Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • I agree. Its rude and unprofessional for a driver to be on their phone. Most places of employment if not all prohibit employees from using their phone during work hours. Why should this be any different? I also think its rude for a rider to enter the car on their phone while not acknowledging the driver at all. At least upon entering the car say hello then go back to your call. Had a lady one night enter car yapping on phone this continued whole 45 min ride and then exited car still yapping. Not a hello, goodbye, or thank you. 

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     6 years ago in  Should I give low ratings to Uber drivers who solicit tips?

    I see this is an old question but going to throw my .2  into it anyway. I agree with CaspPer. If its a subtle sign, tip box, etc. Then I do not see the harm and definately dont see why you would give driver low rating.  Zaferian I agree with you on that one, not buying that story. Kstark77 no one is asking for "the community to subsidize workers". In the taxi industry it's well known you tip the driver. I get technically Uber isnt a taxi but same concept. You are getting a discounted ride compared to a taxi, you are getting to and from somewhere safely, if you are happy with the service dont get why cant you tip the driver a few dollars? I know many drivers that go out of their way for riders or provide amenties in their vehicle for riders. Not to mention the crap we put up with from certain riders. A $2/$3 tip is not "sticking it" to the rider. Just seems like you are too cheap to give a small tip for a job well done. You probably dont tip in restaurants either.  Waitresses only get pd $3 so why should "community have to subsidize them"? Happy everyone doesn't think like you.

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     6 years ago in  Philly Uber Riders, look for Driver Ed and Carpool Karaoke

    His videos are on you tube. One guy wasnt too bad. The morning show hosts were awful. Lol Driver Ed Carpool Karaoke

  • The 1st 2 were right after detailing my car. It takes a lot to really make me mad. I can honestly say there has only been a few riders that just pissed me off. A rider chewed off her nail polish then bit her nails and left it all over my seats and floor. I am shocked she didnt bite her toenails and leave them also. Another rider ( didnt realize this until she was done) put her foot up on my counsol to lace up her dirty shoes.  Who does this stuff? Never mind I know. Self entitled young rich kids using mommy and daddys money. The stripper who flipped out at me because I dont have a crystal ball to know she wanted to be picked up at the stripper exit. Apparently the app & GPS didnt know either. Then continued to bark orders not to follow GPS and last time she barked was to tell not ask me to stop at a gas station. I almost left her ass there but because I was taking a class I needed for Nursing (Interpersonal Communication)I waited. I did however confront her nicely and tell her her attitude and behavior were unacceptable and rude. She did apologize and promise me 5 stars. I really wanted to say, "stick your 5 stars to your pasties and pluck some bills from your skanky g string". Then I remembered where the g string lies and thought better of it. 

    I have 1357 trips, (only 1 report for nav 3 days into my 1st week of driving) mind you GPS's fault added 20 secs to trip.I maintain a 4.93 to 4.95 rating 475 5 star trips.  Last and certainly not least. The rider ( I cannot figure out which one) who reported me for car being dirty and bad odor and apparently (according to email from Uber)I needed to shower.  This pops up as a report a few weeks ago while driving on a Friday night. I lost it. I cancelled my rider pulled over and sent Uber some of the most nastiest emails to date (trust me I have sent some pretty bad ones) I was shocked when I was able to get back on the app  in the morning. I thought for sure I would be deactivated. I sent screenshots of my car, pics of the air freshners I use. I do not since the 6th grade leave my home unless I am showered, hair washed daily, make up on and clothes are never worn more than once before they are washed. My kids think I am OCD when it comes to wash and cleaning. My clothes have to smell like fabric softner when I put them on or they go back into the wash. Lol I will also mention I use deodorant. I am in Nursing school which thry dont tolerate bad hygeine and I work in hospital where I cant smell either.  I wouldve been less angry if they reported I was falling alseep at the wheel (although I dont do that either). I was so furious I retired for the night after 3 rides. Texting this story is making me angry all over again. Lol I went back and forth with Uber for about 7 emails from me 3 from them. How dare they believe 1 rider report assume they are telling the truth. I hope their dumb simple minded asses didnt refund this piece of shit rider. There was more bad language used. Language I never use.  Dont think its a good idea to put certain words up on this site lol They email me back saying they dont always believe rider especially since there are no other reports but they are just trying to help me with telling me what rider said and give me suggestions. Wait you just said you didnt necessarily believe them but now your suggesting air freshner and better hygiene again. I finally gave up. Told them what I thought about rider, report, and their responses and called it a night. Nothing has pissed me off more than thst night. So wish I knew who it was. I had no issues with any rider other than the foot fetish guy who wanted to know about my shoes and a guy who said he left his cheap throw away cell in my car which was not in my car (I even checked gas station/mini mart I took him to to make sure they didnt have it).I had few rides that week and only drove 2 days. Guess Ill never know. Yet again my answer turns into a book. Sorry again. :)

  • I started passing on riders under 4.7 but I started seeing a decent amount of ratings under that.  I couldnt afford passing up that many trips. I started taking trips under 4.7 although I am not seeing many anymore. The riders were nice decent people that I had no issues with other than maybe no tip. The 4.5 passenger I passed on 3X  was probably scratching their head because no one was accepting their request  i would've loved to have been watching it play out. Lol It took at least 10 min for the request to be picked up possibly longer. With Uber i dont like that we have to rate passenger immediately wish we had until after shift was over. 

    Uber doesnt make it easy for rider to tip. They first have to rate you for the tipping screen to pop up. A little more than half my rides have rated me so lets say 65% rate me they see tipping screen. The 35% that dont rate never even make it to tipping screen. They would have to go into "my trips" click the driver then there is an option to click tip. Once rider is out of your car you become "out of sight out of mind" for the most part. They will probably never see you again so why tip? So your in a restaurant you are a decent human being and leave tip because its the right thing to do. Other people leave tip because you pay waitress she brings your change.  They dont want her to think you are a cheap jerk so they tip.  Once rider leaves car they never see you again so who cares what that driver thinks. That is why you get those passengers that say "I'll catch you on app" they dont want you to think they are a cheap jerk but we all know  95% of the time that means a big fat no tip because they are that cheap jerk. 

    It would be awesome if gratuity was automatically added in at say 15% to 20% and an option where rider can choose to tip more if they want.

    Remember that #deleteuber movement maybe we should start a #tipyouruberdriver movement. Start a #TIPTHEUBERDRIVERCHALLENGE  25% or 50% of fare. Lol 

    There was a #tipthebillchallenge last month circulating. Tip waitress 100% of bill. People tipped what the bill was and then took pic of receipt and uploaded to twitter. 

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     6 years ago in  Philly Uber Riders, look for Driver Ed and Carpool Karaoke

    Not something I would personally do. Some drunk and not so drunk riders did it. He posts video with their permission on youtube. A morning show did a story on him and took a ride. Some of his videos are funny. Better than having riders who are completely silent. Hate those awkward rides. Provides some entertainment while you are headed to destination. 

  • Checked fares tonight got one for .39 on a pool. Had a ride that fare was lower didnt get it on that one.

  • If you drive for long periods of time you really should try to get out of car every few hours and take a walk, stretch. Obviously its not good for ypur back but blood clots can be an issue. When you sit or lay in one postion for long periods especially if you are older, over weight, not in good physical condition, etc... all jokes aside this can still happen to young skinny people. If you are getting leg cramps you can also try eating a banana. If you are not getting enough hydration and are somewhat dehydrated potassium can drop causing cramps. Best thing you can do to help with back pain, leg cramps, avoid blood clots. Get out of car every few hours stretch, walk around, and stay hydrated.

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     6 years ago in  Philly Uber Riders, look for Driver Ed and Carpool Karaoke

    Has anyone ever had Driver Ed? If so did you do the Karaoke?

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     6 years ago in  As an Uber/Lyft driver do you tip if you are a rider?

    Totally agree. Had to call AAA to jump my car today. Always tip the AAA guy/girl who jumps your car, changes your tire, or breaks into your vehicle when your child leaves them in the car.

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     6 years ago in  As a ride share driver, what is your worst nightmare?

    Why are you driving underage female passengers?

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     6 years ago in  Female Uber drivers are paid less than Male drivers

    I drive at night, love to drive fast, but there are certain hoods that once I drop off I dont stay. I will drive rider into these hoods just choose not to stay in them. Most police officers try to avoid them. Unless you are packing, have a bullet proof vest, full body armour, bullet proof car you dont want to stay in some of these hoods in Philly. Thats where I lose money, not accepting trips until after I drop rider off and get back to safer areas of the city or suburbs.

  • Thats awful. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into then. Not that stars are a great judge of character but still. 

  • That is the lowest ive ever seen in the 15mths driving 1352 trips. I noticed the rating because on new app everything is so small that is the easiest to see lol. Not only that I was sent the request 3 different times in 5 min. It was around 10pm on a Sunday before football started lol

  • We were not able to collect our pay. As a driver you have a choice to get paid weekly or you can cash out up to 5X per day for .50 each cash out. Uber's payday is on Wednesday which in itself is an odd day so maybe as a driver you cash out on Friday well guess what there was a glitch and you couldn't get your money. Drivers may need their vehicle cleaned, gas, a repair, or pay their phone bill, toll money (as we pay tolls out of pocket & get reimbursed).When drivers need that money before payday they cash out. Some cities drivers had to wait 4 days until they could cash out. Personally I cash out everyday now because of the same "so called glitch" 2 months ago same thing happened twice in 2 week period.  If your boss came to you and said there is a glitch we cant pay you obviously thats an issue. Not only did you not have any access to your money but all the rides you gave Friday were no showing up and then again Saturday so you have to hope when they finally did show they were all there and all correct. If you give 50 rides per day its difficult to remember every ride, mile, etc.. Uber sent us a message "no worries your money and trips are safe with us" sorry nothing is safe with them. They are a company that has a rep for being anything but trustworthy. I am sure you were not expecting a book when you asked your question but hope this answers it. :)

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     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    I get why drivers get annoyed because it is wear and tear on door, the window, door locks, etc. Those things are all in the door panel that can come lose or break. I also understand the passengers point of view. When I took my 1st ride what did I do? Slammed the door. Not intentionally. It's impossible to know how much force you need to shut every door on every car out there. 

    My only advice is DRIVER: open door for your passengers and close it.

                                   RIDER: if you know that drivers are getting annoyed                                   try to close doors with less force. It can be costly                                       for driver to repair or replace.


  • They are blaming the "glitch" on the new driver app. The issues I have with that are the new driver app isnt available in every city yet. From my understanding the problem with the app was worldwide. The other issue is approximately 2 months ago when we all had the old app the same problem happened. I cashed out 2X and the app kept saying my $ went to the Uber debit card. Problem is I dont have the Uber debit card. I called Uber they said it would be fixed in 24 hrs. It took 3 days before you could cash out. I lost 3 days of driving and didnt receive my money until almost a week later. Then approximately 2 weeks later it happened yet again. Although it only lasted approximately 32 hrs. I am not buying their excuse. 

    People have bills to pay, they need gas to be able to drive their car, toll money, feed their families etc.. What other company do you know has their employees work for free? They have proven over and over again they cant be trusted. The message I kept getting over weekend is "no worries yiur trips and money is safe with us". Are they serious? Do they think anyone believes it?  They put out these commercials about transparency, making things better, 180 days of change  etc. The best is they claim that drivers helped with this new app. What drivers that helped with that app would've agreed with the new surge? There is no big difference with this new app but yet they make it seem like its a big deal and helps the drivers. The only thing that will help the drivers is to stop the lies, pay us what we deserve, treat us better. My booking fees have been increased since Sept 1st but yet I've received no notice no explanation. What's even stranger is its not on all trips some are 2.00 some are 2.20 for Uber X. Some are 2.50 for XL some are 2.60. There are pool trips that Uber made more than I did and its not because of booking fee at the time I only had 1 rider. Last night I had an Uber X trip that Uber made .26 less than I did. You send an email you get a scripted answer that dont answer your question. You call you get someone that is from another country that dont understand you and all they do is read a scripted answer. You may as well have a computer answer the phone. 

    They just dont care about the drivers. A handful quit another 100 sign up. You would think they would want to keep experienced high rated drivers. They just dont care. I bet Dara and his stooges got their paychecks and didnt have to wait. I dont think this guy is any better than the last one. Just dont understand how they keep getting away with it.

  • Had a request from a passenger with a 4.5 11 min. away. Didnt accept it. I got the request again few min later. Then again a 3rd time, by this time I am 20 min away.  Rating was too low. It was a rainy night and it was late but there were plenty of drivers in the area. Hopefully rider figured out that rating sucked and no one wants to pick them up because they are a jerk. Uber may not deactivate their account with a low rating but no one is going to pick them up, small victory. 


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     6 years ago in  As an Uber/Lyft driver do you tip if you are a rider?

    I was wandering what drivers thought about other drivers not tipping when they are passengers. Had a few people say they drove for Uber. Only 1 guy tipped 2 males and a female didnt. Two young 20 something said their moms drove for Uber both tipped. I would think as a driver you would tip knowing what it is like out there. 

    It was 3 mile ride lol 10 min. I tipped what I did because I drive and know what it's like out there.

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     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    How do you know they didnt tip you? You cant see that until you rate them. So are you saying you give them 4 stars if they dont give you cash? What if tip shows up a few days or 2 weeks later? Why are you driving kids with no booster/car seat at all? Thats risky for multiple reasons.