Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Not good posting these pics on social media. I get it can be funny, enteraining etc... but suppose it was your family member or someone you cared about. Maybe the person you post pic of took a new medicine or wasnt feeling well you assume they are drunk and post pic. Lets say its not their usual behavior but a bad decision one night. Just not right on many levels to be posting pics of any kind without permission. I get people do it all the time. Just could end up ruin things for some people including person who post. 

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     6 years ago in  Hurricane Riding compensation

    Great advice. These people who refuse to evacuate or drive around during these storms do nothing but put 1st responders in danger. When they dont evacuate who has to save their ass? When they are told not to drive and do so anyway who has to save their ass? That would be wrong in my opinion to surge the areas because of a storm. It would be nice if Uber would put up a few extra dollars for drivers or the riders give decent tip (i know, doubtful on both) but dont think its right to charge riders extra. As a driver you choose to be on the roads you are not forced to drive during bad weather. Listen to redANT stay off roads and evacuate if authorties tell you to. For the people in the areas of the storm, stay safe and best of luck. 

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     6 years ago in  What do you all think of the new Uber logo?

    Anyone know if we can order new one for our vehicle to replace the ugly old ones?

  • Mace technically is a trademarked brand of pepper spray where I come from. It is in a cannister that contains a chemical you spray into someone face to try and incapacitate them . Mace is also a cooking spice. Your pic is known to me as a mace club or mace weapon. I guess whatever time period your looking at  or whatever dictionary your using is how you deem to use it. Thank you for your input and great pic. I may not want to use that in my car but out of my car it seems like a great weapon.

  • Yes it is. Unless its a nice surge. Oh wait Uber lowered the surge amount. I wouldve loved to been standing next to the rider who ordered pool with the 4.5 that no driver would go pick up. Hopefully as they watched a bunch of other riders getting picked up in a few min at same location. Priceless

  • If this is true that driver is a dispicable human being. I do wonder why mom put her disabled son in an Uber by himself.  As a mom i wouldnt put my children under 18 in an Uber. I have to question why you would be your disabled son in an Uber just curious.

    People need to realize Uber does criminal background checks (not saying that the driver has criminal record) but they are all 3rd party. To have an accurate criminal history a fingerprinted background check by FBI needs to be done. Uber/Lyft cuts corners wants to save $ but this is why all those drivers who have criminal history's slipped through the cracks. 

    Parents need to think before they send their teenager, disabled child/adult by themselves in an Uber. Their are drivers that have criminal records, drivers that lie, cheat, steal (totally sucks cause it gives those honest, hard working drivers out there a bad name). Lets not consider the criminal history for a minute. Can you be absolutely sure that the person driving your teenageror disabled teenager/adult is a safe driver, a trustworthy driver? How do you know your driver isnt on drugs or  alcohol? YOU DONT! You are putting your most important loved one in harms way. I've had 20 yr old females tell me they have had drivers that snell like alcohol or nodding off at lights but they are afraid to say anything or afraid to ask to get out before their stop. 

    Past 2 months I have had 2 different riders one mom and one dad try to enter my car with a child between the ages of 2 and 4. When I say I "sorry I cant take them without proper car seat" both have replied "dont worry they are fine". I then reply "it's against the law and against my better judgement as I will not put your childs life at risk". They look at me like I have 3 heads and they are speechless until it sinks in then the cussing and yelling starts. "How dare you suggest I dont take care of my child blah blah blah.  Sad thing is I do care more about your child. Father after flipping out then replies Ill go get his seat, no thanks because you are going to give me the ole 1 star with some lie that I did or didnt do something sent directly to Uber before you exit my car.  No thanks. Best was i offered to cancel mom so she woukdnt get a cancel fee but she was so pissed at me she canceled causing her to pay the cancellation fee. Oh well THINK  about who you are trusting your children, teenagers, (disabled or not)lives with. I just dont get it. 

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     6 years ago in  6 month bans coming for passengers with low ratings

    Took my 1st Uber X trip (i know better than to request pool lol) tonight to pick up my car. It was a short 7 min trip, 3 mile 10.24 total. My driver was pleasant willing to talk. Although didnt understand a lot of what I said or asked (he was from Dominican Republic) but in this instance not a big deal, car clean, smelled good, almost blew by my destination (although nice to know other drivers make that mistake like I have) lol. So I say thank you, hand him a cash 10.00 tip, say thank you, exit Ford Escape and what do I do shut the door too hard. So I figure Ill get 1 star and get deactivated lol after just 1 ride. I guess my 10.00 tip saved me or he didnt mind because I got 5 stars. My point is i didnt mean to do i had no time to apologize as his window was up and he had started to pull away. I just quickly hopped out didnt really think about it and shut it so he could be on his way. I see drivers who say they take a star away or rate low because of passengers who slam door. . My point is it wasnt intentional. I just thought thats the amount of force it needed to shut or maybe I slam my own doors and dont realize. So next time passenger slams your door it may not be intentional. Just thought I would mention this.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  6 month bans coming for passengers with low ratings

    Had a pool request with a rider who had 4.57 stars. Dont like pool try to not take pool requests but definately not with that rating.

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     6 years ago in  What do you think of the new Uber driver app?

    I stil want to know what Uber is up to not allowing us to see our acceptance rate or cancellation rate. I dont trust them. It sucks because now I have to take a few pool rides because I dont know what my acceptance rate is. Took a pool tonight turned into 2 riders 11.08 total for both trips 25 min. and 8 miles. Uber made more yet again. WTH. 

  • I personally wouldnt use mace in my car because of that reason. Yes it would effect you inside the car. So not only would you mace your passenger you will end up with the effects also.  If sprayed outside the car you have a better chance. Unfortunately Any weapon you may have isnt going to work inside the car especially when car is moving and passenger is behind you.  Even calling police is an issue because obviously rider will know what you are doing. Whatever weapon (if you carry one) that you pull out be prepared to use it and try to be at safe distance if at all possible. You dont want passenger being able to grab it and use it on you.

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     6 years ago in  What do you think of the new Uber driver app?

    One of Uber's commercials states that they are making things better for pick up locations. So of course riders see this commercial and think great drivers should have no trouble finding my location because Uber says they are making pick ups better and easier.  NOT. So new driver app rolls out and guess what, it's no better for pick up or drop off. I am still having same issues in apt. complexes, shopping ctrs., malls etc. I just get a request at a train station. Puts pick up in the middle of the road where obviously the passenger is not. It's pouring out. So i call rider and of course she is where cars cannot enter. So I find a spot where I can get her and she can get to me. I totally understand GPS isnt perfect and its not even always Uber's fault. I apologize, she says no worries. Head to destination and Uber directs me right to dead end. So now I have to worry about the good ole 1 star rating although not my fault but rider will see it as my fault. If Uber wants to.put out these things in commercials first make them true stop making drivers look like idiots. Not much better than last one. 

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     6 years ago in  What do you think of the new Uber driver app?

    New app not showing acceptance rate or cancellation rate. Not sure why. Viewed a few video's stating acceptance rate doesnt matter anymore but this is by opinion. I dont know if its true. I just try to keep both of them where I always had them. Who knows what Uber is up to with this. We also have a "safety feature" to share trip but that was in old app. They have a 911 in there that you can swipe. By the time you swipe 2X you couldve dialed 911.  It's still better to call 911 with a location. The sad part is if someone truly needs 911 and just uses Uber's app chances are they will not be able to find you just by sending your location from app. Beware police can only track your location in 10% of calls that go out. Please keep that in mind you are better off calling and give your location. I know Septa buses in Philly at one time could change their sign to "call police". Would be nice to have something like. There are times obviously that you wouldnt want passenger to know you called police ie. gun to your head. Drive safe, be careful, always be aware of your surroundings. Have a safe night out there.

  • I drive for Uber for past 14 months. I have taken one phone call while driving as my son was in the hospital. I explained situation to my rider and asked if they minded if I took the call. They were ok with it. My kids know to only call in an emergency. If its something they need to ask me I have them text and when I drop passenger off I call them. If you were at your job at an office, supermarket, etc. you cant just answer your phone. Most places do not allow you to take calls during work hours. Why should this be different? I feel its rude to be on phone while you have passenger. Just my opinion.

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    I pickup most rides in Philly that sometimes take me into Bucks County. I can give you a few areas but I am not sure how busy they get once summer is over Doylestown, Levitown, and New Hope. I dont stay in these areas once I drop off but ride request do come in when I am in those areas. Hopefully someone can confirm these areas or give you better ones. 

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     6 years ago in  Uber has a tip limit? That's news to drivers

    The 101.00 was a short 7 min trip. I picked up husband and wife from bar they were feeling good but didnt seem trashed. I thought it was 2 1.00 bills. When I seen what it was after I pulled away I was shocked. Contacted Uber to reach the couple to make sure it wasn't a mistake. Never heard back. The 40.00 tip was a trip from Philly to NJ just outside of NY. Passenger was in from Ireland he was a steward on a plane visiting a shrine. Just a nice man, pleasant trip, good conversation. The 35.00 tip was from a waitress, another short 10 min trip had a good conversation. Played music she liked. I noticed trips with good conversation and good music make for best tips. Most trips I go out of my way for passengers not many tips. Trips with good conversation good music seem to bring the best tips, nothing special or extra. 

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     6 years ago in  Can you select the gender of the operator?

    I think you should be able to. I have had a few riders who are happy to see a woman driver. I even had a male who said he would rather have a woman because a male driver may be able to over power a male rider. Some of these young girls pass out from drinking. Some are so drunk that a male driver could do something and she probably wouldnt remember. If these women who got raped had a female than the rape would've never happened. Young women tell me all the time some of their male drivers hit on them  some are just creepy make them feel uncomfortable. One young woman said her driver bought her cigs alcohol, and tried to kiss her after ride was over. Women tend not to be criminals, rapist, etc. I would think they wouldnt be hitting on male passengers to the point that the msle rider is uncomfortable. Unfortunately these women who have had these issues dont report driver because they are afraid he will come back to their house. 

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     6 years ago in  Uber has a tip limit? That's news to drivers

    The biggest tip I ever received on the app was 15.00. The bigger tips I got 35.00, 40.00, and 101.00 were in cash.

  • This time I pick up 3 men in there 30's from India at a strip club in Bensalem PA. They get in dont seem really intoxicated. We have a coversation then they are talking amongst themselves. I look at GPS. Its putting me on PA Turnpike. Now where ever I get off I am not going to know where I am so obviously relying on GPS completely. Go up a few exists get off. Its dark as hell. I swear Bucks County suburbs doesnt like or is too cheap to put up street lights. Everything is so dark you see nothing  when you look behind you. At this times roads are not only dark but no traffic around. The guys start speaking in their language now, up to this point their conversations were all English even to each other. Before I go further I was under impression destination was one of their homes. Now I have to turn into a dark business complex. Everything closed no one around.  My mind thinks they are plotting to hack me up into little pieces lol This is just too shady. No houses, everything dark, no people, no cars. I am so ready to turn around at this point but had no idea where I could go or what i would say to them about turning around. Hearts pounding, nervous. Drive about .5 mile and up on my right was a Hotel. Never so grateful to see one. This was my 2nd experience on a ride that really scared me being a female driver. I think after all my stripper, strip club experiences (as I have 2 other time I had a pick up) I need to stay away from those places. Those rides are either miserable, scarey  or just plain strange. Do you think Uber would deactivate me for not driving to or picking up from those places? Lol Yes definately. 

  • An eject button on all passenger seating. So when my express pool rider that I drive 7 min to to find out they are going 5 blocks isnt on the the corner the app tells them to go to I can wait 5 min or drive to find them.  Then asks me to stop at store, takes not just 1 water but 1 for the road, and then when we get to destination says "I cant walk I dont know how to get there". The best is my fare is 3.95  and guess what else? You drivers know this one I bet. No tip. Not surprising.  I can eject them out of my car best amenity ever. Oh sorry you wanted ideas from passengers for amenities for riders.

    Just want to mention 1 other type of rider I would love to eject. Pick up 7:57am. Rider says "I am having a bad morning didnt hear my alarm" need to be in work at 8:00.  Destination is 7 min away. Brags the entire way of how much money he makes since moving here from Arizona. BTW got him there in 4 min.  First time I pick him up no tip. Second time doesnt remember me. Same story late, makes so much money. Drop off. I got a tip I was shocked. Looked at amt .50. Thats just an insult. EJECT.

  • She should've have sprayed the mace in his face and then sprayed his junk ( that would have made his junk burn and hopefully irrirated the skin around it). Then she should've gave a good swift hard ass kick to his junk. Lyft should have given her a big fat bonus. They also should pay a cleaning fee. She can probably come up with a lawsuit. For what Lyft/Uber pays they are crazy to think as a driver we shouldnt carry protection. I want to come home to my family after my shift in one piece. Put these idiots who make these rules in a car at 2 am picking up drunks and taking them to hoods cops try to avoid.  These companies are so ridiculous. We are not their employees they should not be able to dictate if we carry a weapon. A few months ago an Uber picked up a 22yr old male  in Philly. They pulled off came to intersections shots were fired passenger shot in foot . Police found a gun either belonging to passenger or gunmen. They need to change their rules. SMH