Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • I agree:) Problem with Uber/Lyft. They dont care. If driver is dumb enough to do it U/L will not back driver if they get in an accident but U/L figure some idiots will do it so they get their cut of that ride. Win/Win for them. 

  • I agree:) Percentages are pretty high on here. Having a hard time believing any of it:) Maybe its a certain city/state. Thats why I put it up didnt think it was too accurate.

  • Not taking it out on ride share companies. Just saying they could be a little more strict with policy. Its barely mentioned in community guidelines. If they dont penalize rider requesting they are going to continue to do it and waste drivers time and money. Asking drivers not to drive these people and asking people with kids not to order or bring seats. 

  • So true LG-PA. 

  • As a mom with 4 kids and as a driver. I just dont comprehend putting a child in danger. If you have children do you not have car seats? I will not put my children at risk nor will I put someone elses child at risk. Uber, Lyft, dont drug test nor do they do the best background checks. How do you know the person that is driving you you isnt drunk, high, tired? Lets assume your driver isnt drunk, high, tired, they never caused an accident what about the people on the road around them? I sat here trying to think of what possible situation could anyone have that would warrant not bringing a car seat. I really cant think of any.  Is there anything in this world that you need to do that is more important than your child's safety? How do you go on with your life if your child dies or is injured? I was going to say how unfair you are putting the driver in that postion but not only should driver refuse but your not keeping your child safe so why would you care about driver? Sorry but just think its very wrong, careless, just awful that people dont care about their child.  

  • I had no intention on waving fee just didnt want to hear her BS. Lyft paid me but didnt charge her. They are idiots she will continue to request with her kids and no seats. Some idiot driver will drive them. Lyft and Uber dont care.

  • I used a few games a few years ago. Wasnt driving at time. Stopped playing was spending way too much time on them. Lol

  • It seems when weather is bad many drivers dont come out. There are nights that its raining, roads are flooded, traffic is awful. Snow is much worse as traffic gets really bad. Last storm we had I did 2 rides both shouldve been 5 to 7 min pick ups. I spent 59 min extra picking these 2 riders up which I was pd 1.97 for 26 min. and 2.45 for 47 min. My 1st riders work was closed when we arrived she had no where to go until a family member came. I stayed with her for 30 min until family member got there (Uber didnt  force me to do it but I felt it was the right to do). She did tip 6.50. Next rider got 4 blocks from his house when his work cancelled. No tip. Yes we are out there to make money. Sometimes just the little extras you do or the risk you take would be nice to receive even a $2/ $3 tip as I know these rides can be costly if there is a surge. 

    Thank you for understanding my point:)


  • Thats why I posted this. Its a joke. I assume they are talking in taxi days before Uber. Would be awesome if it were true. If only a few dollars on each trip:)

  • Good thinking RedAnt. I was so damn angry I just pulled away.

  • Yes it is. I was so damn annoyed and angry I stopped driving for the night. I just cant believe these parents dont value their childrens lives at all. The drivers that refuse to take these people with kids care more than their own parents. So sad. Drivers out there that take these kids i hope that $10/$20 is worth possible prison time, fines, law suits, etc... you know damn right that irresponsible parent will sue the driver. The stupidity amazes me. The law has been out for awhile, all 50 states.  But lets say its not a law its your kids lives. SMH. Uber and Lyft dont care but ypu know as well as I do what they will do in event of an accident. Their response, "Its in the guidlines to follow laws regarding safety seats". They will wash their hands of the whole thing and  throw driver under the bus.


    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What do you all think of the new Uber logo?

    No. I just received a message on Monday to confirm my address so they can send me my new stickers. 

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     5 years ago in  Would you speed for a tip?

    If passenger asked I would do it without the tip. Of course I wouldnt tell them that if they offered a tip. I get frustrated doing 55 on a major highway but of course with passenger in car I dont have much of a choice usually cruise at 60. Happy to do 65/70 if asked.

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     5 years ago in  MEDIUM COOL (Only Really Old People Will Get The Title)

    That was nice of you to help her. Unfortunately in todays world people tend to look the other way. If it wasnt for you following her police may have not found her. 

    Some of the situations I've got involved in while driving have been crazy. Almost walked in to an armed robbery. An Uber request saved me from that mess. Another night a very high or intoxicated motorcyclist and passenger were in WAWA parking lot. Employees called 911 as they were concerned when he started nodding off while getting his coffee. Police hid down the street but were spotted. As i left I told the officer. He asked me to make a u turn to which he would pretend to be pulling me over. At that point drunk or high motorcyclist pulled out and cop went after him. They were both arrested. Riders i had one night involved in a bar fight that spilled into parking lot up against my car. Took one of the riders to get first aid supplies to ckean her up. Had to talk to Uber investigators over that one as they deactivated rider until they investigated it.  Another night girl was passed out in car at gas pump where I sit waiting for rides. Barely breathing & heart rate slow & irregular. Glass pipe in 1 hand lighter in the other. Pounded on car no response luckily door was unlocked. Shook her yelled no response finally gave her 2 sternal rubs and she opened her eyes. Said she was tired. Sternal rub very painful you dont sleep through it trust me. I could go on and on. Uber/Lyft very interesting out there in the world between 1am to 5 am.  You never know what you will see or what the night holds for you. Someone should write a book of Uber/Lyft short stories. Sure it would be interesting, crazy, and very funny. Nice to hear some people out there still willing to help.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  How to report an uber driver

    Passenger was inside gas station and driver was waiting in parking lot with their child in the car? Just curious approx. how old was the child? Did the child see him snorting it? Is it possible driver had stickers on car but not necessarily working at the time (not good either)?  I dont remove my decals even when I am off as the adhesive wears off. Maybe his family/friend in the car (not that thats any better)? Kind of hard to say what they were snorting as people snort cocaine, meth, pills (oxycodone, morphine, heroin etc.   Regardless they shouldn't be snorting anything at anytime. The reason I am asking is if you report it to Uber and he isnt working that could cause issues with you & Uber. If you knew for a fact he was working, people were not family/friends then maybe could've approached them in gas station and say "just a heads up but just seen your driver snorting drugs in the car". Then its in riders hands . They could report it and you avoid having to report it and you may just have saved riders lives. Why would someone leave their child in the car with a stranger? I dont care how old or how long.  People are really careless especially with their children. As far as police you can try to call 911 they will tell you they will send someone. Most likely the driver leaves before police get there. Here in Philly and Bensalem (Bucks County). They cant always just take the word of a citizen they need to witness it or wait til they pull away.  If they get there in time they will wait to see what they do. If they start their car and vehicle starts to move then police will have reason to pull them over. At that point its driving under the influence. Good luck. 

  • I have play list set up on you tube red. I can use the following playlists or rider can choose whatever they want.  Oldies 50,  60, 70's.  My personal playlist that has a variety of 70's through present (mostly rock, metal, alternative, 80's rap and some Eminem.  This seems to be most popular. Then I had my 21 yr old daughter make me a playlist (labeled update music), and one for one hit wonders. I dont have a country play list, mumble rap, or hard core rap. In 1750 rides only ever had 2 people ask for country and 2 riders ask for mumble rap (thankfully) on both as I would rather stick  screwdrivers in my eardrum.  I did however put it on for them. Playing good music or allowing rider to play theirs has helped me receive some decent tips. It is also a good topic for conversation.

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     5 years ago in  Can passengers sit and ride in front? (of an Uber?)

    As a driver it doesnt make a difference to me where people sit.  Some riders ask where they should sit, some just jump in the front, others will ask if its ok to sit in front. I tell my riders to sit where they are most comfortable. The only time I feel uncomfortable is when a rider sits up front and doesnt say a word. It doesnt happen often but I've had a few. They were my most awkward rides:)

  • Oh no I would've been super embarrassed. I wonder when he threw up,  if you had a weak stomach it made you throw up, if he would'vd reported it to Uber. Lol That really wouldnt be funny but I could see some drivers doing something like that. If that way me while driving I wouldve tried to grab a barf bag. Then I wouldve apologized profusely and refunded your money on the app. I couldnt even imagine. That was super nice of you not to rate him. I didnt gave my pukey riders 5 stars.  I knew I would never be paired with the New Years people because of their location and where I normally drive. I did however shoot Uber a message asking them not to pair them with me again. They said yes. We all make mistakes no sense in trashing their rating. 

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     5 years ago in  How do I recognize my driver? Any tips?

    Make sure you update the app if you havent done so since before summer. I believe you will not be able to see it unless you update.  It rolled out around the time of new driver app. I wish more riders used it. Big help in dark areas or crowded places. Not every city has it. I am in Philadelphia. Not sure what other cities have it. 


     I am not talking about the "Beacon Light" that drivers have on their dash similar to Lyft. What is here in Philly is Uber assigns rider a color or rider picks color not sure which. Once color is determined (I'll use blue). Driver gets a text that says "Rider has blue light"  or something similar to that wording. Rider's screen emits a blue light and then  holds it up. As driver approaches they can see the phone/light. Only seen it 2X so far. 

    The beacon that Ippei posted about below is rider will see "tap to set beacon color" then tap Uber Logo on lower right hand corner of screen to go to color selector. On the bottom corner of drivers windshield will be an Uber logo that will light up with the color rider selected. I was unable to find what cities they are testing this in.

  • I feel I should explain a little more on my logic and why I feel the way I do. I do just about whatever a rider asks within reason.  Make an extra stop, 2, sometimes 3 stops that rider doesnt put in app. Drop off their friend or 2 a few blocks away or on the way (more times than not not a few blocks & not on the way). Take express pool riders to their front door because even though they choose express pool i cannot leave a female rider put on street corner at 230am. All of what I just mentioned can cause me to miss another ride and maybe a good paying ride. I have picked up two different females who were so drunk they fell in the street and friend couldnt get them up, one in pouring rain 2 hrs. into my 12 hr night. I got to drive 20 hrs in soggy wet clothes. Helped both up their steps to front door I didnt get so much as a thank you from the 1 in the rain. Is that part of being an Uber drivers job? Sorry but no. Is it because its the decent right thing to do? yes I felt it was thats why I did it and not for a tip but i feel they should've tipped. Lady orders an Uber pool pull up to supermarket 22 bags my Honda Pilot was full every seat and trunk. Now I cant take anymore riders again I lost money. I loaded all of 2 bags and unloaded out of car up her driveway up 4 steps all 22 bags. Ride made me 3.45 no tip, possibly lost 2 other pool riders, and i had to cancel a 15 mile  XL trip as rider needed to leave immediately couldnt wait. 3 people have thrown up in my car didnt report any of them to Uber. 2 of them friends helped me clean car and it was thankfully just liquid. One put me out of commission on New Years Eve as throw up froze to the outside of my car. Not only did I lose 2 hrs on busy night but needed 1 trip for 65.00 bonus. Husband gave me 20.00. I try to be kind and understanding. I try to do the right thing.

     I am not asking for a pat on the back, a medal, or a 100.00 tip. I am sure there are many other drivers who do extra  things for thie riders also. I made my choices not one of them forced me to do or not do any of it. If drivers should be a kind, decent human being so should riders. 

     In the examples I posted those people should have tipped. If I had done any of that to a driver your damn right I would've tipped and tipped big. I am not an unreasonable person. It very frustrating when you go an extra step and people like i mentioned above cant be considerate enough to tip.  Its funny how the more you do for someone you get no tip or not much of one. The less you do the more people tip and the bigger they tip. (Not in all instances but a lot of them) Go figure.