Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

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     5 years ago in  Worried about violent Uber driver

    I dont think its much safer in a taxi. Google taxi driver rapes passenger, taxi driver kills passenger, etc.. More people take ride share now and Uber seems to always make the news no matter what. We have more access to news, social media, and articles than we did years ago. The more technology the more apps and access we have.  We didnt have all that back in taxi only days. There also were rarely female taxi drivers. More and more female drivers are driving for Lyft and Uber. Most of them are safe to ride with. How many taxis were on the road prior to Uber & Lyft? I am sure not as many as there are Uber & Lyft drivers so of course you are going to hear of more problems. What you dont hear about are the nice, thoughtful, kind drivers that go above & beyond for their passengers. The drivers that drive drunks home and put up with all their BS while getting them home safely. How many lives have been saved due to Uber & Lyft drivers taking the drunks home? I could go on but I think you get my point. As usual we are all lumped together. A few are bad,  lazy,  rude etc so we must all be like that. Just like the priest and the cops. Few bad eggs and they are all rapist or all cops are brutalize. Yes Uber & Lyft need to step it up to help make drivers & riders more safe (Uber Beta testing something now). As far as riders getting into a car that isnt an Uber that is the riders fault. Your app shows us approaching, it lets you know we have arrived, once your trip is accepted you can see us drive to you. Check the license plate, profile pic, color, make, model. It really cant get much easier. Uber & Lyft track the drivers car and the riders phone. There are 911 buttons in riders app to contact and send police. You can share your trip with multiple people. Do taxi's have any of this? There are always going to be good, decent people and people that are horrible human beings. They are everywhere not just Uber Drivers. You must always be aware of your surroundings, know how to try & get out of situations & how to defend yourself, carry pepoer spray, knife, gun (legally). You can walk down your street in daylight and someone can attack. I dont think its fair to say "many people feel we should go back to taxi's". After reading this and googling Taxi driver attacks if you still believe that a taxi is safer you may want to carry a weapon and take self defense classes. Unfortunately the criminal element, unkind rude people, are here to stay. If you think you are safe you are sadly mistaken. Any thing a random few Uber drivers have done happen on the streets everyday multiple times per day. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber Black/SUV Drivers - Thoughts on the new quiet mode?

    If you are an Uber Black driver you are a professional driver. You all ready know if there is luggage to get out and load it. There is no need to let driver know. You know not to talk unless you are spoken to. They ask if temp is ok. These drivers are not idiots. As an Uber X & XL driver I know to get out & load the luggage and I ask about temp. My SUV has back controls for heat and AC. I always explain to riders how to.use it (although its pretty basic)can control or just ask and I will adjust it.  When rider gets in I say good evening  how are you? How was your day? If they give me one word answer I dont speak unless they strike up conversation. If they are doing work or on the phone I dont speak to them. If they elaborate on their day, ask me questions, then I talk to them. 99.9% of the time you can tell if they want to talk or not. Some talk in beginning and then they get quiet my clue to stop talking. Its not rocket science. I know not to bring up my problems, talk about myself or my life, stay away from religion, politics, or lifestyles. If they bring up those topics I steer conversation to something else. I never offer advise unless asked my opinion. Uber is charging rider for these choices. Its not going to driver. Just another dumbass way for them to make $. Why dont they concentrate on making the app safer for riders and drivers? Something that is really needed. I will be shocked if riders pay extra for this when they can tell driver in person that they want quiet or to change temp. From what I am hearing drivers may not accept  the rides that say "quiet ride" because in their opinion its BS. Personally I think its rude to click a button to say "quiet ride". Lets say the rider picks quiet ride. After the ride the rider decides they want a free ride. All they have to do is send message message to Uber saying I picked quiet ride and driver talked to me. Things like this happen all the time. In my opinion and others totally rediculous. Drivers are mad as they should be. Again they are not idiots. They want to be tipped they know how to act when driving higher end vehicles when the riders are paying for a better service. Just because you drive for Uber doesnt mean you are an idiot eith no education. There are highly intelligent drivers and many drivers who are educated driving for Uber. Good question to ask. 

  • Thank you for reading this post. Just wish the parents would read it. Thank you for commenting also bettyvanwhy, chawes, and cheesehead. 😊

  • I have posted here on the forum a few mths back,  FB, and many other places. I have sent countless messages to Uber & Lyft. I've seen You Tubers address it and its still happening. It blows my mind that parents will get into a strangers car not knowing anything about the driver other than a rating. Even if driver is perfect there are other idiots on the road. I drive all different times day and night. Its absolutely horrible out hete on the roads. Wednesday morning I stopped driving. I had 5 near misses of other drivers coming within an inch or 2 of hitting my car. I've seen accidents where person was decapitated by tractor trailer, cars flipped, the list goes on. The amount of distracted drivers out here is insane. Uber & Lyft may have taken drunks off the road but there are other idiots with the cell phone leaning on steering wheel texting paragraphs or talking with phone in hand.  They are doing 35mph in a 55 which mean other drivers  are doing 70/80mph, they are braking every 40 secs. You want to kill yourself or damage your car go for it but dont put others at risk. If Uber and Lyft drivers could give tickets the cities would be rolling in the money:) Thank you for commenting

  • I started driving in a different area & time. Dont usually have the issue much anymore.  I did a few weeks back but kid was old enough for booster. I do carry one of them. Its light weight, I have room to store it, and it only cost me 14.79. I have heard if you supply a car safety seat & child gets hurt you are still liable. Booster seat isnt a safety seat, it just raises child up so seatbelt lays properly.  Most people flipped put on me when I told them I wasnt going to drive them. I had one lady with 4 kids under 4 yrs old. "It wasnt her fault because no one told her kids need to be in car seats". I had to pull away. The utter stupidity amazes me at times. Although I am sure she was lying. How could you not know. The other thing that pisses me off is when I hear "the last driver did it". SMH, is it really worth a few bucks? Not to me. Look I hate declining rides to some of the people out there but if I get in accident I ruin my life, my families, etc... I am not living with the memory of someones child flying threw my windshield bouncing off another moving car. Then there is lawyer fees, fines, loss of job, possible jail time, etc... You know damn right well the mom who complained I wouldnt drive them would sue my ass. No thanks. 

  • Yes it was cool. I liked it but wouldve liked maybe .25 more per mile andv.25 for time:) One can dream. Lol

  • Thank you. That was really sweet. Very much appreciated.

  • Had a hell of a time replying to your post. I saved it by screenshot hoping this works.

  • I ended up taking the day off. Some of the You Tubers are suggesting taking today off also. I cant do 2 days off but Ill take 1/2 the day today.

  • $0. It is nice though on my private rides I still do through the apps knowing that I am guaranteed 5 stars. Much easier to relax. My ratings are at 4.95 on Uber and 4.98 on Lyft. Thankfully I dont need to pay for 5 stars.

  • Clean my car, read, run a few errands. I didnt go out yesterday as the roads were saturated with drivers. All thinking it would surge because drivers were striking. It didnt surge anymore than it usually does. All it did was screw drivers who regularly work Wednesday. Oh well back to normal today with no fare increases for drivers. No different then any other day. Uber and Lyft still out there screwing drivers with no end in sight.

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     5 years ago in  Don't Cross the Line

    I've watched a few You Tubers videos. Dont think it did anything. Didnt think it would. All I know is I ended up staying home as too many drivers were out. All hoping the cities would surge because drivers were striking. It back fired as the market was flooded with drivers. All it did was screw the drivers who regularly work on Wednesday.  

  • The people who organized the "Rally" here in Philly told us to drive (they understand we have bills to pay).  Philadelphia Limo Assoc. & Phila Drivers Union apparently organized Philly. What I don't understand is why they didn't try to get the word out to drivers. Not even at the Airport or other Philly FB groups. I only heard about it on You Tube. I then found there FB page and asked who the organizer was. I know of the Editor in Chief of a local paper that would've done a story. No one answered. I have a FB page (not rideshare)with over 10,000 followers and I answer questions. You would think they would want the press coverage. Also these 2 groups are a group of  Limo drivers and a Union why did they step in ? Makes me wonder. It seems they may have their own agenda and personally dont think they really care about Lyft and Uber drivers. Seems they are concerned with people voting No on a Bill they dont want to pass and a mayoral candidate they want elected. Maybe they figured they could get some press coverage by jumping on the Uber Strike.  It just makes no sense especially when it went from a 12 hr Strike to a Protest to 24 hrs then down to 2 hr Rally at the Uber Hub. The Union wont do anything to drivers if they do drive. If you cross the virtual picket line in other cities by going to Airports "you may get your car messed up", "drivers are going to order Ubers & then cancel before the 2 min and they have other things planned" according to some you tuber. Guess we are back in the 70's where Unions were sometimes violent and destructive if you crossed picket lines. That is absurd in todays world. Definately not the answer and definitely would make drivers look bad. I think these fake Uber drivers have done enough to make us look bad.  

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     5 years ago in  Driver strike on May 8th - Are you participating?

    I normally dont work Wednesday so I am not planning on going out. I never chased the surge when it was good and I dont do it now. If I get it great if not I wasnt depending on ot so no big deal. I learned from beginning Uber & Lyft giveth and the taketh away:) You cant miss what you didnt get in the 1st place. When multiplier was around great for 1st 2 months. After that I could be sitting smack in the middle of the heat map. Uber woukd try to  send me request far away with no surge. There are nights without I wouldve done terrible but it helped. I just dont count on it. It took me awhile but after researching, trial, and error I found my area and time. I did have help & someone who pointed me in the right direction. Gave me some confidence to drive where I wouldve never driven before:) I've done healthcare all my life this was definitely new to me. I enjoy just like to see a few changes. Dont we all. 

  • New york times, post, whatever they all report BS, half the truth, etc... lol but ill correct thank you. Never mind its in the topic area its a pain to correct it. People will see you corrected me and know:)

  • Here in Philly we are not striking or protesting. I think they are calling it "a rally" for 4 hrs at the Greenlight Hub. What sucks even more is now that Uber knows about Strike/Protest whatever each city calls it Uber changed IPO date until Friday the 10th. Something happening on the 28th here in Philly with a politician or 2 and some drivers also. Not sure what. I live and drive in Philly and knew nothing abouut it. I happen to catch it in a You Tube channel by accident. So guess a few of us or more are not in the "click" here in Philly. I came across their facebook page and asked who was organizing Philly. We have a local paper here thats popular in few neighborhoods in the Upper end of Philly. Wanted to know if they were interested in them doing an article. No one even bothered to answer. So as I said, not part of the "click". This is why I dont get involved with certain things. A group organizes things and pick and choose who they want around. I know a few drivers in Philly and Bucks (right outside of Philly) that knew nothing . I didnt even know we had a  "group" or whatever. Apparently they dont care about all of the drivers. I dont have a clue what they are fighting for dont even know if I agree. It's kinda hard when you know none of this existed or what they want from Uber. What I do know is I dont want to be an employee. They have enough say over what we do now. At this point technically not a strike here just a 4 hr rally. Ill do me and whats good for me and mine and they can do them. Since not all drivers matter in Philly. Hey new group "not all drivers matter". 

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     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    Agreed. I am a 54 yr old  female driver. With that being said what the hell am I going to do these riders?  Yes check the pic, make, model, and license plate. At least leave me with one safety feature "your name".  So far I've only had one difficult passenger a drunk 30 something female with her drunk husband. Even the husband told her to be quiet and chill. There are no stories out there about female drivers killing, raping, kidnapping riders so chances are I am not a threat especially at my age:) Of course the passenger rated me at 4 stars. I wasnt rude I explained why I had to have her tell me their name 1st. 

  • You are too funny. Lol I dont qualify because my acceptance rate is usually under 35%:) I'll never be a pro. They just took away the 3%/6% additional earings away from the drivers in other cities that all ready have it starting July 19. I would much rather take more lucrative trips and not care about acceptance rate. I am not taking every crappy trip they send me to get basically nothing in return. I know whats best for me to make money. Uber doesn't care whats best for drivers even if driver is making pennies. Uber can keep their pro status and shove it where the sun dont shine:)

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     5 years ago in  A $6 Coffee For Your Thoughts

    Got it today.

  • Riders in more rural areas are used to waiting 10/20 to pick up. Even if your home you are the closet one. On Saturdays when I work in Philly I always start at home. I just have everything ready so I just have to hop in car, put cellphone in mount, start car and iff I go (1/2 min). Rider can see where you are but have no clue you are in your house.