Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  •  Your missing my point. In my first post I was asking why wouldn't someone tip if the driver was polite, kind, courteous, helpful, respectful etc...? Not just those few things but also (small favor) ex. loads packages, bags, luggage, etc... makes unscheduled stop for rider ex.  store, drive thru, mac machine etc... Doesnt get lost, car neat and clean. Offers charger if rider needs phone charged. Checks to make sure temp is comfortable and what music rider prefers. All of these together as the whole ride experience. Hence the question why wouldnt a rider tip? At least 1.00? So if driver did all of the above things for a rider I just dont understand why someone wouldnt tip. As a rider I tip my driver based on car clean & neat, smells good, driver polite, gets me to & from destination safely (if its raining heavy or snowing there are many obstacles the driver faces) not just the weather but other idiots on the road who cant drive in inclement weather, on their phone,  or drunk. Before Uber/Lyft if I took a taxi I tipped 20% on top of the high priced fare. So why wouldnt I tip an U/L driver?  Jow are they any different (in my opinion most U/L drivers & their cars are much better than taxi).? Lets say I am out drinking I would obviously tip the bartender. Why would I tip a bartender 20% for bringing me drinks but not tip my driver who drove me home safely and saved me from a DUI and got me home safely?  People in service industry work for tips. Taxi drivers were always tipped 20% on top of the high priced fare unless the rider was cheap. Just dont see how this any different if not a better, cheaper, easier solution than ordering a taxi. Not even saying 20% just wondering why not even 1.00 tip.  

     As for my 2nd post (reply to your post) I was responding to your post. You posted "driver greeted me nicely", "driver knew destination & didnt get lost", and "driver not speaking on phone" i just re read it as I was going to respond and misinterpeted what you were saying. I do agree with your post those things are the norm or at least should 

  • Great job avoiding the idiot. The more I drive the more idiots I see that are plain rude, dont care what they do, are on their phone texting/talking, just cant drive or are drunk.  You have to wonder where and how some of these people get their license. Bet he stopped to answer phone or read/type text.  The more I drive for Uber the more I feel like I am playing a video game. It's a mix of Grand Theft Auto (only picking up riders not hookers, well maybe hookers sometimes) and Frogger (old arcade game) dodging traffic in some levels.  Forget when it rains or snows all the idiots are out in full force. Stay safe out there.

  • Bigfrank you never let me down with your comments. Lol I was waiting.

  • I am not surprised. Uber is the most dishonest company in business. Hopefully one day soon someone will blow the whistle on all their wrong doings, lies, and BS. I am sure there is a very long list. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  About payments

    Some drivers may accept cash. Chances of  finding a driver on the day anf time you need one may not be easy unless you know of a place where a few drivers may sit. I have people approach me asking to drive them for cash but decline them for obvious reasons. Yes I pick up strangers all the time but Uber knows where I am and has info on the rider. Driver is not covered under insrance if its cash. It's their own insurance at that time if they get in accident. I do have additional ride share insurance but not every driver does. You risk losing your insurance if company finds out and you dont have additional ride share insurance. However I have done it on a few occassions for extenuating circumstances but its not the best thing to do. I do know there are drivers that will do it finding one is the issue. The only thing I can suggest is looking for a car with stickers on it and approach driver. Best to approach a male driver as a female driver we can be more uncomfortable taking a male for cash. You can try putting your general location on here to see if anyone will get back to you. If you find someone you may want to ask if they are willing to give their phone number so you can call if you need more rides.  

  • I dont think anyone stated "in one piece" not sure what you are asking? Why would you not tip for driver greeting you nicely, like a human being? Yes all drivers see the destination but doesnt always mean the GPS directions are correct. Obviously if they mess up do to their error and not GPS error I agree 100% for not tipping. I also agree they shouldnt be on their phone just rude to do so. Thanks for sharing and giving your opinion.

  • Sounds like a plan. I agree especially with bzckground checks. Fingerprinted FBI check is under 50.00,. I want to say 35/40. Its easy and a few places in area are licensed to do. Results come back very fast. In some cases instantly. The only issue I see with car seats is fhe age of child. My kids are in their teens and 20's but if I remember correctly there are 3 stages of car seats. It would be tough to keep multiple car seats in our our cars. Maybe they make one seat that converts and can be used for different stages. The other issue is if we lend a carseat to rider and that particular car seat had recall we would be responsible if something happened. I got that info on amother post hete on the site. I do however carry a bosster seat (age 6 and over) it cost me 13.00. Easy to store in trunk, dont take up much room, light weight. Since its only a booster not a protective seat no issue with liability. It pd for itself in one ride. Now no need to decline rides if kids are 6 yrs old & up. 

  • I dont think tipping rideshare drivers is ever going to reach 50%:) Tipping % seems to have gone down from how many riders tip and how much they tip. Had many more tips and bigger tips when I first started then compared to this year. I drive bigger vehicle, navagation has improved (not that it was bad before), ratings pretty much the same as last year,  got a little more cautious with my driving but not to an extreme. Havent really changed anything. So not sure why tips are less frequent and definately less amt. then use to receive. Cheaper riders? Younger riders? Definately notice under 30 yrs old are awful tippers.

  • I would love to drive in city where riders tip 90% of the time. Maybe if you frequent areas where people are 30 yrs old and above tipping % would increase.  I find riders who are under 30 yrs old tip the least. 30 to 40 yrs old usually tip, above 40 yrs old always seem to tip. Very rare not to receive a tip from 40 yr old +.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  How low is too low (Passenger rating)

    A few months back I was declining rides when below a 4.75but I was finding most riders had lower ratings. When I started accepting lower rated trips I had no issues with the riders.  They were all nice. I did ask a few that I felt wouldnt mind me asking. Most had no idea. Some said they like to talk when they are drunk. Lol I dont mind conversation at all. It seems like riders that sit quietly and dont say anything have higher ratings. I like when people talk it dont seem as awkward. I see on forums where drivers take stars for not tipping cash, closing door to hard, or being drunk. Most of my drunk riders are fun. I dont judge on tipping as people dont always carry cash, sometimes I get tips 2 weeks after a ride. Although its great to get tips its not mandatory.  If you are driving at 2am on a weekend you are going to get drunk people and the door thing they dont do on purpose. Drivers are doing the same thing we complain about when it comes to rating.  There has been 2X i gave a rating lower than 5. Unless they are awful people who mess up your car why rate low? Dont get it. I now pick up anyone who is above a 4.6. I may go lower at times but I definately wouldnt pick up 4.40. 

  • I am at fault. I should've never put a child in my car without a seat. I refuse all riders who do not have car seat. Only one parent I've picked up has ever had a seat. All the rest did not. I now have a booster so if child is over 6 yrs of age and 40lbs I will take them as long as they go in seat. You would be surprised at how many drivers do take these parents with small children and no seat. 

  • Be nice if everyone thought like you:). Over the summer I seen a few taxi cabs on I 95 with passengers windows rolled down. I will assume at passengers request,  at least I hope. I had a rider tell me he was on his way to work in an Uber temp was 85 hot & humid driver had no air on. I dont understand what would make you think anyone would want to sit in a hot , stuffy car. Thank you for sharing Wes.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  How low is too low (Passenger rating)

    Damn. No way would I pick them up. I had one a few months ago that was a 4.40 accepted it while texting on phone by accident. Let Uber take me the wrong way so I could cancel and blame them. Lol  I questioned Uber about the rating they sent me a cancel fee lol and didnt charge it to rider. They never do that. Of course it was to avoid the real question about the rating I sent them. 

    I had one the other night that I accepted. I then realized he was a 4.40. I pulled over thought about it for 30 secs and then said  "no way". It was late, decent expensive condos off the river but dark as hell back there. Nothing around but darkness and the river. Right off of State Rd. I hate pick ups back there. There are some strange, dark, weird roads and warehouses. Usually no people around either. No way was I chancing it.

     Had a pick up off State Rd over summer for XL  coming off Tennis nothing but gravel road didnt even know there were houses back there and lived in area my whole life. Rider called me let her guide me. Big mistake she was 1/4 mile down the road to the left, no access to the rd. from where I was.   She put me in the middle of a field couldnt see 2' in front of me flipped on highbeams. I was surrounded by deer had to be at least 35/40 of them. It looked like something out of a horror movie. Was waiting to hear chainsaws starting up and dead bodies hanging from trees lol. That definately was one of my scariest trips. I am lucky she didnt send me over an embankment into the Delaware River. Lots of warehouses back there on left but houses on right that are hidden that I never knew exsisted. 

    My Second night driving for Uber got a request off State Rd. headed back to address of warehouse total darkness, no lights, no people, tried to take me to back of lot by woods. I didnt know what to do or how to cancel. No way was I going back there. Headed away from area about 3 min away I figured out how to cancel.

  • Well said BigFrank. Learned my lesson. Dont drive in snow in heavy traffic sp not worth it. 

  • I was shocked also about the car seat with kids. I know a mom who continues to Uber without one. She tries to call me when she has to go out as I have a booster and she lives a few blocks from me. I pull ul she orders Uber I am closest car. If I am not available which is most times she gets whoever and they have no seat. Its scary. Just dont get people. I agree some people shoukdnt have kids.

  • I lucked out on most of my finds. All but 2 of mine were very close to home.  I got a decent  50.00 tip,  got 2 15.00 fees for returning phones close to home, 10.00 tip on another although guy was a pain in the ass until i got it to him. One rider I drove 15 min out of the way on way home from school which made my trip home longer. Pulled up to big single home, nice cars, mobile home, and a race car. Didnt give me a dime for my troubles. Now I try to check after each rider. Dont think I could throw it in sewer lol.

  • I never stated that I drive like that driver in the post. I did state in my last post I did however cancel once but it was in less than a min of accepting. My cancel rate is always less than 2 per week and its not for a better ride. Since Lyft is notorious for long pick ups for short rides i rarely if at all up to this point ever drive for them. 

    What I can say here in my area no one is left stranded there are always many cars in the area at any given time as I track rider app also when driving. What I am curious about is what your rider rating is? Did thise drivers ask you where your destination was? Your trip wasnt a short trip so I can only guess there was a surge on Uber and those drivers decided to take those trips.  I read the post wrong as I stated in last post. I dont agree with what those drivers did. I am not saying its ok to cancel after a min or 2 unless driver had emergency. Once driver accepts trip the other app should be shut down for the simple reason of temptation. If app is being left on then that driver drives all the time with bad intentions. My arguement the whole time even before i realized i read post wrong is how can anyone expect drivers to take trips that are a loss if they know they are a loss? Short trips barely cover the gas it took to get to pick up location? In the event a driver would know without calling or starting trip early (basically impossible) it would have to be an assumption or best guess than I understand them not accepting it or cancelling it but in less rhan a min. Not after arriving at location. Lets say driver accepts request honestly forgets to turn off other app in a min or 2 a long trip or surge comes on other app I get why they would cancel. Gas, repairs, upkeep, wear & tear, etc is all at drivers expense they cant make a living at a loss on these short trips. No one in their right mind would work any job if they were asked not to take a paycheck but pay the company to work there. Ots not a matter of terrible attitude its a matter of you need to take care of your family

  • After reading your post I then read RedANT and Wes' post (their post throughout forum are informative, intelligent, & respectful). Normally agree with all they post. What was I missing ? I read & post while waiting for trip request. I went back & re read post. Ithought that post was what Shandeel did (didnt realize it was someone elses post he was referring to) and also didnt realize driver was at pick up location when he cancelled. With that being said I need to clarify a few things. 

    I still stick by that I get why drivers dont like short trips as we lose $. I get why  a driver would cancel if they found out it was a short trip. The only way to find out is calling the rider or starting trip early. Those I dont agree with. But lets say somehow you did figure it out right after you accepted I totally understand why I driver would cancel. I see no harm if you cancel immediately but definately not when you are sitting at pick up location. Thatsituation may have been avoided had rider been at pick up location when driver pulled up. That's a whole other post. Riders making drivers wait yet another reason drivers lose money.

    I do not agree with that driver did. He was all ready at pick up location. His Uber app should of been off. On the few times I drive with both apps on once I accept a trip other app goes off immediately as I will say it would be tempting to do what he did. Would I do what he did had I forgot to turn it off ? No, but had I accepted a Lyft trip & then when going to log off Uber a  surged request came in then yes I would've cancelled Lyft. The reason being  the rider would've been cancelled in less than a min of me accepting & here in Philly the rider woudn't be stranded.

     I've done 18 Lyft trips since June. I rarely drive Lyft 13 of those trips were 15/20 min to pick up and they were less than 2 miles, 5 min. I lost money on every one of those trips. I agree that this short trip issue is a game due to U/L.  They need to find a solution to fix it. Drivers cannot afford to lose $. I also agree that it is not fair to send a driver 10/20 min away for a 3.50 ride. 

    I do understand why drivers sometimes do things that are not fair to rider. Do I agree with all of it depends on the scenario. Do I agree with what this driver did in this particular instance No. Do I understand why he did it of course, he didnt want to lose $.  U/L know its a problem. Do they fix it No. Again they created this issue why is it drivers responsibilty to take the loss? Uber/Lyft are dishonest, hardly transparent. Do you not see the articles, post, forums, videos, etc...? They dont do proper background checks, they dont interview drivers, they hire criminals. Yet people take Uber everyday and anytime there is a problem riders automatically blame the driver. Maybe if they did better background checks, interviews, etc maybe a better group of drivers would be hired. Maybe then drivers wouldnt have a "terrible attitude towards driving and humanity". I will aplogize for reading post incorrectly. I will not apologize for agreeing U/L created this issue and understanding why some drivers may feel the need to cancel in a reasonable amt of time (less than min) if they know they are losing $.  Here is a suggestion for riders for those short trips, you have a decent,  polite, respectful,  driver, clean, neat car, gets you safely from point a to point b tip the driver $2/3 so its not a loss to the driver. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber Ambulance for Pets! Call 911-Pet

    I was a little anxious when he would cry out. Not only was cat probably in pain but being in the carrier and car wasnt helping. I told passenger he could take him out of cage if it would help. I asked rider if he was ok with me going slightly over speed limit to which he replied no not all and thank you for doing it. I just got him there as quick as possible. I normally drive fast when I am not driving with people in my car. The road I had to take was major highway that I take often with no traffic no police around. I knew rider was upset and anxious just thought it was best for all of us to get there asap. He told me how he rescued him, his brother, and sister from a dumpster in one of the Hurricanes. Had them ever since. If the cat was obstructed he needed medical treatment quickly just hope all goes well.

  • He was in his 20's I am 53. I wouldnt suggest a young pretty girl do what I did. I would kill my daughter. I do get young drunk guys hit on me I just respond with "I am old enough to be your mother/grandmother" and I have a son your age or younger". We both laugh and they stop. I've only had 2 that persisted. Neither of them frightened me though. One I finally threw out of my car at his stop as he wanted to go driving with me & wouldnt get out at first. I just threatened him with where his "fragile package" would end up if he didnt get out.  The other one persisted the entire ride no matter what I said it wasnt working he thought it would "be cute" if we dated.  The whole time I am dealing with him his older brother who was in the back kept repeating something in Russian over and over the whole ride. I kept asking what he was saying. Finally I got him to tell me. I thought he was trying to get his little 21 yr old brother to stop thinking it would be cute to date a 53 yr old. Although you would think thats what he would be saying I was way off. He was saying "your  back  tire isnt on right its going to fall off". Go figure. People are strange when they are drunk. Although I did check my tire after ride even though I knew nothing was wrong:) You will never guess what got him to give up on the dating. I was out of excuses so I said, "Uber will fire me. We are not allowed to date passengers". At first he said thats not true. I said look it up online its in the driver's handbook of rules page 21 paragraph 7.  Google it. He finally got out of car. It's definately not a job for young women especially when driving the late night drunk crowd.