Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Cash rides needed

    Love your reply.

  • Riders have 30 days to rate driver. What I found really interesting is Riders can change a drivers rating at anytime (at least 7 mths later) probably longer. Dont know why this would even be an option. I also dont think anyone would go back that long ago to do so but why even give that option? 

  • Its hard enough driving in traffic with 2 apps going and possible rider all ready in your car. You dont have time to be looking for the correct pronoun also. Distracted driving comes to mind for what to see a pronoun? I use the name anyway. Love how these companies come out with this BS instead of focusing on the real issues such as Safety.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber to Ban Riders with Low Ratings.

    They are only doing it because of that Lyft driver getting assulted. They have no intention on deactivating riders. Just trying to make drivers think they care  

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Varies by city. Lowest I got so far is an Uber rider with 4.01. I declined as i wanted no part of that ride. Uber came out yesterday and said if rider rating is low they will get a warning . If no improvement they may get deactivated. I dont think they will deactivate riders though. They dont cate how drivers are treated.

  • I dont like any of them. Food was always warm at best. Kept orders close to home but didnt make a difference.

  • Dara and rest of board takes 1st ride in Scuber and shark attacks and eats them.  Sub and all. Scuber sandwich. Betcha stock would rise:) Drivers would be happy.

  • 911 was supposed to be a new feature when new driver app came out in almost a year ago. WTH its sitting in our app if we swiped it guess 911 isnt coming. As it looks like its only in Denver right now. They are never clear on anything. They put info out there for riders and drivers but its only good in certain cities. New offense notification a great idea. When 911 works in every city that will be great. Rediculous though that these things are in our app but most dont have the access. Just another false sense of security. 



    Just got a notice 2 days ago that I can share my trips with family or friends. That was supposed to be a feature from years ago. Guess that just started actually working. Whst family member has the time to follow the trips we are on. My kids know if I share a trip there may be a problem. Thats if I have time before I get battered or cut up into pieces and thrown out as roadkill. They need to have riders download valid license, do a background check on them (would be nice but dont seem feasible) I dont put much faith in their background checks anyway, make them use real names, put a pic in (not of a teddybear), and if they order for someone they need to be checked and all their info downloaded.

    In speaking with a Philadelphia Police Officer the other night he stated, "there is no way I would drive for either company without carrying my gun". Couldnt agree more as long as you have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. 

    Uber yet again not caring about drivers. Safety features in app that came out a year ago not really available. Can you  TRANSPARENCY? Dara used the word often. He can obviously say it. Not sure he can spell it and he sure as hell dont know what it means. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Who pays the tolls on the return trip on an Uber/Lyft ride?

    I've eaten tolls on the way back from NJ and NY and not pennies. $15.00 in NY of course I can take the non toll road to add 2 hrs in traffic losing rides on the way back because I cant pick up in NY. Next time someone wants to complain about $1/$5 they had to pay for return tolls your driver probably road back with dead miles, time,  gas, and losing trips. Drivers lose money on these trips most times or sometimes make $5 per hr to get get you where you have to go. If it was my choice I would avoid tolls completely when possibly assuming it didnt add more than 15/20 min driving time. Riders would then complain about time. Cannot win no matter what we do. 

  • Yes it is. For all involved. As a mom I couldnt even imagine the pain the family is feeling nor would i want to. We all make mistakes as parents but this was so preventable to a point. Just like the young lady killed few months ago when got into car that wasnt her Uber. Extremely sad when it just as well probably wouldve had different outcome if only a few safety seats and a click of a seatbelt. This post wont reach nearly enough people but I hope it at the very least makes at least one driver refuse that trip when a parent request a trip with no car seat.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  PARTNERSHIP/FRANCHISE

    Nice to see you are actually live and up and running. Last time someone posted new rideshare app months ago its still not up and running. Unfortunately I am in the USA as many other drivers/riders on here are. Not saying no one here from outside US so hopefully those who are will check out your app. Best of luck.

  • Too bad your not in my area. Couldve made things much easier. I drive overnight mostly airport:)

  • Scheduling does not guarantee you a driver. Lyft is a little better but still no guarantees. If you do get a driver a suggest calling or texting them immediately upin them accepting your ride. I am hearing many drivers are reaching the pick up, finding out where you are going, then refusing to drive because they dont want to go there. Lyft drivers are pulling up close to pick up but where you cant see them clicking arrived then being able to see your destination and cancellung if they dont feel trip is what they want. I dont agree with any of these things drivers are doing but I just want you to be aware what is going on. I drive to multiole airports in Philadelphia, NJ, and NY where I know those things happen. My suggestion is to use Lyft (slightly better), call the driver immediately, and ive yourself some extra time so you are not late. What city are you in and how far is it to airport if you dont mind me asking? I think its terrible what is going on with many drivers out there. The only control you have is to tip or not. Passengers have no control over rates. Part if the problem with airports are driving back on dead miles as most drivers do not want to wait in a 2hr queue after dropping off at airport to wait for a ride back. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Can I Uber from Akute To Oyingbo

    I believe 2 cities/towns in Nigeria. Guess they didnt need answer that bad:)

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     5 years ago in  Can a parent order Uber or Lyft for a teenager? My kids?

    Not sure about the whole Insurance Issue but if Uber woukd do FBI Fingerprinted Background Checks (approx $35.00) along with  Child Abuse Cleaances (10.00) we could take children. It would also make Uber and Lyft safer with better checks. If Insurance is an issue then charge more for kids under 18.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Can a parent order Uber or Lyft for a teenager? My kids?

    As a driver I hate this situation. Along with car seats. I do not like to cancel any ride and not just because of the money. Although that is a big factor. Nothing worse then driving 10/20 min to pick up a rider only to find a minor (late at night in a dark or bad are) or parent with no car seat (at an airport or a parent leaving the ER with a sick child). We just qasted time. gas, and a possible good ride with someone that tips. However I dont like leaving teenagers stranded or parents without car seats (in certain situations). I have in certain situations driven a minor. Usually it's because they were 16/17 and I didnt know it. Since parents know that we cannot take minors or kids without car seats be nice if they would stop ordering Ubers in these situations. Just goes to show you some parents/people dont give a damn what predicament this puts the driver in. They dont care if the driver gets in trouble but I guarantee you without a reasonable doubt in my mind if a driver gets in an accident those parents will sue. If driver were to get deactivated will these people care? Of course not. They obviously didnt care about sending their young child with a stranger in the first place and obviously they didnt care about their toddler getting into a strangers car with no car seat. Let an accident happen though I bet they care then. Care enough to sue you.  Lets not forget you will get deactivated, tickets, possibly lose your license and possible jail time if the toddler in seat gets ejected from car and gets killed. Parents STOP REQUESTING CARS FOR YOUR 8, 9, 13 YR OLD. STOP REQUESTING IF YOU HAVE NO CAR SEAT. Yes some drivers do it but those are drivers I wouldnt put my Lizard, fish, or cat in the car with let alone my kids. I will say there are some drivers out there that will do it because the kid is in a dark or bad area or because you are trying to get a sick kid home from doctors or ER.  Just dont put those drivers in that situation. I will not leave your kid in a bad place but I would wait until a family member came (I've done it). Unfortunately you just cost me other fares (rides). Why cant we all just be responsible?  I will say I do agree that we should be able to drive teens 15, 16 and 17 yrs old. 

  • $2,000.00 is what I am hearing.