Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  •  If you are in a busy area and there are not many drivers they increase prices (surge) to bring drivers to the area. Drivers make more money sometimes really good money. They still surge just not as good as it used to be. Suppy and demand. Although I always got pinged with long pick ups that were out of surge area so I dont miss what I rearely had:)

  • This is absolutely disgusting that he was hired by Uber. According to the article there has been 100 drivers in 4 years accused of sexually assaulting women. Even if only a few were guilty thats a few too many. These aholes give decent drivers a bad name. Uber's rep is all ready trashed. When is Uber not in the news for negative things? You cant blame Travis for all of it. Dara could've made Uber do better background checks than the 3rd party ones still being done. Maybe it would weed out these criminals and give decent, hard working, law abiding drivers more riders/trips. You would think they would want this bad publicity to stop but they dont care as long as people are still willing to ride. Shame on the male passenger also for getting dropped off 1st knowing that the girl was so intoxicated. Not that he should have to worry about that happening but its a known fact that it has happened. Not saying it gives a man the right to rape an intoxicated passenger but whats wrong with these women getting that drunk and getting into a car with a stranger again knowing this happens. I hear it all the time females mostly young telling me they pass out from being intoxicated in an Uber all the time. It sucks that drivers cant be trusted but women need to be more careful.

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     5 years ago in  How do you feel about driving underage passengers?

    If I had been in drivers position I would have pulled over to safe spot, called parents and waited until parents showed up. Supposed something happened to those teens? Yes I know parents shouldnt of sent them in an Uber but they did. Its not teens fault parents are lazy or clueless. As a parent myself I wouldnt leave anyones teens by themselves on a busy corner with no transportation. Suppose something happened to one of those teens? Sorry but wouldnt want to see them hurt nor would I be able to live with that on my conscience. Even though I dont think its drivers responsibility to check ID that driver did allow them in his car and drove them for however long. He needs to take some responsibility. Shouldve taken them to safer location or waited until parents got there. 

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     5 years ago in  ATTENTION VOTERS

    Drivers will be stuck with a bunch of the dreaded short rides. Here in Philly polling places are less than a few miles (they are everywhere). 

  • Great idea. Now if all would do it:)

  • I never did Uber Eats and never will. I agree that trying to Strike may not work once that surge lights up map. It would be very hard to pass up. It would be nice if they just fixed a few issues. Express pool, pool, short trips, oversaturation of drivers, and pay. I wont even complain about surge and ratings  lol. Back when Uber 1st started you didnt hear about drivers complaining. I assume pay was much better? Everyone complains but we do nothing to fix it. We all just keep on driving. Same complaints. Although I get its difficult if its your full time job to lose a days pay. Just would be nice if all would shut off app for 24 hrs. on a nice busy day. It will never happen. Thanks for sharing!

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     5 years ago in  Comedian Katt Williams charged with assaulting Uber driver

    Drivers need background checks maybe riders should have them also. I know that will never happen for obvious reasons but being a driver you never know who is getting into your car and what they may be capable of. I never really thought of it that way. You could be driving a serial killer, rapist, terrorist, etc... Makes you wonder is it really worth it?

  • Short rides are a lose lose situation for drivers. Nothing worse than driving 10 min. to pick up a passenger that needs to be dropped off at supermarket .5 to .75 mile away. The amount we get paid for these short rides are less than a taxi gets just to start the meter. It's 1.00 more than a bus trip. They should add a short trip fee, up the minimum fare fee, or passengers should tip. I order an Uber a few times a week for my daughter in law $10.89, 8 min 3.8 miles. I dont have to tip a dime, that driver dont see me or know who I am. It's not me who gets in and out of car why should I care?  It's basic human decency.  You tip cab drivers, waitress, bar tender etc... Why not an Uber/Lyft driver? Drivers get my daughter in law from point a to point b safely in a clean car. I schedule it its on time what more can you ask for? Thats why I tip. Decent service = Decent tip. If I cant afford the tip I get my ass up and drive her (I drive nights)myself. 

  • I was just thinking the same thing when i seen your post. What about the riders that scam the drivers? There is a page circulating with approx. 10 ideas on it "how to scam drivers". In the past 2 weeks I've had 2 pick ups one was 11 min. away one was 9 min. away. Although I dont usually take rides with long pick up(been screwed one too many times on long pick ups) I took them because it was slow and one was a surge. I was 100' feet away from rider when I get cancelled. I see him tapping away on phone only to get into a Lyft. I can only assume it was my rider cancelling me as he was at my pick up location and the only male in site. Few days later same thing this time was a surge. Pull into up scale neighborhood see a female at my location getting into a lyft as the cancellation comes up on the app. I dont understand wasting $ for cancellation fee when they had only a 30 sec wait between me and lyft. Maybe I am wrong and these were not my riders but what are the chances both riders were at exact address I was picking up at, same sex as my pick ups, and both got into a Lyft. Although I received 3.75 for one and 4.86 for other one I may have lost out on a long trip or a better fare than a cancel fee. Riders also try "can you just drop my friend a block away? I dont know how to do it on app". Express pool which Uber dont tell you until you accept it its express and not regular pool. Three out of 5 riders expect you to drop at their exact location always saying "I didnt know, or I thought I picked regular pool). I try not to pick pool riders at all but sometimes its slow and I am bored. I could go on but think I made my point. Stop blaming all drivers for scams some of us are just out there trying to make money by being decent and honest. Riders are not so innocent in "scams and excuses". BTW all those excuses you give on not knowing how to use app or add a stop etc... we are not stupid we damn right know you know how to use it.

  • Thank you for detailed answer. Would you think it would be worth it for drivers to go to EWR? Why do you think drivers dont go to EWR instead of sitting at Philly considering its saturated with drivers?  Just curious. I dont mind driving wherever but hesitant on driving in areas I never been. Just feel more comfortable when I have some idea of where I am. I stop accepting request as soon as I see I am going to New Jersey and dont turn back on until I get back to Philly. I know I am losing $ but biggest fear is getting a passenger lost. It's happened to me once. The worst that could happen if I get lost is I would refund $, get 1 star, rider may be annoyed (yell, complain)so really not the end of the world. Most riders are understanding if GPS is not accurate and will help if they know where we were going. Ended up at Parx Saturday. Rider going 5 min away from Buck Rd. I had no issues. A request came in I accepted ended up in Newtown. Two woman at a bar going up around Washington's Crossing Rd. and Aqua Duct Rd.  Most roads were 2 lanes, woods on either side, 45mph speed limit, deer & every other form of wildlife everywhere, foggy, (sure you know this) darkness (not a streetlight anywhere), no reflectors on road just pitch black out. It was like a scene right out of a movie where killer jumps out and hacks you to pieces. GPS was working but as we got about a mile away rider gave me directions. She said GPS was taking long route. I leave my GPS where its seen by rider so if lost they can tell me where to go or if we do get lost they know its GPS not me. As we all know some riders think GPS is all knowing and would never make mistake. Lol Sorry for long detailed discription. I figured they may be annoyed that they had to help with directions (as many riders do when GPS isnt accurate) I pulled into neighborhood with huge single homes that you could barely see as again total darkness). Rider handed me 20.00 for a 5 mile ride. As it turned out it was a surged trip with 7.00 long pick up fee. If not for long pick up and surge it would've been a 8.00 ride at best. Five mile ride turned into 45.00 not bad end of night trip.  What I dont get is these huge millon dollar homes had no lights anywhere. The neighborhood in complete darkness. These are rides that make me nervous as I have no clue where I am. I am afraid to get lost with rider in car. I need to get over it as I know I lose trips Sorry about the long post. It was supposed to be a thank you for your post with a question or 2.

    If you dont mind answering I have 2 more questions. What do you think is the best thing to use for GPS (phone, tablet, or buy an actual GPS, someone suggested a Tom Tom)? If I had confidence that GPS navigation would be more accurate I would buy one. I could accept more trips if I knew it would navagate more accurately. Last question, what app do you think works best? Google maps or Waze? I usually have Uber up and Maps. When Uber works its right on point but sometimes its an out right total mess.

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     5 years ago in  Uber driver who jumped in front of train was deeply in debt

    I figured it out!!! Hope this works for you. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. 😊 I couldnt do it the first time I tried. I could click on it just thought everyone else could. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber driver who jumped in front of train was deeply in debt

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     5 years ago in  Uber driver who jumped in front of train was deeply in debt

    Sorry. It works for me assumed it worked for all. I cant get it to go in comments. I'll have to get one of my kids to figure it out for me. I am tecnologically challenged. 😊

  • Just read a story where an Uber driver picked up a passenger. As soon as he started out on trip his passenger went to sleep. As they were driving Uber driver was checking traffic when he noticed the guys lips were blue. He shouted his name wouldnt wake up.  He was only 3 min from a Hospital so he drove him there. The passenger had overdosed on Heroin. The Uber driver got him there on time and he lived. Scary stuff!

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     6 years ago in  How can I specify a female driver?

    I have heard quite a few stories from my female passengers about their male Uber drivers. I am not saying all male drivers are bad but I havent heard any riders really complain about females. Most of the complaints of msle drivers hitting on female riders. Saying inappropriate things. Last night had a rider who lives and works at a recovery house in a not so good neighborhood. I picked her up at a movie theater. Well spoken, dressed nice not sleazy. She took an Uber last week to catch the EL in a not so good neighborhood. As she was ready to exit car driver asked her how much? She was confused and said I paid on the app. He replied "no, how much I pay you cash". He assumed she was a hooker. She was on her way to her college classes so I doubt she was dressed inappropriately. Regardless why the hell would you ask your rider something like that? She did report him to Uber. Hopefully he isnt driving anymore. Another frequent rider of mine asked a male driver to take her down a different road. She Ubers home everynight from work. She is very nice and polite.  It's a 5 min ride regardless of which way you go. The road driver wanted to use is pitch black, a mile long with a few houses & businesses, and then nothing but woods. Not much traffic especially at 1030pm. There have been 2 bodies dumped on that road and someone hit by a car and left to die in past few yrs. She asked him to go down a more lit, more used road instead, he refused. She told him to pull over and she got out. There was no reason to deny her request. I get both sides to be able to request female drivers but in some instances it would be nice.

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     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    I've had a few ride request recently that were below a 4.6. I've noticed drivers are not accepting those request. I know there are drivers in the area but that same request will come back to me 2 or 3X and it will be 10 to 20 min away. So obviously no driver wants to take it. I declined a 4.64 Uber X ride last night at 2am. I immediately got a request after that one for rider with 4.69 Uber X so I took it. It was a husband & wife. We got to talking about ratings the wife asked what hers was. She had no idea hers was low. She said "when I am drunk I like to talk". Her husband was nice, quiet she did most of talking but I found her amusing. She didnt slam the door and tipped 5.00. My point is just because a few drivers may not of liked her talking so much it didnt annoy me. I try not to ignore requests but if its 2am, pool request, rider is more than 5 min away, and rating is below a 4.65 I dont take it. I tend to not accept pool riders with low ratings and more than a few min away. 

    Observation on Door Slamming

    I was driving a Ford Focus for the first 14 months of driving for Uber. When Uber came out with being able to drive a car that was 15yrs old I started driving my Honda Pilot. What I did notice is riders more times than not slammed my car door. Now driving SUV door never gets slammed. 

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     6 years ago in  As a ride share driver, what is your worst nightmare?

    Puke running down the window into door jam is also no fun. Although there is the black rubber that prevents most things from going down into the door puke isnt one of them. Had a rider few months back that decided if she rolled window down and puked it would all hit the road. Guess she never heard the song by Jim Croche Dont Mess Around with Jim or the saying "Dont Spit In The Wind". Needless to say it splatter all over the outside of the car and down into the door. I was able to pull most of the chunks out with my long tweezers I use to feed my water dragon. Lets just say poor Max wont eat off them anymore. She doesn't like chunky puke on her crickets and worms. I will say they were a Godsend as it saved me from having to pull door panel off.


    1. If you must puke tell your driver to pull over. 

    2. Your driver may carry puke bags ask for one. 

    3. Oh and dont puke out the window while car is in motion. 

    4. Dont drink so much.

    You can save yourself 200.00 and embarrassment of it being posted all over Social Media (although I wouldnt do it and dont agree with it. Some drivers feel the need to do it)

    It will also save your driver a lot of money, time, and aggravation

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     6 years ago in  Never ending Phone Mounts

    Hey you could make the mounts and sell them. 

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     6 years ago in  How can I specify a female driver?

    I want to reach Philly 911 but my location is picked up that I am in Bensalem. I live a few blocks from city line. It's awful when you have a medical emergency. 

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     6 years ago in  How can I specify a female driver?

    It seems pointless to go through Uber app when you can just call 911. So after checking into this I found that most all states do not have updated capabilities of tracking the callers location. They can only find callers location in 10% of the calls.  I believe all states have to upgraded by 2023 (I may be off on the date) that is a long time away. I live in Philly 4 blocks away from Bucks County. When I call 911 from my cell I get Bensalem (Bucks County) I have to tell why I called only to be told to hold on while they contact Philly and transfer the call. Its frustrating in an emergency. If you go through the Uber app they know your exact location and give it to police radio 911.