Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Can You Find Love in a Rideshare?

    I've had people interested in the person that they shared a ride with. Both times one male one female felt awkward and never said a word. After I dropped the person off they said something to me. Not much I could do for them. I did end up picking up the 1 girl a few weeks later. Told her that on our last ride the male she shared the ride with was interested in her. I find out she was only 16 yrs old. I was shocked and I am sure the guy that was interested wouldnt been shocked also. Never took a request again from that McDonalds as she shouldnt even be in an Uber without an adult. Thankfully I hadnt done anything to try and hook them up. However I learned never assume the riders you pick up from work are over 18 even if its 2am. She was in full McDonalds uniform with baseball hat she looked older than 16.  Normally 16yr olds cant work after 10pm/12am (forget which time) during the week (school nights). Learned my lesson on screening riders better. It does suck this is our responsibility as a driver though. 

    I also have picked up 2 female riders on different nights who happened to be my sons good friends "booty call". So very awkward:) Once I discovered where they were going I asked how they knew Mike or Jarred.  Explained to the girls that I knew Mike & Jarred they are my sons good friend. I've known them since they were 14 (25 now). Thats when the questions started does he have a gf? No of course not (yes, but I am not telling you that), is he a good guy? Yes, wonderful (but not tonight as his gf probably doesn't know you are coming over). I ran into this 2X, i now know just to keep my mouth shut especially since they can rate me up to a month after the ride:) It has been the topic of many conversations when Mike & Jarred are over. I told them they are going to have to start paying me to keep my mouth shut. I would make more $ being quiet than I would driving their one night stands to their home. Funny thing is both girls tipped me when normally young girls riding pool dont tip. Now after posting this it could turn into a lucrative business. Ride plus tip, hush $ from the guys. 

    I don't see finding love in an Uber or Lyft happening often but you never know. Purposely looking for it on a rideshare trip, save your money. There has to be better places to meet people. 


  • Either she is plain stupid or more to story. You wonder if these stories are even true. If they are the writer needs to give more info as they make these people seem really stupid or not credible. 

  • LMAO.Great advice.

  • Agreed. If I get out of my car for rider its to help with luggage or bags. No way am I entering anyones home especially a male. No offense to men but thats just a dumbass move for a female. She hands him her phone also. Another dumbass move. Lets say she helped him get in although I find that fishy as I stated in last reply. Why enter the house? Why let the dude close the door? Give up your phone? You all ready got 20.00 take the cash get in your car and go. Sometimes i think people want attention, hope story goes viral their 5 min of fame, or looking for a lawsuit. Or just PLAIN STUPID.

  • I am a few years younger than her I can kind of understanding maybe helping him but why enter the home? Why would you even shut the door? As soon as dude shut the door I would find that to be a problem. Why didnt she leave right after trip? She had to be sitting there for a min to see he was struggling to get in. I wait for my passengers usually females late at night to get their door open but then I roll. I agree seems fishy to me. What else did she expect from Uber a bonus? She should've never entered that house. Stupidity on her part. Although some people are naive. 

  • I agree. Lucky salsa wasnt hot and spicy because I am sure he probably didnt clean it up well. Lol Not a man but I would assume if it reached areas where there are holes it would burn:) 

  • Yes totally disgusting. What does he do to other peoples food when they tip absolutely nothing? Suppose the person just rounded it off to make it even amt. coming out of their debit/credit card? When he got there maybe they would tip a few $ in cash. I may pay with credit/debit but always cash. There are times I tip a strange amt. to round off.  I prefer to tip in cash. I am giving a server, Uber, delivery person a tip much rather they get all the $ & not hand any over 25/30% for taxes. It's always nice to get a few bucks for a tip and it sucks when you dont. Unfortunately some people dont tip no matter what you cant go around do what this douche did. I want to throw up thinking about it.                                                                                                     

    I am now tipping delivery people with my credit card so they know they are getting a tip. Dont need anything added to my food. Definately dont want nut flavored soup or salsa or extra teabags in my tea:)


    Always tip your delivery person or you may be eating things that are not on the menu.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Methadone clinic

    That would be my suggestion. Maybe once you go to the clinic you can find someone who lives in your area that also goes to the clinic and you could share the cost.

  • Happened agsin last night. Went over Walt Whitman toll not paid. Not even trying to argue with Uber all it does is waste my time. I checked GPS to see how much further a non toll road would be. This is rediculous. Trip takes me out of my home state, i wasnt rematched for ride home into Philly, and not adding these extra miles and time. Paying the toll was obviously the better idea. I had back to back long trips and just wanted to get home also. I lucked out on this one as it was surged and tipped 5.00 just sucks paying this toll when i shouldnt have to. 

  • I agree they have to be making billions. Problem is they are probably spending it as fast as they make it. Self driving cars, Uber air transport (Uber airplane - ride sharing). Dont forget Dara's salary and all the lawsuits:)

  • Thank you for correcting:) I was able to correct it in the heading. The link obviously I cant correct as that says 18 billion also:) Thanks again!

  • I didnt cancel a ride. I stopped taking request for a few minutes. I dont think it had anything to do with that. When I 1st started driving I had a few issues with NJ bridge. Most times they would pay me once i sent message. I had 3 or 4X they didnt. This time I've sent them like 5 messages and they refused to pay. When I use TP they always give me toll if they miss it. I think what they are not understanding is although toll is only one way coming out of NJ technically it is for both ways. They made it one way for traffic purposes, and probably to cut down on amount of toll booth operators. Those 4 bridges always had a toll both ways until years ago when they changed it. I understand I dont have a rider but what pisses me off is I dont live in NJ I wouldnt of used bridge except trip took me over there. It shouldn't be our responsibility to pay that toll. I've had this discussion with a few riders and they all agreed it was their responsibility to cover it. The least Uber could do is pay half on these bridges. I even set destination filter to try and get rider back to Philly. The only thing I can think of its because i went off the app. to get gas & take a few min. break as I just got done 2 long trips. These non english speaking idiots dont have a clue. Once one says no the rest follow and keep saying no. It's just these 4 bridges into NJ from Philly because toll is set up on 1 side of bridge. I have no problem other bridges or TP. At this point I've wasted more time arguing with these clueless idiots its not worth it. 

  • Had it happen on few other trips that was just philly into NJ. Then I stopped having issues until this one. Lost about 20.00 in tolls over the 4 NJ bridges. Went back and forth with customer shitty service they now refuse to answer me:) Will not respond at all.

  • I have no intention on taking Lyft at their word. I was just curious if anyone ever did sign up and actually get any bonus. Uber surges here in Philly in bad weather. I did drive in one storm.  Never again. Got the surge but long pick up fee was miscalculted and pd based on conditions. I sent emails but Uber customer service is A. staffed with a bunch of idiots who dont understand english, B. are told by Uber to play dumb C. receive a commission if they screw driver out of $,  or D. really are stupid and illiterate of course it could be all of the above. Never again. I agree not worth the risk. 

  • Frank still trying to find a place for you to get it. Here is what I found out to date, Many insurance companies will cover it. If you know anyone on pain meds that doesnt abuse them they should be able to get a script from doc. Most states you dont need a script its a "standing order". If your insurance covers it you walk jnto the pharmacy and they will give it to you.

  • I was able to obtain 2 bottles (single dose each) of Narcan. I have an elderly relative who is on Tramadol. Tramadol is a synthetic Opoid pain medication. Apparently new rule (at least in PA) is,  any patient receiving an Opioid for pain relief is to be given a prescription for Narcan. It is up to the patient to fill the prescription but they are not forced to fill it. I guess as long as doctor, hospital, clinic gives them the script they are in the clear. The person was able to fill it at no cost, insurance covered it. They dont need it as they take the medication as directed so I ended up with it. I hope I never have to use it but if needed I can try to help. As I've said I want no part of watching someone die in my car if I can help. I have been in the healthcare field all my life as an MA and/or Tech. I currently attend Nursing school this is why I choose to carry it. By no means do I think or feel that everyone should be willing to carry it and use it. Just didnt want anyone taking my comment as an attack for not wanting to carry it.

  • I never heard of it either. I assume it depends on the type of vehicle you drive. Last year had Ford Focus. Put my Honda Pilot on road this year. I assume since its a good vehicke to get through snow (4 wheel SUV) that is why they sent it to me.