Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • What happened to video? Never mind issue fixed. Can view it now.

  • Thank you for posting video Ippei. I have trouble posting videos and links. :) I am technologically illiterate. One of these days I'll get it right. 😊

  • Thank you Matt. I'll post a few this week.

  • Thank you Elina. Ok let me see how I csn do that. I think if I post new story it will bring topic back to current post. I'll find out for sure. Ill try to post a few in next few days. Thanks again. Happy you enjoyed them. I believe if you turn on notifications you will see when I post. Thanks again. 😊

  • Sorry Chris I got you mixed up with someone else I was responding to :). I try to answer back when someone has a question and get mixed up omce in awhile who I am answering😊. I am getting old. Yes, very much like a game. It was kinda fun trying to get to 8.25 lol. No traffic so I could go somewhat faster. I tend to drive fast except when I have rider. You are correct 8.25 is the amount you get for that trip. Multiplier is no more :) I like it better as I rarely ever got a surged ride. Either just missed it or I would get a long pick up ping. I've been able to get more surged rides this way. As always Uber's figured another way to keep drivers on the road longer. If you were done for the night but your next trip is surged obviously you will take thst trip if its a good surge amt. I've only seen 8.25 2x since this started average is 3.50 to 4.50 at least up in my area. Certain areas in Philly are somewhat more but I dont like to drive in thise areas.:)

  • Sorry Chris I got you mixed up with someone else I was responding to :). I try to answer back when someone has a question and get mixed up omce in awhile who I am answering😊. I am getting old. Yes, very much like a game. It was kinda fun trying to get to 8.25 lol. No traffic so I could go somewhat faster. I tend to drive fast except when I have rider. You are correct 8.25 is the amount you get for that trip. Multiplier is no more :) I like it better as I rarely ever got a surged ride. Either just missed it or I would get a long pick up ping. I've been able to get more surged rides this way. As always Uber's figured another way to keep drivers on the road longer. If you were done for the night but your next trip is surged obviously you will take thst trip if its a good surge amt. I've only seen 8.25 2x since this started average is 3.50 to 4.50 at least up in my area. Certain areas in Philly are somewhat more but I dont like to drive in thise areas.:)

  • The candy & water is advised to be "a 5 star driver" on many videos & articles. I disagree at least here in Philly & Bucks. I found no difference when I tried it. It sat forever.  I do carry candy for Halloween and Christmas for a week leading up to it. If its hot in the summer and I remember I carry a few bottles when I remember. I do have gum & chewy candy for late nights & when I haven't smoked in awhile. If I take a piece when rider is in car I will offer them a piece. I do have some odd things for emergency all found at 1.00 store (sewing kit, lint brush, scissors, bday candles, wedding card, bday card) $6.50 spent. I have used all of them and they all brought in tips and saved me time from having to stop for them.  I have cheap chargers and aux cord. They are what seem to help with tips. I agree with the "trying to hard". I got a cute small  tip sign from this site but afraid to put it up lol. I have mixed feelings in it. I just dont think its a good idea but many drivers have it and they say it helps. Some even have tip boxes that light up. I just dont feel comfortable :). 

  • I was wondering about that also. Next time I will look at the ride after the surge. See if rider pays or Uber takes loss. On the map you can see the amt. the closer you get to where the 8.25 (or whatever the amt. is) it keeps creeping up. It shows you the changes of surge amt. under the words "finding trips". I started at Knights & Frankford as I travelled it started saying minimum surge 1.25 (as I travel closer to that 8.25 it just keeps going up) 2.50 etc. I hit knights and fairdale 8.25 popped up. At that point I pulled over & sat. I did get a ride quickly. The other time I seen  3.25 going up Grant hit frankford by time I got to Knights surge was over. My next ride I did get surged amt. even though heat map was gone for 5 min. It is good but now "chasing surge" is what you end up doing :) I had no traffic on Knights Saturday night but I had to do 45 mph to get up to 8.25.  It sticks with you until you get your next ride as long as you dont cancel or turn app off. So if you wait 15 min for next ride you still get surge. This is only 2 nd time I seen 8.25, average I see up here is 1.25 to 4.50. Other time I seen 8.25 was CC. I just got message from Uber about the Surge and updated times and distance rates. Did you get it? Hope I didnt over explain the surge:) now that I realize you drive :) 

  • I am sorry for giving you that long post about driving tips:)  I misread your earlier post and didnt realize you were a driver. I am sure that was info you all ready know. 

  • Thanks for the advice.  I know how to change a tire and seen many plugged but I can never get lugs off :)  AAA to the rescue. I was still in the mindset of keeping my acceptance rate up:) I also have been lucky this past month and I havent had trips to any of my least favorite areas.   This weekend was first weekend I didnt shut it off remembering acceptance rate didnt matter. Old habits die hard. 

  • I have both up. Was in Center City a few weeks ago for an appointment. Waze and Maps were trying to take me down one way streets. I had compared Uber to Waze in beginning of trip they both had same directions to drop off today. Uber decided to re route back to streets we all ready were on in beginning of trip. Then Uber app froze and crashed. I had shut down Waze had to get it back up but was at greenlight with traffic behind no time. I ended up turning into hotel parking lot by city hall instead of not knowing which way to go or endangering passengers until I fixed issues.  Its CC traffic heavy around city hall people drive like idiots. I panicked. Lol I had 4 riders who were lets say somewhat snobby. You know the type they have money your just a driver who doesnt  matter.  it seemed like they were getting annoyed. Anyway would feel better if I could rely more on GPS. 

  • I do gamble on pool rides sometimes when bored or slow. One paid off last night 35 min ride 31.90 all highway except few miles 5.00 tip. I never take pool ride if rating is below 4.80 although i usually stick to 4.90 for pool. Not sure about destination filter with 45 min. with Uber. On another issue Ubers directions since new app cane out are awful. Ive screen shoted 7 trips in 2 weeks. I would have 10 but difficult to screenshot with riders doing 55/65mph. I was really embarrassed today ended up refunding rider 6.45. I didnt actually get lost but made a few illegal turns, paused at greenlights waiting for GPS to route, 2 turns that I corrected quickly. App froze. Directions from beginning of trip came up instead of the end of the trip. Telling me to turn on roads that we were all ready on. I usually run maps or waze also but in  CC they all seem to screw up. Trip before that told rider i would b there in 3 min but took me the total opposite direction road me around in a huge circle. Rider was watching me on his phone the whole time. Two min pick up turned into 10 min. Cant wait to get those ratings. The other night told me to cut through cemetery. Of course I didnt lol. Tired of looking like an idiot and tired of wasting time and money. After I am done today going to send long email of course Ill get same answer I always do from the pretend person aka computer's scripted answer. They even give the computer people names lol. I may try Trenton airport one or 2 mornings this week. Dropped someone at 30th St. station today. A express pool lol outside ready and waiting for me 16 mile ride 23.77 plus 7.00 tip because I let her stop and coffee. She was suoer nice and we talked the whole way. Love those rides. Some pools are not too bad. 98% are awful. 

  • I get long pick ups in the city also usually 12 or 20 min. Lately I've got a few for 9 min. Yes they are usually under 2.00. The higher ones I got were only because of surge. It seems like the fee only kicks in when you actually take 12 or 20 min to get there. When first started I would get there before allotted time and wouldnt get a dime. Other times I notice them is when i am in surged area. Those drivers probably left where they to try to catch surge and then those areas were short. Before new app i would be in surged area but would get long pickups put of surge. New one is actually helps me.

  • I am not sure if its on their site. I am sure its somewhere :) Everyone states it is a 4.6. How many rides does he have. When you first start driving your ratings tend to flucuate more because you dont have a lot of rides. It's best to get it up now so when he has more rides his rating wont flucuate as much. I have a 9.4. 18 mths driving 1475 rides. Once I lost my 5 star rating it went down to a 4.95 after 100 rides or so. After 500 rides it stays between a 4.93 and 4.95. You gave good advice try to stay away from pool especially express pool. Unfortunately when it pops up with ride request it says pool. When you accept it then you find out its express pool. I ignore most pool but sometimes its slow or I am bored. I do not acceot any pool under a 4.8. Uber X and XL I will accept anything above a 4.7. I have accepted slightly lower. I can honestly say some of the riders I pick up I dont understand why their ratings are low. I have no issues with them other than they may not tip. I dont rate less than 5 stars for not tipping thats just me. Other drivers feel differently so your Uncle will have to decide. Out of 1475 I've never rated anyone below a 5. There has been a handful or 2 that I probably should have. No one has annoyed me that much :) I also stay away from dangerous neighborhoods. Obviously I have trips to these neighborhoods which I do drop off but I shut the app off until I get closer to my area. Streets are very small, trolley tracks, etc just too much stress not worth it. My experience is for the most part they dont cancel drivers for ratings. BTW I drive in Philadelphia and Bucks County. When I first started I knew nothing nor did I bother to look things up. I managed but I've learned a lot through sites like this and you tube videos lol. I watched them waiting for rides.I learned which ones were a waste and which ones were worth taking advice.  The only thing I disagree with is having water and snacks. Gum and mints are ok but also not necessary at leastbin my experience. Its recommended by some ride share bloggers, videos, etc... Had them in beginning. Anyone who took them which was rare never tipped, dont know about the ratings. I can tell you my ratings didnt get better or worse bit having them. BTW it was always pool people they took them and some for later. I guess it cant hurt though. If its real hot I have some water. Snacks and candy I do for holidays. Gum and mints isnt a bad idea. When I do have those I buy for myself. I offer to passengers that are nice. I can tell you chargers are great to have. I carry android, iphone, galaxy note 8 that has different chargers than all others. What works great is an aux cord riders love it. Had riders tip decent amounts. I also have you tube red 10.00 a month (think u can deduct on taxes but not 100% sure) I can play anything they want. I also create a few play list ex.rock, classic rock metal most of my riders like this one (even young ones) 80''s music, oldies 50's and 60's, rap(not hard core)young people post malone, wiz kalifa, chris brown,. I've got great tips for this also. Usually pays for itself. Thats what works for me here in Philly and Bucks. This site is great for getting ideas, suggestions, info  etc....Hope this helps. Once your Uncle drives more it should get better. Stay away from pool if possible. Now that I wrote you a novel hope something I posted helps and answers your questions. As you can see my answers are always long and probably more info than you wanted.  Lol If there is anything else feel free to ask. I'll answer as best as possible. Ippei and Lily are great at answering questions also. Air freshner helps also. Make sure car is clean and neat. This is what works for me here in Philly. Hopefully something will help your Uncle😊 Best of luck. Where does your Uncle drive???

  • This is just a guess. I know you get most of it just thought I would share my 2 cents on why it may exists :) The reason for surge is demand is high as you know. Drivers would head to the surged area only to get there and it was over or you got there waited for a ride and didnt get one. As riders figured surge out they wouldnt request rides until prices came down (surge dont last long unless really busy 5/10 min).  Everytime I was in surged area I would get pings for long pick ups out of surged area. I got few surged rides. With new surge if driver just makes it to the area surge stops within a min or 2 driver at least gets 1 ride with surged rates. Basically driver gets some compensation for travelling to that area. 

    Tonight I got off I 95. Headed to get gas noticed the area which  I was headed to surged. Once I got to gas station surge was 1.25. As I headed up road I watched my app it started with 1.75 then 2.00, then 3 00 and so on until I got to busiest area with highest surge. It was locked in so I pulled over and waited. Surge was over. Within 3 min got ping and got 8.25 surge. Old surge I wouldve driven there only to have surge end and get nothing. You just wasted time and maybe drove to area that you didnt want to be in or was now slow. At least now you get a surged ride

    Short guess:

    To give drivers something on new app that they advertised as "we listened to drivers" drivers helped with app" make it seem they actually care about drivers. Lol 

  • If it's a surge with long pick up fee I take it. I've taken 3 surged rides with long pickup fee. Not only did I get surge but pickup fee wasnt bad. One was 20 min pick up got 7.90, 12 min got 6.45, and 10 min was 5.45 just for the long pick up. 

  • Sorry I misunderstood. I didnt mean to post it the way I did its confusing. I will fix it. Yes, surge amount is lower.  The heat map comes up with an amount. Starts at 1.25 the most Ive seen here in Philly is 8.75 (only once) 2.00 to 5.00 seems to be the average.  Basically whatever the amount is you get it added to your trip  The only good thing is if we get to surged area but receive no trips you will get that on your next trip.  Regardless if there is a surge or not as long as you dont go off app or decline a ride. Unfortunately if a 10 min away pool wuth rider rating at 4.6 comes in you cant decline or you lose the surge. As you drive into surged area not only is heat map there but at bottom of screen it says what your minumum surge amount is as you travel into other streets it clumbs. I drive into streets that has the highest amount and wait. Once heat map disappears I can go wherever to get my next ride as that will be surged.

  • Red Ant, I was wondering the same thing. I would have like to seen video play out from beginning when the guy asked to play his music. The rider was completely reduculous regardless. The stupidity on some of the things he thinks are "his rights" are just rediculous. I still give the man credit for mainting his composure and professionalism. I can tolerate a lot but i dont know about that one. Although I would have let him play his music. Lol 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    I rate every rider 5 stars over 1500 rides. I should have rated a handful under 5 stars but didnt have the time as we have to rate as soon as we end trip. It was just easier to tap 5 stars as they are all ready highlighted. I cant speak for every driver but the few I've met dont rate for the reasons you mentioned. Unfortunately there are good and bad riders and drivers. Dont assume all drivers are jerks. Just like I dont assume all riders are cheap, obnoxious, and rude. It may be a game or joke to some riders and drivers but not to all. 

  • Thats in Australia. They havent mentioned it in US yet :) Be nice if there were some repercussions. We go below 4.6 we are deactivated as a driver. We are replacable. Uber doesnt care how riders treat drivers.  Perfect example how rude and obnoxious some riders can be: 

    Go to forum

    Self Entitled and stupidity taken to whole new level. What does Lyft do? It's a long video 16 min but check it out. It's unbelievable that there are people like that among us. This person should be banned from Uber, Lyft, and any other ride share in US.