Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Thank you. Have some info but rather not go back and forth in forum. I just created this enail. If you do email Ill give you my real email address:) Can you email? If so email me [email protected]

  • Are you on FB Goodideasll?

  • Dont have much time to read now. When I was reading she was one of my favorite authors. Did you just stsrt driving or have you been driving?

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     5 years ago in  A $6 Coffee For Your Thoughts

    I completed but didnt get certificate

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     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

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     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    Here is the cause of "whats my name". Parents only trying to help others but really made it bad for drivers.

  • Hopefully app pops up in your area at some point. Have a great time.

  • I dont take requests more than 7 min. away. If it is a 45+ min long ride I will. I prefer the 20 min long pick up fee as I will get between $9/$10 just to get to pick up. That $10 usually pays for my gas for the trip. I was on DF to Philly Airport today. Got a long pick up with 45+ min knew it would be to AP at that time of morning. Had an appt down near there. Why not go on riders gas and make a few $. I usually get tipped on AP rides also. 

    I usually will take 15 to 20 min long pick up. $5 to $10. Anything under 15 min is .50 to 2.00. I dont take these long pick ups unless 45+ otherwise I could end up taking rider 2 min down the road. Not worth it. I can usually tell where my rider is headed depending on where I am. Took months of research, trial and error. Most of my rides are 45+ min. The only ones I hate is to NY unless its between 1130pm and 4am. Otherwise traffic is awful and I end up taking too much time going or headed back or both. I cant pick up until I hit NJ  but if theres traffic I want no parts of picking up just want to get the hell out of there:) Get back to where I want to be. Some trips to NY are good because certain business riders know we hate them and dont make mych money in traffic. They usually tip well but not always. Still lots of cheap asses with expense accounts. Never do I take lyft pick ups past 5 min because lyft ruders always go short distance. I only take long trips on Lyft.

  • Hope you find one near you. Good Luck. Dont think I'll get many answers on this . Would love to hear some feedback from riders to see what they say. I know what the answer is but I am trying to be positive. You striking Wednesday? If thats what you want to call it. Ill rephrase. Are you protesting  on May 8th? I came across a video on You Tube I would love for you to watch it  and hear what this guy has to say. He is reading an article by rideshare united. Then he goes off article throws in his .2 and says drivers in LAX AP and Airports around the US do not park your vehicles in rideshare lots, I hate to see your vehicle damaged. I commented but never said I was driving he throws up.a reply and says there will be cancellations and other things are planned. Do we live back in 70's/80's where Unions strong armed workers who broke picket lines? How does that make drivers look if they are going to mess with other drivers cars. This isnt a real strike its a 24 hr protest. Would love to know who this guy is. He dont sound like a driver. His name is James Kauffman, World News Report Today, Video name, Uber/Lyft - Strike May 8th. Would love to hear your opinion. My comments are 2nd from last. I guess he thought I was complaining and going to drive. I just said dont think its going to be real effective, Wednesday not the best day, and not long enough. Then I got the threat about cancels and other things planned:) Big Frank hasnt commented in awhile. I miss his comments. Lol

  • I heard about some cities are at 4.00 thats awful. Yes, it would not kill Uber or Lyft to charge rider an extra 1.00 or 2.00 only cheapasses wouldnt understand. We will be standing on iff ramps, WaWa's  and gas stations with signs saying "I'll work for gas". Lol  One of the ride share You Tubers put this up. Unfortunately it must of just got out as its not in every city and right now its just BP Gas Stations. IT's LEGIT!  You get .20/.30 off each gallon just for signing up. You get cash back for putting gas in your car, money off for referrals, and cash back on referrals  (you can cash out on pay pal or receive gift cards). You can share  your code with anyone. Obviously this is awesome for Drivers. Dont understand why more gas stations, car washes, Jiffy Lubes etc... dont offer $ off for Drivers. Some of these places could make a killing for a few $ off. You can use it on groceries and food also. 🤑🤑🤑

    They are adding new cities all the time. If its not near you yet check every few days. We didnt have any 2 weeks ago . They just added PA. So far all I see are BP Gas Stations but you have to check your area. At this point Ill take anything I can get. 3.00 to 3.35 (Just seen a 3.35 station). $2.68 in PA with app $2.48 in NJ. NJ is usually .25 to .35 lower than PA but they just taxed it again there. 🤑🤑🤑

     States I know definately has it is PA, NJ, OH.


    🤑🤑🤑$$$ Save $$$ on Gas  🤑🤑🤑

       GET THE APP      




  • Hey GoodIdeas, btw my name is Monica:) I have a video I would like to share with you. Going to try and put link here but my tech schills are little to none:)

    Was able to copy and paste the channel on YouTube but dont know how to put link up for the specific video. 

    Name of Video - Uber Rider Tries To SCAM Me For A Free Ride. 

    He does some really good videos. He isnt annoying, not always negative, and actually drives. I think you will appreciate and laugh at this video (parody)

    Hope you enjoy.

  • The family had good intentions to try to help others .Unfortunately not thinking about the driver. No one ever does. Of course they are devistated and are only trying to help others. Very understandable. This is where Uber and Lyft should step in to make it clear on procedure. Let people know the driver cant give name first. It is in driver and rider TOS but who reads that:) I know I didnt, big mistake. I made every rookie mistake out there. You live and learn. Thankfully I learned:) I had an issue the other night on Lyft with them adding a rider while I still had a rider. Was totally unaware until that rider called me. I explained i was not driving anymore after I dropped off current rider as I had been on road for awhile. I cancelled now Lyft is trying not to pay me for the rider that I did take. It was a 53 min ride not sure of miles at the moment. Probably a 32.00 trip. I have all the screenshots of the trip and took screenshots at dropoff. I am fine with them not paying me for the 2 min .5 miles  at end of trip (thats when I supposedly cancelled). The rest they better pay me for. Going to  call if that dont work Ill go to hub. I am fairly new on Lyft. So I am not turning app off after I accept ride so they cant add on. Will turn back on after dropoff. When they add rides like that we see no name, no pic, no rider rating. I want no part of picking anyone up until I at the very least see name and rating (pics not always there). They say we can choose to decline but yet they add and we have to cancel. Happy that my post help. Sorry about the length of post but I always have a lot to say. 🙂 Be more than happy to help you if you need it. I met another rideshare driver who dont live far from me here on ride guru. He has given me the confidence to drive where I never of thought I would go. Given me great tips on where to drive. We work together testing new spots and doing research on when and where to drive. During the week we text and he listens to me complain. Lol Prior to meeting him I didnt know anyone in my area that drives. My family gets tired of my stories:).   Sometimes just need to vent or I may want his opinion on a ride. On day he drives I dont feel so alone out there. Lol Sometimes we end up at same spot so we talk til we get a ride. Its a lonely job. Nice to have a "partner"(sort of) that knows what its like to be an Uber driver. 🙂. Its not so lonely and boring at times.  Happy to help anyway I can. 

  • The only thing that protects the driver is knowing the person they picked up is the right person. If a driver pulls up and rider says "say my name" the driver says "Mike" rider says "yes thats me". We then take that person. The real Mike sees on his app that he was charged for an Uber that never showed. He then complains. Uber sends message "you picked up wrong rider" we took your fare. You just made $0 wasted time, gas, and missed other trips. 

    I say their name first  they say yes thats me. As I pull away with a serial killer in my car (not really my rider he holds a gun to my head and throws my phone out the window. Takes me to a desserted area and chops me into little pieces and feeds me to the sharks. Uber sends cops to the account holders house he knows nothing because it wasnt him in my Uber. But my dumbass went with the rider saying "say my name" I didnt follow procedure. So now I am fish food and killer is free to do it again. Yes far fetched to a point. No sharks in my area. Drivers only have a riders name to somewhat protect us. Riders have our name,  pic, license plate, color, make, model of our car. They can also see when we pull up. It also protects rider from someone highjacking their Uber it happens. Now its bad enough we only have their name but Lyft especially lets riders use fake names D!#@Sw@//0wer, cindarella, badass, killer, etc... We all know Lyft and Uber dont care if we are chopped up and served to the sharks but our families do. 

    If rider checked that everything matches whats in their app then say "hi I am Queen Bee" we can say say yes Queen Bee i am your driver Monica. We are all happy, we can get Queen Bee home safe and sound and we can go do this all over again with the next rider named Douchebag. 

    Dont mean to poke fun or make light of what happened to that young woman but want to get home safe to our families also.   We cant carry weapons.  Riders can carry whatever they want who will stop them, who will know, and even after they chop us in little pieces and the sharks digest the pieces. Uber or Lyft will not deactivate them. Uber and Lyft want their business. Not trying to be a smartass but as ridiculous as this post sounds its true. So riders please look at your app. We actually have profiles, notes, and badges you can look at also. You can tell our personalities and if we are jerks or nice by looking at notes and badges. Please dont make us "say your name first". Just makes for a miserable ride, less than 5 stars for both, and some drivers may cancel and leave you there. Thanks for asking this questions it may help other riders.

  • Ippei to the rescue!

  • Awe so sweet. Thank you. I am the lucky one though best 4 kids I could ask for:) Although 3 are adults. 😊 

  • I've always said a rider can set the mood for a shift. When people complain or rate us low its hard not to take it personally. Especially when you try hard like you said when there are truly crappy drivers out there and these people couldve got stuck with them. I just got a 4 star probably from my drunks last night as i got tipped from rest of my trips. Just idiots csnt please everybody no matter how you try. Hope you next shift it a better one with nice riders and big tips. Stay safe🙂

  • UBER NEEDS TO GET THIS CODE GOING IN ALL MARKETS!!! This "say my name" crap has got to go. Maybe all us drivers should post on FB like that girl did and spread our word that "say my name" isnt correct and your driver WILL NOT SAY YOUR NAME 1ST. I may just look into finding out where that campaign originated (shouldnt be hard) comment on it. It is the girl who was killed friends. None of their FB's are private because we live in a safe world. Thats my mission for the week. Start a campaign "drivers will not say your name 1st". 

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     5 years ago in  Have you had any #whatsmyname passengers yet?

    Had a drunk husband and wife last night. I am the only car out there in parking lot. They walk up wife says "whats your name"? I said if you could please give me your name Ill be happy to tell you mine. Of course in her slurred, belligerent tone says "what do you mean"? So of course I explain why. So husbands gives up his name and tells her to be quiet. Before they get in I asked if they checked my plate? They both look at me like i have 2 heads. I then tell thrm to look at the phone does everything match? Both stand there no clue what I am talking about. She gets in my car "now tell me what your rules are"? Again husband tells her to shut up. So of course I explain not my rules but Ubers TOS. Then I explain how they shouldve checked the app for my info. Not giving my name 1st is for my protection and so no one steals your Uber. Then I listen to how they are going to pay sitter 100.00 cause she keeps kids safe. I drove your drunk, annoying, ignorant asses home. All i got was aggravation. I have only kicked 1 family out of my car for trying to fit 4 kids no seats and 2 big ass adults out of my car. I refused 5 other riders with no safety seat. It's now to the point that I have had it with some of these idiots. I am going to just cancel or throw them out. Their 12.60 is nothing compared to my daytime business rides. At least they tip and dont givrd me a hard time. I only drive drunks 4 hrs on Saturday nights anymore. The rest of the time are mostly families or business people. If the money wasnt so good i wouldnt be driving drunks at all. What really makes me laugh I am a 53 yr old female if I could over power her and her husband that would be pretty sad. Why would they need to give me a hard time over not saying the name? Also find me an Uber story that a woman killed, raped, or beat a passenger. These people are so ridiculous . Waiting for my 1 star. Uber is getting a report on them. Not that it matters but want no chance being matched with them again. I understand the girl who was killed had friends that wanted to  do something but "say my name" is all wrong. They shouldve checked with a decent driver, you tubber, rideshare forum, something. They think that a campaign on FB was a good idea without even contacting Uber or anyone so wrong. Young people think anything they see on social media is correct and true. If they make it up we should have to follow because the are self entitled college students who think the world should chsnge for them. So frustrating

  • I had a situation tonight  with the "say my name thing" . I didnt give passenger an attitude.  I just explained I would give her my name once she gave me hers. When she got in the car with her husband (who told her to be quiet). She demanded I explain "my rules". Of course I explained they were not my rules, its in Ubers TOS, its for my safety, the passengers safety, and they should be checking plate, color, make, model, and my pic is in the app. Husband kept trying to talk to her all the while agreeing with me. I did apologize even though I wasnt rude but I hate getting 1 star. My rating on Uber is a 4.95 and a 5 0 in Lyft. Although my ratings can take the hit I dont like it. I didnt like apologizing either as nothing was my fault. Sometimes we just need to be overly nice or apologize to keep the peace. Sometimes nothing you do works and they still complain. So if I get anything lower than 5 stars I know who is to blame. Did I mention they were both trashed? Drunk riders should be banned from rating us. Lol You did what you could just move on thankfully not all riders are obnoxious. Try not to let it bother you. I got so mad one night after rider gave false report I ended my night. Those types of riders are not worth the aggravation. It sucks that one rider can ruin your day. 

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     5 years ago in  Rapper arrested for sending son to school in Lyft ride

    Very happy this mom got in trouble. No one under the age of 18 is supposed to take an Uber or Lyft without an adult. This was a 5 yr old child. Where was her head? Obviously up her a##. What would make you think that putting your 5 yr old in a strangers car by themselve is a smart idea? She should be made to take parenting classes with a course in common sense. This is so wrong on so many levels. What an irresponsible mom. SMDH. I really cannot believe she did this. The utter stupidity amazes me. I am actually at a loss for words. If you read anything else I've posted you know I have plenty to say and never at a loss for words:) I cant believe  a mom is this stupid and irresponsible with her child's life. This is just sad. Props to the Lyft driver. He did the right thing.