Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • I agree on both statements. Have been trying to find a way to get it for free here in Philly. I just seen something a few days ago that you can get it for free. Going to look into it. If you dont mind putting what city your in and would like me to see if you can get it free I would be happy to look into it for you.

  • Of course. They never give you anything for nothing. There is always a catch. Usually to keep you the road longer accepting crappy rides. They probably have better Promotions for drivers that take all rides. I do not. So the big question to accept pool or not? Only if it's my last 2 rides to hit 12. Otherwise they can keep their money. Pool and express pool so not worth the aggravation unless there is a big surge attached or consecutive ride bonus. Last week caught both surge, consecutive ride bonus and 3 very nice people. One actually tipped a few bucks. Two were express and were actually out there waiting in right spot. Have a Happy New Year RedAnt. Be careful, be safe if you drive tonight.

  • No it's not our responsibility you are 100% correct. It shouldn't have to be anyone's responsibility if a drug user continues to use drugs and doesn't at least try to get help. There are users out there that get Narcaned multiple times and continue to get high. Although I personally feel if their is something I can do to help  Knowing that I am covered under Good Samaritan Laws I would at least have to try to attempt to save someone. If it takes Rescue 3 min or more which most likely it will to get to their location I would squirt some nose spray or try CPR to save the person. I couldnt live with myself if someone died in the back of my car when I could've possibly saved them. That's just me I don't expect everyone to feel the way I do. Trust me sometimes I just react and dont think what can happen.  Just hope for the best outcome for all involved. One day it may just bite me in the ass.:) Everybody has their reasons why they do or don't do something and I understand and  its not for me to judge. Trained or untrained it's still makes you nervous and somewhat afraid when you are dealing with people's lives. There is a difference on practicing on a mannequin or reading how to do it in a book:) Trust me either way it's hard and frightening. 1st time I had to do CPR at home on my younger brother all my training went out the window until I got it together.  Much easier in a hospital with docs and nurses around to help. Outside whole other story. If I am that person's last chance or they die, I'll  take the risk. Lets be real here though I drive for Uber and student loan debt (not done school yet). Sue me if  there is nothing they are going to get other than a 14 yr old SUV and they are welcome to take car pymts over on my other car. House not in my name:)  I wasn't posting to judge or give anyone a hard time especially if they were not comfortable doing it. Just had a situation come up and was just wondering what people would do:)

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     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    In the past 2 weeks I've had 3 ride request with the following ratings 2 were Uber X one was pool. 4.30, 4.32, and 4.39. I declined all 3 as In was not taking a chance with ratings that low. Would love to know what they have done to get their rating that low.

  • Just got a notice for another promotion New Years Eve 10pm to 4am 12 rides $60.00. That's better:)

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     5 years ago in  Any Drivers out there driving New Years Eve?

    Happy New Year to all. For all the drivers who are  driving New Years Eve. Stay safe. Be careful. Hope your night is a happy, non vomit, successful night with lots of big tips:) We can only hope. 

  • Usually have to do 40 trips in a week for $20.00. They took away all Promotion bonuses for Christmas week except for a few consecutive trip bonuses in Center City. This is for Philadelphia. If you do 12 trips do you get $40? Doubtful but just thought I would ask.  Any drivers from other cities get better Promotions for New Years Eve?

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     5 years ago in  The "new" surge

    Few weeks ago my daughter called me to a ride. Her and her friends were out in the city. A non surged XL ride would've been approx. $50/60 total. It was surged when she called Uber wanted 121.00 which seemed ridiculous.  I checked driver app that said area was surged 10.00 so ride should've been $60/70. So why 121.00? I have no idea. Is Uber telling us it's 10.00 surge and charging rider more and keeping it? Who knows. Would love to find out. 

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     5 years ago in  The "new" surge

    I drive in Philadelphia. The old surge never really worked well for me unless it was extremely busy and most of city was surged. In the beginning it was ok when I first started. After that I could be sitting In surged and would only get request outside of surged area 12 min or more away. Although it's not much money  on new surge (lowest i've seen 1.25 to highest 30.00 not very often. Average is 2.00 to 12.00. The good thing is as soon as you get to surged area amt. shows at bottom of your screen and climbs until you get to the area with highest amt. Once I get to say 10.00 on ABC St I can leave that area and drive wherever to get ride. If i stay in that area hoping surge will climb I don't have to accept next ride as long as I know that surge just started. I can either wait a few min to see if it will go up or say the ride is a pool or 15 min away & i dont want it I can decline knowing that it just started. I know I have a few min at least to wait for a better ride and will still get surge. If area is surged for 5 or more min before I get there i dont usually decline as it may go away. Last week did a drop off into Center City whch started a consecutive trip bonus for me. I also drove into a 5.00 surge area. I do not like to stay in CC so I stayed in far left lane on 95 doing 65mph. I made it to a better area 20 min later still carrying the surge plus my consecutive trip bonus. Next ride I got I had to accept. It turned out to be a pool which I don't normally take but had to in this situation. I got 3 pool riders all within a few  blocks for pick up. I got the 5.00 surge in 1st pool rider plus my 2 trips I needed for bonus (4.75). On top of the 3 pool rider rates I got 9.75 and was able to stay out of crappy hoods. This works better for me as I wouldnt get surged trips, wouldn't get request  or get there and surge would end. I've been able to carry a surge with me for 25 min 10 miles. Get into scrappy hood get surge to show on phone and get the heck out of there and make it to better area. Negative on New surges is the amts are lower like I mentioned  2.00 to 5.00 is average, late nights when bars close 10.00 to 15.00. Only seen 30.00 once in a snow storm.  Hope I explained this clearly if not feel free to ask me to clarify if is not clear to you:)

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     5 years ago in  Most dangerous people do in their daily lives? Driving.

    Since driving for Uber in the past 18 mths. I've seen people do the dumbest things. Texting or holding phone while talking seems to be one of the biggest problems. They are doing 30 mph in left hand lane on the PA or NJ Turn Pike when speed limit is 70mph and they are braking for no reason (get off the damn phone). At some point in driving turn signals have become optional. I guess it's an inconvenience to push that little stick up or down for lazy drivers. Then you have the idiots in inclement weather that just shouldn't be on the road at all. Either still traveling well above speed limit or doing 25 mph on a major road in left hand lane. Kids being picked up in Uber or Lyft and not in a car seat. Just plain stupidity, carelessness, by both driver and parent. Drivers over the age of 75 yrs old should at the very least re take a vision test and some type of reaction test. The little old lady or man who sits in top of the steering wheel doing 20mph on the highway,  braking every few minutes for no reason at all, or coming to a stop at a green light to make sure it's not going to turn yellow is a big problem. They may not get into an accident but they surely cause them. Although Uber/Lyft may have helped to get drunk drivers off the road there are still many out there drinking and driving. Tractor trailer drivers who need to get more sleep are also a big problem. I drove on TP to NY last week in the truck/buses/ car lane. In the 27 miles on the TP 3 trucks were swerving between lane & shoulder, on the 2nd trailer on double trailers they tend to go into the other lane, or driver goes over lane lines. Best thing to do is stay away from trucks. You dont want to be near one that jackknifes. Also when changing lanes and going into lane with a truck give plenty of room as that truck can't stop as fast as a car. Motorcyclist tend to be reckless (Not all), pass in the middle of 2 cars on the white line not in actual lane, cut close in front of you, speed, weave in and out of traffic. Be aware of your surroundings, drive defensively,  judge the traffic light ahead of you in advance if possible, avoid making left turns if possible (most accidents happen making left turns). Stay off your phone, if that important pull over don't just stop dead in middle of street (Yes, see it happen all the the time). Wear your seatbelt, please please put your child in correct safety seat or booster. Dont drink and drive. Dont drive when sleepy. Be mindful, be courteous, have patience, be careful.  Don't think for a moment you don't  need a seatbelt, don't need to put child in safety seat, because you are a careful driver and not going far distance. Accidents usually occur a few miles from your home. No matter how careful you are this isn't just about your driving it's the drivers around you. Be careful out there. 

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     5 years ago in  This Startup Installs Themed Experiences In Your Uber Ride

    In my experience driving for Uber and Lyft I've found there are 2 types of riders ones that tip and ones that dont. If you are a person that doesnt tip no matter what you do as a driver or what your car looks like, smells like, etc.. is not going to matter. I have trips that I go way out of my way to accomodate and help a rider out. If that rider is someone who dont normally tip its not going to make them tip. No matter what you do how much you help its not happening. Go out of your way or help someone who normally does tip they will tip you even more for the extra effort or your help. As long as your driving those (approx) 35 yrs of age or younger or riders that dont normally tip you could save their life, roll out a red carpet, give best ride of their life you are not getting tipped. 

    Lyft - dont do many rides (25) 4 people have tipped 5.00 or less. 1 rider tipped 10.00 he was in his 60's got off a plane was thirsty I gave him a water.

    Uber - 1st 6 months of driving (tipping 1st started)(4 out of 10) 2 out of 10 riders tipped $5.00 to $20.00   2 tipped less than 5.00. After 6 mths (past year) 2 out of 10 tip $5.00 - $10.00.   I still get the occassional rider that tips $15/$20.

    Tipping has definately declined although service, clean car, ratings etc has not declined. We are not going to get these millennials to tip if they dont normally tip. 

    Just another thing I noticed. Not all but most people.

     Pull up to huge big single homes, pool, lots of ground, expensive cars dont tip.

      People that brag how much they make or how they have dont tip. 

     People who say they will tip on app. DON'T Why bother saying it?

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     5 years ago in  Uber and Lyft IPO. Will it benefit drivers?

  • Daisygirl, as a driver when you pull up and there are kids do you take them without car seats? You state that  "sometimes you have to do what you have to do".  Can I ask what you had to do that was so important that you risked your childs life to get in a cab with no safety seat? Why not a bus or train or bring the seat? How old was your child? Just curious trying to understand the logic with the riders and drivers who take children with no seats. 

  • I dont mean this sarcastically but if anything happens while they are in your car it will be your problem. A minor gets hurt in your car its going to bring nothing but trouble and lawsuits.  Lets say kid is going somewhere they are not supposed to be, has a seizure, is on drugs & overdoses, etc... you dont get kid to hospital in time and they die. Parents going to sue as you took their minor child without their permission. There is just a whole slew of things that could happen. Lets say you are a male driver 16 yr old girl takes Uber but isnt supposed to parents catch her.  To get out of trouble she claims male driver said something or touched her inappropriately? You just dont know what these kids are capable of saying. I ask they tell  me they 18 although some dont realize you need to be 18 and tell the truth. If I am not sure i ask for ID if they dont have it I decline ride. I will say that I have had 2 17 yr olds that I had no idea they were under 18. Its difficult to judge how old some of these teens are. You know as well as I do if they are 18 and get anniyed because you ask for ID there goes the good ole 1 star. It sucks. Should not be our job to confirm their age.

  • Unfortunately You cant trust anyone. What makes things even worse is you know as well as i do these parents that request ride and have no seat will sue you if you get in accident. Your fault or not they will have lawyer on phone before police get there. Just dont understand what these drivers are thinking by taking these riders with their kids. Are the naive? Desperate for $10/$20? Just plain stupid and careless? Whatever the reason its just not worth it whatsoever. 

  • Thats my point. It wouldnt be difficult. They make a 1/2 sentence mention of it in community guidelines. They know some drivers will still pick these people up which makes them money. If driver gets in accident they will say "its in rules not to pick these people up". So U/L win either way. Its the driver who loses either way by driving and then not being able to take ride or driver gets in accident. Thats where the real trouble starts. Charge these people a $25 fee if they are under 18 or dont have seats and guarantee it will stop. 

  • Yes agreed. I started the month Uber came out with tipping. Last year for the first 6 to 8 mths didnt do great but got more and decent tips then. Seems to have fizzled out over past 6 mths. Dont see has many tips as before. Havent changed anything. If anything drive an SUV now more room. You would think during holidays they would get better but no they dont.

  • Agreed. Lol I thought that was too funny:)


  • I had one rider with an infant. She did install it. I offered to help but she said she had it. Better off having parent install it as my kids are older, seats have changed wouldnt want to do it incorrectly. Happily helped her to car with it and out of car. The other people I declined had no seat at least 3 were at their home. Not much of an excuse not to have one. However one night i pulled up.when I declined rider he flipped out screaming, yelling, cussing. As I was about to pull away he yelled wait ill get it. At that point wasnt taking him as he was all ready angry and cussed me out. It couldve escalated once in car or reported me for some BS because now he had to drag around car seat. Best just to let someone else take him.