Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Thank you for the info. Appreciate the response.

  • That is  so nice of you to do this. You and Wes are awesome when it comes to helping people. I will definately be in touch via email. I have an idea I would like to run by another driver but didnt want to put it out there just yet. I personally dont know any drivers and would love to talk to you. I too am slow with texting. I also (as you all ready know) tend to put down too much info. or not enough. Lol I need to learn how to get my point across or explain something in a short paragraph or 2, not a short story or 3 chapters of a book. Ill email you in next 24/48. Thanks again:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Why can a rider rate me who has never entered my car?

    I have a few suggestions that always helps with riders and has definately helped me earn some decent tips ($). I am going to share my info with you about my ratings, trips, etc... so you can decide if its worth it to take any of my advice.  My rating fluctuates between 4.93 & 4.95 with approx 111 badges/notes, 1650 trips to date.  I have been driving for 17 months. First 11 months I only drove 3 to 7 times per month. For past past 6 months I drive 5 days per week approx. 20 to 30 hrs. per week. I would drive much more but it doesnt seem to be busy enough to do so. Working on different schedule now, changing around my hours, and days, and where I drive to hopefully increase my trips. I would be happy to share info with you. I can tell you what I do and dont do, what seems to work and what seems not to. 

    This is a great forum and can give you many answers to questions you may have. There are many kind, helpful,  people on here. LG PA, Wes, Ippei, Lily (just to name a few) and many more have great tips and are very helpful. 

    If you would like info please post what kind of trips you are able to take (Uber X XL, pool), how long you've been driving, how many trips, when and where you drive (City, State). Basically any info you want me to have so I can try to tailor the advice to fit you more. Or you can be very specific & just tell me for example "I want to improve my ratings" and I'll try to just sticknto thst topic. I am warning you my post are long lol. If you give me the info I just mentioned maybe it will help me not give you advice you dont need:). I'll post tonight after 11pm before 3am. Take care. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Octopus Tablet

    Thank you for the info. I'll take another look at it after the holidays. It will give me some more time to see if I am doing a 100 rides per mth. When I first looked into it things were slow but have been picking up more. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Why can a rider rate me who has never entered my car?

    Uber states they cannot remove or change ratings for driver or rider. I dont mean this in a rude way but why are you starting their trip before they get in car? 

    I've had a person open the door get half way in and they had to cancel for an emergency. It's best never to start a trip until rider is in the car seated and door closed. 

    When I pull up I open the window keep doors locked and ask their name. I do not unlock doors until I verify name. Two reasons: 1. If they get in and its wrong rider its awkward to make them get out. Could possibly refuse to get out also then it turns into a big ole mess  2. By keeping doors locked & just opening window it gives me a few seconds to get a quick impression of that person. Are they too drunk, rude, or do they seem really strange & make me uncomfortable. Its not a fool proof way to screen a rider but it has helped me out in a few situations. When they get in I usually say "good evening/morning Joe, how are you"?  Then I say "can you please confirm your destination address" as I swipe start trip. That  is another way to confirm they are right rider. Two people may have same name but chances are not same name and destination. By confirming name and address there should be no reason to have wrong rider in your car. 

    As for rider who needed help getting in and out  again you started trip before he entered. Try opening the window get your riders name, at that point you wouldve also found out he needed help. You could've then refused and he wouldnt of been able to rate you because yoh never started trip. Again not trying to be rude but upon drop off why not just pull over to an area that is safe? Unless you have to physically lift him in and out of car it would've taken you less than a minute to help him. Now you drove to pick up location wasted time, gas, didnt make any money, and got a 1 star. Wouldnt it of been easier to help him in car pull up to safe location help him out? He may have tipped you for helping but lets say he didnt Karma arpad. Do good things good things come back to you. I am sure if his destination was unsafe he wouldnt want to get out there. You know what they say when you assume things? Lol Unfortunately we dont always get great trips and some people may need help although not mandatory to help a rider its just the right thing to do sometimes:) Again remember Karma or you may make that mans day by doing a good thing and helping him.  We all get old, health fails, we all need help one day. Try it may make you feel good. Try those tips on not starting trip until rider in and lock doors open window. It may save you some aggravation.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Philly Airport Surged now.

    No thank you. If it wasnt for you asking I would still be trying to figure it out:) Plus it finally made me get my teenage nephew to show me how to post screenshots lol. Its very easy. I am tech illiterate. Have a great Thanksgiving. Be careful if you drive. I am headed out shortly. Was supposed to be out 7 hrs ago but my son was too busy playing video games to wake me:) Not good day to forget. Should'ce known better. Left my phone in car last night too tired to go get it. 

  • I will double check when I have a minute because I have to remember the trip. If I am not mistaken (98% sure) ladt time I had a drop off I had 2.00 airport fee. I dont remember seeing it before but I never really looked. I will get back to you.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Philly Airport Surged now.

    Just found these on Lyft. Thanks for asking for info now I know. Ubers link always redirected and when you got to page it would say "not found". I just learned how to post my screenshots, Finally. Lol

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Philly Airport Surged now.

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     5 years ago in  Philly Airport Surged now.

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     5 years ago in  Philly Airport Surged now.

    It's because I post a lot. I get bored waiting for rides so I am always on here:) Sure people are tired of hearing from me. Lol My post tend to be long.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Philly Airport Surged now.

    I have seen the queue really low at times when I am dropping off. My app automatically tells me to go to waiting lot after I end my trip. I dont know where the waiting lot is. One of these days I should try and find it. Had I been in area ladt night I would've given it a shot. My sons friend used to go on Friday nights. Queue would be high but he said he would make 150.00/200.00 some nights. This was just last month. May try it one night just to see. Over night Saturday queue usually very low.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Martha Stewart took her first Uber ride and HATED it!

    Navagation, wrong address, faced the wrong way probably Ubers fault. How would the driver know which way to face the car? Driver has no clue to destination until passenger in car trip starts? She is old and impatient. However that car is absolutely disgusting. How do you even think that is acceptable? Hate to see their house. This is obviously someone that just dont care. Riders may want to get a Tetanus shot, bring  sheet to sit on, can of lysol, and bottle of bleach. There is no excuse for that.  Probably wouldnt tip even if ride was good, car nice. Surprised she didnt order express pool. Lol She seems cheap. Why did she delete tweet? Anyone know? 

  • As always thank you for responding. Have a Happy, healthy, Thanksgiving to you and your family. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Happy Thansgiving to All

    Aww Thank you Red ANT. Enjoy. Be careful out there

  • Unfortunately it is. Hell 15, 16 yr olds are shooting heroin. My day we started with weed tried many other things but heroun was definately not even considered.. These kids dont play they go right to hard stuff. Its truly sad. Happy 2 of mine are grown never got into drugs other than trying weed. One thing they learned from their deadbeat dad "what not to do". Lol My 2 teens are on computer with their friends gaming all the time. Hated it in the beginning dont care now they are always where I can find them and always adult very close. My one son is ranked in the top 1000 of over 3 mil gamers in a game called League of Legends. Its considered a sport. Top colleges offering scolarships to play the game at college level. There are pro teams also. He wants to go to med school so he can play all he wants lol. He even wins money in tournaments he plays in. Not sure of your age but I am 53 world is so much different now a days. If someone told me gaming could land you a scolarship or pay you 92,000.00 per yr plus tournament winnings 10 yrs ago I wouldve thought they were crazy.  

  • Heat or heater is slang for gun. Pack informal meaning of to carry. According to google. Lol

  • As of October 2017 no.

  • Once you go over the treshold 10 min here in Phila you get long pick up fee miles and min. I have to get someone who knows how to paste the emails unfortunately I am illiterate when it comes to tech. Basically they kerp sending how long pick up fees work. Its burnt in my screen i received the same answer so many times. Lol what it seems like is they are not aknowledging the traffic and weather that day. They pd me like 5 min extra for one and 2 min on other. When in reality it was( -10 min) 26 which would be 16 min pd and 47 which would be 37 min pd. When the trips were accepted that day both my app and rider app were stating normal pick up times ex. 1st trip was 12 min 2nd trip was  12 min  had it not been snowing at rush hour entire philly and lower bucks was backed up everywhere entire areas were surged. They are not understanding it was not a normal day and i know for a fact when a trip is surged long pick up fees are more money. I hope this makes sense but ill work on getting that stuff uploaded to here. I am just pissed he may only be an extra 5/15.00 but just tired of Ubers BS. Thank you 

  • I get that. Normally yes those rides would've never taken that long. Rider would've have cancelled my ass had that been a normal day. I've explained over and over that it was heavy traffic due to snowy conditions. If Uber didnt believe it that could contact the rider or check local weather for the day (yes i get that will not do it). There has to be a way to deal with this. What drivers in their right mind would ever drive in bad weather or bad traffic ever if this were to happen all the time. My 1st ride was approx 26 min to pick up another 35 min to drop off for 20.50 & she tipped 20%. 2nd ride was 77 min. 31.00. Had there been no surge it wouldve been 13.00 & 11.00. No way would i ever drive again for that. In July I had a 20 min long pick up (10 is threshold here) i was pd. 7.00 long pick up fee. Uber is so inconsistent. Customer service is beyond awful. Not giving up yet because its the pricipal of it at this point.

    Unless its a surged ride on long pick up fee so not worth it for the .45 you end up with to even try and drag it out. Dont know what driver would take their time for 1.00 or less. Maybe on a surge. Maybe rates are better elsewhere but definately not here in Philly. My logic is why waste dragging time out on a long pick up fee on a non surged ride when I csn get the ride done faster snd move on to a possibly better trip or someone who may tip.