receipt books are sold in office supply stores or anyone can make a nice letterhead on a computer. Just saying. Don't know if this is to crack down on false cleaning fees where driver makes a false report. Could it be that Lyft is hoping the driver cleaned it themselves? Lyft could still charge rider the fee & keep it for themself. 

    Had a rider puke when I first started driving on New Years Eve a few yrs back. Puked out the window doing 65 mph. Inside was easily cleaned by husband the outside was a different story. Frozen puke down passenger door, quarter panel, & trunk. Temp was approx 18/20 degrees , holiday morning. Water would freeze & also freeze my doors & locks. I was off the road for remainder of a busy morning & needed one more ride for my $75 quest bonus. Not only should cleaning fee be assessed regardless who cleans it as it is still your time. Time is $.  Cleaning products aren't cheap, missed earnings, and loss of bonus, it all adds up. Lastly, no one wants to clean your watery, chunky, foul smelling stomach contents mixed with gastric juices out of there car. WTH? Put yourself in the drivers place. 

    Riders need to be more responsible & respectful.  As a driver I get it. You may never get sick but it happens sometimes. Most carry puke bags or something you can use. They may even be able to pull over. Unfortunately its not the best idea for a driver to offer bags to drunk riders as they enter our car.  Some riders get offended then you are given a 1 star because you offered a puke bag to a rider who  "never pukes after drinking". Everyone wants to be treated with respect but many riders are disrespectful & dont care that the car their in is that drivers personal car that they put their family in. 

  • This is not Ubers fault. Damn never thought I would ever use that sentence:) Not to speak ill of the dead but that young woman was either too drunk or just plain careless. Uber has been alerting riders in their apps to verify their drivers with the info they have in their apps. What happened to that young girl and many other similar stories are all over FB, You Tube, forums, articles online. Luckily nothing bad happened to them. You have to wonder are these stories true?  Are these people really that stupid? I just dont understand how women can be so brain dead, its beyond stupidity at this point. There is no excuse not to know better. SMH

  • Because you are a man:) Lol No offense:)  I've read post where some guys claim girls offered them sexual favors but I am not buying it from some of them. Lol

  • Lol. My kids are older (26, 17, 21, 26) only 2  teens still at home . When they were younger my car was absolutely disgusting. You would get out with gummies stuck to your ass, sticky crap everywhere,  french fries, you name it it was in my car. Now that only 2 are left and rarely in my car I can finally keep it the way I want. Now I am OCD:)  A place for everything and everything in its place. When the other 2 move out I can be OCD in their also. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Can I Uber drive my wife in my Uber ride app?

    She needs to download the rider app. Have her sit in your car and request the ride. Most times it will go to you 1st if not just have her cancel immediately and try again. I've never had an issue doing this.   I have heard sometimes other drivers had to try a 2nd or 3rd time. If you are doing a promotion/quest just be careful as I heard (never did it) if Uber catches you having family members request & it helps you reach your specified number of trips they may not pay out that bonus. Again I never did it so its just what I've heard.

  • Bigfrank you should start a You Tube Channel. It would be awesome. Love your responses. Short and too the point.