Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • I've picked up strippers twice. One stripper had a fit & started screaming at me because I didnt pick her up at stripper enterance. The app put me in front of the place. I had never been there before. She called me screaming so I drive around to where she told me but there were people all over plus 2 entrances/exits so I ask the first female I see if she was my passenger. She ignores me then I see Mr. Big and Beefy with the tight muscle head shirt on wave me over. She opens door starts screaming why didnt you come here 1st & why were you talking to those people? I try to explain that the pick up location put me up front and what people are you talking about? She screams the people in the car. I reply "what people, what car" . She screams again the people in the car. I am getting annoyed now, because she hasnt stopped screaming at me and what people in what car not a clue who she was referring to. I should've left when I was eligible for cancel fee. We drive a mile GPS says make left turn screaming stripper barks order i will tell you where to go. We go another mile another barking order "pull into that gas station I need something". She needed something all right some manners or a foot up her ass. I pull in to this gas station that is packed has a line of cars to get in (will explain the line of cars at 3am at a gas station another time). I finally get into lot she gets out and I plot my escape. Why should I take her screaming, order barking ass anywhere else they dont pay me enough for this? I put the car in drive ready to pull out and my guilty conscience kicks in. Its 3am you cant do that. Then the  little devil on my shoulder says go for it. Good conscience won I stayed but when she got back in I had a little talk with her. By the time i dropped her off she was happy. So happy when she got out she said "i am going to give you 5 stars". I wanted to reply "stick your 5 stars so far up (that thing you shake for money)that they shoot out of your mouth and hand over some of those bills you made tonight.  She was out right rude and bossy. 

    The 2nd stripper I picked up didnt yell at me but she also barked orders. Wont get into much detail as I just wrote a book about stripper #1. Her barking orders were hello as she entered car  order #1"put this radio station on, order #2 turn volumn up ill tell you when to stop" #3 dont speak to me while music is on #4 put the heat up. No please no thank you ànd you guessed it no tip. Last but not least we pull up to destination my app shows end trip you've arrived i end it wait for her to get the hell out. But she needs to bark 1 more order #5 "I've never been here before just sit here until I can find my friend then you can leave". Must be a stripper thing to bark orders and not tip. These 2 were in my first month of driving they taught me a few things that night.  No, one of those things was not how to work a stripper pole. Thanks for sharing R Paulson. Would love to here more stories. 

  • Please share some of your stories. I am sure they are interesting. Would love to hear some.

  • I was surprised how open and excited she was to share her story with a stranger. From what I hear many female college students do this. I am older and from different generation what do i know. Lol I forgot to mention when zI got my next rider he liked my story so much the tipped me 20.00 cash for 4 mile ride. Lol

  • Thats awesome. Yes, I agree  it would've been nice if you knew when he was on the phone. You never know who you will meet especially Ubering. Thank you for sharing. 

  • Great story. Made me smile. Nice of you not to be annoyed. smile

  • What do you think of new driver app? I csnt seem to find my acceptance rate or cancelation rate anywhere? Assuming its not there I am sure that was done on purpose. If you have found it coukd you please tell me where to find it? 

  • August 10th Drop off my last 2 very drunk riders who drove me crazy but were funny around 2:10.  I decided to call it a night before it got worse. I drive in Philadelphia. I pull up to Cottman and Torresdale Ave. Not a great neighborhood but not the worst here in PhillyThere is a beautiful Husky with a leash roaming the middle of the busy intersection no tags. So I pull over & decide to get out slowly in case this dog bites. He comes barreling around the car as soon as I open door and tries to climb on my lap and starts to cry. Ok at least he is friendly. I call a 24 hr. Vet ask what they can suggest I do. They give me animal control's number. I call them guy responds"bring him to Front & Huntingdon park and put him in a cage" and hung up. Ok what cage, where is it on the property? Then it hit me. It's now 2:30 am unless you have bullet proof body armour and bullet proof car and you are packing (and i dont mean lunch). There is no way I am going to that hood at 230pm let alone 230am. So I am standing in front of my double parked car with a dog trying to figure out what to do. Some nice people would ask if I was ok some were just a little shady (especially one man who pulled over a block away & watched me for 10 min) All i could here in my head was my dad screaming at me "are you crazy that time of morning in either of those hoods are you an idiot"? I am sure he was doing flips in his grave. So now I google "can i call 911 for a stray dog in Phila" google says yes so it must be ok right. I call 911 operator responds "I guess you want them to come get dog" I say well yes i cant leave him roaming the streets. Did I mention dog had an odor that wasnt a good one and was scratching and biting at his skin so I assume he had at the very least fleas, I cant put him in my clean nice smelling Uber or next rider may rate me 1 star for smell.. Now its after 3am I need to get off this corner. I know damn right well every police car in the district is avoiding that intersection like the plague  Ten more min. go by I finally see a police car and flag him down. An Officer out of his district (from next district over) must have felt sorry for me or it was Divine Intervention. He gets out of car I explain my dilemma (i all ready have a dog, dont have time for another dog, & most imp. I cant put dirty, smelly, flea ridden dog in my car as I drive for Uber my ratings will drop) He then takes some info from me and takes this beautiful Husky in the back of his car. I was truly grateful. Shout out to Officer Milligan. Only in an Uber.

    If you enjoy these stories I have plenty more. At least once a week something funny, crazy, or bad happens while driving for Uber.  I would love to hear some of your driver or rider stories. Please feel free to share your stories here.

  • I used that for awhile. It does work. Just found blunt Effects works somewhat better. As it also takes smell off my clothes as well. I don't spray on my clothes it just clings to you from spraying in car. Ozium isn't greasy either so in that respect it is better than blunt Effects. I don't think Ozium last as long. I like the many scents blunt Effects has. Definitely one or other are both great sprays and they do work.

  • I took a pool tonight only because it was a surge, they added additional pool rider.  I ended up with 42.00 and Uber got 12.00. So far last night was was the only time they made more than I did. Still not taking pool unless surged. 

  • Not surprised just annoyed because they don't address the question. They send answer based on key words so anything I ever send is never the answer or solution to my question. If a person actually was reading some of the messages I've sent I would've been deactivated after first 2 months. 


    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Octopus Tablet

    They charge you. When I seen that I exited out and never looked back. Was just curious to see if anyone actually had tried it. 

  • Read comments above for more info.  There is a spray called Blunt Effects. I smoke in my car. This spray will take the any and all bad smell out. Never had a complaint no one ever complained out if 1200 plus rides. Over half my riders per night gets in and says how great my car smells. It's not expensive just have to be careful what you spray it on as it is greasy. Another thing that helps is changing your cabin filter most cars have them inside car. YouTube your car video shows you where it is and how to change it.

  • I also work in Philadelphia. I get mostly Uber X trips but on weeknights I get more pool trips. At one point I started getting a lot of pool, I then stopped accepting most of them. I went back to getting more X. I went to my other pool trips they seem to be normal. Until tonight, I took 2 riders 2 different pick up areas but very close destinations. My fare seemed low and when I checked it out Uber made more. According to Uber support it is because of their "upfront fare" and "service fee" for updating app, technoligy, and promotions to drivers and riders. So now part of our fares went to building the new app that is nothing but more BS from Uber. Send me a video 3X every week that I don't need to tell me about the new great app then charge me a service fee for it. Better yet take a fee from my fare then offer me a unachievable crappy promotion. Thank you for the info. Appreciate it but keep your eye on your pools mine were not too bad until tonight.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Octopus Tablet

    They advertise it's free but as you get further into filling your info out there is charges. 25.00 if you don't drive X amount of hours at that point I exited out of it. Didn't read anymore. Was just wondering if someone actually used it and was it worth it. Thank you for the info.

  • I guess it's still considered a foot fetish. His had to be a foot fetish because 5.00 cheap black canvas Walmart sneakers are not something I would think someone who loves shoes would find very nice or exciting. Whatever it was I can only assume it was weird. Just happy ride was over. Wasn't answering his last question and really didn't know what he was going to ask next. 

  • Good question. I spray into  my vents I just quickly wipe off excess but I don't spray them often at all. I'll have to think about this one lol. I always use mats but mine are carpet. I only paid 8.00 for 4 mats at Walmart depends on how bad you need to use the spray (I don't mean that in a sarcastic or mean way). I can tell you spray works get many compliments how good my car smells and no one ever smells cigarettes. The con to the spray is it's very greasy and can potentially stain. Maybe spray a wash cloth that you can conseal under driver and front passenger seat or go with cheap mats. If I come up with anything else I will share

  • This is the first time it happened. I checked my other pools prior to tonight's ride they were all ok. Uber support will not directly answer my question about it. I got 1st answer back same standard scripted crap. 2nd answer was breakdown of  how pool works. Asked why Uber was paid more than driver they haven't answered yet. My acceptance rate is about to drop because I will not touch another pool again. Thanks for answer, appreciate it.

  • Be careful spraying that in or on your vents. Very greasy and can remove paint. I love the spray and trust me it works to get rid of any smell you can think of but it can ruin carpet, material, paint. It can also remove barcode off your drivers license lol, it did it to mine. Dawn dish detergent can get it out if clothes. That's why I bought cheap mats (not rubber too slippery) I spray on them. When I wash car I rinse mats out.

  • I just got a message back from support same old bull. I have all night to go back and forth with them. Of course first response was their scripted crap. It just sucks they get away with things they do. 

  • That happened a few months ago to me. I was getting all Uber X then started getting a lot of pools so I did stop accepting them. Tonight was slow so I took the pool ride. I just went back over other  pool fares this is the first one Uber has ever taken more money than I earned. I got a 3.00 tip from the one rider so that helped somewhat. I sent Uber a message of course the computer will generate it's standard scripted answer explaining how pool fares work. I will never take another pool again. Thank you for your answer.