Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Not sure. It's supposed to be out in Fl as a trial and will eventually hit all markets. As to why it happened to me in my area no one seems to know. No one else I know of had this issue in my area. Uber CS couldnt tell me, they didnt even know there was a code. 

  • Thanks RedAnt . I made it more clear about the destination after we start trip. They give us (at least in Philly and NJ)the correct address but take the numbers out once trip is complete. That sucks they give you wrong address on pick up. On occassion in apartment complexes, colleges, malls the addresses are not spot on. I ordered an Uber for my daughter tonight. Last time I used app was Oct. for my daughter in law. Even though I put exact address in and resturant name a map came up and ask me to pin it. I had a hard time as the map was basically blank. I called driver she said it came up as Spice Rack. That is the place next door to the resturant. That was my fault but as I said it was hard to pin it on a blank map. Maybe thats why your addresses are off. I originally did put correct address in but it changed when I tried to pin it. Dont know why Uber needs to mess with app when there wasnt a problem. 

  • Thank you Goodideasll. I am  female:) 

  • It will be interesting. It will be somewhat of a hassle I am sure. Anything to take this "say my name" away. Do they realize some maniac could sit in a bar hear people talking using each others name, hear they are ordering an Uber pull up and actually give correct name. Yes far fetched but possible. The best way is to follow TOS in rider app. Actually read the  the TOS. Them a tually do what it says. Common sense is lacking these days. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    "Say my name" campaign isnt going to fly with drivers.  How about we Start a campaign called "Read TOS before requesting 1st ride, be responsible"

    This is straight out of the TOS in the rider app. This "say my name" campaign was started by the girl who was murdered friend. I get they want to do something but "say my name" not the answer. She is not a driver and most of these young people never even glanced at TOS. They just want to get where they are going quickly. I dont want to make light of this young womans death. It is awful. I feel for her family and friends. You cant just decide you are going to change a companys policy or make the drivers more unsafe.  IF RIDERS CHECK THE LICENSE PLATE, MAKE, MODEL, COLOR, DRIVER PIC there should be no issues. I really hate to say this but it could've been avoided had she checked this info. She wasnt forced into car, there was a group of males standing outside near her. Where were her friends? Females out there try taking Uber with a friend if you cant call a friend, send your trip info. 911 is available in your app.  

    Screenshot from Riders TOS

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    There is quite a few ways to verify the driver. License plate, color, make, model, license plate, our picture. Your app shows us pulling up. How can you say there is no way to identify driver?

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    That screen shot is directly from driver app. Note the last sentence "driver will ask for your name".

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    The rider after checking that car matches what they have in their app is then supposed to guve driver their name and then driver is suppose to give their name. Then driver will check destination is correct. Riders have enough info on us including a pic. We have nothing but a name. As much as they want to be safe so do we. There is nothing to protect us just a name. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    After a driver accepts the ride the rider is sent our Name, picture, color, make, and model, license plate number. They can also watch us on their app driving to them and when we pull up. As a rider its your responsibilty to check those things. Then when e everything matches its safe to enter. When I pull up I ask the rider their name, if it matches what I have I will then give my name and verify destination. Riders have enough info on us to keep them safe. Drivers have nothing but a first name on that rider, pick up address, and destination. Drivers are taking a big risk when riders get in our car. Although not the best check we have a background check riders do not. I am a female driver chances of me kidnapping or hurting a rider are slim. There are no stories out there about female drivers kidnapping, injuring, or killing a rider. We at least need to be able to ask their name first as we have nothing else to protect us. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    Its Lyft they dont need to use their real name on there. 

  • RedAnt do you have the codes in your market yet? I agree with you about the drunk ones, will be entertaining. Some cant put their correct home address in:) 

  • It all started over a young girl just hopping in a car without making sure sbe was getting into the right car. She just hopped in a black car the guy then locked the car took her somewhere and stabbed her to death. Very sad story. Unfoftunately young people especially when drunk just jump in a car that pulls up. There are safety features such as checking make, model, color, and license plate. Most people check none of that. People also try to say they we took the wrong rider. Sometimes drivers do grab the wrong rider when neither are paying attention. Its not a bad idea for them to start using the code as long as it works correctly. In this situation the code wasnt supposed to be on my market yet. I knew about through ride share sites, you tube videos. The rider knew nothing and when I sent the code it never went to her phone. We tried it a few times. Thankfully at end of trip i was able to start trip, end trip, and get paid. The people were understanding but annoyed with Uber not me:)  Other riders may have gotten annoyed with me as they cant rate Uber. When I called customer service they were cluless had no idea what I was talking about and had no clue this was even a thing. I then sent message but the answer was even worse than what I got with CS on the phone. I did send another message to Uber asking them to give my message to someone who could understand it. It took 2 weeks but they reached out today and ask for a screen shot which I was able to provide. So we will see what happens. Kind of crazy that CS knew nothing about the codes.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Was my driver in the right?

    Had I been your driver no I wouldnt of been annoyed. As long as ypu ask politely it shouldnt be a problem. As soon as my rider says they are making a phone call (common sense) I automatically turn it down. There are many drivers pit there that dont know how to deal with the public. They have no idea what customer service means they feel.their car their rules. Although that may apply to many things turning down the radio shouldnt be a problem. Realize all drivers ate not like him. You got a rude one.



    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber Destination Mode Paying 30% Less

    Uber gave Philadelphia drivers the destination mode back with no penalties. I made a whopping 20.77 by not using it  (never really used it before). 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    Every rider we pick up is a safety issue. We dont know what these riders are capable of doing especially under the influence. Do Uber and Lyft cate about drivers safety? Absolutely not. Lyft especially lets riders use fake names on their profile. Every rider should have to have a pic on their profile that we can see. Sometimes it comes up on Lyft.  Not that this helps much but better than what we get now. Uber and Lyft do not background check riders. I will not pick up any rider with a fake name or in another language.  Few weeks ago got this request. Pinged me 3X over 20 minutes declined 3X. Idiot probably windering why its taking so long to have his request accepted. Its also probably a minor or a jerk. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    This is a because of the girl from NJ getting killed in SC. It's not Uber or Lyft starting this. It's the girls friend. Drivers everywhere are pissed most refusing to give out their name first. I had 2 riders last weekend ask me my name. I told them to go to back of car and look at my plate. I then asked them to look at their app. Is your Uber showing up on the map at this location, what is the make and model of the car? They looked and answered. I then said whats your name they answered. I gave my name then and only then. I asked if 123 Sesame St was their destination they confirmed and off we went. The 2 rides were young 20 something women who didnt have a clue about anything I asked them. These people sign on order ride and jump in car that approaches them first. They never read TOS or looked at app after ordering. I've been educating riders since that girl passed away. Not my job but just want everyone to be safe. I cant tell you how many times riders have approached me thinking I am their Uber. When i ask their drivers name and car info I get Mike white ford focus. I am a female with black honda pilot. This is how uneducated about ride share, lazy, or drunk these riders are.  No where in the app or online does it say we have to say our name first. 

  • This is what happened to me last night while driving. No notice from Uber to driver or rider. Neither of us knew anything about it. It didnt work anyway. Thankfully rider wasnt mad at me. I couldnt start trip without Code but once at destination I was able to start and end it and get my fare. Customer Service had no idea about any of it.  So rediculous again Uber makes drivers look like idiots.

  • Not passing judgment. I would even take care of or help someone after they had the abortion. I would pick them up at the clinic afterwards. Just not going to participate in getting it done. I've posted below to explain. Also what i dont understand is what the police are going to do or why they would get involved. Driver shouldn't of said what he said because of course he should keep his opinions, religions, and beliefs to himself. Was just saying we should not be forced to take a ride that we feel is unsafe or take a ride that is against our Religious beliefs as we have a right in this country of religious freedom. Yes abortion it legal, yes she has the rright to get one. I just dont want to participate. not asking anyone to side with me, not trying to convince anyone to share my beliefs or change their beliefs . Not asking if you are pro choice or pro life. 

  • I did not post this to get into a discussion about abortion rights or what I  believe in or anyone else  believes in. It just so happened the article was about abortion. My point I was trying to make was we are independent contractors. We choose to run our business how we want to run it. Obviously there may be some consequences on some of your choices but that's on  each individual driver. My car my rules start when I get the ping. Do i want that ride or not? If i choose to take it then that rider needs to be respectful, and not distructive or abusive.  I respect and i am polite to every rider who steps into my car. Dont break anything, be respectful of me & my car, relax, make yourself comfortable. They are my  my rules. I will do just about anything they ask as long as its not hurting anyone or breaking any laws. If your pet needs to be rushed to hospital jump in lets go. Rider sick and wants to go to hospital sure jump on in. Just so you are aware you should be calling rescue as they are trained if something happens to you on the way. I am friendly, caring, and empathetic. I will make you comfortable, try to accomodate if you need me to do something,  but if you want to hurt someone, commit a crime, or get an abortion sorry cant help you. Its my religion and what I strongly believe in.  I also wont pick you up if your rating is below a 4.5, you have a fake name in the app such as "dick swallower", yes got that onev3 weeks ago, feel you pose a threat, i feel unsafe.