Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Welder

    What rideshare? Uber, Lyft? If its for Uber  when you open the app box should say "where to" the spot where you enter your destination. On the far right side you will see a car & a clock click it. "Schedule a ride" will pop up date and time are at the bottom click on it and set it up. I am not sure how to d0o it for Lyft or any other rideshare.

  • Thanks RedANT for sharing your opinion. Like I said in my post  I think drivers should know better. Yes sometimes it pays off but it seems I get more tips doing nothing extra. Not all but a few people that I really went out of my way for didnt tip a dime. It sometimes makes you not want to do anything other than going from point a to point b safely. One ride in particular really pissed me off. Picked 2 ladies up one really intoxicated the other was ok. Pick up in Philly drop off in NJ. Got on bridge around 1130pm and it started pouring buckets. If I was by myself I would've pulled over it was that bad. Got to house the intoxicated one was hard to wake up. Finally got her up friend gets her out and she falls in middle of street. Friend couldnt get her up. At this point I have 4 hrs left to drive I didnt want to get soaked. Finally I felt bad so I get out & help get her up. Helped friend get her up  8 steps to front door. Heard dog barking & heading towards door. That was my cue to go. Wanted no part of getting bit by a dog. Not a thank you and of course not a tip. I was also soaking wet. Thats not part of our job to be picking drunk people up out of the street but it is basic human decency. Just sucks that some people just dont care.  Thanks again. 

  • I will probably starting after Thanksgiving.

  • Story of a specific rider/driver from the weekend that made me want to here other drivers opinions. Accepted a request Sunday thankfully in daylight. Headed to pick up off a  road with many big businesses, trucking companies, wharehouses, etc.  Address are difficult as they dont always have a clear address. I pull up to 2 driveways next to each other no clear address. Follow GPS ride around 1 huge lot with tractor trailers no one around so head to next driveway. Road wasnt paved, potholes some may be considered sinkholes lol. There were muddy puddles everywhere, some unavoidable. Had just washed car, shined tires & rims, and used expensive product to shine trim. Get to riders who just drove from CA in their tractor trailer they own. They did apologize for pick up location, how difficult it was to find (surprised I was able to find them so quickly) and the condition of the road. Told me how last 2 drivers who couldnt find them and the drivers cancelled. They probably seen the road and said hell no. Dont understand why they couldnt of called since they knew it was difficult or better yet walked a little closer to main road (saved me some time).  If he had pulled up to this location in his fleet of nice cars and SUV's he would've cancelled rather than drive this road.   We get to main road when dad says I forgot something so back I went. At this point Uber driver or not they should've tipped. The son told me how he was driver in NY with a fleet of 5 SUV's and black cars. Continued to brag about how much these SUV's and cars cost  and how much money he makes on them with Uber. He explained how 1 trip from NY to PA in  the snow made him 1,547.00. In between stories about how much money he made he wanted to know about neighborhoods and schools in Philly and Bucks. I gave him any info he asked for and directed him to websites that could provide more specific info. & answer his questions. So all in all the trip went well with no issues. How do you not tip a driver after this trip (driver or no driver)? Rider payment 17.87 My pay out from this trip was 11.47 approx. 11 miles 17 min. It's not like he just paid for an expensive trip.  Quite sure driving their family owned tractor trailer, owning a fleet of black cars and bragging about all his money.  Between the dirt road with potholes,  driving back to get what he forgot through the dirt rd & muddy potholes yet again and not cancelling like the previous 2 drivers. I also had to wipe down and vacuum the inside and outside of car again before I took next trip. Lastly he was a driver could've given me at least 5.00 but should've given even more. At least in my opinion. Am I wrong in feeling this way? Please share.

    Conclusion - Some people get it  and some people dont. 

    Thoughtful, kind  generous passengers :)

    Friday night trip

    Went to pick up was asked to wait for Bride and groom to say goodbye. Took 4 passengers with a few gifts that they loaded. They ordered XL instead of trying to cram into smaller car. Had to drop bride & groom 3 blocks before final destination, people were waiting to unload gifts. Dropped off last 2 people.  Trip details - 27 min total wait & travel time approx 11 miles = 36.77 from Uber 40.00 cash tip and 10.00 tip on app. from passenger, extra bonus = box with really good chocolate chip and sugar cookie :) 

    Grateful but hell  would've been happy with 20.00 cash

    Wish for more thoughtful generous  people like these 4 passenger

  • Yet another careless, irresponsible, dumb parent again today this time it was Lyft.  I pull up to 2 teens and out comes a late 30 early 40 something mom with a 4 yr old.  I tell her sorry cant take you without carseat. I quote "this is rediculous you are the 2nd driver who will not take us, what is the problem with you drivers".  I laughed. I then responded we dont have the problem you do. You may not care that your child goes through the windshield or is ejected from car and his badly injured or killed  but I do.  I will bet within minutes of the accident  you have an appt with a lawyer to start filing lawsuits against me because I chose to drive with your child not in a car seat. As a parent what the hell is your problem? At first she was shocked. Once her pea sized brain processed what I said then the "how f ing dare you more obscenities such as the ever so classy c word followed that was the last I heard as window went up & I was 3 houses down by then. I am waiting for a a message from Lyft or waiting to log on and not be able to. Although I would hope she wouldnt embarass herself further by telling yet another person how irresponsible, unfit, and careless she is. This took place around 8am. So far can still log on. Lol If it comes to that oh well. I keep my mouth shut all the time but enough is enough Uber and Lyft should automatically ban them from platform if requesting rides with young children and no car seat. 

  • Can someone explain to me why Uber thinks that drivers would buy into this crap? Is there any driver or would be driver out there that thinks Uber is honest, kind, caring, and generous towards the drivers? If so do they have a brain? Lyft, they just try to fly under the radar and stay away from negative publicity as much as possible. Hides in Uber's shadow but they are no better.

  • An online school that they claim you can attend or a family member 100% of tuition paid. BUT because we all know there is a catch,  well more than one. Surprise surprise. It's all fluff and PR to make it look like Uber cares and treats drivers well.  Public will think Uber is just wonderful. You have to maintain a certain acceptance rate above 85% , cancellation rate below 4% maybe not sure  about those numbers but if not correct very close.  Rating must be 5.85 I think, you have to maitain platnimum or diamond status and do X amt a trips per month.  As you can see its not so free. I would rather pay my own tuition than be a slave to Uber and  suck up to riders to maintain my rating. I would be highly upset if a few riders were the cause of losing my so called free tuition because they didnt like my air freshner or the many other stupid reasons they give lower than 5 stars to drivers. RedANT explains it well and BigFrank sums it up. Anything Uber gives comes with a cost to the driver. 


  • Many people have their eyes glued to their phone and pay no attention to route especially the younger passengers (20 somethings). When I pull up I ask their name. Once in the car and I start trip I  sometimes remember to check their destination address with them sometimes I dont. I've had a few lately who will say "what address do you have",  "what address do you have want to make sure I put right one in" or "do you have right address" At first I thought why are you they asking me what address dont they know. I joked with a few riders as to not kniwing what they entered  they responded, "too many horror stories I check the pic, what kind of car, license plate, and if you as the driver dont know my address something isnt right".  If its a busy area with multiple groups of people they need to tell me address before I show them what I have as someone may be stealing a ride lol

  • Check to see if the drivers picture matches, license plate, and car are correct. I have had quite a few passengers recently who ask what address I am taking them to.  If I cant answer that you best not go for that ride.

    Ubers background checks are 3RD PARTY they are NOT ACCURATE no matter what 3rd party company does them.  You need to do a FINGERPRINTED FBI background check for all info to show up. I am sure some of these drivers who do commit crimes may not have been caught before so they dont have a record yet.

  • I dont even stop when I see they have small children if possible. All they do is argue with you or say"I never had a problem before" or "other drivers do it".  

  • Thanks RedANT. Figured is was basically BS. Just more fluff to make it look as though they care about drivers when its nothing more than to keep us on road accepting crappy requests (pool and express pool).  Uber support is people who I cannot understand and they cannot understand me. They do exactly what they do when you send a message through the app, read a scripted answer. When you try to explain the issue they just keep reading the same thimg over and over. Those gas stations have the highest price in our city and there are not many of them. Would have to drive 3 miles at least to get to one.  Keep the scolarship to the online school and pay us more.

  • Thanks for the tip RedANT.  I was lucky with this rider. It could've went a whole other way. Sometimes these thkngs happen and I dont always think them through. He lived 2 blocks away. I had asked his friend to tell him I had it and would return it that afternoon when I got up. I work until 3/4 am sometimes later,  I am not up at 8/9. Friend nevef told him so I get why he went looking. 

  • Just started signing up to try this. Have a few videos left to watch. Figured on weekdays when Uber is slow I would try this. I like that you can bring friend, family member, or dog with you. The dog we definately make someone think twice about stealing packages from your car. It would be great if some drivers who deliver for Amazon would share their experience. 

  • On the booster seat instructions it said 4 and up. Thank you for clarifying that it is 5 and up. If a child is 4 and is the correct height and weight for booster can it be used?  I have no intentions of buying any other seat,  I just decline taking passengers with young children.  I had a trip request Halloween night that as soon as I seen there were 3 kids that needed seats i kept on driving and cancelled. I hate to even stop because riders get angry and argue with me. It's not worth it for any amount of money to pick these riders up. Aside from insurances issues, law suits, etc... I dont want to live with killing a child because they were ejected or thrown through the windshield. I dont understand these parents at all. Two separate pick ups replied "they will be fine". You dont know the drivers that are driving your children. We could be reckless, high, drunk, tired etc..  Why would anyone think its ok. I just dont comprehend what these irresponsible parents are thinking. What if parent brings the carseat and carseat is defective and you get in accident? Are we still liable because we transported them? Thanks for great info. 


  • I've had riders tell me I was going the long way and redirect me. If the rider tells me a better way I follow their directions. I've never ended up taking a longer route from their directions. I also had people back seat drive although annoying I just tune them out. Sometimes the GPS has you going in circles, takes you off a road only to put you back on same road, or gives you directions that are just plain wrong. I am sure this woman knew their route home. Older people are set in their ways and dont deal with change well. As a driver would it be the worst thing ever to oblige and follow her directions? So you lose 3 min deal with it. I have countless riders tell me how their last driver will not let them give directions when driver is taking longer route. If a rider is headed home or work a route they have taken for years they probably know the best way. Drivers need to be more understanding and have patience. You are dealing with the public. I've had a few difficult annoying riders that I would love to toss out but its not the right thing to do. Obviously there are times when its justified but definately dont seem like it is here. Driver needs to learn how to have some patience especially with the elderly. Just another reason to have dash cam. Although I think dtiver would've lost on this instance



    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Are you planning on driving tomorrow (halloween)?

    How did you guess? Lol Request for XL pulled up surprise, surprise,  3 adults a 3, 5,  and 7 yr old. When people request a ride with children who need a car seat and they dont have the seat with them driver should get a fee. That would stop these idiots. Same with having 5 riders who order X. Charge them for making driver show up knowing they are not supposed to do this. If Uber/Lyft would charge this crap would stop. Uber/Lyft dont care because they know one driver may decline these people but another will pick them up. Thankfully I only had to drive 2 blocks. I didnt even stop just drove by and cancelled. 

  • I feel your pain with the language barrier especially when driver gets lost. Many of my passengers have had similar issues with drivers that dont speak English. 

  • Thank you gmom10.

  • There is Uber SUV with carseat but if parents wont purchase a cheap carseat they sure as hell wont pay the price of the SUV with carseat. I dont understand these parents. What the hell are they thinking? Onviously they dont think or care. Their logic must be it wont happen to them. They need to wise the hell up.

  • I needed one for my daughter in laws nephew last week. I dont have him much but when I do I dont want to be driving him with no seat as his parents dont seem to care. I picked a lady up yesterday who Ubers everywhere including daily to work and home. She drops off and  picks her 3 yr old up also in Uber daily. Ubers on weekends also.  I just dont understand these parents. I dont know if I would be comfortable taking my toddler in an Uber period let alone no seat. You have no idea if drivers are tired, on drugs, reckless, etc... How do you as a parent put your child in a car with a stranger in no car seat. It's beyond my comprehension.  The parent at the ER broke my heart as I hated to leave him although I am sure next driver picked them up. Just dont want to be in that situation again. Parents may be irresponsible but I just cant do it.