Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Uber Booking Fee

    It sounds like Uber chargers what they want to. Uber X for has been 2.00 for at least past 6 mths. I just started XL and its been 2.50. Pool has also been 2.00. Just noticed the increase September 1st. in a few but most all last night were more. 

  • I love the comments on here as I have many of the same complaints. One that i dont see or maybe I missed it. My biggest pet peeve although only had this problem 3 times is the idiot parents who expect you to drive their child with no car seat. WTH is wrong with these parents? Drivers could suck at driving, be tired, high, drunk (i would hope not) etc and you are going to risk your toddlers life to get somewhere. I've had one parent who understood. One dad on the 4th of July  had 4 yr old, when I pulled up and explained I couldnt take them he replied "she will be fine". Yes she will because I am not driving her. (Didn't say that to him)When i still refused he cussed me out then precceeded to say ill get her seat. No thank you because if I put you in my car now definately 1 star and probably a report to go with it with some lie. What makes me laugh he had a seat he couldve taken but didnt because it was to much trouble to protect his daughter. Last night same situation I pull up see 3 yr old and calmly and nicely say I cannot take her without carseat again parent says "she will be fine" I reply I am really sorry but cant do it. Then she gets nasty of course, cuss words and attitude with me.  Now here is the best part. I offer to cancel so she doesnt get cancellation fee. She is so pissed and enraged she cancels me. So guess what I got cancellation fee and sent message to Uber how rude she was. I drive up the street and request comes in its her again. Lol You wouldve thought she wouldve seen it was me again. I am thinking she seen that she was charged and hoped I would come back and get rid of cancel fee. Dont think so shut app off for 5 min. then went on. It was only an 8.00 fare but so not worth a childs life. She is all ready at a 4.5. I know why the hell did I even accept her request? Was going to let it time out but was doing something else on phone and hit accept. I was dreading the whole way there because to date the lowest I picked up was 4.6 and lucked out  she was a sweetheart. It felt good to get last laugh. I only drove 5 blocks to get to her 5 blocks back 3.75 5 min. I'll take it. 

  • First weekend of driving  I pick up 2 drunk women.  Get to destination end trip. Then I was informed that one didnt want to go to friends she wanted to go home. First few months of driving I didnt know anything, never looked at rider app, never seen Uber video's, never read anything etc. I learned all my lessons the hard way. She tells me its a few blocks away. So I say ok Ill just drop her off. She tells me to go to corner make a right 2 blocks make a left Little did I know she was too drunk to give me directions or her address to put in GPS. Drove around Jersey for additional 30 min until she sobered up enough to say "you are going the wrong way" really? No shit. Also turned out it wasnt few blocks away. lost out on a long trip that night that I had accepted thinking I was a few blocks away from getting rid of drunk lady Yes it was stupid. Yes I couldve looked up friends address and drove her back there but wasnt thinking. I had drunk lady in back, NJ dark as hell, and other rider calling me begging me not cancel and then calling asking why I was driving the wrong way. At least she gave me 20.00 although wasnt worth it. Didnt make that mistake again until until another drunk rider put destination around the corner from the bar. This time I used my head lol. Recognized rider from a week before same bar and found his address in my GPS. Woke him up when I got him home. He stumbled out of car then up his neighbors steps, I ended trip and got the hell out of there. I've learned most of my lessons from my mistakes, a few from reading other drivers stories,  but most from a few not too many passengers who were trying to rip a driver off or save 1.00 or 2.00. What people will do to save a buck or 2.00. 

  • I had one pass out but her friend was with her she got her up. Unfortunately as she gets her out of car the drunk one falls in middle of street. Its pouring out and friend cant get her up. So reluctantly ( knew i was going to get soaked and had 3 hrs until I finished shift)I get out of my car help her get friend up walk her up steps to front door when I hear a dog barking. That was my cue to get out of there. Dog bite not included in fare although neither was picking drunk friend up out of street in pouring rain. I thought that ride was definately tip worthy. Apparently neither rider thought so. I guess not only do you drive passenger to destination safely you pick fallen down drunk rider out of the middle of the street in the pouring down rain and get them safely to front door dripping wet all for the low price of 14.49 and no thank you from either passenger. Dog bite almost included. 

  • I csn tell you they are offerered in Philadelphia. I have received 3. I had more but got to pickup faster than what they predicted because I didnt know any better. Alrhough for the most part they are pretty accurate I just tend to drive fast. The 3 I did receive were under 2.00 but on 4th of July I was bored not many rides got a request for Center City 20 min away  it was a surge I had nothing better to do I took it. Ended up with Surge and 5.79 long pickup fee and 5.00 tip. Got to rider no problem dropped him off had another request 2 blocks away didnt show, called them no answer got cancellation fee also. I lucked out.

  • Just finishing up for the night or between riders. I learned not to post from home or read comments before you know it 2 hrs are gone. Lol

  • I had a ride request a few hours ago for XL  10 min away. I get to location passenger walks up to me and ask if I would be willing to take 6 bags, him, and his mom. I said sure I can fit them. Riders apt. was 500 ' from my SUV he carried 2 bags at a time. So i get out and meet him half way and grab the bags. It turned into 12 min to load my car with 7 huge bags and 7 various size other  bags. The ride was a 5 to 7 min long 2.4 miles away. Rider says I am going to give you a tip on the app you are so sweet. He says this several times. I knew where this was going regarding the tip. I get a request with riders and bags still en route to their hotel as I go to switch somethimg on GPS so I ended up accepting the request. Riders get out of my car and go into check in. I quick shoot a text to next rider and offer to cancel if they are in a rush. Rider never responded. I then had to help them with their 14 bags or I was going to be really late. Of course tip got brought up again and how wonderful I was for helping. So this takes around 5 min to unload as I was able to park close. I pick up next rider and apologize. Five hrs later guess what NO TIP.  Fifteen min of wait time and help loading and unloading. Bags were heavy and its hot and humid out. This is a perfect reasons why drivers dont want to move people. Get a U Haul or something or at least tip your driver. If I didnt help it wouldve taken longer which  causes me to lose $ and I probably would've gotten a low rating. Now I am also in damger of low rating from my pickup because i took a few min longer than i was supposed to.

  • Saturday night I pick up 4 guys in mid to late 20's . First topic of conversation is their friend talking about another friend at a strip club. The friend steals recently deceased grandmother's credit card. Doesnt charge anything worthwhile but goes to strip club and spends 4,000.00 + there. My 1st thought was what an awful grandchild. Next thought is how can you spend that much in one night? I am going to assume maybe he got to take a few strippers home for the night? How much can a lap dance cost? Alcohol? BTW he didnt take any of his friends with him. How rude! Last thought what an idiot. Maybe someone can explain what he spent over 4,000.00 on. He did get caught. Mom had a lot of explaining to do to credit card company. Son has to pay it all back to credit card company. Hope he got something good and memorable that night. Hopefully not an STD. Moral of story dont steal dead grandmothers cc cause even though deceased she got payback. 

  • I originally posted this because of 2 trips that Uber made more than I did. Never had that happen. I was driving Saturday night and declined a few pool trips. As I was driving driving a passenger a request came up. Since i had a passenger didnt want to take my eyes off the road to see the request and with new app the print is smaller so I ended up accepting a pool. Of course it was a ride into Center City which is about 25 min 15.55 miles. Rider pd. $17.15  I got 18.46 Uber took -1.68 other .37. There was no surge in pick up or drop off and no tip. A fare like this pool is usually 12.00 for pool to this area. Then I took another pool trip 26 min. 10.5 miles plus a cancellation fee for 2nd rider I received 17.58. This would normally be a 8.00 to 10.00 ride for pool. On this trip rider payment 13.53 riders paid 13.43. There was an adjustment on Uber -7.60 Uber received -4.15. WTH? I am totally confused. If I figure out how to upload a screenshot I will post. ANY THOUGHTS? Afraid Uber will take back money at later date once they figure out their screw up because this cant be right. 

  • The new CEO. Travis whatever dont care about the drivers. Uber claims they brought in drivers to help with the app. What driver in their right mind would've suggested or agreed to the new surge? All they did was switch a few things around give it a new look.  When trip comes in the print is smaller than it used to be. I accepted 2 pool that i would've normally ignored but I was driving and couldnt stare at screen the print is definately smaller. This guy is no better than the last. They will never care about the drivers because everytime a driver leaves more are hired. I wanted to drive until I finished up school but dont know if I can last that long. I picked up an XL last week rider made a  mistake didnt understand. I sent message to support to fix. Somehow when they fixed it Uber made more than I did. I sent support another message that they calculated my fare wrong and they needed to lower booking fee. They gave me the .50 booking fee back but never corrected the trip it wasnt much money but its the principsl. I try being nice to passenger and honest with Uber I get screwed out of the money. Uber is dishonest and they will never chamge. 

  • I had a pickup last night that said a lot of people are switching to lyft because "Uber is so crooked as the drivers are not getting the money Uber is". I know we complain about the fares but it was nice to here that riders are finally seeing the light and actually care about the drivers pay. I may just drive Lyft for the week and see how it goes. Thank you for posting

  • I did try lyft a few days. I didnt receive too many requests. Out of the 15 I teceived 12 were short rides under 6.00 rides the other 3 were 8.00, 12.00, and 14.00. I didn't accept 4 trips as they were 15 to 20 min. away. I wasnt driving that far for a pickup that was only going a few minutes up the road. I just hope Uber picks up. I dont like driving with the 2 apps on lol. Thank you for your post. 

  • Thank you. 

  • She didn't have the contact with the car I supposedly did. It was just weird almost like she was paranoid about something. I still don't get why she was so upset to this day. Iv've thought about it, only thing I cane up with is she had issue of some kind with the people in the car and thought I was in on whatever they were doing or she was high on drugs and just paranoid. She had protection until she got in my car Mr. Big Steroid  Muscle man stood outside and watched girls until they left club. Whatever caused her to flip out her mood changed when she came out of gas station.  She went from super angry possibly paranoid to normal nice Uber rider. Seeing how many people that were at that gas station (30 plus cars over 100 people that's a whole other weird story) I would say she probably purchased her drug of choice that turned her from Ms. Grumpy paranoid stripper into Ms. Happy go lucky stripper. She was  totally happy, agreeable, and apologetic even told me me she was giving me the good ole 5 stars. Made my whole week getting those 5 stars. Lol Whatever it was we will never know the mystery of the bypolar possible paranoid stripper. I see billboards up on I 95 with strippers pic and what club they will be appesring at. I often wonder if any are her and actually had a celebrity in my car that night lol Thanks for your comment

  • Maybe she didn't have many lap dances or get many tips that night. After I confronted her in a nice polite way her attitude changed. She said she had a ”long night". She also said all the drivers pick her up in the wrong place (the spot where I went, where the app showed). I wanted to say if you know this why don't you send the drivers's a text. Decided against it didn't want to ruin the mood she was in or make her night longer. I still can't figure out why she was so concerned about me talking to the people in the car (I wasn't ) but she went on about that for a few minutes screaming at me in the beginning of ride. I avoid that area now. Thank you fir your comment.

  • They were harmless just loud. I just dropped off 2 very drunk paramedics in Philly. I asked what crazy stories they had. It involved a big well built muscle head guy and a "toy" that his wife was playing with and it got stuck in a tight dark place on the dude and they couldn't get it out. So who do they call? Philadelphia Fire Department Rescue Squad $800.00. He should've called an Uber much cheaper even during a surge.

  • The drunk guys were so drunk that they ordered the Uber at 1:50am. to take them to a bar that closed at 2am. We got there at 2:02am and shocker the bar wouldnt let them in. I counted my blessings they were happy drunks and got out of there before they had time to ask me to take them back home. Although it probably would've been safer to take rhem home than it was standing on the corner with the dog. I did  find out later that the police have been dealing with prostitution on that corner. New age prostitution, you can proposition the female or the dog your Dont know what happened to the drunk guys maybe they found a prostitute and had a fun night or they got another Uber driver to torture. Guess we will never know.. Thank you for your post  

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Octopus Tablet

    Thsnk you all for the comments and answers. Appreciate it.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago in  Octopus Tablet

    I didnt get charged. I did find out you have to drive more than 30 or 35 hrs per week or there is a 25.00 charge. So I will not be looking into it any further. I dont work that many hours most weeks. Its rare I do too slow here in philly not willing to take that chance.

  • I have to agree on the part about "crazy" because of the time and place. Thank you for adding "comes from my respect as well" much appreciated. Most of my experiences are either funny, crazy, somewhat frightening, and  a few annoying ones. 

    I meet people from all over the world. I meet people from all walks of life. I started Ubering when I started Nursing School. I needed something with flexibility. My background is 35 yrs in healthcare field just not as a nurse.  I knew how to drive, I love to drive, and like meeting new people. 

    Since driving for Uber I have met some of the most interesting people. Most are kind and sweet. I love hearing their stories. I have had great experiences, scary, funny, interesting, down right weird, just a few bad experiences.  I would say 75% of the people are decent, caring, kind people, 15%  are not to bad but a little less kind, caring, and sweet,  the other 10% well lets just say I wish they never stepped foot in my car. Some nights I have a great time and some nights after 3 or 4 rides I go home because it was just awful. Just 1 person can make or break your night, set the mood for the rest of your shift. Some nights I come home and feel like I was out all night having fun with friends. Other nights I cant wait to get it over with and I swear thats it never driving again. When I have a few riders in a row 3 is my magic number lol that just pull me down, make my spirits low etc I go in for the night. I go out earlier next day and hope my luck changes. Full moon nights can be interesting. Trust me you will learn some lessons. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Then you get that one rider that makes up for all the idiots. Lol More decent riders than not so decent. I thought I had stories to tell from what I seen in wirking in hospitals, nursing homes  doctors offices but Ubering definately will give you stories to tell. Lol Thank you for your comment. Even though you called me crazy. Lol. I have plenty of stories to tell if you like hearing them I have no problem telling them. Take care