Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    I am a driver and I dont get mad when people slam door because its not usually done on purpose. I took my 1st Uber recently and I too slammed door but not on purpose. I do understand why drivers get annoyed. If you do 20 rides or more per day and everyone slams your door (most people do close the door harder than it needs to be) its wear and tear and eventually something may come loose or break. An easy way to prevent slamming doors is for driver to get out open and close door for passenger.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Did you call or text the driver when you couldnt get out of the building? Did you tip the driver for making them wait. That 5 min could've cost that driver another ride that paid well or maybe a ride that wouldve tipped. A text or phone call to the driver when you will be late is common courtesy. Did you offer the driver a few dollars for him to drop gloves off? Again you are causing driver to lose time. Time is money to drivers. If you reported lost gloves to Uber you wouldve been charged 15.00 for driver to return them. 

  •  On new app click on your profile pic at top right. Next screen click on help top right then scroll to bottom there is a choice that says Call Us (800)593-7069 this is the number that comes up on my phone.

  • There is a pic of a  telephone in old driver app. In new app its under your account "contact". Just beware you get people from another county. Its just like when you send them a message you get a scripted answer back. The people that answer your call give you same old scripted answer. When you try to explain your issue they keep giving you the scripted answer. It's so rediculous I end up hanging up. One night I called 3X in hopes that someone understood English and wouldnt just read off sheet of paper. I ended up flipping out told them what I thought of them. This all started when i was asked to identify myself they told me I wasnt the right person. Deactivated me for 2 days while they investigated. I was reactivated with no explanation. Told me I had to put new profile pic because the one I had was unacceptable (pic was approved and up for 10 mths when this happened)After I flipped out on phone  For 2 weeks every night I was driving I would be asked to verify my identity. This would  happen in the middle of driving passenger doing 65 mph. It would happen 7/8 times a night. They would tell me that the profile pic I had on my account had to be retaken. They would keep rejecting pic. I figured the man I flipped out on was getting payback. 😊 I try never to call there again. Lol I am not 100% sure but I think when they finally put an option up to call support and speak to someone it was only in a handful of states.

  • It was fixed in Philadelphia by early Sunday morning. Uber is giving free instant pays for the week. Big deal saving drivers .50 for all rhe aggravation they caused. People had no $ to drive, pay bills etc.. Just more proof Uber doesnt care about their drivers. From what I've heard it was happening everywhere. Happy its fixed for now,  until the next time.

  • If you call 911 from your phone chances are they cant always track down your location. Unfortunately 911 is outdated when it comes to finding people's locations. As riders or drivers we share our location with Uber so Uber does know our current and correct location. I never thought I would say this but If you are ever in a bad situation, dont know where you are, have no address, you are actually better off going through the Uber app to contact police. Uber can relay your correct location to local police. Local police cannot always find your location. Some cell towers will put your location many miles from where you actually are. 911 in the US is supposed to have there systems upgraded by 2021 until then you may want to use your shield at bottom left if you are in trouble.

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     6 years ago in  Uber drivers. Have you noticed strange tip amounts?

    Thank you for your answer. When my tips show up days later I am able to click on transactions, tip, trip details and it shows me date, pick up location, and trip details. I havent checked since the new driver app came out but I could see it on old app. Yes, it is nice to see who tipped. 

  • My son drove for Uber 2 months ago for a few weeks as he was between jobs . The car is in his name, the insurance is in his name, but the registration is in my name. He was able to drive for Uber. Maybe a mistake on Uber's part but he was approved to drive.

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     6 years ago in  Uber "glitch" in San Antonio texas

    Not the first time they did this. Happened few months back. Drivers dont matter. Ten can quit tonight 50 will sign up tomorrow. So easily replaced. Dont forget Uber says "no worries our trips and money are safe with them". Received that message about 5X now. 

  • I dont think it is. This happened a few months back slso. Although ladt time you could see your trips. I now can see my trip info from last night but cannot cash out. Made more than I thought so that helped but doesnt help that my 7 phones on my acct. may be shut off and 140.00 to turn back on. I am sure t mobile will not care that Uber didnt pay me. Ladt time this happened lost 2 days driving didnt have to drive. Lets face it they dont care about drivers because a whole new crew will sign up to take our place. There plan is to get rid of us anyway.

    So wish every driver would turn off their apps.  The Wednesday before Thanksgiving was extremely crazy busy. Here in Philly it was insane the amount of riders who needed rides. People were walking home from bars as they couldnt get an Uber, Lyft, or cab. Whole city surged until after 3am. People were begging me to cancel my rides and take them home for cash. My phone was non stop going off while I had riders.  It did not stop 27 rides one after another. Talk about cherry picking your rides. Lol I accepted what I could. Nevervseen it like that again on any holiday not even New Years Eve. It's hard to not go on knowing what kind of money you make on a night like that. Aside ftom the fact you need the money. Uber knows that. Would be nice though.😊 I am going to guess we are not seeing our money until "payday" which I think they changed the day until following day. How convenient, they chsnge the day and now there are issues. I guess Dara and his stooges had to get paid. You know they got their paycheck.

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     6 years ago in  Recent Articles

    It's a joke. How does he think its fair that the driver who it may take him 10 min to get there on his own time, gas, etc.. for a 3.00 ride. Maybe Uber should considered a premium short distance fee :) I bet his lazy ass would walk the 2 blocks then or if driver gets lets say X short distances trips in X amt of hrs. Uber gives promotion bonus of X $. I also would be willing to bet this dude dont tip. 

    Uber/Lyft riders are getting DISCOUNTED rides, amenties, cleaner, better smelling cars than they would in a taxi. Some drivers even stop at stores, drive thru's, etc at no charge. I've seen countless taxi's driving in 90 degree hot humid weather with windows down no AC. Dont know if its broke or they are too cheap to run it to save gas. Most instances Its a shorter wait time than taxi.

    What do people expect? Too much! If you want something better than as with all things PAY for it. Many riders NOT ALL expect Limo type services while paying Uber X, pool, pool express prices. Limo will wait for you, stop multiple places, have amenities in their limo, professional drivers, alcohol in vehicle, etc. Expect to pay 150.00 or more (not sure of current limo prices) for a short period of time. Someone PLEASE explain their logic to me why we are expected to provide those things for a 3.50, 10.00, 25.00 etc ride? Then after all that we get rated with stars. One star because we dont let a rider drink alcohol, pile 7 people in a 4 seater, someone doesnt like our air freshner.  My 2 favorites gets annoyed when we have to pick up additional pool riders or just wants a free trip and makes something up. Someone gets annoyed with limo driver and few people complain they may get told about but I am sure they dont lose their job. What was the original question?lol Sorry I'll get off my soapbox. Appreciate if you read this through (: I dont know to be short  once I get going. 😊 Have a great day all. Be careful out there and be safe😊

  • I got message saying "your promtions and money are safe with us". That made me feel so much better because we all know how honest Uber is. 😊 Concerned because when this happend few mths ago it took almost a week to get money. Then happened 2 weeks later although that was only 32 hrs. Apparently in CA 2 cities are still awaiting their money. This happened to them in beginning of week. They dont care about the drivers at all. SMH.

    I tried Lyft a few months ago 15 trips, approx 12 were 7.00 the rest were 10, 12, and 14.00 this trip was 17 min away accepted it by accident. Quite a few requests were 10 min or longer. Uber dont give much and it dont happen often but at least you have a chance for long pickup fee. Most of my trips were Lyft line (forget what its called). :) When I drive my Ford Focus its great on gas but now I have my Honda Pilot out on road those lyft line rides barely covers gas.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Recent Articles

    Well said. I am so tired of hearing how awful the drivers are, the scams we pull,  the list goes on. Yes there are a few awful drivers that lie and cheat but as in every profession we are not all bad.  Just tired of being nice, going above and beyond for what a 5 block trip for 4.00 and 1 star because I wouldnt let you crack open a can of beer while I am driving, or I wont drive your 2 yr old without a car seat, and this list goes on. The backlash will start "then why do I drive for Uber"? The flexibility I need right now and fortunately all riders are not bad. On top of all the negativity and complaints we are not getting paid now. We cant see any our trips. But Uber assures us our "trip info and money is safe with them". They cant even tell us when the problem will be fixed. Think its time to bring back #delete Uber. Guess its time to go on over to Lyft. I dont think my car insurance co, car pymt, utilities want to hear "you have to wait because Uber cant pay me what they owe me". This just gets worse everyday.


    Just called Uber. Same ole BS. There is a problem with seeing your trips, the amount, and you will be paid when this is resolved as we are currenty working on it. No timeline as to when it will be fixed. 

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     6 years ago in  Recent Articles

    I agree cant tell you how many rides i've driven longer than 7/9min. Only to have a 3.00/4.00 trip. Its so not worth it for the driver. This express pool is even worse. Trip comes up as pool doesnt let you know express until you accept. I try and stay away from pool but i do accept a few especially with new app. Print is small and if I am paying attention to road, GPS, and riderI dont have time to be reading screen with the small print now.

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     6 years ago in  Recent Articles

    Yes sometimes 2 whole blocks lol. 

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     6 years ago in  Two questions that came up in a FB group.

    As a driver you would really have to do something pretty bad to.piss me off and rate you below a 5. There has been a handful I should've rated below 5 stars but I didnt. We dont have much time as we cant go anywhere in app until we rate. 5 stars are all ready up its easier if you are in a rush just to swipe and be done with it. Wish we had until end of our shift to rate pur riders. I know of drivers taking stars for slamming doors. I took my 1st Uber last week what did I do? Slammed the door. It wasnt done purposely but I dont know how hard you have to push on every type of car thats out there. I was going to apologize but his windows were up and all ready pulling off. I tipped 10.00 cash so I got 5 stars Lol. I have seen post from some drivers that say they do take a star for not tipping. Not fair as I've had tips show up 2 weeks after a trip. Tips are greatly appreciated and yes it sucks when you drive 10 min, the trip is a 3.65. These people should definately take that into consideration and try to tip a few bucks. You never know what someone is going through. There may be a very good reason why they are not tipping. I try not to judge. The most annoying is when someone sits in your car and brags how much money they make and leaves you $0 or .50 thats just an insult. Or you pick up 3 Neurosurgeons up in suburbs in a huge single home they brag about their cars, houses, vacations etc... but cant leave you a few dollars for a tip. These type of people I can see a driver rating them 1 star.

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     6 years ago in  What do you all think of the new Uber logo?

    Just got a notice from Uber. They will be available in November.

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     6 years ago in  What do you all think of the new Uber logo?

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     6 years ago in  Lyft Inspection? How can I be sure I will pass?

    Ive seen a few questions about inspection on other sites. You have to take your car to a specific place for them to look at it to drive for Lyft?  I took pic of inspection stickers and sent registration, license, and proof of insurance it took less than 4 hrs. to get approved for Lyft and I think 24 hrs for Uber. I drive in Philadelphia.  Maybe I am misunderstanding the question or each state is different?