Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • I had a strange ride last night. Picked up a 20 something male rider. We had a conversation about the gas station robbery the night before as he lives in same area. After that all went quiet except for radio.  About 2 miles of silence out of nowhere rider says " I like your shoes".   It's dark out, car is dark, rider sitting in back behind me and my shoes are plain black Walmart cheap black canvas sneakers that are all of 5.00. I am confused and not sure I heard him right (odd thing to say out of no where especially by 20 something male). I am not sure how to respond. I reply they are plain black cheap sneakers but thank you. I didn't have a clue what else to say. We ride another mile in silence. At this point I am still trying to figure out what's up. He then says I love shoes. I reply that's nice. I continue driving still confused where this is coming from and where it's going. I drive another 1/2 mile he asks " what size do you wear". Ok we are really at creepy now wth. I hesitantly reply an 8. Silence again. Now I am looking at trip on GPS to see how much further and plan where I can boot him out of my car. I don't have a damn clue where he is going with this but trust me the thoughts were running through my head. Two blocks before drop off he says " its really hot out there today how long have you been wearing your shoes today"? Beyond creepy now.  I roll through stop sign pull in lot. End trip and tell him to have a great night. Just happy I was at destination because who knows where this was Chalk this one up to one creepy ride. 

  • this is the website for the company who makes them they also sell them 4.00 per bottle.

    There is also something called Blunt power that is not the spray I am talking about, not same company, and I don't know anything about that product.

  • I just looked on Amazon that's because it's a case of them for a store to buy and sell. There was 4 bottles for 10.00. I would try a local gas station that has a store inside, a tobacco store, or cigarette outlet. You can buy 1 bottle for under 4.00. If you buy from these places you can pick the scent you like. If you order from Amazon you don't know what it smells like. 

  • Please let me know what you think after using it. What scent did you pick?

  • UBER REQUEST RIGHT PLACE RIGHT TIME. Uber rider saved me from walking in on an armed robbery taking place last night. I was driving in Far Northeast Philadelphia last night right outside of Bensalem/Andalusia. On slow nights I sit at a Sunoco station in my neighborhood & talk to night shift guy. I pull in get out of my car smoke my cigarette grab my wallet head towards store and my phone was pinged for a ride. I wasnt going to accept at first as it was an express pool 10 minutes away but ended up accepting it. Went back to car hooked up my wires and off I went.  Returned to Sunoco an hour later. As I pull in police are there front of store roped off. I assumed they were robbed but concerned that night shift guy may have gotten shot. Approached officer asked if employees were ok he replied yes just shaken up. When night shift guy returned from police station I got a chance to speak with him. I was seen on camera headed towards store as guy pulled gun and told cashier he had 3 seconds to give him $ or he would be shot. As I was sitting in my car getting ready to pickup rider gunmen walked by my car.  May rethink my choice of where I sit and wait for rides at night. Shout out to passenger who needed ride at right time. 

  • I've also seen "dead head miles or dead miles" being used by Uber drivers and on other websites. If I pick up a passenger in Philly and drive them to New York most likely I will have deadhead or dead miles on the way back. From my understanding it means no passenger/rider on way back home. Hope this helps.

  • I actually have the answer for you smokers out there. I  can smoke in my car right before I pick up a rider and they don't know it. I've tested it. I've checked with my riders that smoke. I've tested it with people that don't smoke. My rating is a 4.93 currently. Never received a complaint from passenger or Uber. The spray I use is called Blunt Effects. I buy it in smoke shops or gas stations 2.50 to 3.50 a bottle. There has to be over 50 scents or more. Some are stronger than others some last longer than others. So with that being said be careful one or two sprays at most. If you are headed to a 5 min pickup and you spray it open windows 3 min after you spray it right before your pick up rider. It is greasy and can ruin things.  Do not spray directly on anything you don't want ruined. I bought decent looking cheap car mats that's what I spray it on. I get compliments from over half my riders per night how great my car smells. It's great in bathrooms also. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Extra passengers

    I agree with the webcam. I started driving for Uber only on weekends for a few months. Circumstances has me now driving longer than few months and more hours. In the beginning I didn't run into these problems. The longer/more I drive the more problems I encounter. Definitely investing in web came. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Extra passengers

    I understand what you are saying. If course you want to pick something that cost less. I totally get that. Here is my thoughts not that you asked lol. If fare for Uber X us 10.00 and SUV is 16.00 and you have 5 people to split it it's 2.00 per for X and 3.20 per for XL. Do you really need to put driver through coming to you wasting their time, gas, and another fare possibly a good fare to save 1.20 each? Sorry but that's just not right. We are not out here because we have money and are bored. We are trying to pay bills, feed and shelter our children, etc. Just think that's wrong to save a buck or 2.

  • This is awful. How do you as a human being do something like that to someone. You don't know what these people's financial situations are. It's a total disgrace if this is true. Sad part is it gives honest, nice, decent drivers a bad name. SMH hope if you are one of these drivers doing this karma bites you in the ass. You deserve it.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Male Uber drivers Make more than Women!

    I don't drive much during the day so I can't speak for business area. I do know certain areas in not so good neighborhoods do surge a lot during weekends. I've taken riders to those areas, I got beat on 2 fares when I first started when I picked people up  in those areas and had a gun go off a block or 2 away. Some dumbass kids shooting up in the air. Those bullets have to come down I don't want to be around when they do. Not saying that can't happen in any hood but I just don't feel safe in those areas. I know 2 male drivers who drive into and will pick up and I know one that does what I do. Drop off and get out. It sucks because everyone isn't bad in those areas it's just the ones that are ruin it.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Extra passengers

    This happened to me quite a few times. This particular night  I get a request for Uber X I can seat 4 safely. I pull up there are 3 people they say we are waiting for one more. I am paying no attention to back seat they say ok we are good I start trip get 5  blocks from pick up look in rear view mirror I have 4 in back 1 in front. So what do I do? Do I say something? Do I end trip there and boot them out? I am sure you are all saying I would of. Lol There is 5 of them one of me, oh forgot to mention I am not in a very good neighborhood. Do I call police? I probably won't get past 91 before one of them can take my phone and if I can connect with 911 chances are police will not be there before I am beaten and my car is on cinder blocks. So I take my time ride the right lane nice and slow, stay away from traffic. We get to destination still in another crappy hood. I quickly end trip. The person they are meeting doesn't answer their call so they are not moving out of my car. Uh hello trips over. So they continue to sit in my car for 10 min deciding what to do. Fnally I get another rider so  I find my voice and get the courage to say "I got to go" . Still another 2 min. go by. Finally guy comes out and they get their stuff out of my trunk and go on their way. Now I pull up with doors locked and don't unlock until I know how many are getting in my car. I've learned quite a few lessons driving for Uber this past year.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Male Uber drivers Make more than Women!

    I actually work nights. Especially bar pick ups. Lol  Money is good then. I am 53 if a guy hits on me I just repind I am old enough to be your mom/grandmom. Most laugh and back off some don't but so far it's been ok. I've been able to handle it. I don't stay in bad neighborhoods though. I will drop off there but on my way I take no new request. Uber doesn't pay enough for me to stay in some Philadelphia hoods. So yes I do lose money and waste gas. Speed and experience different story lol

  • I've had 4 phones, a set of keys, and 2 credit cards left in my car. All but 1 was no more than a mile or 2 from my home. I was able to return all but 1 phone to my rider without charging them or going through Uber. I wasn't going to have them get a 15.00 charge for me to drive 2 to 7 min. to return it. One phone was somewhat of a nightmare to return. I did get the 15.00 fee that rider called me every 15 min for 2 hrs until I dropped it off at 4am. One night I picked up 3 guys in there late 20's they were super nice dropped them at a concert. One was a little drunk left his  keys I left a note at friends house where I picked them up to contact me I had his keys. I met him next day. He tried to give me money I declined saying it only took me 5 min to drop note off and 5 min to get to his house to return keys. No need just happy I could return keys. He through the money in my window and took off into his house. At that point what could I do.  I threw the money in my counsol. I sent him a text said thank you but wasn't necessary. Later that night I went in console it was 100.00. I texted him again and pleased with him to take money back as this was entirely to much money for 10 min of my time although it was a very nice gesture. He responded with ”the key fob alone was 200.00 to replace not counting what the key cost, it was money well spent enjoy”. That was a good night.

  • I can tell you what not to ask a female driver.  If you are a male rider, don't start conversation with, do you ever worry about picking men up? Do you ever worry your rider may try to touch you or grab you?  Do you worry that a man wont take no for answer and keep hitting on you? Do you worry a rider could kidnap you or hold you hostage?  Do you carry anything to protect yourself? Why are you asking me that?  What are you planning on doing ? Are you trying to find out what I will use on you before you try to kill me:) Yes, I've been asked all these questions. It's creepy especially while driving down a dark road late at night. Of course you think why are they asking me this? What are they planning to do? Don't ask your driver for phone number or hit on them. I find with my riders asking about music preference sparks great conversation with any age. You can ask driver if they have any special hobbies or interests? Do they like to travel? Where they've been? I always get what's your crazest Uber story?  Don't mind that. You can ask female drivers if they have kids most will love to talk about there kids. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Male Uber drivers Make more than Women!

    I don't agree with speed and experience. I believe location could  be a factor. As a female driver obviously I start out in whatever location I want but where I end up I don't know until I start trip. Once I start trip if I see I am dropping off in a rough neighborhood where violence, shootings, and murder rate is high I don't stay in that area. I don't accept new request until I am in safer area and I put app back on. I am not paid enough to stay in bad hoods for hours on end. So yes I lose income. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  How far are Uber and Lyft drivers willing to take you?

    As far as you want to go. I’ve done a Philly to Atlantic City (3.5hrs)round trip and Philly to New York (4hrs) round trip I had sweet, pleasant riders. Interesting conversations. Somewhat boring on way back because you are by yourself. Just turn up the music and enjoy the scenery. Call family/friends catch up. I made 144.00 and 120.00 with fare and tip. I wasn't complaining.

  • I don't know about unique. Just be polite and respectful. Don't leave trash, vomit in car, get food all over or put your feet up on the seats. Tipping isn't mandatory but GREATLY appreciated even if it's just a few dollars. 

  • Riders can be deactivated but not sure how low it has to be. I picked someone up last week with a 4.5. The rider was as sweet as could be, I encountered no problems. I started seeing more and more rider ratings below 4.7 in past few months. I declined a few trips because of these ratings. Then one night I got 4 trip request with rider ratings below a 4.7. I cannot afford to keep declining request. I took the trips. All 4 were nice people, pleasant, good conversation, absolutely no issues. I really could find no reason at all to rate them below 5 stars. I stopped declining trips based on stars. Suppose riders did that to drivers? I have read forums and seen videos on drivers taking stars away from riders for slamming doors (my car, just about everyone slams doors most apologize. My SUV no one slams them) I think most of the time it's accidental they don't know how much force is needed to close door properly for every make and model of car out there.  Some drivers take stars for no tip. I assume they are talking about cash tip because you rate passenger before you can see if they tipped. I have gotten tips added at end of night up to 2 weeks after. That is just rediculous to take stars, tips are great and appreciated but not mandatory. As drivers we complain about riders rating us low for stupid reasons but some drivers out there are doing the same thing. I can honestly say there has been less than a handful of times I wanted to rate a passenger less than 5 stars in over 1200 trips. The only reason I didn't is because we have to swipe stars immediately and then give reason I don't have time for that most nights. Wish we could give rating at end if shift. The star rating is awful Uber also needs to let us know when we get less than 5 stars why the passenger rated us less than 5 because how do you fix something when you have no clue what you did?