Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Anytime I go into Jersey I fill up. Thanks.  My nephew works for Giant usually twice a month i get .30 to .70 off a gallon.

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     5 years ago in  Pax Scared me so bad I cancelled - CREEPY

    Would of did the same thing. Happy to hear that you were not hacked into pieces and stuffed into a trunk in a parking garage. Lol More seriously you never know what can take place in an Uber. I've pulled up and said the same thing as you many times.  Last week had pick up in Philly her rating was 4.72. She called me to ask if I was outside. She sounded incredibly drunk/high and grumpy. I am in an apt complex parking lot surrounded by cars one way out. After the call I decide to get out of there and cancel. Of course as I try to make my escape here comes rider. Turns out its her boyfriend going not her.  He gets in tells me to turn up radio really loud. I ask what station he replies "whats on is fine". I am thinking this is odd because the song was something I never heard of and just not the type of music I would think he would listen to. He says nothing more for a about 2 miles. I smell alcohol at this point and hear what sounds like him going through a bag (didnt see him get in with one). I cant see him in my rearview very well. Next thing I hear is a big sniff. About 30 secs later Mr. Quiet turns to Mr. Talkative Happy Pants. I hear his whole life story. Tells me he drives for Uber where I should drive blah blah blah. Not to follow GPS. Ended up missing turn as he was talking so much he forgot he was supposed to be directing me.  Almost puts me on expressway. I know where to go at this point and convince him I know the way. Did I mention we were headed to Olney in North Philly? Has me drop him off on a Street corner instead of address listed. Lesson learned is never get backed into an area that you cant make a fast getaway. Conclusion is he snorted something that turned him into Mr. Talkative Happy Pants.  He was taking the ride to pick up more of the happy powder for grumpy drunk gf. Also think he had a stash of happy powder that he hid from gf and thats why he chose to snort it in my car. As I am almost to destination I get a request which I decline. He tells me I should've accepted it as I just turned down $. Had we not been in North Philly he was right. Since we were there I was not picking up any other rider that was snorting, injecting, smoking, carrying any illegal substance. Of course I know that can happen in any neighborhood but chances in this area are definately greater for getting that type of rider at that time of night. As I ended trip he got out I immediately shut off app as I didnt want to chance getting his request to head back to grumpy drunk gf with some happy powder. As soon as I got back to my usually waiting spot I checked back of car and sure enough there sat a lone tiny drug baggy with powder residue. I can only assume it was his. I sent message to Uber not to pair me with her again that although I didnt have 100% proof it was his it was definately a very good possibility. Last lesson learned and probably the best is to install cameras.  

  • It was a rap concert with many different rappers. I am assuming there were many ride request as venue was packed. I didnt have Uber app on but had another trip into New York also had a request while on Uber. I was thinking the same thing about airport but not sure if I could pick up or what "rules" of that airport is. I was paid 42.00 for tolls. My bigger tips seem to come from having conversations with riders, playing music they like or allowing them to play theirs, and allowing people to smoke. I have You Tube Red $10.00 per mth (had prior to driving for Uber) I create play list of one hit wonders, 50's to 70's, 80''s, rap & younger crowd's music, metal, and popular rock music. I smoke as you now know so dont mind people smoking. Most dont ask but the few that have always tip. I use a spray called Blunt Effects takes any odor away in 30 seconds.  Haven't found an odor yet it dont take away. Seven out of 10 riders when they get in remark how great my car smells. Only con is its very oily.  I bought cheap car mats and spray on them. You only need a squirt or 2 before driving as some of the scents are very strong. If someone smokes quick spray.  Pick up a non smoking rider 3 min later, they never know. Conversation and music seem to be the reasons for most big tips. I never disagree although sometimes I would love to. Lol I let them do most of the talking especially the ones that love to talk. I offer advice if asked if not I keep my advice to myself.  Music seems to be a great topic almost all people enjoy music. You Tube Red definately pays off as I can put any song a rider can think of on (no limitations). I think it may even be a tax write off if I am not mistaken. You keep giving me driving tips. In/outs, good spots, and I'll try to give tips to get big tips. Lol Lesson learned on gas even slow nights. When I drive my Ford Focus always had gas 36.00 to fill. Pilot is 60.00 to fill. Never letting it go under 1/2 of tank again. I lost a 45+ Uber X at 5:45 am this morning in Newtown. Had put 20.00 in after New York but did a few trips and did favor for friend. Had a request across the street that took me to Newtown. Was supposed to be my last trip. Then that 45+ came in. I would've taken it but no close gas stations up there. Gas prices are also high up their. Shell station near Oxford Valley 3.39.   If you are ever in neighborhood of Knights and Frankford stop at Sunoco. I sit there waiting for rides (black Honda Pilot). Busy spot as it sits me between Philly and Bensalem. When I see Uber drivers come in to get gas, drinks, etc i sometimes talk to them. I wonder if it anyone I talk to on here that drive in our areas. Lol Obviously I never ask the people. Sorry yet again for the long drawn out advice but wanted to share as you always give me great advice. Sure you can tell I talk to my riders as I never shut up when posting. Lol There is one other guy on here who also drives in Bucks that gives me good advice. Grateful for both of your tips. 😊

  • LG PA your advice paid off last night after 15 rides under 7.00, 3 under 14.00. Had a ping for Lyft XL 45+ 8 min away. Get to pick up 2 very nice men missed train to NY and they had a concert to get to. Unfortunately didnt think I would have enough gas.  They were understanding when I said I needed to stop (actually would've just made it) better to be safe. Nothing would've been worse waiting for AAA to bring gas lol.  The last thing I expected on a Tuesday night at 9pm was a ride to Brooklyn. Traffic was awful even at that time of night. A few lessons learned last night 1. tolls after Bensalem cannot be pd by Debit card even though the toll booth says "full service" at least when heading to NY.  Had just enough cash. 2. Make sure (if you smoke) to have an emergency pack of cigs as they 13.00 in NY. 3. Dont drink 48oz. of tea without stopping to use rest room as you never know when 45+ will come up, 4. Not easy finding a restroom in NY at 10:15pm. 5. Traffic is insane 6. I see why they capped the amt of drivers as I seen more taxi's than I've seen in my entire life. Any long trip I've had was early afternoon when just getting on road.. Definately need to be more prepared at any time of day or night. Got the men to their destination in a reasonable amt of time despite traffic. Was pd. 158.00 + tolls, 45.00 tip, took a different way back. It added 20 min but toll was only 6.85. Saved 17.85 in tolls. Lyft did pay my tolls both ways. Didnt understand why I got a ride request for Lyft in New York right before I finished my ride. Didnt think we could drive there. I didnt accept it as I would never drive in NY other than a drop off. You couldnt pay me enough. Lol

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     5 years ago in  Uber to deliver on flying drones by 2021

    Probably. All the other publicity they get is negative because they are a dishonest company that will never change their ways. If it were true I wouldn't use it. Dont want my food flying through the air before I eat it. What happens when birds attack and eat  the food? Would be pretty funny to watch. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber should reward drivers with gym membership

    How about Uber pay us better. Then we could afford to get a gym membership. Uber isnt going to give drivers anything unless forced to. They dont care about drivers.

  • Well said BigFrank.

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     5 years ago in  Article on Drivers Wages. What are your thoughts?

    I notice a difference from last year.  When I started driving in July 2017 I drove 1 to 2 days per week. Usually Friday and Saturday. I had more trips, better trips, good surges, better tips, more tips, barely any pool, and very small amt of short trips. Since I started driving more hours starting in May 2018. It's been awful. Tips are lower ( maintained same rating as last year), maybe 1 surged ride per month (get slightly more with new surge), longer pick ups, many short rides, more pool, less money. I made more driving less days and less hours. It seems when you are a new driver working a couple days,  less than 20 hrs. you get good trips once you are with Uber more than 12mths things decline. Trips have longer pick ups, more pool, less trips, etc... Uber does not want good, reliable, high rated drivers. As you become more experienced, understand things more, see whats going on, Uber doesnt want you anymore. Just my opinion and my experience.

  • I took my 1st ride in an Uber recently. I've ordered an Uber for my daughter in law for 2 weeks (total of 10 trips). All the 11 drivers have a 4.89 to a 4.97. So I assume there are a decent amount of drivers here in Philly that have decent ratings. From what I can gather as long as your car is clean & smells good, you dont get lost, you dont speak unless the rider wants to have a conversation, and your polite you can maintain a 4.9 and above. There are a few other things that help chargers, aux cord, and let rider choose the music or play their music if they want to. Of course there are those 20 or so people who rate you below 5 stars for whatever reason. Unfortunately you cant please everyone no matter what you do. :) I just wish the riders that rate under 5 stars would tell me why.   I cant fix something if I dont know what I did wrong. I have received 2 reports. One said my car was dirty and smelled. That particular report infuriated me as rider was obviously looking for free ride. I clean my car before I start my day and I use air freshner. I also check to make sure there isnt a mess left by previous rider. The other report was made by a 19 yr old about navigation my 1st week.  GPS had me turn when I didnt need to. I quickly corrected the mistake. It took all of 30 secs to turn around to get back on correct route. He felt that was worth a 1 star followed up by a report.  My problem with some of these riders are if they were to be rated the way we were how would they feel when they got less than 5 stars with no explanation? How many would even have a job after a few weeks? I also think some drivers are somewhat unfair when they rate riders. Can't we together and get along? Uber is the bigger problem not drivers and riders. I know should've quit posting after the 4th sentence and a Thank you. :)

  • I can see it now also. It wasnt coming up for me for a few hours after I first viewed it. I cannot delete my comment but I'll change it. Thank you.

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     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Yes it is funny. You would think I would've learned my lesson. I've done it countless times. The best is when you are going off the app for the night and as you tap it request comes through. You are no longer done for the night but taking one more last ride. Lol I was texting last night when I accepted a ride request with rider rating at 4.0. I did cancel that one. Complained to Uber because GPS route incorrect and was afraid to pick up rider with that low of a rating.  Asked why they were still on platform requesting rides. They gave me 3.75 for cancel to shut me up. A loss to Uber as cancellation fee was not charged to rider. I wasnt really eligible for that fee as I pulled up I cancelled. Uber has no intention on deactivating riders in my opinion.

  • My rating is a 9.94. I get riders with ratings from 4.0 to 5. Closest driver get your request it doesnt matter the rating. 

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     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    When I wait for rides I catch up on answering texts or commenting on here.. I cant tell you how many ride request I've accepted accidentally when request comes in while texting. Last night accepted a 4.40. I sit for a min or 2 hoping rider would cancel when he didnt see me moving. No luck. I knew where the street was but GPS took me to apartment complex that backs up to that street. So I pull up and cancel immediately as I dont want rider charged. Shoot a message to Uber with screenshot of directions and mention that I wasnt comfortable picking up a passenger with a 4.0. Why are they still on platform and able to request rides? I've sent countless GPS issues in past few weeks just to get same message back and of course no compensation. I get message back last night slightly different than the others but no mention of the rider being able to still ride with 4.0. The difference with this message was they gave me a cancel fee.  There is 3.75  in my earings but just shows up in total not listed in trips as it normally would be. Rider wasnt charged Uber took loss. My thinking is to shut me up about the rider rating and that person still able to request rides. So much for deactivating riders less than 4.5. 

  • Seen the lowest rider rating yet. Accidentally accepted ride request as I was texting. Needless to say I cancelled. I was not taking any chances on a 4.40 rating.

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     5 years ago in  Article on Drivers Wages. What are your thoughts?

    In my opinion not here in Philadelphia. Too much wear and tear on car. Uber pool and pool express dont pay enough. Not many tips. Part time maybe to make few dollars  but definately not full time. Riders ratings getting lower and lower afraid to pick up so you decline. Not as many rides too many drivers. Tuesday and Wednesday very slow. A lot of short trips. I am only doing it for the flexibility right now but really considering something else.Cant stay on top of my bills. I did better making 10.00 per hr 40 hrs a week than I do with uber. This is just my opinion.

  • Thank you for the info. Greatly appreciated.

  • Most people I drive are decent people. I've had a few that you could tell by the questions they asked and their attitude how they feel. There has been some that I've picked up in neighborhoods with big single homes that were snobs and talked down to me. I've had others that start out being snobby and asked "why would you do this for living" like its the worst job in the world. When I tell them I am doing it because I need flexibility while going to Nursing School their attitude changes drastically. Definately are people out there who think this is worse than working at Wal Mart:) I've picked up strippers who think they are better. Bark orders from the minute they get in your car. I had one scream and yell at me because I was at main enterance (thats where app put me) not stripper enterance. When I got to her she continued to bark orders and be rude. I definitely dont know where they get off acting like that. 

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     5 years ago in  Lyft Subscription Service

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     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    I was texting on my phone today with Uber app open waiting for trips. As I am texting trip request came through at same time and I accepted it. This has happened more times than I can count. It was Uber X so I was ok until I seen the 4.62 rating. So I continued on all the while dreading this pick up. I pull up and its a 9yr old, mom, and dad. They get in all are polite had nice conversation with child about what pets we have. Mom chimed in once in awhile although I hate to say it daughter spoke better than mom. Mom needed to go back and learn some English grammer. Dad didnt say a word. So I am thinking why the low rating? They didnt slam the door so my guess they dont tip. Then all of a sudden it hit me. The smell! Whatever processed food they were munching on from the 1.00 store smelled awful. It takes a lot to turn my stomach but these chips were one of the most disgusting smells ever. So after they exit not a crumb on my seat, dad even opened his mouth to say thank you. Mom and daughter said goodbye and thank you. Didnt slam door. I gave 5 stars. Although I knew a tip wouldnt follow, they didnt get chips everywhere, and they were polite. Although I will never buy a bag of chips from 1.00 store after smelling that. In reality I dont get why dad had a 4.62 rating. Unless dad frequents bars and is an obnoxious rider at 2am. Hope I never find out. Sometimes you cant always go by those low ratings. :)

  • I read that article today. Abour an hour later qnother one popped up about it not being a good idea for some people. They were saying how Lyft would be the ones to make out not riders. I'll look for it and post link.