Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • TRYP was suppose to launch yesterday. We all know that wasnt happening. Rideshare Professor (You Tuber)went on the app requested a 15 min. ride $40/$60 on Uber and Lyft.  The app showed no drivers in the area. Look below to see the fare they wanted. As we all predicted SCAM! Cant say I feel sorry for those who believed in these people. They were warned. Guess they wish they would've listened to those who knew this was a scam. Hate to say it BUT we told you so. 

    They are out of their minds. Would've been a nice fare for a driver for 15/20 min. Lol But what idiot would pay that? A TRYP Influencer. Lol

  • Just need clarity on addresses then i can get info

  • The 1st screeshot on my last post, is that the right places from the harbor  to Durdle door?  

    • If you can provide me with a better idea where these places are i can get you answers. When I put lication and destination in there were a few choices I have no clue where these places are:) Portland Harbor to Durdle Door this is what came up but there were other choices. Didnt know if I picked right ones.
    • If you can give me the areas they are in like it shows in that 1st screenshot I can get you the rates.

  • I am not a guru and not familiar with the UK. However I frequently use this site for the forum & my rideshare needs so I thought I would try to help. There is a ride fare calculator that you can put your location and destination in and it will then give you options on whats available and the price. Click on "RIDE" at the top left of this page.  Hope this was helpful:)

  • NJ drivers if you are interested in carrying Narcan (Naloxone) in your car while driving in case of a rider over dosing in your car. You could save a life. Easy to use. Covered under Goid Samaritan Laws.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber testing drones for food delivery
    • People will be shooting them down and steal your food:) Air polution, inclement weather, bird poops on it, no thanks I'll stick to drivers. Not Uber Eats,  Grub Hub, etc... my food is always cold when I get it. I dont order from places more than 10 min from my house for that reason and its still cold. Plus they mark up the prices on the food. Got a chicken parm sandwhich for my son 9.99 when you order in the bar. Grub Hub charged me 13.99. Couldnt order fountain sodas I would assume either from a drone. Another persin that posted mentioned about keeping pizza level. Good point I dont want to open the bix to find all my cheese stuck to the top or that it slid to ine side.

  • I wouldnt put it past them. They are shady. I just dont see how it would benefit them. I guess they could increase the fare. I've had riders who say they didnt think I was going to show because their battery died and they were not sure if it went through. They are excited to see I have chargers:) none of them have complained about the fare being high. When I go through my trips none of those riders fares were higher than normal. So although they may know battery level is low not sure they do much with that info. I dont work at Uber headquarters and no no one that works there so I cannot say with certainty if they do and what they do if it is low:) Just another Uber mystery:) I have  Galaxy Note 8 the only app that throws me into power saving mode is Waze. Otherwise I have to do it manuaaly or eet it up to go into power saving mode in my settings.

  • Is this your only job or is this your only full time job is annoying because its asked all the time. Sometimes its the way people ask it. Many people look down at you for doing this male or female. Thats why that ? annoys me:)  Sorry I am answering 10 months later. Lol Just noticed your post. 

    FYI - You can now click the little bell and anytime anyone post or replys to a thread you will be notified via email. 

  • I am happy you made a comment. I must have never proof read that one. Needed to fix it:) Some of my post didnt even make sense. Probably did it while i was waiting for a ride got a request and just hit post. Thanks

  • I started one called The Night in the Life of an Uber driver. Please share your story. There are a few stories on there that are good. 

  • Very interesting. Read article today about a guy who gave up his car as it was cheaper to Uber or Lyft for him. I would never give up my car for anything. I like my freedom and want to depend on no one:) I love driving (except in NYC) lol. I love cars. They will have to pry my car keys and gun out of my hands not giving up either without a fight. Lol  Also check out the rideshare professor some interesting things going to happen.  Possible new company. Not TRYP lol. 

  • I dont know many drivers. I do not sit in airport queue for 2 hrs. Makes no sense to me to do that. I assume at Airports where Uber and Lyft drivers sit waiting for rides they talk or maybe a certain venues when there is a concert or event. Didnt know anything about this until those idiot drivers invited the press in to show them step by step what they do. Took stupidity to a whole new level.  I dont get many surged rides so I wont be accused of doing it:) I decline surged rides at certain times, places, low ratings and pool rides when surge is below 3.00. The time, place, ruders with low ratings, and pool rides are not always worth the extra 1.25 to 3.00. If surge is above 5.00 I may be more inclined not to decline depending on where I am. There are articles all over google about it. I thought it was 3 weeks ago news but apparently some news outlets brought it back up today. There is a video on You Tube "Dustin Is Driving "he talks about it.  Unfortunately the Business Insider makes it sound like this you tuber put the video up to share with drivers and tell them how to do it. He was just saying how stupid these drivers were to go to the press and talk about.  He has a great channel and gives great tips and info. Wish he was around when I first started. I think i made just about every rookie mistake out there:) Guess you live under the same rock I do:) I drive in Philly, Bucks County, and NJ.  Guess we dont know rhe right people or should I say  the wrong people. I hate when drivers do stupid shady things. It gives us all a bad name. Riders don't set prices, riders didnt decrease our rates, take away bonuses, quest, and multiplier surge rates. Why take it out on them and rip them off? They are the ones taking rides and paying so we can do this. Maybe if riders see these articles they will decide not to tip drivers because we are causing them to pay surge pricing. You want to run a shady business go for it but dont take everyone down with you. Why cant we all just get along:)

  • It may be helpful for riders. If they do it hope they not only put it in maps but waze also. Many drivers use Waze and it does differ from maps at times. I think that may cause an issue if rider is on maps and driver is using waze. Dont mean this in a sarcastic way but if you are following along during your trip wouldnt you be able to tell driver went a different way? This is just something that is supposed to warn you. I guess so you dont have to follow it  just listen for a beep or whatever it does to warn you. 

    Here are some other safety features you can use also if you dont all ready know. You can share your route (trip)in the app with family and friends. There is  911 in both Uber and Lyft. The companies know where the driver and rider is and can send help. Always look at the make, model, color of the vehicle, driver profile pic, and license plate in your rider app after driver accepts your request. You can watch as the driver approaches. Never get into a vehicle that doesnt match what your app is telling you. If anything is different do not get into that car. You can take an extra step by calling or texting the driver when they pull up. If their phone doesnt receive your call or text something isnt right.  Not every state requires license plates on front of vehicles. You may have to check the back. Lastly do not assume because there is a sticker or light up amp/sign in drivers windows that they are a legitmate Uber or Lyft driver. Anyone , anywhere can make them or sell them on Amazon, EBay, etc...  Always be aware of your surroundings. Stay safe:)

  • I dont think it will be a big issue just think it has potential for being annoying when you have that back seat driver, nervous Nellie, or drunk that may think male driver is kidnapping her:) Would be good for those drivers who drag out a trip for the few extra $. Kind of getting tired of seeing articles that paint every driver as been "that Uber driver". One article leads people to believe we are involved in the "surge conspiracy". Lol The one that started with Regan Airport. The other night had riders new to rideshare were not from this country or one that had Uber/Lyft. When we hit tolls he started "is that going to make ride more money, there is traffic is that goung to be more money, if you take the long route will that cost me more"? I wanted to say no way in hell would I take you the long way, just want to dump you as quick as possible . I finally showed him the 3 routes in Waze to assure him I was on the fastest route. We were headed to JFK did he really think we would hit no traffic? I wanted to say yes and look at the traffic headed back. I will be sitting in that with no rider (logging those dead miles). Lol Be lucky I didnt find out a block away and cancel like many drivers do. Loved that he had me lift all the heavy suitcases out of my car while he stood there and watched. Mom and 18 yr old sin jumped out of car to head to BR so they didnt help either. You guessed it no tip. There was more annoying crap on the way there was just one of those trips:) 

  • When I first started driving I didnt realize my phone wasnt plugged into charger. As I went to end trip my phone died. I plugged it in turned it back on & the trip was still running. It was only 3/4 min. I contacted Uber they said they reviewed it and no adjustments needed on the fare. Two weeks ago I hit a 20 min dead zone on a trip with Uber. When I got to an area where my service came back trip was still running and when I ended it fare was correct. I have always used a Galaxy since I started driving. If my app is open either up on screen or running in the background and it dies or I restart it the app is still up and running when the phone comes back on. It never closes out the app. I have to close app out or it will continue to run. Dont know if thats on all phones. 

  • Thanks for posting this. Not every Uber driver is a sexual predator or awful person. Many drivers go out of their way to help their passengers. It could just be a kind word, a conversation, some good advice, listening to your rider, a smile. I have met some interesting, intelligent, kind people driving for Uber both drivers and riders. There are still decent, kind, people out there. Great thing this driver did for that man. 

  • Idiots will shoot them down and steal your food:) Not a fan of my food flying threw the air. Suppose a bird poops on it?

  • Good advice Chris. Just wanted to add that if decide to go with Uber or Lyft if a driver accepts the ride you may want to call or text them immediately. Tell them where they will be going and you may want to offer a tip. This will save you time versus having the driver show up see the destination after he starts trip and decide he wouldnt want to travel that far. The reason I suggest tipping is the driver most likely will do most of the ride back empty (dead miles). Tolls, gas, and time (especially hitting traffic)will all be out of pocket for the driver on trip back. There will be some drivers who like to do these long trips and others who dont. I personally love them  except if I get stuck in traffic:) Unfortunately I live no where near you. I would assume even with a tip it would still be cheaper then a taxi with tip. also has promotion offers ($ off your 1st ride) if you never taken an Uber before. Have you looked into a train? Dont know if that is an option but thought I would mention it.

  • Great Post! Great info for drivers and riders. I also drive XL. Its only happened to me on 5 rides that I had to send Uber a message to upgrade my ride from X to Xl because there were more than 4 passengers. I give it approx. 24 hrs or less,  if passenger tips I know they rated me. I then send the message about them having more then 4 people to please apply XL rates. I then know they cant rate me 1 star for doing it. I dont like being shady but why should I have to take hit on my ratings all because they tried to game the system (cheat the driver). In reality XL isnt that much more especially 5 or more riders. If they split the price it may be costing them $3/$5 each. What I dont like is they we cant opt out of pool when we have XL vehicle. Uber will send me 4 different riders knowing I have larger vehicle. It's rare I even accept pool but I will sometimes if surge is high enough. There should be a choice for XL to opt out of pool. A single pool ride in an XL vehicle is the worst especially on short rides. The other issue is you drive 12/15 min to get the XL ride, its a 4 min ride 1.25 miles. I spend more time to reach them and drive more miles then the actual ride. No long pick up fee for XL in my market in Uber. At this point in time Uber and Lyft need to clean up a few issues. Safety, transparency, ratings, honesty, and increase the rates. Fix all the BS and make the companies better and safer. Not holding my breath. Yes you are correct Uber does know everything about our driving habits:) Still on the fence about them hiking prices when your phone is about to die:) although it wouldnt be unheard of. They definately can be shady. Thanks for sharing.