Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Your welcome. Happy I could answer.

  • Narcan reverses the effects. If someone has overdosed it can save their life. People can have no pulse and not be breathing it can bring them back depending on how long they have been down. It's a nasal spray and injection. Nose spray is used by paramedics. Injection would only be used in hospitals I would think.

  • Unfortunately it has happened. It's sad that people sued when someone was only trying to help. Its those people that make others feel the way they do.   As if March 2018 38 states have made laws called "good samaritan" for administering Narcan. Administering CPR also falls under the good samaritan laws. It protects people from being sued if something goes wrong. There is also a lot to consider. I have other posts on here about it. Lets say this person has OD a few times and refuses help. Rescue has been called out 2 or 3 times to Narcan them and delayed them in getting to a person who was in a tragic car accident. I also know in Philly if rescue goes out to Narcan someone there is no charge. If you have a heart attack and are transported to hospital you are charged 800.00 or more. How is that fair. The list goes on. They want to make safe injection sites here as early as next year. These places will be staffed with nurses and doctors in the event of an overdose. They will be given clean needles. Who is paying for this? The taxpayers. There is no consequences for these people. The list goes on. At the end of the day though if I come across someone who is not breathing and has no pulse and I have access to Narcan that would save them could I walk away? The answer is no. No matter how I feel about whats fair, whats not, and what these people are doing to themselves, family, and society I could not watch someone die if I had the means to save them.  Other people have their opinions and may not want to get involved and that is their right and I totally understand why. Thanks for sharing. 😊

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     6 years ago in  Should You Tip Your Uber Driver? If So, How Much?

    For obvious reasons cash is better. As a driver I appreciate tips either way. I may be wrong but I dont think drivers care a tip is a tip. I would think they wouldnt judge until they at least checked the app for tip. Lol I ordered an Uber for my daughter in law today. She didnt have cash so I had to tip on the app. I was hoping I could tip before trip was over but you cant. I didnt want driver to think he was going on a short 3 mile trip with no As soon as I seen she got to destination I quickly rated and tipped. I wasnt even the one in the car lol. He must have seen tip right away as I maintained my 5 stars loI I get how you feel though. I wouldnt worry though as long as you tip in the app drivers should be happy if not thats their problem. 

  • Uber says the ride goes the closest driver. If that driver doesnt accept for whatever reason it goes to the next closest and so on. The furthest request I've had is 20 min. away. I assume they dont send request beyond 20 min but I am not absolutely sure about that its just my experience. By the 3rd time it came back to me I was 20 min away. I am not sure what happens after all drivers wont accept it. Maybe it then goes to drivers further than 20 min. You may get lucky and a new driver will take it or someone who doesnt care about rating. The other issue is also when a ride is 20 min away the rider goes 5 min up the street we get a fare of 3.50. So I just drove 25 min & made 3.50 so not worth it. The other night I drove 15 min only to get cancelled when I was a 100' away. I checked my app the rider was only going .75 miles a ride under 4.00. I did get cancel fee but it sucks when riders pull that after I drove for 15 min.  Is your rating low? I would suggest not using pool for a little while and request Uber X and tip the drivers especially on short rides, dont slam the door (apparently that is a big thing), just be polite, and respectful. Your rating will come up. 

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     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    It will not solve any problems. Passengers and riders should work together to go against Uber. Uber screws both passenger and driver. They lie, cheat, and steal from driver and passenger yet we dont do anything we just take it. 

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     6 years ago in  As a ride share driver, what is your worst nightmare?

    Lol. Never thought about that particular thing happening until few nights ago. Thankfully it didnt happen while on ride it was a young girl in her own car. I was done driving for the night. It turned out well but was definately headed into an emergency situation or worse. If you want details check out Heroin epidemic. Should drivers carry narcan? in the forum. Would like it if you would leave your opinion on the situation posed. Looking to hear how other drivers feel. If you get time check it out. Thsnks 

  • I would hope first responders would be wearing gloves to protect them from coming in contact with anything. There are a few stories circulating about people getting violent when given narcan. A few are not true.  Yes it can be a possibility though. My issue is how many times do you Narcan someone? There are instances where its the same people day after day. Even when these people know how bad the drug is and they OD they continue using. I pick a woman up at a meeting a few times per week. When someone dies rhat goes to these meetings the others try to find out what corner they bought drugs from. Their logic is it must be good if it killed someone "I'll just use less and I'll be fine. They are using paramedics and rescue squads time when they may be needed elsewhere. In philly they want to make "safe places" for them to shoot dope. They are talking by next year to have these sites. Our tax dollars at work. Yet people cant afford their insulin and other dtugs to sustain their life but lets keep the addicts alive. I see both sides but these drug users need to have some consequences. They're making it too easy for them. On the other hand how do you walk away and not try to help these people? I dont have the answers but someone needs to find them. If I had Narcan and seen someone that needed. I would probably give it. I just couldnt walk away knowing I could save their life. I totally respect that others wouldnt want to do it because you are right you dont know how they will react. This epidemic is awful. They need to get the shit off the street and stop it from coming into the country. If its not available people cant use. Thanks for your response and honesty. After what happened the other night was just curious how drivers would feel.

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     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Where is this happening. I drive in PA and havent heard this. Just curious.

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     6 years ago in  As a ride share driver, what is your worst nightmare?

    A passenger over dosing or having a medical emergency while in my car.  If Doing CPR or whatever to save them fails and they die anyway I would feel awful.

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     6 years ago in  How can I specify a female driver?

    In Philadelephia they have it for drivers in new app. Its actually better to go through app then to call 911. Uber knows your location. When you call 911 they dont always know your location.  In some cases they have been off by 10 miles. Emergency 911 is not updated enough and cannot always pinpoint your location. They say they can pinpoint location in approx 10% of the calls. So although it seems easier and faster for you to call on your own better to go through app. New drivers app has a shield a bottom right of map screen its there that you can get Uber to contact 911. 

  • I agree. I dont let anyone hook the cables up as I dont trust them. Narcan  can be adminitered via the nose in a spray. If you are to use it and the person didnt OD it wouldnt hurt them. It's not harmful and not addictive. Massachusetts put lock boxes on corners where most drug overdoses occur. When someone calls them about an overdose they instruct them how to get it out and what to do with it. PA and 38 other states by 3/2018 passed good samaritan laws regarding Narcan. Just like CPR. If you administer CPR you are protected against good samaritan laws.Not trying to change anyones views just sharing info. 😊

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     6 years ago in  Should You Tip Your Uber Driver? If So, How Much?

    That is a very good idea. I would be happy if all riders tipped $2/$3 per ride rather than nothing at all lol. I get passengers on some occasions that tip more than ride itself. It's usually riders that I dont expect to tip anything. It also seems like the more people brag about how much money they make the less likely they are to tip you at all or in 1 instance .50. You may as well keep your .50. Last night helped a lady with few bags said she would tip in app. I usually dont believe the ones that say they will tip in app (as we all know they usually dont)but I did believe her. Sure enough 20 min after ride 15.00 tip for a 12.27 ride. Most of my long trips do tip very generously but there are a few that dont. I took my first Uber ride a few weeks back the driver had a good sign in his car about ratings and tips. I would post to show you but dont know how to put it on here. Was going to ask him where he got it but he wasnt understanding me as his English wasnt very good. I did take pics. When I have some time Ill try to figure it out. 

  • Yes, no problem. I live near a shopping center and a mall. I get frequent rides to these places. I have no problem helping load and unload as I find it to be quicker to get back on the road and for me it's the right thing to do. I've heard stories though where some people try to load large items such as tv's and other big items. I wouldnt suggest that unless you contact your driver and ask first. 

    2 stories about trips with riders who had packages/bags. Just thought I would share even though you asked a yes or no question😊 My answers are never short more like a chapter in a book.😊

    I have SUV so I drive X & XL. A few weeks ago on a hot humid day I had someone order Uber XL I pull up & a man walks the 150' + to my truck & says " me & my mom have 5 bags is that ok"? My reply, "sure". Big mistake! They were moving & headed to hotel overnight.  They had 9 or 10 big bags and several small bags. My SUV has trunk space, a 3rd row of seats, my front seat, and space next to the 2 riders. Yes, they were all full. At one point I got out and met the man half way to help because it took 15 min to load up car. Mom got in & prayed out loud for me for 5 min for helping them. Love prayers, appreciated it, but it was over kill. The son told me about 50X how sweet I was and how they were going to tip me. I all ready helped load car didnt need to be told I would be tipped as I all ready knew I was not getting tipped. You can tell when someone says they will tip on app and you know they have no intention of doing it.   As we pulled into parking lot I got another ride. They had to check in and then the truck had to be unloaded. They thanked me, mom said another prayer, son said just one more time how sweet I was and tip will go on the app. Guess what No Tip. I made 11.77 on that trip as it was a short trip. 

    Last night got a XL request. Son texted me gave me description of his mom, where she was standing, asked me to put AC on as she was going through menopause lol, could I help her with bags? Texted back sure. I thought it was nice that he gave me info and also sweet he looked out for his mom. He then texted "I will tip you have my WORD". I found her easily, she had a few light weight bags. Loaded car.  Had great conversation and she was very sweet. As we pull up she says I told my son to tip you on the app. I thanked her. Got to her place carried bags in and went on my way. Most people who say they will tip on app DON'T. I dont know why they feel the need to lie other than they dont want you to think they are rude  cheap, whatever. My advice is if you are not going to tip dont tell driver you are going to. Anyway I didnt doubt this woman or her son. Sure enough they did tip $15.00. I never expected that much but it was very nice that they did that and very much sppreciated.



  • Yes. Have a few passengers that do it. They pack dirty laundry in trash bags. No smell and doesn't fall all over car.

  • girshleonard, You are in Philly also?

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     6 years ago in  Driver survival Kit

    I am sure these items are not a surprise but thought I would list anyway.  Barf bags, air freshner, cleaning supplies, 5 hr. Energy, Motrin, Tylenol, hidden emergency cash, extra charger & phone holder, first aid kit, jumper cables, fix a flat, oil, ice scraper, rubbing alcohol for lock de-icer, wiper fluid, water for me and the radiator, peanut butter crackers, blankets, pillow (last 4 are for an emergency). In 2016 a Winter Nor Easter closed PA Turnpike leaving drivers stranded for 24 hrs. 

  • You may be surprised at what addicts can do. I have personally met addicts that function in sociery and hold a job. There are addicts that lead a double life and go to work, have a family etc..  A drug user may snort or smoke it before they get into the Uber. You can OD on it by snorting, smoking, or injecting. Snorting can take up to 15 min to reach blood stream. It is very possible for them to order an Uber and OD 20 min after snorting it . Addicts that inject it die quicker because it goes directly to blood stream. 

    What I have posted above is by no means to try and change how you feel about it.  I just wanted you to be aware that unfortunately it is possible especially in todays society.  Hopefully none of us ever have to experience it. After last night although she wasnt in my car it just made me think what if she was? What could I do?  I have mixed feelings on the whole Narcan thing in general but could I just stand there and not do anything? That was why I posted just curious to what drivers thoughts were. Thanks for your post.  

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     6 years ago in  How do you feel about driving underage passengers?

    Was driving Friday morning 7am usually drive nights. I accepted a ride at a local mall. I pull out of lot where I sit waiting for rides when I get a text from mom. "My son is at the wal mart enterance". I pull over text back is your son a minor? No response back from her. I cancelled the ride. I hate leaving kids stranded but I dont want to take a chance.

    I had a girl I picked up at her job (McDonald's) on 2 occasions. She had uniform on which included a hat.  Pick ups were after midnight. It was hard to see her face clearly with hat on. The first night I picked her up I had another pool rider who was a 23 yrs old.male. When she got out of car he said she was "hot wish I would've asked her out for a drink".. The 2nd time I picked her up I told her about the guy saying she was hot and wanted to take her out for a drink. She responded "thats creepy I am only 16".  No way lol. We both thought she was over 21. Working past midnight, worked 12 hr shift, hat on couldnt see face clearly, conversation was intelligent and she didnt talk like a 16 yr old teenager. Fooled both me and other rider. How the hell do you know who to ask for ID? Some of these teenage girls look like their in their 20's when dressed and have make up on. If they are old enough and you ask for ID chances are you are not getting 5 stars. Uber needs to do something to make this essier for drivers. We should not have to check ID

  • I know this post is a few months old but wanted to share this info. I drive in Philadelphia. I can see rider rating since I started driving 15 mths. ago.