Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • I have a few questions.  You state the fare for riders will be "just below" Uber and Lyft. How much below 5%, 10%? Approx. how much lower?  How are drivers going to be better when most drivers will come from Uber and Lyft? What type of background check will be done? Thats one of the biggest mistakes Uber and Lyft made. They did and continue to do 3rd party background checks. Why not do FBI Fingerprint Backgrounds? That would eliminate drivers who should not be on a ride share platform. Eliminate criminals from law abiding drivers. Is TRYP going to back the drivers or just automatically side with riders like Uber and Lyft do? Is there a customer service number drivers  can call if they need assistance? Will those representatives know how to actually help the driver or will they read from a script? When driver sends message is it being read by a person and will a person respond? Or do we get standard scripted answers that dont even apply to what the driver is asking? We are seeing the basics for TRYP, we know we pay a fee and get 100% of the fare but whate else is different from Uber and Lyft? Although pay is a big factor there is many other issues drivers have with current ride share companies. Are airports in the US going to accept another ride share company and allow them to pick up and drop off? I love the idea of keeping 100% of the fare but what else makes me take the chance to come drive for TRYP? Why am I going to pay a fee to drive for TRYP?  what makes me hand over 200.00 to a new company that may be the same or worse than the other 2? Are we going to run into the same problems where we are driving 10/20 min to a pick up and take a rider .75 miles? What about tolls is the riders paying tolls? What do we do in the beginning when people havent switched yet to TRYP? I pay 199.00 and get 2 trips that I make 15.00 total X 4 weeks. So now 140.00 of mine is lost. Approx how quickly does your research show that people will switch? How many riders are expected to use TRYP right away? Market is saturated with drivers now will TRYP make it worse? I could go on but I think you get my point. I understand you may not have exact numbers or answers but I assume you have done research and testing in some matkets what do they show? Why are we not seeing bill boards, ads, articles, commercials? Your company sounds great in theory but I assume  before drivers are going to put out their hard earned money they will need more info. see some press, and exposure. I know I want more info. before I hand over 200.00. Not trying to be difficult just want more info. 

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     5 years ago in  Would you speed for a tip?

    On smaller roads 25/40 mph I may go over speed limit but only if I know the area. Major highway 50/70 mph. Of course.  Nothing wrong with going over speed limit as long as traffic isnt heavy and you are not driving carelessly. 

  • Make money and flexibility. 

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     5 years ago in  TRYP (a new ridershare company) promising $500K a month?

    In case you wanted some answers on tryp. Click link below. 

    These people have posted on here a few times. I made a few negative comments saying it was BS and a female (dont remember her name) got all defensive. Telling me she couldnt put up info yet. I tried to be nice and act like I was interested to see what she had to say but when I questioned her about her email she wouldnt put it up. She wanted us to give our email addresses to her if interested. No thanks.


    I would trust what Harry Campbell - Therideshareguy has to say. See link below.

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     5 years ago in  TRYP (a new ridershare company) promising $500K a month?

    I remember them. 😊 If you didnt send it something terrible would happen to you or you would have bad luck for the rest of your life.

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     5 years ago in  Driver tried to pull a fast one

    When I first started driving I didnt realize my phone wasnt charging. My phone died. Within 2 min I got it on charger and notified Uber that I didnt end trip on time. The response I got back was "the amount charged to rider was still correct they would not need to change it".  I have forgot once or twice since then but its less than a minute after dropping off rider. As LG PA stated we want to end the ride to be able to move on and accept more trips. My app froze once and I couldnt end it but once you close it out and reopen it usually fixes itself. Only takes a few min. Dont think many drivers would take the risk as Uber would most likely find out. I have heard of a driver doing it on their very last day of driving for Uber (dont know how true it is). Even then dont make much sense because you cant accept any new trips.  

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     5 years ago in  TRYP (a new ridershare company) promising $500K a month?

    I am not handing out 200.00 to 400.00 per month to anyone. Where are we going to find riders? This is crazy. I would love to hear from a driver that pulled 400.00 out of pocket and see how many rides they got so far. Bet the answer is a big fat $0. Wondering if Tryp is the business a few people on here were trying to recruit drivers for. Is anyone really that naive?

  • Total dysfunction in our government. Who suffers? Tax payers. They all need to grow up and stop acting like spoiled children. 


    Driving this past Saturday night with passenger in heavy rain headed down Torresdale Ave.  I was 2 blocks from the intersection where I found the dog I talked about in previous thread. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a dog walking out between 2 parked cars. I say "shit"  swerve and hit brakes to avoid him and apologize to rider. Rider replies, "its ok I seen him". The one night I needed a back seat driver this male says nothing. Lol  I have (usually men older than 45) feel the need to back seat drive or give directions even though GPS is giving same directions. Guess some men still think women cant drive. Lol   I think he looks just like  the dog I found roaming in the streets months back. I looked at dog again and sure enough its him. Same crappy leash. Either the people let him roam or he is an escape artist. Either way I wish his owner would stop letting him out or do something to prevent him from escaping. He is going to get hurt or killed in an accident. Both times he was on heavily travelled roads in the dark. Had i not had a passenger I probably would've stopped again. Just thought it was interesting I came across the same dog. 

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     5 years ago in  Does Uber charge a fee for scheduled rides?

    Lilly, Can you please clarify or correct me if I am wrong as I dont want to be giving my riders wrong info. If you schedule a ride more than 60 min. in advance your fare is locked in. If you schedule a ride in less than 60 min. in advance Uber gives you an estimate. Then when you are matched with a driver fare could increase if there is a surge in your area. Thank you.

  • If you have a story to share about a tragedy because child not in safety seat please share here. If you have a happy story to share because a seat saved a child please share. Thoughts and comments on the subject regarding child safety seats having to do with rideshare or just parents driving around with no seats please post. There is a separate thread in here but check this dumbass, lazy, careless adult.

  • Was asked to answer a question on Quora today." What is the saddest thing I've experienced as an Uber driver? I choose to answer it with "parents requesting rides with no car seat and drivers not declining these rides. As many of you all ready know my answers are not short lol. Trust me when I say I didnt disappoint. Most lengthy to date. I am not askung anyone to go to Quora and read it as probably not enough time in a day to finish reading it:) What I am asking is that if you are a driver PLEASE CANCEL RIDE collect your fee and move on. As a rider dont requesr unless you have a car seat or order Uber with a safety seat, yes it is an option. I still need to check if Lyft has this. If you know thst answer I would appreciate if you could post. Save these kids. I know its not your job however please have a conscience, a good work ethic and be a voice for these kids that dont want to be severely injured or dead. I've asked quora readers to post any stories they may know of a child being injured or killed because a parent is too cluless, lazy, careless, irresponsible, or all of the above. Although I hate hearing about tragic stories especislly regarding children I feel the need to educate and raise awareness about this issue. Its not just rideshare that makes this an issue its the lack of knowledge, education, or the stupidity, carelessness, or the attitude that "it wont happen to my kid" that injures or kills these infants, toddlers, children under 10. 

    I am asking the drivers out there to make a difference, to save a life, and raise awareness. I am asking parents to stop requesting rides if there is not an appropriate safety seat provided by you or a driver. Please take a few minutes to post a story, share a story, text, FB, Twitter, etc  to raise awareness. You just may a save a life. Looking to do a good deed or pay it forward its easy you  save a life, save a fellow driver from heartache, financial ruin, jail time etc. Please raise awareness 1 post, share, tweet, whatever you choose to use asking drivers to cancel these rides and rides not to request them. If you really are bored ir in between rides feel free to visit quora and read my answer. Feel free to add to my comment here or on quora. The more people that share, like, upvote, post, the more people we can reach in hopes of saving 1, 2, hundreds, maybe thousands of children who have clueless, irresponsible, parents. Would greatly appreciate if we could do something about helping or saving these kids. Everyday now I am getting adults with kids and no seat. First one at an airport the other night 14 month old mom and dad had the correct appropriate child safety seat. Had a 7 yr old was on taller side seatbelt wouldnt of been 100% perfect but thankfully I have booster. Approximately an hour 20 min long ride $97.00 plus 20.00 tip although declined was offered food & drink ftom BK.) Had they not had seat i would be looking at 3.75 had i not had my 14.00 booster seat same outcome 3.75. I also scored a return ride towards my destination this almost never happens when I am in this area with destination filter.  $53.77 fare, my tolls paid on return trip, 12.00 tip. The ride with the kids was not pleasant for first 25 min as the baby screamed her adorable head off. Once we got on TP, lowered heat, pulled over to a Burger King to change disper and put some country music on (not my favorite but apparently hers) she went sound sleep. My point being my trip was easier, relaxing after 25 min because i had no worries of getting a ticket for no seat and no worries that the baby or 7yr old was flying through my windshield or out my side windows. Had responsible parents. Was treated well, trip nice, parents grateful for booster, and with good karma for being patient, pulling over for diaper change, assuring mom who was anxious over baby crying that I wasnt annoyed over it so she should relax. I got a good tip and a decent rider on a return trip with tolls pd and another decent tip. So with that being said wouldn't it be nice if we didnt have to decline these no car seat trips because they were not being requested. Answer I would be happier and so us my my bank account. Not that they would do it but Uber and Lyft should make a policy that the 1st time you request a car and have no seat driver will cancel ride with a 5.00 fee being charged to rider and driver reports it. Any ride requested after that will continue to incur fees going up 10.00 each time. I will be willing to bet this stops the problem altogether. Since this will not be an option unfortunately. Lets just take a stand ourselves and stop it. As always thanks for reading my lengthy posts. Thanks to those who upvote. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber drivers made 600 million in tips this year.

    Not tipping and blaming Uber is an excuse. At one time that may have been a good excuse in the beginning. Riders know we can be tipped. There are enough forums, articles, threads, and general talk.  Some riders expect you to go out of your way for them, expect limo service for for the few bucks they pay are just cheap, inconsiderate, self entitled asses that no matter what you do, how above and beyond you go, will not part with an extra $1 or $2. Nothing or no one  will change them. People who tip either understand why you tip, or are kind & considerate. Others very generous. 

  • Had a young 20 something female rider. Headed to NY. Picked her up in NJ at nice townhouses didnt have a clue where she was.  Quiet the whole ride except for 2 outburst that I thought she was crying, but she said she was laughing at something funny. Some strange noises that sounded like she was wrestling in back of car punching herself. Lol Strangest part of the whole ride she did not pull a cell phone out at all.  She was in the back by herself. As soon as we stopped for tolls at Lincoln Tunnel she wanted to know what cell towers were? Then proceeds to say out of the blue,"we need more scientists. I think everyone could become a scientist to make things".  I want to be a scientist, wonder what classes I would take"?  "They should give free tuition if you want to become s scientist". Onto new subject about AI and robots taking over the world. Proceeded onto how Trump is orange with white eyes.  Uses bad spray tan, how old he  looks, and how his wife cant speak English at all.  I dont have a clue still cant explain the conversation choices or her mentality or lack of  :)  Dont know if I had Cybil and her multiple personalities or an Alien creature. I am thinking Alien creature, really early 20 something female with no phone, not one text, or selfie in cities she said she never visited before. Was a strange ride. I guess drugs couldve been a factor.

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     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Nyclisa, I am a driver. I can only speak for myself and what I do. I do not rate a rider under 5 stars unless they did something really really annoying, rude, totally disrespectful. I have over 1825 rides. I can count on 1 hand how many riders I rated 2 to 4 stars. Trust me there should've been about 35 more added to that number. My issue is if I rated rider 3 stars I have to give reason why.  Lets say they made me wait 8 min didnt apologize, left trash all over the car, was rude & disrespectful. I tell that to Uber I now have to worry that rider retaliates and rates me 1 star. If a rider takes 1 Uber per mth & their rating goes down a week after their ride with me they know who did it. Riders have 2/3 weeks to rate we have 5 secs. Lets say I drop you off and driver all ready accepted another ride in last 3 min of your ride. You arrive at destination driver swipes end trip & wants to move on but the rating pops up & we cant get go any further in the app until we rate. If they ard busy and trying to rush maybe they accidentally hit 1 stat or 3 stars instead of 5. Uber WILL NOT change a rating no matter what you tell them for driver or rider. Maybe driver hates rating system so he just clicks whatever to get passed that screen. Not saying its fair but maybe these are reasons. Lyft gives driver 24 hrs to rate rider. Uber gives 5 secs.  Rider gets 2/3 weeks on Uber and not sure on Lyft but its at least 24hrs. 

    Here is another senario. I am not being sarcastic or rude but here is a possibility your rating is not 5 stars. You state " I am tired, work hard, long hrs, you TRY to be FRIENDLY companion if I MUST".  "Really would like to rest, catch up on work, but long ago I  REALIZED they WONT let me I listen and reply in as FRIENDLY WAY AS I CAN".   I get it yes sometimes its nice to have a conversation with your rider but you worked your long day you are tired you may want peace and quiet. Totally understandable. I cant agree more after you worked all day who wants to hear other peoples problems. I totally agree i would do the same be nice, listen, agree (no driver should be sharing their problems, difficulties, or issues with you, they should keep conversation light, upbeat, and positive). Common sense to most but not all. I capitalized negatives to point out that you MAY enter car with a negative vibe because it seems you get those drivers that unload their problems on you. Its just going to be one of those rides you dread. You are kind enough to listen, show compassion, and try to be friendly. But in reality you want peace and quiet and to be left alone.  That is your right and no one should tell you your rude. It could be possible tbat a few drivers are picking up that you are just going along & being nice because you have to.  Even though you think & feel you are handling these types of drivers wonderfully they may see through it. They also may feel it is fake and your just being condescending. When in fact you feel you are being nice, polite, and friendly. Again not saying you are fake, not saying you should have to change or talk to driver the whole ride. If I have a bad rider and immediately pick another rider up I may smile, i may talk, i may say all the right things but there are times i can feel some awkwardness, negativity in the car becausd of previous rider. Once I realize this I have to let go of the negativity and the anger from previous rider or this will continue after each and every rider. Some people are more sensitive than others and can feel negative energy, vibes, presence, auora whatever you want to call it. Agsin not trying to be rude.

    Try this next time. Get in the car smile, say good morning, how are you. Driver says my back is killing me, Uber dont listen to its dtivers, my husband is  lazy blah blah blah. Respond with sorry i hope things get better for you I had a rough day also i had to bring my work home with  me so if you will excuse me I have emails i have to answer, vm to listen to, texts to get out or I may just nod off for an hour. At end of ride simply say thank you for giving me quiet time I accomplished a lot or the nap really helped. That should shut that type of driver down and now you can do whatever and not have deal with that type of driver shut it down from beginning. If uncomfortable text driver " good morning i have a ton of work to catch up on or need a nap i would appreciate the quiet  time. These 2 things can prevent you from having to fake wanting to talk or listen to their problems  sorry couldnt think of another way to phrase it:)  See if it helps it cant hurt. Headphones are great. Get in and say i had a rough day going to stick headphones on and take a nsp or relax. Driver knows you are occupied and comfortable they can concentrate on the road

     I think their should be icons you can click ahead of time if you want ex. Open for conversation    dont want to talk   please have air on   give choices of music so driver if they want can put what you like on. Good luck.

  • This women makes a turn, her child falls out of her moving car in her car seat. Not only was the car seat not tethered or buckled but door wasnt closed right or locked. Next time its going to be a child in an Uber or Lyft minus the car seat flying out the window or windshield. Drivers wake up this could be you. Decline riders if they have a child and no car seat. Do you want to be responsible for a child flying through your windshield or windows?

  • No the idiot didnt even know he dropped it. He gave it to the cashier to dump in trash:)

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     5 years ago in  The shutdown is turning prison guards into Uber drivers

    It does suck for drivers who all ready drive full or part time. Its difficult in some areas to get rides, wait time for rides get longer, and short rides well we all know they make you no money. As frustrating as it is people have to feed their familys and pay their bills. Hopefully once gov. gets back these people give up on driving. Regardless more and mpte people sign up everyday to drive. Market is over saturated with drivers.

  • Was in mini mart the other night. A guy was buying the flavored things they use to wrap their weed. A cop walked in and he started getting nervous. He paid for his stuff and got out of there quickly. Me, the clerk, and the cop look down look at each other and started laughing. Dumbass dropped his bag of weed on the floor. Cop handed it to the clerk and said "do me a favor dump that in the trash". 

  • Agreed. I cant believe I forgot things in my long laundry list of annoying things people do when they drive:) The whole slowing down or braking ss you approach a green light is so stupid. The first time I noticed it I was dating my husband. Was driving with his mom one day and she kept doing it. When we got home I asked him why? I was shocked as I didnt think people did such foolish things (i was young):) Then again you havent met my ex mother in law:) Thought of one more thing thst is mostly but not all the time a female thing. Making a wide right turn pulling slightly (just enough to piss you off) towards the left before they actually turn.