Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • That was my thoughts also but then I found this article. I've been hearing more and more from riders that drivers are cancelling on them at the last minute. Lets face it not every ride puts you in a great spot. I feel sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. One guy I picked up last night missed his flight because 2 drivers cancelled on him. Did exactly what these drivers did in the the story below. If it's 3/4am most likely if its a 45+ min long trip someone is headed to Airport. If you accept a riders request call & ask where they are going. I am sure they much rather have you cancel immediately then wait for you to drive 15 min get within a block from them & cancel. They are missing flights when 2/3 drivers do this. Drivers wonder why Uber & Lyft do some of the things they do. It's the drivers that cause it with crap like this. You dont want a long trip dont accept it. You are screwing your passengers. 

    Passengers if you get a decent driver who takes you on a long trip you may want to tip a few $ for those dead miles back especially if driver is going to be stuck in traffic losing money or cant pick up in the city they take you too. PA & NJ drivers take you to NYC but cant pick anyone up there. Getting out alive and your car intact is a miracle. Those TLC drivers are rude and drive like a bunch of morons (sorry to the few that may not). There are other cities that you may not be able to pick up in but I am not sure of which ones. 

    Tip to Riders

    If you are going on a long trip 45 min + call or text your driver as soon as they accept. Tell them where you are going so if they want to cancel you are not sitting there waiting 15/20  min and then they cancel and possibly same thing with following driver. Again if your driver takes you on these long trips, car is clean, driver in nice, respectful, and safe please consider tipping for those dead miles they may and probably will incur. Maybe more drivers will start taking the longer trips then. Until they do I'll be out there making money on all the trips drivers cancel.

  • I thought this was a joke. Lol Apparently not. 

  • Uber and Lyft both advertised in the beginning about drivers being able to make good money driving. In the beginning they were able to at 2.25 per mile. So why not drive full time at that rate? Your your own boss, flexibility, instant pay etc... Then once the markets got saturated with drivers rates were being decreased it became more and more difficult to make money. As time went on more veteran drivers quit because of the decreased rates, less money for promtions, market saturation. Now both companies are scraping the bottom of the barrel for drivers. Drivers that think they can turn on the app and the money comes flowing in with no thought process, not studying and getting to know your market. There is a lot of competition out there. You have to put some thought and research into when and where you drive. Many new drivers (not all) feel entitled and dont put any effort towards customer service. With the help of a fellow driver, research, many days of trial & error we know when & where to drive. What trips to take, what trips to decline, and what type of people to drive. I can still make money and I get bigger and better tips more now than ever because of when and where I drive and the service I provide. I am far from perfect but I know when to talk, when to shut up. I am courteous, professional, and nice. I am running a business if I want good tips or any tips at all I need to provide good customer service. Help with luggage, make a stop, lower my radio or shut it off. I do whatever my rider asks as long as its possible and not an outrageous request. Uber and Lyft keep decreasing rates and yes it sucks. If you are not making money, or absolutely hate driving this isnt for you. If you are miserable your riders pick up on this and it just makes for a crappy ride. 

    My opinion is they need to raise driver rates maybe not to what drivers are asking but 20%/25% would be nice. Ill even be happy with last years rates.  My rates per mile are .34 less than last year. Gas has gone up. Gas is killing us right now something needs to change when this happens.  They need to be more transparent, rating system really needs adjusting, deactivation needs to be more fair and clearer to driver why they were deactivated, and safety needs to be addressed for drivers. If rates fall anymore and I am not making any money its time to go to Plan B. Its like any other job you dont like it, they dont pay you enough find something else. Unfortunately thats the harsh reality. Strikes, boycotts, etc.. are not going to work. I definately dont want to become an employee of Uber or Lyft. I love the freedom and flexibility. I never depended on surge, df, or promotions, and bonuses as I knew these could always be taken away at any given time.  For now I'll Uber/Lyft on. Until I am not making money then its time to just move on. It sucks if this happens as I love to drive, meeting new interesting people (some are jerks, some are cheap), the flexibility, and instant pay.

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     5 years ago in  Has Uber and Lyft killed the taxi business?

    I frequently go to EWR Airport. They have an entire lot filled with yellow taxi's so they must still be able to make money. I also go into NY city (which I hate) they are stilled filled with taxi cabs. In some markets they are still being used and still making money. I always wondered why when I am looking for car unsurance they ask how many times per week I drive in NJ and NY. I now know why. NY and NJ have some of the most ignorant, rude, crazy drivers I ever seen. I thought CC Philadelphia was bad. NJ and NY are far more rude and dangerous. You can always tell a NY driver, they are always beeping their horns. Bumper to bumper traffic no where to go but NY taxi drivers are still beeping their horn. If I am ever given less than a year to live going to buy an old army jeep with reinforced bumpers. Then I am going to take a few rides into NJ and NY:) #hateNJ&NYtaxidrivers

  • Longer rides are better. Most of the driving is highway, better gas mileage less wear & tear on car. Even if its a long pick up 20 min. You get $9/$10 to go get them. Covers your gas for the whole trip or most of it. Dead miles back do suck. With any will at least get another long trip before you get back to where you wait for long trips. So way back not a total loss. 1 long trip is better then taking 5 to 10 short trips.  If you dont hit traffic on way back still can be profitable with no rider. Leave apps on as you can deduct those miles on your taxes. If you run into traffic that can be an issue. I stay away from most trips during rush hour. I take my breaks then. I still get plenty of long trips during non rush hr. I also tend to get 20% or more in tips on long trips.

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     5 years ago in  Using Uber tactics to make Tips into a Surcharge

    Thats all we can do is hope one or both realizes their self driving cars are not going to be ready as fast as they hoped. They are going to still need drivers. If they dont do something soon all the decent drivers may just up and leave. I love doing what I want and when I want and still making ok $.  Dont know how much longer that is going to last.  They will be stuck with idiots that advertise they are screwing riders with surge or idiots that drive around with filthy cars and no customer service skills. 

  • Give me a week or 2, I am sure I'll find something:) Wouldnt want you to get too bored:)

  • Thanks Lou. You are always so nice and sweet. Thats grest that you call your mom. You only get one and they wont be here forever. I am sure your mom is grateful and proud of you.  My sons calls me multiple times per day or stops by everyday. Actually I call him 2 call Mike, we will hang up and without fail he will call right back with something he forgot. I try. Happy to help if I can. At the very least if I give stupid advice or my advice dont work, do the opposite. Lol

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     5 years ago in  Using Uber tactics to make Tips into a Surcharge

     Some restaurants automatically add gratuity in for servers. Would make sense and would help drivers but anything that helps us is a no no in Uber & Lyfts eyes. I dont care how or where the increase comes from. Increase fares gradually over next 30 to 60 days 15% then another 10/15%. Give drivers 20% Lyft & Uber can take the other 5/10%. They wont increase fares and give it all to driver only reason I said to give them 5/10%.  Passengers are hooked they will still use the service.  For example I use to get 2GB of data on my cell plan my kids ran out all the time we switched to another cell co & got 10GB. Kids still running out. Finally they offered unlimited but didnt increase price. I now use over 10GB along with there kids. If Co. decided to go back to 10GB or pay more I would have to pay as I am to use to it and need it. I know other companies offer unlimited plans. Just pointing out that when people are used to ceratain things they will pay. In most markets everybody uses Uber or Lyft they both raise rates there are no issues. You know once one does it other will follow. Yes they may loose a few riders. Especially those that use it to go a mile up the the road but drivers I know wouldnt care. Hate those rides anyway. People may also pick pool more but once they take a ride or 2 with pool they will go back to Uber X and Lyft.  I sometimes wonder what people did before Uber & Lyft. I do a lot of late nights (overnight). People get into jams all the time. For example 3 separate riders took a train out of NY at 2am few weeks back. Guy who collects tickets was asked to wake them when they got to Newark NJ. He didnt. My rider woke up in Princeton NJ. Woke the others. Train station was deserted no cabs around. Each called an Uber. My rider couldn't thank me enough, said I was sent from Heaven lol. He said he had no idea what to do. 35.00 tip and insisted on paying Turnpike toll even though it was included in his fare. His phone was almost dead he had no idea what taxi co to call. The ride was approx. 68 miles 70 min to get him home. A cab ride wouldve cost him a fortune and he probably wouldve waited really long for it to get there. People have been using U and L for yrs now they wont give it up for a 20/30% increase it. 

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     5 years ago in  need to schedule a pick up at 1:15 today

    Sorry its probably too late to answer. You can schedule at least 24hrs ahead of time. I actually think you can schedule even longer than that.

  • What part of PA? I am in Philly just outside of Bucks Co (Bensalem).

  • Autosave is working great. Thank you:)

  • I just seen this post. It got buried:)  Thank you Lou. That was so sweet. Your mom should be proud of you. You are so kind.  Thank you Chris. I just realized who your are lol. Its been over a week and I havent totured you with emails:)

  • Thank you. Happy I could help. Please feel free to ask questions or give your opinion from riders perspective. I just posted under rideshare news about the idiot drivers who were causing surges at Reagan airport andvwere dumb enough to go to the press with it. Would love to have a rider post their opinion. 

  • Sorry I shouldve been more clear. I was talking about two separate trips, my fault. If you are a rider bringing a friend click for 2 seats. If you are a rider with baggage I would click 1 seat. The car that picks you up should have a trunk with room for bags/luggage. I would hope a driver wouldnt want you to click 2 seats for you & a bag as that would limit them from being able to accept 2 more riders vs accepting 3 more & putting bag in trunk (I don't mean that sarcastically towards you just hoping a driver would not consider putting bag in a seat that could seat another rider). After the story that hit the news today about Reagan Airport and Uber & Lyft drivers nothing would surprise me on the level of stupidity. Unfortunately these idiot drivers make the rest of us look look like we all try scamming the system and screwing our riders. Trust me most of us are not as stupid or dishonest as these drivers. I will post about that on different topic. Drivers are supposed to have a clean trunk with room in for luggage, groceries, bags, etc... By all means if your ride isnt good and the driver doesnt deserve do not leave a tip. I too tip when not necessarily deserved or service is less than satisfactory. I try to be understanding and assume that maybe the person I am tipping is just having a bad day or going through something in their life thats making it difficult to perform their job.  I give 15% if less than satisfactory, good service 20%, and excellent service over 20%. If the driver doesnt get out of car & help with luggage then sorry they dont deserve a tip. Many drivers fail to realize this is their own business yes they can run it how they want but it is based on the riders experience. Driver does nothing other than let you in their car & drive them from a to b. Why would you want to tip? You need to be personable, friendly (not over friendly), courteous, respectful, if they have luggage put it in trunk for them, etc... You want a tip do something to make that person want to tip you. Too many entitled people out there. You dont get extra if you dont do anything to deserve it. Then there are riders that as long as you get them where they are going safely and you dont disturb them they will tip you. You need to be able to read your rider and provide them with the ride they want. Then there is the 3rd type of rider this time instead of being the self entitled driver its the self entitled rider. No matter how nice you are, no matter how much you go out of your way, no matter how much you do for them nothing is enough for them they dont tip you a dime regardless how above and beyind you go for them. Dont even get me started on the ratings lol Riders rate drivers less than 5 stars by mistake or they have multiple trips & rate wrong one, rate drivers for things beyond their control, want a free ride, the list goes on (so do all my post lol), but drivers also rate riders less than 5 stars for equally as stupid reasons, accidentally slamming their door (gotta love that one). How the hell is the rider suppose to know how hard the door needs to be pushed? Ok I've given you much more than you needed to know or asked for. Lol  If you have any doubts or concerns once a driver accepts your request text or call them right away. Tell them you have a suitcase coming with you. "Hey just giving you a heads up I have a piece of luggage". I would hope it wouldnt be an issue. Once driver accepts and you see its a really small car the alternative is cancel immediately (to avoid fee) try again and maybe you will get a bigger car. Thats always an option. Hopefully I've answered your question in my long winded answer. If you have any further questions or comments I would be happy to help you. Would love to see more riders post their opinions on here, their advice on what makes a rider happy, comfortable, etc. When a driver gets rated less than 5 stars it is extremely rare we know why. How do we fix what we are doung wrong if we dont know whst we did.  Please ask questions, post your opinion, give drivers ideas all are welcome. Safe travels.


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     5 years ago in  credit card

    I think my nephew may use his Discover card. I will check for you to see what he did to get it to work.  If I do not respond in 24 hrs then he uses his debit card and I dont have a clue. I know this isnt much help but hopefully he uses his then I will be of some help.

  • Yes that is reasonable. Lyft Shared or Uber Pool allow you to bring 1 person or a bag (luggage).  The cars that pick up for those services seat 4 (usually, sometimes more if they have XL vehicle) regardless you can bring a suitcase or a person. If you ever take it and you bring someone just click 2 seats so Lyft or Uber and the driver know you need 2 seats. Otherwise they think you only need one seat and may load 3 more riders into that drivers car in that case someone will get cancelled. It is quite possible the driver will have 4 people to pick up (you & 3 others).  I once picked up a rider then the next rider. After I dropped off 1st rider 2nd rider was stuck in my car for over 75 min. Before I could get her to her destination Uber kept adding riders that needed to be dropped off before her destination. I finally cancelled last 2 riders that were added stopoed accepting request and took the poor girl where she needed to go.   You may want to leave earlier than you normally would in the event the driver has 3 other shared riders to pick up. Riders sometimes more so than not tend to not be ready when driver arrives. Driver will usually wait 5 min for a rider or choose to wait longer. Also keep in mind that although you may be picked up 1st you could be the last to be dropped off. Although this may sound like I am trying to discourage you. I just want you to be aware of what can happen if you take shared or pool as being at the airport ahead of time is priority so you dont miss your flight. 

    Not sure what city you are in or what time you are leaving so none of this may happen. You may be the only rider.  One last suggestion. Assuming your driver is polite, nice, respectful, car is clean, everything goes well and the driver loads & unloads your bag please consider tipping even if just a 1.00 or 2.00. Drivers tend to lose money or make very little on shared and pool rides. Trust me it would greatly be appreciated especially since gas prices have gone up .50 or more in every city:) Obviously if your driver is rude, doesnt load & unload your bag, car is dirty and smelly, driver isnt respectful, etc then by no means leave a tip. Hopefully this helps somewhat so you are not running through the airport to catch your flight because a rider or 2 made driver wait:). Safe travels.

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     5 years ago in  Uber Black/SUV Drivers - Thoughts on the new quiet mode?

    Thank you. Thats just sad to hear. I thought it would be common sense. I love to talk or just to listen to people. However I do know when to shut up:) I sure as hell know no one wants to hear your problems, illnesses, advice (most times).  No one is interested in your accomplishments, hearing you brag, or complain. I shouldnt be surprised though as many people have no common sense:) Thank you for replying:)

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     5 years ago in  Worried about violent Uber driver

    Why didnt you just put the additional stops in the app so driver could just follow the app? You would've been driven & dropped off at your own houses. You said the driver agreed to drop you all off and then you state he got really mad after you tried to find the best route. Had you put the drop offs in the app this wouldve never happened. Once you put destination in with no stops the driver is under no obligation to make additional stops. By making these added stops not on the app you are making the driver take additional time with your trip. Time is money for that driver.  I may be wrong but it sounds like driver agreed thinking it was one additional stop that turned into 3 & they were not quite as close as he thought. The 3 of you are in the back deciding what would be better. Again if it was in the app the app wouldve calculated what was best. On top of that your friend refuses to get out. That is his vehicle, his business, and his livelihood. You are now costing him time and $. He is a private contractor he has every right to ask you to get out. He couldve called the police to force you to get out of the vehicle. I am not saying I agree with this driver 100%. As a driver I do everything I possibly can. I dont yell or give my rider a hard time in anyway trist me some deserved it. Thats how I run my business. As far as the trip missing in your friends app if the driver cancelled the trip he was not paid for it. Therefore you were not charged so it wont show in your app if you didnt pay for it. I think there may be a little more to this story than is being told. This is what you are saying, 3 ladies being nice and respectful to the driver asking for driver to make additional stop close by driver agrees ladies are back there trying to plan his route and then driver flips out and goes crazy mean throwing them out of his car. Not sounding exactly the way it happened. Especially since driver took you wherever he did for free. Driver cancel means no $. Ladies shouldve put stops in the app. This is what riders do instead of putting stops in and paying maybe an extra 1.00 they ask driver to drop off friends just a block.or 2 away. BTW  its never a block or 2 away. The reason I believe your stops were longer than you say is because you were back there trying to find the "sensible" route.  If the stoos were not far away, you were all friends you woukdbt have to figure ot out. Sorry but I am not buying the innocent ladies who were nothing but nice and respectful. Not buying the stops were close together either. Next time order more than 1 Uber, put stops in app, or tip the driver a few bucks immediately as you are costing the driver time and money. Dont be cheap and this stuff wont happen. I can assure you if you post this in other forums drivers are not going to believe the total innocent act.