Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Of course. 

  • I dont think drivers should be able to post these videos on social media. They are supposed to be used for security reasons and as evidence if needed.  People know they are being recorded why not be more careful. If these hockey players didnt want their conversation out there dont talk shit when you know you are being recorded. Why take the chance. Rag mags pay good money for those things.  As much as you shouldnt have to worry about what you are talking about or what you are doing, in todays world you need to. 

    This wasnt recorded but one night I picked up 2 women who came from a bachelorette party. They complained about and trashed the bridal party for the 45 min ride. Telling me how awful it was. As it turned out the next day I see on FB a friend (more of an acquaintance) talking about the same party. Her post much different from the 2 ladies the night before. I mentioned that I picked up 2 people from that bachelorette party. I didnt mention a word about what the 2 riders said. One of the riders from the night before posted "what happens in an Uber stays in the Uber". I replied "of course lol". I am sure the 2 riders were concerned I would say something. I had no intentions on doing so. You never know so be careful when trash talking. Lol

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     5 years ago in  6 month bans coming for passengers with low ratings

    Good one BigFrank. I guess express pool is bigger cesspool. Even more sewage lol

  • There is an article under "latest" in the forum addressing your question. Short answer Lyft wants to make it "better". 

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     5 years ago in  How far have you driven on a ride

    I want a long trip headed down 95 going South with destination not far off 95. Lol  PA TP up the extension. Areas I know better. Lol

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     5 years ago in  How far have you driven on a ride

    I didnt take toll roads home. Lincoln tunnel I assume lol I didnt know where I was I am a slave to GPS. Lol First ride of the night. Yes, didnt put app back on until 95 it was 1am by then.  Approx. 1hr 55 min (traffic) to get there as rider took 8 min to get his butt in my car. Does snyone ever sleep in NY traffic always a mess. Approx. 2 hrs to get back to Knights and Frankford. I stopped to fill up in Jersey andcanswer a few texts and emails.  It was a scheduled ride he was  still late:)  Had me stop to pick up a key 5 blocks from destination. Made sure he handed me 20.00 as he was asking me to make stop. That was nice of him but I would've stopped for free :)He had a child with him. Let's see if you can guess car seat or no car seat? Lol Good thing he was 5 yrs old and decent weight and height. My booster seat has paid off.  Wouldnt of been happy if I had to cancel that ride. No way would I have taken them with no seat regardless of how much I was paid.   They didnt speak English well but the wife understood pretty good. I had to tell them 4X to put kid in seat. Little did I know at some point she took him out of seat so he could sleep on her lap. I will say this over and over again, what the hell is wrong with these parents?  It totally blows my mind that they just dont get it. 126.00 + Tolls 20.00 tip. Although Uber cheated me on NJ TP toll. I sent a message they gave it to me. Took the new TP route 95 North got off after Bristol exit. Very convenient. Saved on that 3.00+ toll they charge you when you get on up by Neshaminy. You know the one that you drive maybe a mile and come to a toll as soon as you get on. I think I covered your ques. Lol its too early in the morning actually late for me. I am going home to bed to start all over again at 6pm. Have a great weekend. Be safe out there.

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     5 years ago in  Do air fresheners lower ratings?

    I use blunt effects or fabreeze. Get compliments all the time. Yes some people get headaches or feel nauseous when smells are strong.  I try to spray an hour before I start and a quick spray when needed throught the night. If its too strong I open windows to air it out for a few minutes. Both of those sprays are great.  Blunt Effects get rid of any odor(vomit, cigarettes, and riders who smoke weed and get in your car right after). I havent found an odor it doesnt get rid of.

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     5 years ago in  How far have you driven on a ride

    Had another long trip tonight. Flushing NY 104 miles. 

  • I try to stay in my area as much as possible. Doesn't always work out that way but I end up back to my neighborhood a few times in 8 hrs. I have quite a few riders that are repeats. They remember me and I remember them. I can see it happening. 

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     5 years ago in  PLEASE wave when you see us. Please please please

    Uber rolled out the color screen a few months ago here in Philly. Rider's screen lights up whatever color and they are supposed to hold it up. Unfortunately most riders dont know about it or dont use it. I've had one rider use it. I got a message saying "rider has blue light"  or something similar. As I pulled down dark street he was holding it up. It was nice. No looking for addresses, people, or wondering where your rider is. Very easily seen. Some roads up in Bucks County are dark, really dark. You can spot rider eadily.  It would be nice if the riders knew about it and used this. 

  • Just another attempt to keep drivers on road longer and to accept rides we know are going to be a nightmare (Pool and Express Pool). 

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     5 years ago in  Uber driver who jumped in front of train was deeply in debt

    There is definately some other issues than just money. People who commit suicide are in very dark places and have issues, it just takes that "one more problem" that they feel they cant fix or handle. I am not blaming Uber or saying its their fault. What I will blame them for is the constant ads stating how much money drivers can make while driving for them. Their advertising definately borders on false. It gives people the idea you can make really good money. Some drivers do but there are a lot of expenses that people may not realize until they start driving. I started driving 1 to 2 days per week while in nursing school. I needed the flexibility. When I signed up Uber's take was 25% thst doesnt include the booking fee that ranges from 2.00 to 2.60 per ride. I dont recall ever seeing that when I signed up. It was probably buried in small print lol. They added Uber pool express which is absolutely horrible in my city. The pay is awful for those trips and not much better for regular pool. I now am driving more hours and it's not really worth it. The more miles you drive the more issues that can happen to your car the more money you have to put out to fix it. Some areas I end up are dirt roads, pot holes, construction, etc...  Uber makes it all sound so damn easy get in your car, drive people around, make your own hours, get paid quickly  be your boss, etc... It's so much more involved. Not everyone is knowledgeable on running their business but Uber makes it so easy. I think Uber's advertising gives people  a false idea of what a driver can really make. Uber doesn't care about their drivers or what means they use to get people to drive.   I now learned a big lesson. I should've done my research, looked at videos of drivers experiences, read post, etc... Thankfully when I am done school I can put my Uber days behind me.


    Research things when they seem to good to be true (I usually do but not on this one, big mistake)

    Talk to other drivers

    Read the small print

    Research, research, research

    Dont believe all  the advertising 

    No you cant blame Uber for these suicides. However they are not innocent in their advertising and how easy it all is.  How much money can be made. 


  • On the few items I have found in my car I've been able to return easily. One night when I first started driving for Uber I did have a passenger who left brand new I Phone. I told him I would return at the end of my shift but not for a few hours.  with me but was on another trip. I gave him my cell number in good faith to kind of reassure him I would return it. Big mistake. He blew up my phone calling me every 20 min. offering me 10.00 to return it. I tried to explain that I was still driving and 10.00 or no 10.00 I would return it. Finished the night and got it to him. Lesson learned. When I started driving I never realized all the videos out there and post from other drivers that could've prevented me from my many mistakes lol. Green Light Hub is 35 min drive not in the best neighborhood. Luckily every item I've had to return was 2 min to 15 min from my house. Other items such as credit cards I was able to contact them through social media and got their cards to them. I still report it to Uber that item was found and then when I give it to them I let Uber know its returned.  One rider left keys he lived 5 min from me. Returned keys  try to hand me $ which I declined. As I went to pull away threw it in my car window and ran away :) I put it aside until later that day when I went to get gas found out it was 50.00. I texted him and told him although it was appreciated way too much $. He explained it would've been 250.00 to replace the car key and fob the the $ he gave "was well spent".  Sometimes people are very generous. Others you go out of your way for and dont offer a dime. 


  • Dont trust him anymore than Travis. Not much has changed. Any driver will tell you how there pay has declined.  For a few reasons. At least for me it has been not as many trip request. The cities are saturated with drivers. 

  • Uber tends to put stuff out there for both riders and drivers to make themselves look good. That they care. In the end its all BS. Anything they offer a driver comes with a price. It makes us accept more trips, stay on road longer, etc. .. Nothing they offer really helps a rider or driver.

  • Thank you Kayla.

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     5 years ago in  How far have you driven on a ride

    The one to Hoboken was a very sweet man who was a steward on an airline. He was ftom England visiting the Katherine Drexel Shrine. His Aunt was a Nun there who passed away. He couldnt make the funeral so he came before they closed the Shrine down. He was headed back to get on a plane that was flying back  to England. Super nice interesting man. Talked the whole way. He was also my 40.00 tipper :) AC trip was a young woman who was very quiet. I had to pull over to get my wallet out of trunk for tolls. Forgot my cash in it. That opened up a discussuon so we talked the rest of the way. Most times you can tell when a rider wants to talk or not. She was one of the few I wasnt sure. Tried when she first got in but she seemed to want to be left alone. Guess I was wrong :). Brooklyn trip 2 guys missed train trying to get to concert. After 25 min. of both of them assuring their women they were going where they said they were.  That they could be trusted  & not cheat on them they were talkers also. Thankfully my long rides were all nice friendly people. In my opinion its nice when riders talk to you especially long rides as it gets boring and awkward when there is total silence other than radio. If you are tired having a conversation helps you stay awake. I had a 47 min rude last night. Rider talked for few minutes asked some questions and then I could tell he was done talking so I said no more. He got laptop out and was doing some work. If rider is occupied headphones on, playing games on phone, talking, texting etc... its not awkward if they dont speak to you. If they seem to be watching your every move and seem bored out if their mind then its awkward. Uber should have icon on app passenger open to conversation and dont talk to me lol. I would like to know that they dont want to talk or they would like to have conversation. Sometimes you try to talk and they give 1 word answers or they say nothing. It gives impression they dont want to speak. Three blocks before drop off something comes up they start tslking and dont shut up. Lol  Then your thinking damn I read that one wrong. Lol  Most awkward is when rider sits in front seat right next to you.  Doesnt say 2 words and gives impression they want know parts of talking. Not often but does happen, so awkward. :) Sorry all my answers are always long. Lol

    Short answer -

    Yes all of the 3 trips were super nice people, no awkward moments. Well maybe a little with AC ride in the beginning. Lol  Dreading a long trip with someone that is annoying or it being totally awkward.  Thanks for the upvotes.

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     5 years ago in  How far have you driven on a ride

    On all of my long rides I chose not to accept any trips until I got closer to home. I dont like driving in areas I dont know at all. We cannot pick up in New York.  I could've picked up in NJ though. It was worth it for me as 1 trip I was tipped 40.00 cash, the other trip 10.00, AC trip no tip. All 3 trips were approx 3 hrs roundtrip. I think its worth it  approx 22.00 to 35.00 per hr after subtracting gas, taxes, tolls, etc. Dead miles on way back sucks. It would be great if we had a rider.  Especially if that rider was headed back close to your home city but dont see that happening :) Tips on long trips definately are a help when you have those dead miles. :)

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     5 years ago in  How far have you driven on a ride

    I have had 3 long rides since I started driving for Uber.  One was to Brookly NY 2 weeks ago (87 miles)  Atlantic City NJ (77 miles), and Hoboken NJ (82miles).  

  • So true.  The riders who brag about how much money they make or have are the cheapest people ever. I've had Orthopedic Surgeons who bragged how much their practice was making them, picked them up at a huge single home with at least 2 acres of ground in Newtown. According to them they were so grateful I picked them up as they were having issues getting an Uber. Not grateful enough to tip.  Another one with "so much $" didnt tip the 1st time, 2nd time tipped .50, and 3rd time 1.00.  One other guy ordered Uber Express Pool wasnt on corner he was supposed to be  found him at bar. Claimed he didnt know he had to walk to another location. Bragged the whole 2 miles to his house about money. Had the guts to ask me in for a drink (wife down the shore). Obviously I declined lol. No tip. Between the guys that brag and the people who will "tip on the app" dont know which are worse.