Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • B-girl Anderson, those are good ideas. You shouldn't have to do the phone thing lol. You are correct that it works but it takes effort. I like to talk to my riders and love to listen to what they have to say. I dont ever talk about my problems. I try to let rider do most of talking & I listen. I dont offer my .2 unless rider asks.  However some riders dont want to talk. That is fine. I say Hi, how are you? How was your day? If their replies are fine and good. Basic one word answers I say no more. If they elaborate or ask me questions I will engage. Usually by them just answering with one word thats my clue they dont want to talk. Try that. If driver continues just say "not trying to be rude but I'm exhausted just happy to have some quiet time". I would hope they respect that you were not rude and you were honest.  One other thing that would work is once you are in car (you got through the hi, how are) say "I am going to put my headphones on". If driver still tries to talk to you (unless navagation ?) then I feel sorry for you:) that is definately ridiculous. Put the headphones on turn up the music and def 3/4 star them with why they got the 3/4 stars. Riders will not be paired with drivers who rate them under 3 stars and vise vera.

  • Warning - more info than you asked for:) Feel free to just read approx 20 sentences thst answers your question. You asked a really good questions that may help both riders and drivers. 

    If you rate a driver under 5 stars it will give you choices of what the problem was. Talking too much isnt one of them but you can click "other". Its there you can give the reason and a report will be sent to driver. Unfortunately  most people dont give a reason. If a rider rates us under 5 stars 99.9% of time we dont know why. It sucks because then we dont know what we are doing wrong. It's hard to fix something when we dont know what the problem is. Just please keep in mind drivers can be deactivated when ratings fall below 4.6. Drivers are on the road for long hours do to rates ($) falling all the time. I know this isnt your problem or your fault but it does get lonely out there. Sometimes drivers need some interaction:) Uber also deactivates drivers with higher ratings for stupid things or riders lying to receive a free trip. If a driver doesnt take the hint feel free to come right out and say "i am not up for conversation". Being honest is the best way. If they continue to talk then yes that is an issue. Just asking you to keep in mind that drivers can get deactivated easily. Uber doesnt care about drivers as new ones sign up everyday. If they are continuing to talk or something on your ride is annoying or wrong by all means report it. 1 stars should be given if driver is unsafe, careless, drunk, high, etc.... 4 stars hurt their ratings enough. What i cant figure out is riders tell me their driver was unsafe, blew through lights etc... they dont report it. That is just crazy. Report that driver. Then you have the people that 1 star a driver because there air freshner too strong or they missed their street and it took an extra minute to get to destination. This isnt an exact science and many personalities out there. Some drivers are rude and are jerks I get it. Just realize you may be the cause of a driver to loose their job. If its something simple 4 stars with a report will do enough damage but 1 star really should be reserved for major issues.  Anything below 5 will hurt drivers ratings. If they deserve of course rate them below 5. Please take the extra minute click other and give reason why. That will be so helpful to that driver. They may be talking to much all the time but if all riders just give 4 stars or below & never report why the driver cant fix the problem if they dont know why. As a driver I wish riders would tell me on the ride if something isnt to their liking. As of today my ratings are 4.95 on Uber and a 5.0 on Lyft. I have no idea what happened on the Uber rides that caused me to have a lower rating. So I cant fix what I dont know. This way I can fix it right then or make sure it doesnt happen again. I set out to give a safe, comfortable, ride. If I screw up tell me:)  If the temp in car isnt comfortable, music is loud or annoying say something it can be fixed. My riders know I am easy going and do what I can to make them comfortable. I let them know when they get in. If a rider asks me to do something and its within reason Ill do it but yet Ill see a 4 star pop up & never know why.  I am sure you were looking for a 2 sentence answer but I post in detail to help other riders who may not understand the ratings system & what it can do to a driver.   Some riders are under the impression 4 stars are good:)  If you dont mind me asking what city are you in? Thank you for asking a great question. Feel free to ask questions or comment. Love to see riders interacting and posting. This is a great site.  The forum can be a great place to help drivers and riders understand both sides. I also like that everybody for the most part are respectful of each other and if we disagree people dont get disrespectful. Would like to see you post more questions or  give feedback from a riders perspective. Thanks again for posting a great question. 

    Rider ratings

    Drivers are required to rate every passenger on Uber. Lyft defaults to 5 stars for riders but drivers have 24 hrs to change it. Although both U & L have not deactivated riders for having low ratings. Many drivers will decline a ride request when passenger has a low rating.  When a ride  request pings our phone we see rider ratings time & miles to pick up. I personally will not pick up a rider below 4.5 during the day, weekend nights under a 4.70, week nights under 4.60. I know drivers that will not take a request below a 4.8 no matter what time. If a rider rating is low you will find wait times for a ride may increase as drivers are decling your request. Sometimes the driver who will take the request is a new driver because they dont know any better.

      Reasons drivers rate passengers low (I do not agree with most of these). In 2101 rides I have only rated 9 riders under 5 stars. 

    Slamming doors, not tipping, leaving trash, eating in cars, bringing open containers of alcohol, smelling like weed, cigarettes, BO, etc..., puking, leaving a mess, talking loudly on their cell phone, smoking in the car. Sure there are more or I forgot a few. 

    Fake Names

     I also will not accept a request on Lyft with fake names. Dont know if you seen my other post but received a request few weeks back with the name D#@kSwallower. No way am I picking someone up with name. His request pinged my phone over 3X in 20 min. I assume he waited a long time for a driver. Riders have info about who their driver is & their car and we get background checks (not the best ones but still its something). Drivers have nothing but a name, riders not backround checked, and some just use gift cards so U and L have no clue who they are. There are really nothing we can do to protect ourselves. Technically in our TOS we are not allowed to carry weapons. Drivers have been attacked and killed but U and L do not care. A pregnant woman was murdered by her driver and the baby was killed also. The least these companies could do is get a little more info even if its just a correct name. 

  • Its there about the names in the original post. You have to click "more". Its also in the screeshot. 

  • Yes Andrew you are correct but some drivers apparently dont get it and spill all their problems. Not many. So wrong. Lol

  • Be honest. Driver - Hi, how are you. You - Fine and you? You - Tired, looking forward to a relaxing ride to clear my head. I dont mean to be rude but I am exhausted would love to have some quiet time before I get home (work). Just going to close my eyes and relax just let me know when we arrive. Going to try and get some work done.  Looking forward to putting my headphone on & listening to relaxing music. Hope you dont mind but i am not up for conversation had an exhausting day. Anyone of these would be fine. Drivers would get the hint you dont want to talk. It would be great if Uber had a choice when you request you could click 1. Open to conversation 2. Doing work, tired would really like quiet time. We cant read minds although can usually figure out when riders dont want to talk. I dont mind if rider wants to talk or dont want to talk. Have no problem with rider just being honest. I pick up a lot of business people some get in and say " i have some calls to make or i am going to finish up some work. Great, i throw one headphone in listen to my music and concentrate on driving. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    This came to me today from Uber via driver app. Confirming we dont have to pull up and say their name first.

  • Posting a pic of what I received from Uber today. Again confirms we dont give our name first. 

  • Sometimes GPS isnt correct. No GPS works at 100% accuracy all the time. We are all human we all make mistakes. Do you make mistakes in your life or your job? If your job depended on strangers rating you how well would you do? I can tell you when I drive I take the quickest route there so I can get my next ride. I make .69 per mile and .1725 per min. Why would a driver want to take a longer way versus picking up another passenger with a more lucrative trip that may tip me 20.00. If I added 5 miles to your trip and 5 extra min I get a whopping 3.25  maybe. Uber and Lyft's upfront pricing is based off the longest route possible so most likely driver may make an extra 1.00 or 2.00 if anything. When I end 99% if my trips at destination my apps tell me i have anywhere from 2 to 11 min until destination but yet I am sitting at destination. It's because they overcharged you. You dont get that money back nor does the driver get any of it. Uber and Lyft gets it. If driver is following Uber's nav you are going to be taken a longer way. Uber tells drivers they prefer you use their nav I choosr not to as its wrong or longer. Before you condemn the driver and blame them for everything just know no one is perfect. We go to places we have never been before.  We are trying to get you to your destination safely, in a timely manner, follow nav on roads we never been on, we are dodging other drivers, deer, foxes, and whatever else is running around. We know we cant say the wrong thing, talk too much, talk too little, air freshner may be too strong or not strong enough or rider may not like it, we cant get a ticket or in an accident or we loose our job,  heaven forbid the mat on the floor may have something on it, uber's pinging us, lyft pinging us or they are stacking rides, apps freeze, wondering if we did everything right, is this rider going to be the one that wants a free ride and makes something up to report to Uber, i could go on but think you get the point. Its not like picking your friend up and going to hang out for the night. I am not complaining. I love driving. Just trying to get you to understand things from a drivers perspective. Driving itself isnt hard its pleasing the rider and making sure there are no mistakes made whatsoever.  I am sure you know you cant please everyone all the time no matter what you do. 

    {{ ratingSum }}

    Unfortunately it does happen. Not saying its right but drivers can wait up to 2 hrs for a ride and get ride that 4 min up the road for 3.25. I get both sides of it. There are drivers that like long trips and some like short if Uber and Lyft would let drivers know where the passenger is going it may be avoided. If U and L gave drivers better rates it would help also. What it comes down to yes there are shitty drivers out there, U and L cheat the drivers and charged riders based on longest distance. Drivers usually take shortest distance & time. Who gets that $ when driver gets rider there 10 min earlier? Rider dont get it back and driver dont get it Uber and Lyft take it. Thats upfront pricing. Both companies charging more by basing it on longest route. Uber and Lyft piss drivers off for lying, cheating, stealing  which causes drivers to have to do some of the things they do (not saying its right) which then pisses rider off.  In the end Uber and Lyft drive a wedge between drivers and riders and they sit back collect the money and dont care. I hate short rides.  It's not always easy to figure out if its a short ride especially at AP but if I accept a ride I take it. I dont call rider ever and ask. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. Where are you located? What Airport. I know it stinks but all drivers are not like this. I would rather do a long trip they can keep the short ones.

  • I agree with you 100%. I assume they are doing it on that day because of Uber's IPO. I havent been able to quite get an answer on anything I've read or posted on.  Many drivers share that opinion that its a bad day. Saturday would definately be a better day. I also think 12 hrs isnt enough. Alrhough some articles say 24 hrs. Some articles say Uber and Lyft, some say Uber only. I know here in Philly its at an Uber Hub. I also disagree with asking for Health Insurance and paid holidays. That is basically asking to be an employee. I dont want to be an employee much rather be my own boss, pick and choose my rides (obviously U and L still have control over that) but we do have somewhat of a choice. I would like to see better driver rates, transparency, 20/25% of the fare going to U & L and 75/80% going to the drivers, something done about the ratings (who & what decides deactivation. Not because a rider makes something up to get a free ride),  safety features for drivers, and the drivers to have some say in what goes on. Maybe a driver panel to be able to have some input when things need improvement. Hell at this point better rates would be a help. 

    I didnt even know about the strike until I seen it on a You Tube video. The group in here in Philly I didnt know existed. They want drivers to strike they need a better way to get it out to drivers. Call the press, news channels, etc.   I hope they've called whatever newspapers are left, tv stations, no press it will not do anything. What about when Uber surges you know as well as I do some drivers are heading out to drive. Although many drivers are part time there are still drivers feeding their families, paying their bills, etc... you cznt blame them if they head out. I think they need more than 8 cities to be effective. As you said "just my opinion". I've done healthcare my whole life. Never had to strike. My opinions could be dead wrong but sime of it seems like common sense. I'll support the strike as I need this for now while in school,  for the drivers that need and like to do this. I like doing it. My health isnt the best and driving isnt hard or strenuous unless of course you get the Wal Mart, gricery store, moving pick ups. I'll mever forget that one. Moving someone out of their apartment with just 6 bags yeah right. They prayed for me the whole ride and promised a big tip in the app. You know how that went:)  I was a newbie never made that mistake again:)

  • He is being rewarded for screwing drivers by lowering rates, taking bonuses, being no more transparent than the last idiot. His 180 days of change screwed drivers even more. Some drivers who were getting bonuses for having so many rides are now getting emails they are not receiving it. They are using excuses that insurance isnt up to date. Let them updated takes 5 secs. They lie, cheat, and steal from drivers and riders. Upfront pricing based on longest distance. Drivers take shortest distance. I pull up to destination switch nav off and go to Uber app it will say 9 min to destination. Rider pd for those 9 min they dont get the money back and the driver dont get it. Telling drivers surge is $X but really they are charging rider more. The list goes on. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  uber hold my account because i do have more 3 valuation

    Totally agree Joey. After the 1st one I would've improved my driving:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Why do all the uber cars smell so strongly?

    Unfortunately you get riders that bring food, eat food, smoke cigs, or worse weed, and some passengers smell (food, BO, alcohol, whatever). If the next rider gets in and it smells of any of those things that rider automatically assumes its the driver. That rider then reports us to Uber. If its weed or alcohol we risk getting deactivated. I know it can be overwhelming at times but chances are the driver had a rider that brought some smell into the car. I once had 6 women get in after smoking weed needless to say my car smelled of skunk. I had a rider to pick up immediately after so unfortunately air freshner I sprayed was strong. I apologized and explained and he was ok with it.  Rather have rider rate me low for too much air freshner vs reporting I was smoking weed. I try to spray and open windows to dilute air freshner smell. Sometimes its strong and I agree it sucks for my next rider.  If its that strong most likely driver just sprayed and is probably doing you a favor. Trust me some smells that we get in our cars you dont want to smell. Forgot one driver may have had someone vomit in their car. Although you clean it smell takes a few days sometimes to get rid of it.  

  • Agreed Wes. I drive in the area that she is from. It was a little to close to home and having 4 kids myself (1 21 yr old daughter) I couldnt even imagine losing one of them. When it first happened I thought it was terrible that drivers were complaining. After seeing both sides of it I can see & understand the frustration. This really was unfortunate as it was something so simple that couldve prevented this. Uber is guility of many things but not this. Drivers are out there all the time with no protection whatsoever. Weapons, mace, etc  isnt even helpful unless you manage to get out of the car. We are seatbelted in, closed sm. area, operating a motor vehicle, riders are behind us. They obviously have the upper hand. Instead of speaking to drivers who are the ones out there on the road & have the answers they just go off coming up with awful ideas.  When I heard what they wanted to do I actually emailed the politicians in SC telling them they were going to make it more dangerous with these signs. Jersey City was thinking of doing the same. I emailed the person who published that article. I emailed Uber about using a code or password (as you know that was pointless). I obviously know none of what I had to say in the emails to any of them would ever be read let alone addressed. Just knowing my daughter was this young ladies age just really hit home. I felt I had to try something. Just happy they finally seen the light (no pun intended) and changed their minds. Now they want drivers to make their own license plates for front of car. Maybe we should get into the license plate making business. Cant get rich driving maybe hope in selling license plates:) lol It amazes me how they want "to help" but if they make it mandatory that all drivers have state issued front and back plates "it will cost too much money". I know here in PA we pay for our license plate. Maybe in SC they get them free. This is a big mess. All it does is cause more tension, aggravation, hostility between riders and drivers. Cancel fees, wasted time on both ends, arguements, and low ratings. Meanwhile Uber gets their money and the politicians look like they gave a crap and did something. So annoying. 


    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  A $6 Coffee For Your Thoughts

    I cant get it to load. Never mind i got it:)

  • Uber is great at that fixing what isnt  broken and not fixing what is broken. They seem to be great at whatever suits them.  I put the name if the business, the address and then I had to place the pin. Problem is map is blank. How do I know where I put the pin? I dont know how new it is. If its recent I will have fun driving the drunks on Saturday night (my only night of the week I deal with drunks). I was straight and couldnt place the damn pin who knows where drunk people are going to put it. Lol  Guess Ill be collecting quite a few cancel fees this Saturday. 

  • Were you told you were getting appreciation bonus due on 4/27? When IPO came out Uber was giving appreciation bonuses. $100.00 for 2500 rides, $500.00 for 5000, and $1,000.00 for 10,000. Rumor has it that quite a few drivers got these emails and are now being deactivated or being told they dont qualify now because there is a problem with their documents. See this video on you tube channel  Dustin is Driving/Video name is  "Is Uber seriously taking this back" Sorry dont know how to put link up. Dont know if it helps but take a look and see. Sorry you havd to deal with this.