Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Beginning to think that pool riders are the issue. Haven't been accepting pool lately. Past 2 weeks took 4 pool trips accidently while texting or going to log out for the day. One trip was 3 pool riders one of them was a nightmare that made all of us uncomfortable. Got 1 4 star rating dropped from 4.95 to 4.94. I am tired of the whole rating system. Its a bunch of BS. If you get a passenger from point a to point b safely, you drive safely,  your car is neat, clean  and smells good, you do not get lost, you are respectful and pleasant, only talk if rider wants to why the hell would you rate that driver less than 5 stars? People are nice to your face then hide behind their phone to rate you less than 5 stars. When a driver has 482 5 star trips and 17 people rate under 5 stars what does that I'm sure 482 people dont lie or give you 5 stars for the hell of it.. If you consistently do the same thing and act same way for every rider it seems like the problem lies with the 17 passengers. If rider rates driver under 5 stars we should be able to find out why. Cant fix something that we dont know about. Uber claims that riders dont know what we rate them. Suppose they take Uber once a week, once a month, etc... obviously when their rating drops they can figure out what driver rated them below 5. #ratingsystemsucks or #deleteratingsystem :) Would love to go to their job and be able to rate them. No more pool for me. I will be extra careful not to accept pool. As I am composing this comment a ride request came in for pool almost accepted it. Lol

  • Totally agree RedANT.

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     5 years ago in  Are you planning on driving tomorrow (halloween)?

    I did drive last year and it wasnt very busy. The people I picked up were just going about their daily routine. Picked no one up that had anything to do with Halloween. I am going to drive tomorrow but going to head out a little earlier than last year. Tuesday and Wednesday nights are slow here in Philly I dont think it will change much because of Halloween. This past weekend was busy here at bars for Halloween. Sorry I cant be of more help since I dont live in Chicago. 

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     5 years ago in  Thoughts on Uber's new Quest/Promotion?

    Uber offers drivers quest/promotions. Some Ex. 35 rides you get 35.00, 60 rides 55.00 extra.  It's Uber's way to get drivers to stay on the road longer accepting trip request. So yes I guess you can its like a game :) When it surges in certain parts of the city on busy nights I try to get to area thats the highest surge (payout). When your close it may be a 1.25 extra per ride but as you get closer to busiest area where there isnt many drivers it keeps going up. It could go up to 10.00 extra per ride depends on Ubers offer. I havent seen more than 10.00 so far here Philly.

  • Just a frustrating situation. I am not stuck in this industry forever but there are people who depend on this type of work. It just sucks that Uber/Lyft gets  away with screwing people out of money. They lie all the time they feed drivers such bs do they really think we are that stupid? I had worked a lot of hours when I read article and went off on my tantrum. Although true probably not best place to post it lol. Could've been much shorter lol. I took today off.  Thanks red ANT. 

  • Accepted a request for Uber XL early Saturday morning. Picked up 5 19/20 yr. Olds. They tried to take a Lyft XLto their friends house Friday night. Driver pulls up in a car that seats 4. He lets them all in, starts trip,  drives 3 blocks, stops the car and tells them all to get out that its not safe for him to drive all of them.  They say its not their fault they ordered an XL and if its not safe why did he start trip and drive. He responds"if you give me 10.00 I'll take you". They told him they would do it on app he responded "no 10.00 cash I'll drive you otherwise get out". So it's not safe but 10.00 cash will make it safe. What a dumbass now they can rate him and report him. 

  • I''ve had 5 male riders who all said they were Uber/Lyft drivers. One of them tipped. Had 3 female riders who said their mom drives for Uber 2 tipped. You would think that they would be more apt to tip knowing what it's like out here. I guess not. I would be embarrassed to tell driver that I to drive and then not tip them. 

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     5 years ago in  Has any driver noticed that there is less rating by riders.

    Your probably the same driver you've always been. Dont let it get you down. I got so mad at a report I received one night while driving I quit for the night. Rider said car was dirty and it smelled  i can assure you my car isnt dirty and there is no way it smells. I screenshoted pics of car,  bottles of air freshner, cleaning products I have on hand at all times, my receipt for my car wash & detailing I had done recently, to Uber along with a very nasty message (surprised I wasnt thrown off platform after they received it) I was so angry.  Dont let the idiots get to you. I know its easier said then done. It sucks to know you keep your car clean,  do everything you possibly can for some of these people and its never enough no matter how hard you try.  Most people who have a positive experience tend to do nothing (leave comments, write a review, etc) its the people who are negative that tend to leave the comments, reviews, stars etc..  You are no where near being deactivated. Mine was a 4.97 for long time then dropped to a  4.96 went back up then down until it stuck to a 4.93 even though I was receiving all 5 stars it seemed to keep dropping it made no sense. It eventually came back to a 4.94/95 havent been able to get it above that. There will always be people you cant please no matter how hard you try no matter what you do. Its hard not to take offense but just remember who you are dealing with 'the public" some are just mean angry people. You know who you are, what you do, and you do the best you can. As long as you are happy and you gave it your all screw the haters. One question. Have you been doing a lot if pools or more than usual? Some drivers feel that pool riders are bringing their ratings down and I am starting to think they may be right. Cant tell you how many pool riders get mad when I have to pick up other people. Dont even get me started on express pool. Lol just curious what city do you drive in? Do not hang it up over aholes. Stay safe keep driving🙂

  • Weekend before Halloween. I had a quiet but steady Friday night for the most part. Early Saturday morning around 5:30 I get a ride request few minutes away. I figure its someone headed to work. It was more "the walk of shame, quick exit" ride.  She comes right out gets into my car I'm not really paying much attention to her. It's a short trip we start talking and she tells me she has to be in work in 2 hrs. and was up.drinking all night . Then she proceeds to tell me something about the stockings she had on but no longer has them. Not quite sure where they ended up. Anyway she goes on about wearing a light up tutu and how her butt was sticking out but she had stockings on so it wasnt resl slutty. So now I am thinking if she dont have the stockings to cover her ass what is she wearing? Oh why did I ask? Its one of those things you really dont want to know the answer to. I shouldve continued not paying any attention to her. She says 'i cancelled 6/7 Ubers until you came up as my driver. When I seen it was a female I felt better".  "I didnt want a creepy guy picking me up with my bare ass hanging out", Umm did I just hear her correctly?  I find myself asking that question on many Uber rides, sometimes I think I hear things incorrectly. Unfortunately on these rides my hearing is just fine. IThe light comes on, it becomes crystal clear my rider is sitting in my back seat with a light up tutu with a bare ass not to mention what else is bare. As I process all this we reach destination. Dont know how she is going to explain this to her mom. Good luck. I pull a few blocks away and pull over,  my reaction out loud talking to myself "wtf is wrong with these people". I gloved, gowned, masked, got the bio hazard bag and began scrubbing my seat. I then took a can of lysol and doused my seat in it. Some things I thought about while cleaning the car? Where were the tights? Were they under the dude she slept with and just wanted to escape without waking him? Why didnt she ask to borrow a pair of boxers, sweats, shorts, even a damn trash bag? Who the hell does this? I have that answer Millennials! What kind of parents does she have that she feels she could walk through the front door like that? I thought working in healthcare you heard it and seen it all. I've since changed my thinking on that. Only in an Uber. 

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     5 years ago in  Pax Scared me so bad I cancelled - CREEPY

    Wear your seatbelt, dont slam the door, and tip prefably cash especially for real short or real long rides (over 45 min) where the driver may not have a rider for way back, dont eat in the Uber, dont throw up, shower lol, dont leave trash, dont track mud, dirt, dog poop etc in the Uber. If you follow these rules you should always get 5 stars lol. I am not saying I would expect all this (would be nice though lol) but these are some of the things that piss some drivers off and they will rate you less than 5 stars. 

    It may be a good idea to try and bring rating up as some cities/drivers will not accept your request if you have a low rating. Seatbelt, door slamming, and not tipping seem to be at the top of the list. Do those things your rating should improve. 🙂 What city are you in? 

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     5 years ago in  I got fined for farting in an Uber, what can I do about it?

    I had an XL ride ladt week with 6 riders. We were a few blocks from destination and I missed a turn. I made s U turn and 3 of the riders tell me to let them out there. I apologized for missing turn but at this point I assume they are annoyed. That was not the case. Apparently one of the men in the back had to use the bathroom so bad he was afeaid he wouldnt make it. Guess he rather shit his pants walking the street then in an Uber. No clean up fee in the street. I never seen someone get out of my 3rd row of seats so damn fast. They did tip me 10.00 on the app. He didnt smell or leave skid marks lol. 

    Last night had a young 20 something guy who was very drunk. We were talking about people throwing up then it got very quiet and he farted . I didnt say anything 30 secs later he says "damn I just farted in an Uber but at least I didnt throw up". He apologized and passed out until I woke him up when we got to destination. Thankfully he didnt smell.

    About 5am this morning had the walk of shame ride. Young girl early 20's gets in. She has a light up tu tu on. Apparently she had stockings under it but they disappeared at some point. I had no idea she was sitting bare ass on my seat until we were 30 secs from her house. She proceeds to tell me she cancelled 7 drivers until she got me. She said she didnt want a creepy guy. Lol It was probably a good idea not to get a guy thats just a problem waiting to happen. I still dont know how she is walking through her front door and explaining herself to her parents. .BTW I did scrub down the seat and spray lysol. 

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     5 years ago in  How do I avoid surge pricing? Any tips and tricks?

    I had a few scheduled rides. I do not understand why we need to know. It doesnt do anything for us. Wonder if they put it up hoping driver will hurry and make it to location on time so Uber doesnt hasve to give that 10.00 credit lol. Who knows why the put it there. I wonder if the area is surged, the ride scheduled, if Uber still gives surge to driver and takes the loss. Have you seen the new Quest/Promotions that we have to pick by midnight Sunday? Did you drive last night? It was steady all night. Hopefully tonight is busy. Rain supposed to stop around 8. 

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     5 years ago in  How do I avoid surge pricing? Any tips and tricks?

    Riders cannot see surge like drivers do. The only way they know is by the price being higher than usual.  They can try waiting 10/15 min to see if price goes down. What I have been noticing since new surge is areas that are busy every weekend, inclement weather and holidays surge has been lasting longer. A few surges in Philly last night were over 15 min.

    The best suggestion I can give is if they know what time they need an Uber is schedule it. It's easy to schedule. Right next to where you enter location is a box you click on enter time. It gives a 10 min window. If Uber shows up later than time entered you get a 10.00 credit. I have scheduled an Uber for my daughter in law 7X in past 3 weeks. Never late always few min early. I have picked up scheduled rides you usually get to rider 2/3 min early. Uber dont want to give that 10.00 credit. Lol

  • Elina and Matt,  I do have other stories posted in the forum. If you click on "momof4" it will bring up all my post and comments. You can find the stories in different post on the forum. I did post a story here the other night . 

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     5 years ago in  How can I specify a female driver?

    The area that the rider was picked up and dropped off in is an area that prostitues hang. Mostly just women looking for a few bucks to be able to support their drug habit. Had the rider been a prostitute sure she would have went for it. I would assume prostitutes dont care how you ask.  How many prostitutes would be taking an Uber unless they were either headed to their area to work or a customers house? She was picked up at a house and dropped off at the El train. As I said most of the prostitutes in that area are just looking for money to purchase drugs. They are not looking to blow (no pun intended) 15.00  on an Uber. The driver was definately out of line. It seems like he wasnt very fluent in English according to the rider. Maybe he didnt know how else to ask. My point is he was an idiot to assume she was a prostitute. If he needed a prostitutes services he should've done it on his own time not asking his riders. Had she been a prostitute that line would've worked. If he was just trying to hit on the girl he will never get a date asking that question. I would assume no man would be that stupid to use that as a pick up line. The rider wasnt a prostitute and had her wedding ring on. He is lucky she didnt back hand him or flat out punch him in the face.

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     5 years ago in  How do I avoid surge pricing? Any tips and tricks?

    Schedule an Uber in advance. 

  • I stay away from pool unless I am bored or nothing else coming in. I will not accept a pool request unless their rating is above a 4.9. I did a little study of my own. If pool rider is below a 4.9 its because they are a short ride and never tip (based on 20 pool trips over past 6 months). I had 1 out of 20 that had a 4.84 rating was short trip less than 3 miles but tipped 3.00 cash. Very nice girlI don't know why she had a lower rating. Ten pool rides 4.90 rating or better were 8/12 mile trips 4 out 10 tipped 1.00 to 3.00. If every driver in US declined pool trips maybe Uber would have to remove it. Although doubtful because dear old Dara wants Uber to be all pool trips one day as he stated in an article. 

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     5 years ago in  Pax Scared me so bad I cancelled - CREEPY

    Yes definately saved it for himself. She definately didnt get any happy powder. Was in desparate need of some. Heroin is being cut with carfentanil and now at least in Canada they are finding it in cocaine. It's so potent just getting it on your skin can cause issues. Didnt want to risk another rider or my family coming in contact with it.  I wiped down  everything he could've touched. The scary part is he could've overdosed in my car. He also claimed to be an Uber driver and going to get his CDL. Hopefully not using drugs while driving people around or while driving a big tractor trailer.  Its people like this that make me want to carry narcan in my car. Trying to get it at little to no cost. Also want to double check 'The Good Samartan Laws" make sure I cannot be sued under any circumstances. It's a sad world we live in that when trying to help someone they can sue you. I worry that one day someone may overdose in my car. If carrying narcan can save their life I have no problem carrying it or using it.  I would feel awful if someone died in my car when I could've prevented their death so easily but spraying a nasal spray. I get its their own fault for using drugs but I want no part of someone dying.

  • Was driving over the weekend on Saturday night. I get a request for Uber XL. I pull up and some very drunk females come out stumbling down the steps. Three of them head to my car. Two hopped in back seat and I start trip. Another one decides to sit up front as she gets in I see she has open beer bottle. Normally I wouldve said something but it was a 5 min ride and we all know what my rating for that trip would be. It was also 1130pm when all 8th district police would be settled in dark corners for their naps for the remainder of the night.  So I say nothing. Everyones belted and off we go. First thing she says is dont worry about the beer I'ma cop and the one behind you is a sargeant. I have my badge with me. Philly's finest at their best. We pull up to red light and she tells me to go through it. I'm good waiting for the green was my response. She starts talking to me & telling me about the male stripper that someone had ordered for the girl in the back (her bachlorette party). She was complaining how old, saggy, and hairy he was. Then she tells me about the strip club they went to. Apparently the male stripper picked big mouth cop to come up on stage. He asks what type of underwear she had on.? She replies a "gstring you wanna smell them"? He replies, "I think we need a new volunteer up here". She thinks it is hysterical and I guess normal. This goes back and forth about the night  at the strip club. We pull up to the bar she gets out and drops the bottle as it shatters and splashes everywhere. Thankfully not in my car. She then proceeds to tell the 5 people standing outside to mind their own business i'm a cop. Wth is wrong with these women? I thought the strippers I picked up were bad. The customers are even worse. I've picked up men from strip clubs and they dont feel the need to tell me about their night at the strip club. Thankfully. Why do people feel the need to tell things like this to their Uber driver? She did hand me a 20.00 tip though. As soon as they exit I get out of there. I take a few rides and its now 2am I get a ride request to pick up at Brick House but name is different from crazy drunk big mouth badge carrying beer dropping cop. I sit for 2 min. and out comes???? You guessed it. It was the even more drunk crazy big mouth badge carrying beer dropping cop. Now bride to be is really drunk looking for a penis straw she dropped. She asks if she can dump her drink out the window. I say go for it as I really dont want alcohol in my car & road was deserted. She decides to wait until 2 cars are behind us and proceeds to throw a drink out the window. Not the alcohol I thought she meant the whole cup with penis straw and alcohol. So of course it hits the car behind us. They pull besides my car yelling and screaming. Drunk crazy cop pulls badge out and slurs "get out of hear before I have you locked up". Thankfully it was a group of teens that she was able to scare away with her badge. That was my last ride for the night . When your 1st pick up after 2am is a disaster its time to head home for the night before it gets worse. 


  • Sorry to hear about your Uncle. I hate to say it but it also depends on the neighborhoods you drive in.  I personally dont notice a difference. I started driving Uber XL approx. 2 months ago but not enough request.  I also drive Uber X which includes pool.  Since I started driving XL I have cut down ion the pool trips because of my gas mileage went from Ford Focus to Honda Pilot.  My rating stays between 4.93 and 4.94. I will keep saying this even though it doesnt change anything. Why cant people tell you what the issue is on the ride? Its too hot, too cold, can you change the music, i would like some quiet time, or I am bored talk to me. I had a son order Uber for his mom. He texted me and said mom is going through menopause and is always hot can you put air on? Needs help with her bags can you please help? I thought that was great. I made sure car was cool and helped her with bags. I got 5 stars and 20.00 tip for helping with 5 light bags. Now lets say son didnt text ahead. Car wasnt cool enough and I didnt help with bags. Mom gets in doesnt ask for me to make it cooler and doesnt ask for help with bags.  Mom gets home and gives 1 star. That couldve been avoided. Maybe if Uber put a few icons to choose from talk, no talk, rider wants to choose music, rider wants AC  or heat. That could eliminate some issues. I am going to try and add a sign to my car this week and see if it changes anything. Not getting into details now but if it helps with ratings and/or tips I will share details. We are not mind readers we cant fix whats bothering you if you dont tell us whats wrong. Maybe Uber should have a checklist that rider can check off instead of choosing stars if there was something they feel should be changed or done differently. Give rider choice of rating 1 to 5 stars or just doing check list or both. Give them a choice. If they thought it was too cold for example instead of taking star away for that maybe they would just check that off but still give 5 stars. Uber could explain the rating system better. For example the pain scale 0 no pain at all 10 worst pain ever, never felt pain this bad. It's too harsh and not explained well. Uber doesnt care they have done nothing to address or fix the rating system. 

    In short no I personally dont notice a trend.