Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Pool rides are usually a nightmare for drivers. We make less per mile and per min. When there is more than 1 pool rider Uber tends to make more than driver. Many pool riders get mad when we have another pickup. Others get mad because they may be picked up 1st but dropped off last. I had a guy get mad at me because we had a rider added and he was going to be late for an appt. So I am sure your asking why do these people pick pool then? I cant answer that. I often wonder why you would order pool when you need to be somewhere by a certain time.  Anything that goes wrong on a pool ride even though it may not be drivers fault will be drivers fault on a pool ride. I dont know many drivers out there who like pool. If I pick you up and head to next stop and the riders not ready not only am I waiting but so are you. Obviously not fair. Pool tends to be more trouble then its worth.  Drivers have noticed when they stop picking up pool riders their ratings go up. Certain areas and times its rare you get more than 1 rider so again driver is losing $. You show up to pick up and its a lady with 20 bags at the supermarket. They know its wrong but do it anyway. Riders are allowed 1 other person to bring with them. You pull up they have 2 with them. "I didnt know". I could go on but think you get the point. Pool is lose lose for driver but win win for Uber. This is just my opinion and other drivers I know and read about in forums, you tube videos. You may find some they dont mind them:)

  • Check to make sure you have latest version of the app. I am guility of not checking to see if my apps have updates. I dont allow my phone to automatically update my apps as sometimes I dont want the updated version. For Androids go to google play and for I Phone go to the app store. This should fix it if you have an old version of the app.

  • I dont put much past Uber but this sounds a little ridiculous even for them:) Like Chaz said, how would they know your battery is going to die? When reading things on the internet use credible sites to get your info. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Female Urinal for Drivers?

    Bet that purple one is more than .92:) Plus you would need an additional container to catch the pee. Then would have to hope you can dispose of it before you get next rider. Car would be smelling like piss. Ill stick with Bathrooms. I am not 16 yrs old anymore drinking in the woods and squatting:) I also prefer running water and soap to wash my hands.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Female Urinal for Drivers?

    I may use that to add a quart of oil but sure as hell am not going to try and use it in my car. After using it your car would smell like piss as there is no where to  wash it out.  You would also have a container of piss in your car.  No thanks. Ill go to the nearest Rest Room and use a toilet then wash my hands. 

    This reminds me when my kids were little and we would take road trips. After 4 hrs of driving stopped to get gas.  My 5 yr old daughter woke up from a nap, seen a bottle that said lemon flavored water and took a mouthful. My older son then told her it was my 2 yr olds piss. Needless to say my daughter came into the gas station crying that she was poisoned & was going to die. So dramatic:)  FF 3 hrs later my son peed again in a bottle so my daughter decided to open the lid and empty it out of our moving car. At the time I didnt realize she did this. Problem was my friend and her kids were behind us in their car. When we got to hotel we found out that the pee landed all over her hood and windshield. My daughter apologized and said, " i didnt want to wake up and drink matt's pee again". We teased her for years over this. Never left a bottle of piss in my car again not starting now. 

  • It does suck. You clean your car, polite, professional, kind, safe, go above & beyond and dont get lost. Some idiot gives you a 1 star.  WTH do these people want? Just remember you cant please everybody no matter what you do. There are miserable, ignorant, mean people out there. Ignore and move on. Dont let it bother you or her because its exactly what these idiots want. You know what kind of person she is, she knows what she does for passengers, thats all that counts. 

  • Not saying there was a definite language barrier. Just saying maybe they had no conversation just because or made he didnt speak English.  As far as negligence in where he dropped her off I am not understanding that. She could've been meeting a friend, going to friends house but didnt want anyone to know. Whole point of Uber is to drive from point a to point b. Not question why they are going to a particular destination. Its not our business. Not capturing her mental state is definately not an Uber drivers job or concern. Not all people who commit suicide show any emotion. Most times when someone is suicidal family and friends are shocked. Her own parents didnt have a clue. The only thing the driver did wrong is violate Ubers TOS and possibly local city/state laws on picking a minor up. Would I pick that child up? No. Would I have questioned why she was out so late and ordering an Uber? Yes. Where her parents were? Yes. Was she in trouble? Yes. Would I have called the police? Possibly. Dont really know because I wasnt there and it has never happened to me. Being a parent myself yes I wouldve thought something wasnt right. The last thing I wouldve thought this child was up to was she was headed out to kill herself. I would assume  she was sneaking out to meet a friend. As a human being and a mom yes I wouldve looked into a little more. If the child said ok Ill just go home I wouldve left. Maybe driver has no children, thought she was 15, 16 yrs old. Maybe he was minding his own business like most people do. He was just doing what he was paid to do with the exception of driving a minor. We are not paid to get involved in people's lives or give advice. In most instances people would be pissed if we start getting into their business. Yes she was 12 but lets assume he thought she was 15,16, or 17. None of that would be odd behavior. I am bad at judging peoples ages. Lets say she was dressed a way to make her look older, had make up on, hair done, and driver didnt really look at her when she got in car. There would be no way for him to know what she was planning. I am guilty of just taking a quick glance when rider gets in. I talk to them if they are willing to talk. Some people simply ignore you and dont say a word. Others say hi and thank you and answer "fine or good" when you ask how they are. Three words, how would anyone figure out that their rider was suicidal with only 3 words spoken. As far as the actual drive I am watching the road, GPS, and cars around me. I end the trip and say good night. If Uber or Lyft stacked my ride I leave immediately to head to next pick up. Other than the driver picking up a minor they did nothing wrong. 

  • Parents do need to accept responsibility. They are placing blame on everyone but themselves. However it is an issue because drivers are not supposed to pick up minors. Although I dont blame Uber or the driver for the girls suicide because neither caused her to do this. I do feel Uber/Lyft need to put something in place to stop minors & parents from requesting rides. As a driver I dont want to waste time & gas only to have to cancel ride. Yes, we collect 3.75 but it also prevents us from possibly getting a more lucrative ride while we are wasting time on these request. If these companies would require ID to make a valid account on the platform it would help not only in the minor issues but would make drivers somewhat more safe. Charge a higher cancel fee on these riders. Once you hit their bank accounts they will stop requesting rides. I want no parts of driving a minor while Uber /Lyft have a policy against it as it will cause me nothing but problems. Just annoyed that they have policies we are supposed to follow but do nothing to enforce it on their end. It is left up to the driver to figure it all out after we pull up to these riders. Usually with an irate parent or teen when you tell them you cant take them. Just so frustrating. I dont care to hear "the last driver did it". Too bad riders dont realize we dont have to do what  the last driver did. The mentality of people still manages to surprise me. Why? I dont know:) Common sense isnt something many people have. Wonder if more will come out about that night? Too many unanswered questions. People need to start taking responsibility for themselves and stop blaming everyone else. Uber and Lyft need to improve on a few things with the app. Drivers need to be careful as no one is going to help us. Not the rideshare companies or their insurance. We are on our own. I still feel parents are sadly mistaken if they think their daughter would still be alive. They are still in denial and dont know much about mental illness. Unfortunately that is why their daughter is no longer here. If the driver said no to the ride that girl wouldnt of went back into the house, went to bed for the night, never to consider suicide again. She needed help something the parents never considered. Sad story for all involved. Lives ruined and changed forever. 

  • I am awful with ages but  think I wouldve known she was under 18.  I wouldnt have taken her or at very least questioned her. I am sure the driver most definately didnt talk to her. Even if he did not like she would tell him what she was up to. In dealing with an ex husband and patients that were suicidal they wont stop until they are dead. So if driver didnt pick her up she couldve called a taxi or found another way to do it. My question is she used moms phone and a "gift card" she got for Christmas. Was it an Uber gift card? They dont say. She obviously knew how to use app  (not that its difficult). Why did she use her moms phone if she had gift card she couldve downloaded it on her own phone and used gift card? Was she punished and parents took her phone? Lots of unanswered questions. Why wait until 6 mths after the incident to report it to Uber and the press? This driver probably wont remember the trip from 6 months ago. Even if driver had dash cam they probably only safe 30 or 60 days and delete it after that. Guess another lesson learned dont get rid of any footage for a year. 

     I've picked up a few 16,17 yr olds before I found out we were not allowed. Hell I made every rookie mistake out there my 1st month. I took a 16 yr old few months back. He was 6'4", facial hair, headed to Airport at 3am to fly by himself to Cayman Islands for Olympic trials. Mom was at door said bye to him. I assumed he was in college. Had a intelligent adult conversation. When he told me how old he was and I told him he wasnt allowed to take Uber his jaw dropped along with mine. Lol  At that point we were 25 min into a 55 min trip wasnt dumping him on NJ turnpike at 3am. Knew his mom knew about it and no traffic on road at 3am Sunday morning.  I wouldve never thought he was only 16 yrs old if I didnt hear it come out of his mouth. Hell he tipped me 15.00 cash out of his pocket. Said he enjoyed the trip. Parents had money but were teaching him how to be responsible:)  He definately wasnt your typical 16 yr old. I felt bad told him to use tip $ on his trip he replied "please take it i really want you to have it".  Kid had more common sense and kindness then most adults out there.:)

    Kids also buy fake ID the more $ they pay the better the ID is.  Just like the car seats  its our ass on the line if something goes wrong. Uber and Lyft need to start making riders sign up with valid ID's. It's Lyfts and Ubers platform their TOS that they made up they need to enforce it. It shouldnt fall on drivers. Asking for ID = 1 star.  I also hate leaving these kids stuck late at night. Their parents may not care but I have a conscience and I cant just drive away and leave them. Ended up one time waiting 20 min until parent got there. I glance back when my passenger gets in smile, turn back around then ask how are you and so on. I dont stare at them and try to figure out there age. Like I said I've taken minors a few times not knowing in my rookie days. Now I  turn them down. Sixteen yrs old and up should be able to ride. They can have a job, fly, ride a bus, train, and cab. I have fingerprinted FBI check and child abuse clearance but Uber & Lyft's insurance wont cover us. Luckily I dont get teens very often. Never had anyone younger than 16 either request a ride. 

    Maybe if they would charge these kids or the parents who order for them 10.00 cancel fee 20.00 the 2nd time and so on bet they would stop then. Its a win win for Uber and Lyft we take them get them there safely U and L get their 35%/45%. We get in an accident they deactivate us & insurance dont pay. You know this will end up all falling on that driver.  At the very least he will need a lawyer and get deactivated.  I hate to say this because nobody deserves to have their child die but parents need to accept most of the responsibility on this one. Uber could easily make it very difficult for this to even be an issue. I do have to say driver needs to take some responsibility for not questioning her age. This subject is all over forums, you tube, web sites, FB. Some drivers admit taking kids and just dont care. They will the day they get sued. Twelve is on the young side to think she was 18. Maybe hair, make up, and clothes worn threw driver off. Although I would think you would still notice. Unless driver never even looked back at the girl when she got in. Which is very possible. Usually females are not a threat. Maybe driver didnt speak English so no words were exchanged at all. All i know is Uber and Lyft needs to do something with riders with no car seats, minors, and overall safety for drivers. I dont think the girl would still be alive. I think they are wrong in thinking that. She set out to kill herself that night. She was in a dark place in her mind. She needed professional help. Lets say driver did cancel she wouldve found another way to kill herself. The driver is under no obligation to knock on parents door and say "your underage daughter is trying to take an Uber".  They cancel and move on. That driver had no idea what she was up to hell her own parents didnt have a clue.  Hate to say this but either looking for someone to blame (kind of understand why, part of grief process blame) or a payout. The reason I say the payout is because there is many questions that are not answered. The biggest ine being as I mentioned why wait 6 months to notify Uber and the press? Just like the young lady that got killed few months back. Few questions there also that never were answered or addressed. Thanks for commenting RedAnt. Enjoy reading your comments. Always to the point and spot on:)  Still kind of wondering about that post about the Uber driver who dropped the 50 something ladies. Unanswered questions there also maybe some of the stiry missing:) who knows. Lol  

    How was your trip?

    • Sorry to hear that Lou. Look into AAA add the premium towing. I think its 100.00 per yr but you can write off on your taxes. They wouldve towed you to your house or car repair shop. They use GPS to track you so they can find you. You can also watch them drive towards you on your phone. They keep you updated as to when they will get to you. They usually are out pretty quick also. By taking the premium package you get more miles on towing. Towing is very expensive so its worth it to pay the extra $30/$40 per yr. If you are on a Turn Pike you are a priority call.also. Lock your keys in car call them. They are good for discounts at places also. Uber is worthless to call. You are going to get a person from another country who will read off a script or flat out tell you they cant help. Sucks I know. I would've asked my rider if they minded waiting or told them they could request another Uber if you are in a safe location.  If they complained about .87 base fare because they had to order another Uber would've handed them a 1.00 and told them to get out and wait. Lol If they are complaining you know they are rating you with a 1 star anyway so may as well make them wait in the heat. Assuming they had a safe spot to wait. If they dont mind waiting just keep them comfortable. Apologize and thank them for being understanding. Crap happens on the road. Wouldve been nice if trooper wouldve took them to a safe spot and let them order another uber but you know thats not happening. We need to find you a place for cheaper tires. My tires were 205.00 for 2. Definately look at AAA. It's worth it. Especially that 100 miles towing. It wouldnt of cost you a dime for towing your car. If I knew my rider wasnt saying anything to Uber then I wouldnt send them anything. If i thought my rider would complain then its best to let them know. Hope your weekend is much better. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Charles City Iowa 50616

  • Uber and Lyft are roughly 150.00 for that trip accordung to the free fare estimator on this site. Depending on time of day, if its surging at that time, if you get a PA driver which you most likely will there is a surcharge. You are taking them out of their state and they are not allowed to pick up in NY.  Surcharged is added for drivers who dont have NY license.

    Dont know if I am understanding your post correctly but are you asking for a driver to do this trip for (cash)$16.00 per hr?   If you are dont think you will find anyone on here to do it for that price. Tolls alone are over 20.00. Dead miles for driver on way back. They are paying money out of pocket for gas, tolls, time, and if not licensed in NY not allowed to pick up there. Also most drivers prefer to do it on app for insurance purposes. This site isnt really used to find drivers for cheap cash rides. 

  • Uber is at fault along with Lyft for not making riders sign up on platform with valid US Gov ID. Uber and Lyft are at fault for not removing or suspending a parents acct when they allow their minor child to use it to request an Uber. Uber and Lyft are at fault for leaving it up to driver to figure out if a rider is a minor or not.  Its a drivers fault when they knowingly take a minor child. There are instances where you may not realize a rider is a minor. 

    It all starts with the Uber and Lyft app. When an adult signs up its up to them to read TOS. There they will find that Uber & Lyft state no minors without an adult. Lets just say they dont see it. You are a parent why would you think its safe to send a child with a stranger?  That i dont understand. No way in hell would I send my kids in an Uber without an adult.  Kids have their own acct with their parents debit card. Then there is the driver. Some drivers will cancel and not take these kids others will take them. So who is to blame? 

    Parents need to take responsibility for their part. Do not give your kids permission to take U & L. Do not give them access to your rideshare acct or your debit/credit card info. Do not order an Uber or Lyft for them. 

    Drivers do not pick up minors. Too many things can go wrong and eventually will go wrong. 

    Uber and Lyft for not taking action when drivers report the minors trying to take a ride. Not making riders sign up with valid ID. They have been around long enough with many different safety ussues arising over the years. Drivers have given ideas, sent reports, etc... these companies just dont do anything until tragedy strikes. So sad. 

    Uber and Lyft are not totally to blame for this incident. As much as I feel bad for these parents they need to take responsibility also. It was their child they were responsible for. She could've took a bus, cab, etc... if transportation options failed she probably wouldve figured something else out. If the Uber driver said no I think its safe to say she had a plan B. Regardless we will never know.  I just dont feel Uber is 100% at fault. Parents, Uber, and driver each needs to take some responsibility. The only reason I feel driver was at fault because its kind of hard to mistake a 12 yr old as being 18. Had she been 15, 16,17 maybe. Other drivers tell you all the time not to take minors. Was the $10/$20 (probably less) really worth it? 

    Time to step up Uber and Lyft. Make riders sign up with real legit legal ID. Stop allowing people to use other riders accts. Give drivers access to updated pics of our riders with resl names. 

    Drivers cancel minors and send report to UBER snd Lyft. 

    Parents, stop allowing your kids to use Uber and Lyft. Stop ordering Uber and Lyft for your minor children. You are placing them in danger and screwing the driver. Although if you are sending your 10 yr old with a stranger in a car why would you even care that you are screwing the driver? Why is it that the drivers that cancel on minors care more about your child then you do? SMH makes no damn sense.

    Parents, if you are wondering on why you should not send your children in an Uber please read post "Attn Parents, Do You Know Where Your Children Are" in the forum. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Add my rideshare company to the comparison list

    Dont forget to add Uber Helicopter and submarine. Lol 

  • Hi  Nancy. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can email me at [email protected]. Once you email me I will give you my personal email address. 

    Monica (aka momof4)

  • Thankfully I never depended on surge, promotions, and bonuses. In order to get them you have to accept every crappy trip out there, drive in bad hoods, work split shift, and so on. No thanks. Rather pick and choose what is more acceptable, safe, and profitable for me:) In order to make decent bonus you have to do 75+ trips per week but you are taking a bunch of pool and short 3.45 rides no thanks.

  • I can only tell you what I read on a few forums. People had cars that were going to age out older than 15 two months prior they still had no notice. One of my cars will age out in Dec or January if I hear anything I will be happy to fill you in. So far so good but i still have 7 or 8 mths left. I've also heard its not Uber's rule about age but the city or state. Again I've just read this in forums. I just looked it up although outdated. These laws were set in 2016 most are different now. Legislature in PA says the cars cannot be older than 10 yrs old and 12 yrs if something or other (cant remember that part lol). So it looks like it was a state law on the year. Although Uber changed it approx  15 mths ago to 15 yrs. Unless PA changed it to 15 then Uber changed. So it does look like the state has something to do with it. Again what i am posting here i read in ride share websites with posts from other drivers. The year of car i found on PA government website. Although it says 10 yrs Uber allows 15. It looks like rhey threw a bunch of laws together at the last min just to have something legal because quite a few are not followed.

  • I dont either. I think it may just be like the badges and notes we get. So far what I am hearing its only when you get tipped. The guy that tipped and added me was from another country visiting.  Maybe if we are online and within 15 min or less it will show up for rider & we will get ping. Say we decline ride and week later we get that request again we accept and then they are asking why we decllined them. Say we just didnt like the person lol? Who knows what Uber is up to. Lol waiting for one of the rideshare you tubers to find out whats going on:)

  • Was she drunk? No way can you be that bad of a driver without being on something. 911 was awful.