Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Does anyone really think this will make riders want to.tip?

    I found this on FB but go on Amazon there is a bunch of crap. I dont get it. I do not want to advertise that I am driving for any company for a few reasons.  

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Does anyone really think this will make riders want to.tip?

    Bright lights, lamps, cars with themes, tablets, snacks, etc. If someone wants to tip they will regardless of all the crap drivers put in their car. We get request if we are the closest driver, riders cant request specific drivers how is any of this going to help? If any driver out there actually gets more tips because of all these light up logos please share your story. All we are doing is advertising for the companies that dont care about their drivers, pays crappy wages, and does nothing to help out drivers unless we drive more, accept every crappy ride that pings our car. The only positive thing is the flexibiIity we have in making our own hours. Just dont understand the logic in this. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber Ambulance for Pets! Call 911-Pet

    There are some people that just make your shift very relaxing, nice, and easy. There are some really kind and thoughtful people out there. Unfortunately with the good there are also the bad. I am fortunate enough to get more of the good, kind people. Yes that was thoughtful because many people do what they want and dont ask. By the pax being thoughtful he could've had a driver that didnt want an animal in his car and driver may have cancelled. Thankfully we got the kitty their very quickly. Happy I could help. Hope his cat is ok. He even tipped me in the app later that morning:) We are required to take service animals by law and Ubers guidelines. Pets are another story. Sadly some drivers will not take service animals but they risk getting reported. Yes it does get messy with dog hair and takes me off the road to vacuum my car for 5 min. I had a service dog in my car the other night. Although I got dog hair up my next pax was allergic to dogs. She coughed and sneezed the whole ride. She was understanding about the service dog so things went ok. At least for now. Lol  I still could get a report from Uber this week:) I'll know by the weekend. 

  • Thats what I thought. There should be one. Ill say it again. Uber/Lyft really dont care if a driver picks them up its a fare for them. If driver gets in accident U/L says we told drivers not to do it. Its in our terms and conditions. Win win for them. Loss for drivers either drive to location and you cant take them or you take them and if your in accident your screwed.

  • I've had 2 calls after dropping riders off in past 2 weeks. The number that comes up usually has that generic number on Lyft. Uber here in Philly always uses jersey exchange. I thought a passenger may have left something when i check vm no message. They have been Lyft though not Uber

  • Does anyone know or remember when you sign up for Uber for Lyft  if they ask you if you are 18 yrs of age? I dont remember them asking that. Not that the person cant lie but it may weed out a few under age riders.  Maybe they should have people sign up with a valid ID. Again the person could lie but maybe parents would be more likely not to sign their kids up or allow them to take it. Most likely they dont do this because they know drivers still take these teenagers so U/L still gets their $. They wont be liable if driver gets in accident or anything happens because its in their "rules". 

    I had 2 young females order an XL on Lyft. I pull up there are 4 children under 3 yrs old. No car seats. Of course I hear "every other driver takes us and how am I supposed to know you cant drive kids". Not even addressing those responses as I have in another thread. Anyway I shoot email to Lyft that I want cancellation fee and that they need to reach out to other driver who took them there. They claim they reached out to mom who ordered it. Didnt respond to me if they reached out to driver, just ignored that part of email. I got my cancellation fee but not from rider. They were not charged Lyft ate the cost. Why? Because they are going to continue to let mom keep requesting rides. Both Uber and Lyft are dishonest and they dont care about the drivers. If it wasnt for my need of  flexibility that I so very much need right now I wouldnt be driving for them. 

  • Nothing worse than pulling up and seeing its a minor or  pulling up & its mom or dad with kids no car seat.  If you ask for ID and they are not old enough they say "I always take Uber/Lyft". You tell them drivers are not supposed to take them. The worst is leaving the 16/17 yr. old with no ride in  dark, cold, or inclement weather. I am not good with guessing the age of most people. So far I havent done it but lets say I ask for ID & the rider is 18 most likely they will be annoyed so there goes my rating on that trip. I recently was in an area in another state when i got a long trip request. Head to pick up location rider looks to be in their 20's, wasnt near a school (guess this was done purposely), had no uniform on. 7 min before ride ends I find out he is in HS will not be 18 for 3 months. That sucked. Thankfully I got him home safely. He lived in a very weathy neighborhood and Ubered to and from school everyday, all long trips. Had the same thing happen a week later although I caught this one and asked for ID and hadn't started trip. I completely understand the reason on not picking these kids up because its a liability but some use it for school and work. Dont see why Uber/Lyft cant have parents sign something thst could allow us to pick up 16/17 yr old teenagers going or coming from school and work.  Parent signs the appropriate documents ahead of time before their very 1st ride. Parent gives times and days weekly that the teen will travel to avoid teen taking Uber for other reasons than school or work.  When driver accepts trip the trip automatically shares route to parents phone. A message is sent to driver that teenager is 16/17 yrs old with a pic of teenager. Have drivers who dont mind picking these older teens up go through additional child abuse background checks at their expense (they are $10/$20). Allow them to only use ride share for school and work. Dont see why something cant be done. Limit it to 16/17 yr old teenagers. I almost asked for ID from a man that was in his early 30's last week. Probably would've lost 20.00 tip he gave me had I asked for ID. He was Asian,  4'11"/5'0", had a hat on, some acne on his face, his voice sounded very young, dressed in t shirt, sneakers,  jeans, dark out, and  raining had an umbrella. Why should it be our responsibility to check ID? Kids get fake ID's all the time that look great. My daughter worked at a bar that scanned their ID's and fake ones got through. How the hell am I supposed to know its fake. I've seen ID's of older brothers/sisters that look exactly like younger brother/sister. Not that I was happy about it and when I found it I took it from her but my daughter ordered a fake ID online when she was 20 it looked authentic. Just saying it shouldn't be for us to figure out. Its just asking for trouble. Suppose you ask for ID teenager gets mad and kicks your car, smashes your window etc...  You ask for ID the person is 19/20?  We all know how younger people can be when you annoy them or make them do something that may take 30 secs from their life or make them get off their phone to pull an ID out. They throw temper tantrum ex. Trash you to Uber rate you 1 star. Uber/Lyft losing business also, drivers losing fares. Uber/Lyft dont care because most drivers will take these teens anyway. If there is an accident U/L will say "we tell drivers its against policy" they will throw driver right under that 18 wheeler. Same with carseats that parents dont bring. 

  • I agree. Had a rider the other night tell me he had a driver that was so nice until.the last 5 min of ride. Flipped out on another driver, tried cutting driver off road, pulled up on his bumper and was screaming. Turned to my rider (his at the time) and said "i am sorry i dont usually do that". No thats the norm for him. Rider asked him to let them them out of the car immediately. True colors always come out. Thanks for sharing.

  • Over the summer picked up a guy in his mid 20's. We talked for a few min. and then it got quiet for a few min. out of the blue guy says "i like your shoes". I dont know if I hear him right so i repeat "my shoes" he replies yes. So I am thinking ok they are 5.00 black canvas cheap wal mart sneakers but ok whatever so I say "thank you". Few more min. go by he says "I really like shoes". I was weirded out at 1st comment but things are getting more strange. Few more min. of silence he says "its really hot out there today. How long have you been wearing those sneakers today"? I glance at phine see the big red bar that says "end trip" never been so happy to see it. Pull over flip up locks and say "have a great night". As soon as he exits I lock doors and get out of there asap. I dont know where he was headed with this and I can assure you I dont want to know. I can only speculate maybe he had a foot fetish? Maybe i should've answered him. I may have made more $ giving him my cheap canvas sneakers to do whatever with than I did on his 3 mile trip. Lol  As dumb as this may sound that was definately my most weirdest trip to date as of the summer.

  • If she isnt using the app how do you know which car she says she is using? In order for you to know the car she would be have to be on the app logged in. Is she asking for additional money to drive the people? If so cancel her and order another Uber and report her. A tip? Although its rude to ask for a tip its not illegal. Can always say no. If she is not using app and people are giving her money to drive they are wrong then also. All involved need to realize if its not through Uber they will not pay if in an accident. They can be a big problem for all parties involved.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Disrepectful uber driver

    Strange thing to happen. Didnt know they even used paper drivers license anymore. Did the flowers knock his license off dashboard? Maybe he taped his license on dash? Didnt taxi drivers have to do that a long time ago? I am confused you didnt order the Uber? The ladies in back or someone that wasnt with you ordered it? You stated you got out of car but 2 other ladies insisted he take you to destination. I assume you got back in car? All 3 went to restaurant where police came in and searched your flowers? What city is this? I assume since you stated the driver stalked you you seen him sitting outside waiting? Did you call the police? I would be nervous if I had the earlier encounter and then seen the guy sitting outside for an hour. Probably would've called police.  Maybe he was waiting for his next ride? What did he do when you came out? Were you afraid to leave? Did you have to Uber home? Were you not afraid you would get same driver? Why didnt the person who ordered the Uber for you contact Uber to complain? Story doesnt add up or make much sense. Why a driver would act like that and why police would even get involved in something this silly.


  • Not necessarily saying this woman is lying but a few things dont add up about this woman's story.  Why didnt she try to contact police in the app or by calling 911 when driver first commented about her breast. When he was slowing down approaching stop sign why not try to get out then? Why not open windows and scream? Why not take her purse (women usually have something heavy in it) and whack him upside his head? When he slowed down at some point make an attempt to do something at least call police. In the 2 miles no attempt was made by woman to contact police, a friend, or family.  He is driving she is behind him doesnt that give her some leverage over him? Maybe the news outlet just did a quick story and left details out. Maybe she was so afraid she wasnt thinking straight. Not quite sure but definately need more info. His account was deactivated and so was hers. News outlet couldnt understand why she was deactivated. How do they know it all happened the way she said it did? They both need to be deactivated until the authorities know the truth. Why would she care if her account was deactivated? I would probably never get into an Uber ever again unless it was a female driver. 

    I am not saying this driver is innocent. Not saying woman is lying. There are some things that just dont add up. Obviously if this did happen driver should be deactivated permanently and should go to jail. If woman is lying or aggagerating then she should be deactivated permanently and brought up on charges. Alrhough there has been legitimate cases where drivers have assaulted woman its not unheard of that riders lie and exaggerate things about the drivers. Hopefully the truth comes out. 


    Please read previous thread. This isnt Bristol Pa but Bristol MA which is not near Philadelphia. 

  • If you are administering Narcan the person administering cannot OD on it. It blocks the receptors in brain for people who overdosed on opioids. The drug that is dangerous and you can overdose on is Fentanyl and Carfentanil. There were reports that a police officer overdosed brushing powder off himself from a suspect, someone touched it on a shopping cart, and a paramedic overdosed. These were found to be untrue. You have to ingest it, swallow, smoke, or inhale it. Of course you would want to protect yourself for mutiple reasons. If you were to carry Narcan and you did need to administer it make sure before you touch anyone to have gloves on. Discard gloves in a bag then in a trash container. Immediately after removing and discarding gloves wash your hands with warm soapy water using friction for 20 secs. Make sure you get your nails and in between your fingers. 

    Since hand washing came into the pic for this post just thought I would share.

     As dumb as that may sound and some may say "we know how to wash our hands" since driving for Uber Ì've used more public restrooms in past 18 mths than my entire life. Definately not a fan of them but not much of a choice when out on the road. I see people not use soap & just rinse hands, squirt a drop of soap rub hands together for 2 secs rinse and their done, and my personal favorite (NOT) not wash their hands at all. I could spend a few hours posting on this one topic. I'll be short WTH are they thinking? They have done absolutely nothing to sanitize their hands. You walk in bathroom you touch handles, locks, doors, the faucet etc.  Multiple people just touched after using the toilet why woukd you not wash your hands correctly? Absolutely disgusting.  FYI After you use bathroom wash your hands in warm soapy water using friction for 20 secs, rinse with hands pointed downward, dry with papertowels (best to use) even over the hot dryers especially the newer ones you stick your hands down in. After you dry them thouroughly take a paper towel to shut spigot off. Use a paper towel to open door because trust me SOME PEOPLE DONT WASH AT ALL, SOME INCORRECTLY, AND SOME FOR 5 SECS.  After you have washed correctly and you dont use a paper towel to turn off spigot and open door you wasted your time its like you never even washed your hands. Sorry about the hand washing lesson but i've seen some pretty nasty people  and bathrooms. What is common sense and normal to some of us isnt always common sense and normal to others. 

  • Sorry to hear about your friend. It is awful what some of these people go through. Its very difficult for them to get off the drugs and stay off. Some people have mental health issues and self medicate hoping it will make them feel better. Mental health in the US is absolutely awful. There are not enough docs, appoinments take forever. There is no where for these people to turn to. 

  • Check around where you live. There are some cities who offer free with training. Sorry to hear about your friend. Yes some did get addict as docs handed it out like candy. Also prescribed in pill mills just to make a buck. Then on the other hand people do need the pain meds for chronic pain who dont abuse them. Now their meds are being taken away from them and they have no where to turn to. Many are commiting suicide rather than live with the pain. Most of the overdoses are on street drugs. Our government needs to stop the drugs from coming in to our country. Anyone caught dealing drugs needs to go away for a long time. Clean up the streets, get rid of the suppliers and dealers. 

  • I agree. Dont like being put in this position. It's not fare that people who need medicine everyday cant get it. People who have Cancer cant get certain drugs they need because they are thousands and thousands of dollars. Then you have people on drugs who are Narcaned 2 or 3x in a few weeks. I am so torn between understanding a drug addict and being pissed they continue to do drugs. Its a disease or is it really? Just torn about the whole thing. What I do know is its someones child, mother, brother  sister, wife, husband whatever. Would I want someone to help my family member? Of course. Maybe this would be the time they do get clean? Who knows. Its not place to judge anyone. If I can prevent someone from dying I am going to do it. No way can I watch someone die and just stand there and not do anything. I have been there one too many times watching people dying from cancer, illnesses, and old age. Things I couldnt do a damn thing about because it was inevitable. People that I couldnt help other than keep them comfortable and hold their hand until their last breath. Hug there family members who were inconsolable,  say I am sorry, and bag the body to go to the morgue. So if I can do CPR or squirt nose spray up a persons nose to prevent them from dying thats what I am going to do. 

  • It was the 1st time someone puked. I only drove 4 days out of month.  The inside just looked wet on the door. Didnt even resemble puke. Although the outside was messy nothing a car wash couldn't fix. I really didnt think Uber would do much considering most of it went outside the car. I guess looking back I could've brought up that i lost bonus because of it.

    The 3 times anyone that has thrown up in my car it has been contained for the most part. Friends with those people help me clean up it took 10 min. They have been helpful and nice and will tip. I just dont have the heart to report it. Thats a lot of money to be taken out of their account.  If rider pukes and its all down my seats and in my carpet then I would report it.  All 3 incidents were easy clean up mostly on outside. Just dont feel right charging someon 200.00 for quick easy clean up.

  • I did drive on New Years Eve.  6.5 hrs. 231.00 after gas and taxes. If it wasnt for half my rides being surged, cash tips, and quest it would have not been worth it. Most of my rides were short fares under 10.00. Thankfully areas I drive in were surged most of the night.

  • Yes its Ubers game to get you to take ALL request and stay on road longer. I have capability to drive Uber XL but I also drive Uber X ( not enough XL requests)which then makes me available for express pool and pool. The last 2 options are not worth it as my gas mileage is awful. New Years Eve Uber offered $20.00 for 6 rides and $60 for 12 rides between 10pm and 2am. I was lucky and made over 12 rides with only 1 pool ride. During the week Uber post 7 (I think) different quest/promotions ex. 30 rides 15.00, 40 rides 20.00. The money that is paid out is pd. by Uber not the rider. If driver is tired but only 2 rides left to hit bonus of course they will stay out to complete quest. So yes its like a game but not a fun game most of the time. This year I had many riders who made me wait 2/3 min before they headed out to my car. I had 2 riders I cancelled as i waited almost 10 min the other one 7 min. Any rider who us not ready when we pull up is rude, inconsiderate, and cost us money. Yes, there are things that happen as your ready to walk out but have the decency to at least notify your driver. Most people dont even apologize. If you make driver wait you should definately be tipping that driver. This is one of the reasons your ratings fall. Making the driver wait. I am not necessarily directing the wait issue to you personally. Just hoping to educate riders if they are reading this. 

    Last year had a rider puke in my car New Years Eve (no didnt report it) the husband cleaned the inside door which wasnt bad at all. Most of the mess was outside on door and quarter panel. He did hand me 20.00 to wash outside which is what I spent that day to wash it. It was enough of a mess to take me off the road because time would've ran out or my doors and locks would've froze.   I was 1 trip off of hitting my quest of 65.00.