Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  How many riders and passengers can be on a UberPool?

    There should be a number of grocery bags a pool rider can bring. Twenty two bags that fills the 3rd row of SUV, trunk, front seat, and a seat in 2nd row should definately be able to Uprade to an X or XL. 

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     5 years ago in  Why you should be a TUBER Driver!

    Love to see a video on "what kind of passenger are you"? The non tipper (even though you picked them up out of the street when they were too drunk too walk, asked you to stop in drive thru with 15 cars ahead of you), the "i'll tip you in app driver"  the drunk dudes that hit on female driver even though the driver is old enough to be their mom, the young ladies that tell you way too much info about signing up for sugar and proceeds to show you d pics of 90 yr old men with sacs too their knees or propped up because they are the size of grapefruits. The ones that tell you their whole life story in 10 min, the puker, especially the ines thst say no I am not going to puke are drive hea ing, gagging, and turning green, the dumbass irresponsible parent with no car seat for their 2 yr old and proceed to tell you "they will be fine" me-  yes they will  cause your not getting in my car, rider - i am not paying cancel fee how am i supposed to know you need a car seat? Me - your a parent you dumbass, ones who cancel mid ride and say "i didnt cancel", the ones that make you wait 8 min and dont apologize, order Uber and Lyft cancel the one that dont get there 1st, the strippers that expect you to mind read and know there is special stripper exit even though app puts you at the front enterance, or pick up location not accurate after riding around and calling rider for 5 min they show up when you apologize they say "no worries it happens to every driver all the time ( WTH could you text the driver then). Ones that bring open containers in car and cant understand why you tell them to get rid of it, riders that are all dressed up but smell like a skunk just sprayed them because all 7 just smoked weed, the rider that complains how high the fare is meanwhile driver just drive 15 min to pick them up to make 3.25 to drive the up the road  .5 miles. Pool riders that bring 3 people with them, express pool riders that say "you cant drop me off on corner at 2am i dont know the neighborhood", the pool rider you pick up at supermarket fare 3.25 10 min to load 22 bags and 10 min to unload 22 bags while the kids come out grab 1 bag and disappear. Can you drop my friend off she only lives 2 blocks from me, 2 miles later. The drunk that puts the bar across the street from the bar you picked him up from as his destination but too drunk to tell you address. Thankfully you picked him up a few weeks early and remember where he lives. Yes these riders do exsists. I guess that video would be more like a movie. I only have 30 min to get to the airport or I'll miss my flight but its not your fault. 

    Drivers I'm sure you have a few favorite or least favorite types of riders. Please share.

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     5 years ago in  Atlanta drivers during Superbowl weekend

    Anyone drive? How was it?

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     5 years ago in  Can a parent order Uber or Lyft for a teenager? My kids?

    Teens have fake ID's i cant always tell the difference. Some bars use machines because you cant always tell. This should be Ubers responsibility. They dont care they win if driver takes minor and they lose nothing if driver gets in accident. They just say we told you not to take minors. Just like the whole car safety seat issue. Uber and Lyft mention it in a few sentences. Hell they even pay cancel fee and dont dont charge it to rider. They eat the cost. Maybe if they start charging 10.00 for 1st offense, 20.00 and so on this would stop. They just dont care. If kid goes flying through windshield its the drivers problem, if minor rides and accuses driver of sexual misconduct they deactivate driver. Just another example of how they dont cars about drivers.

  • Yes black shows all the salt marks it looks awful. Interior isnt too bad with heat on. My dumbass forgot to take all my cleaning stuff in the house that I keep in the back in a basket. Needless to say it all froze. Lol I now have popsicle and slushi tire cleaner, window cleaner, etc.  Vacuuming isnt exactly fun in the cold. 

  • Thank you for all the great tips. It's 32 here in Philly. Lines were long but went through car wash where they dry outside. I opened all my doors and dried the little bit of water that got in. I froze my butt off doing windows though. Lol I didnt drive much in the winter last year. Maybe once a week. 

    Thanks again all!  Greatly appreciated! 

  • I assumed (my fault) that you were from TRYP. I didnt realize you were a driver just trying to sign other drivers up (again my fault). Before I hand over any money to anyone I need my questions answered. I cannot even comprehend why anyone would not ask questions and research a business, business opportunity before getting involved with it and giving them your money. Again I'll reoeat,  You cannot possibly expect people to hand over money no questions asked. Thats just stupidity.   Anyone with any business sense would tell you that. Every piece of info I found on the internet is negative feedback on TRYP and the man who founded it. Uber and Lyft didnt cost a dime to try it out. There was also info all over the web, tv, billboards, magazines, etc... If you had questions you could look it up. I have tried to get info on TRYP there really isnt any at all. This is the only thing we know, pay 200.00 keep 100% of fare + tips. Thats it. Nothing else. 

    I simply wanted info about TRYP so I could make an  informed intelligent decision based on facts. You answered what you could but seemed to be annoyed that I was asking questions. Then started using terms "its a no brainer" . If I had facts and more info it may be a "no brainer". I am not the idiot for asking  questions before I spend 200.00. Then you comment on how much time i spend on here, how many post WTH does that have to do with anything? Again I post things I find relevant to ride share, questions people may want answered, etc. From the responses I've seen all over the internet in forums, articles, you tube no one trusts TRYP or ots founders.  I was asking questions in hopes of getting answers to help out other drivers. Instead you got annoyed, you insinuated I was an idiot with your "no brainer comment", told me to go look up info for myself, you then comment on how much time I spend on here and me throwing answers or opinions out there. It's a forum. Kind of the point of a forum,  where issues, views and ideas can be exchanged. People can comment or choose not to. People can also choose not to read peoples posts and comments. 

    I am through with this topic.  I am now wasting my time on something that doesnt concern me at this time. My opinion wont change. I'll keep my money until there is info out there and proof they have more riders than Uber and Lyft. Since this is a forum and I want to add to the number of posts I have  put up here, I have an idea for you. As an "influencer" trying to sign up other drivers (i would assume you are getting a referral bonus) you may want to go about it in a nicer way. Instead of being annoyed,  rude and then telling me to look it up myself you may want to try a different approach. I can tell you drivers are skeptical all ready.  After reading your post it definately wont make them feel any better. BTW TRYP will have to undercut both Uber and Lyft to get riders to switch say maybe 20/25% so that fare you are keeping is still going to be less 20/25%. 

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     5 years ago in  Do you let your teens use Uber?

    I get why parents do it. I would let my 16 to 18 yr old male children use it in an emergency assuming driver would take them. However it would have to be an emergency & not daily basis and hopefully he would have a friend with him.  However I wouldnt be comfortable allowing my daughter at that age to use it. Especially at night or by herself. There are too many stories out there about ride share drivers. My daughter is 21 now she uses it on weekends but always with her friends. I have young female riders tell me they have been drunk and pass out in Uber when by themselves. Big mistake. Wish these young adults would think before they do stupid things like this. You just never know. 

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     5 years ago in  TRYP (a new ridershare company) promising $500K a month?

    There is another thread on here for TRYP. I asked the guy a bunch of questions which he answered a select few. So I posted again with more questions as I thought he was someone from the company. Turns out he was driver looking to sign people up for referral bonus.  He got annoyed because I was asking questions. There is nothing but negative feedback on multiple sites from multiple people. This guy hands over his money with knowing nothing but "you get 100% of fare + tips" "its a no brainer".  So I am the idiot because i asked questions about a new company that hasnt done nothing other than ask drivers for money.  He also said "guess you will have to wait and read it on their website". There are drivers out there that handed over money and know nothing other than 100% of fare and tips. Are people really this naive?stupid?desperate? Has any driver or prospective driver other than the 2 people trying to make money for referral bonus handed over 200.00 to this company knowing nothing about them other than their claim of 100% of fare + tip? Fares havent even been set yet.  Fares will need to be less than Uber and Lyft.  Right there you are losing at least 15% if not more. Tips are not guaranteed we all know that.  

  • Uber snd Lyft were free so there wasnt much to lose but possibly some time and gas. It would be a no brainer if we knew we were going to get enough fares, if you were more honest and transparent than Uber and Lyft. There is no guarantee that people will use TRYP and the market is flooded with drivers now.  You seem to be getting annoyed when questions are being asked. Why wouldnt people ask questions? Your new. We dont know you or anyone else in the company. Cant find much on the internet other than negative feedback. If I go on a job interview tomorrow with an old reputable company thats well known I would ask questions. What do you expect, you and a few others post on ride share website to pay you 200.00 and everyone will flock to it and not ask questions? Again if you hire drivers that hand over money and dont ask questions I find that to be a problem. It's just stupidity. I am selling the Brooklyn Bridge and some swamp land in Florida maybe I should approach these drivers. I just went back and read your original post. It's all clear now. You are a driver that handed over money to TRYP and now you want other drivers to hand over their money so you can collect the referral bonus. That explains why you are getting annoyed with my questions because you dont know the answers. All you know is what they told you which obviously isnt much. I know 100% of the fare + tips, a no brainer. I apologize for assuming you were more involved in the company and could answer my questions. BTW what about thst bridge and some swamp land? If you are going to post on a ride share website intelligent people will have questions and will.wamt answers especially when they are pulling money out of their pocket. Maybe you dont need answers and trust everyone. I dont. You ever hear the saying "if it sounds to good to be true it probably is". If I am wrong I'll be the first to apologize. 



  • First just want to clarify I am a "she" a female. Of course I have many questions. Wouldn't you have many questions if you seen a new business they you may be interested in? The company is asking for 200.00 so of course there will be questions. Do you expect people to see your initial post and just hand over money no questions asked? I would hope you wouldnt want stupid people driving for your company because anyone who would sign up & not ask questions is naive or just plain stupid. You have enough negativity floating around out there. I would hope if you are trying to start a new business that you would want to convince people you are a legitimate company that will be successful. BTW are you a driver who signed up with TRYP & are trying to sign other drivers up for your bonus? Or are you someone who works for the company and is capable of answering these questions? 

  • Just because something isnt required doesnt mean it shouldnt be done. I agree 100% that it would be great  if riders would be vetted. Yes its not practical, understood. Yes I did read about the woman and her baby being murdered. Thread posted on forum. Absolutely a horrendous act of violence. I still think asking drivers for money up front from a new company is risky for the driver. Yes any new business can be risky and yes sometimes you need to take risk. Again this sounds great but there is a lot of negative comments floating out there about these being a scheme. Many drivers are obviously cautious as they should be. If this is going to be so great why charge drivers from day one? Why not allow 1st month or 2 be a lower fee of free? If driver makes decent money fee can be paid at the end of 1st month or 2?  If driver doesnt make 200.00 in first month or 2 (not enough rides offered) the money is made up by TRYP? If this works many drivers may start signing up. I think drivers need to see this actually working before they part with 200.00. As for now drivers need to be cautious as 200.00 isnt much if you are making money with TRYP but a lot to hand over not knowing if this will work. This may not seem like a lot of money to the company but for people living paycheck to paycheck it is. This is a great idea that I am sure most drivers would go for once there is proof that there is money to be made (riders willing to switch). Better rates for riders will mean lower fares for drivers. Fares are too low as it is for the driver. I still have to ask about the ratings? Is TRYP going to use same rating system? If not how will your rating system work?  Uber and Lyft rating system has done nothing but cause animosity between driver & passenger as red ANT stated. Just not good for business. Tolls, is rider paying them?  What about long pick ups? If we are traveling more than 10 min for example will rider be charged a fee? Is TRYP going to do anything about short rides? Even making 5.00 for these short rides we travel 10 min to are not worth it. What about customer services? Can we get a real person we can understand? Will they answer our question or issue with a reasonable answer or just with generic answers that may or may not help? If its too time consuming and  too many questions this should cover the rest of my questions. I am sure your company knows the problems with Uber and Lyft that the drivers have. What I am asking is will TRYP improve on these issues?  Or is it same as Uber & Lyft business model with the exception driver makes 100% of fare and driver pays fee? Is TRYP going to improve on some or most of drivers ussues or not at all. Although the fate thing if works will be great there are still many areas that need improvement.

    Best of luck. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Hopefully it is a better alternative than driving for other ride share. Again great idea and great opportunity just too much too risk at this time. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. 

  • Took one last ride Saturday night at a local bar called 3 Monkeys. Picked up male and female  who were either dating or married. They both passed out during the 3 mile ride. When we pulled up I was able to wake the guy easily. It took a little more to wake the female up. First words out of her mouth was "did you tip her" to which the male mumbled yes and kept saying "come on lets go". The female still somewhat half asleep asked again "did you tip her"? Now he was getting annoyed. Did the cheap jerk think I couldnt hear her asking or him lying? Hello you are right behind me, I speak English, not deaf, and not stupid. This was worse then "I'll tip you in the app". What a cheap, rude, a#&hole. Hopefully she isnt married to this idiot and realize what a jerk he really is. 

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     5 years ago in  5 necessary items all Uber drivers should have!

    I agree. When people get in a warm car from the cold their noses run. The entire ride all you here is sniffing. So annoying. That is one thing no one has left behind in my car. I do have a small bag for those dirty tissues.  So far everyone has taken them with them:)

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     5 years ago in  Lots of Driver Scams - Watch out, passengers!

    If riders would read Ubers guidelines and help section maybe they would know what to do and what is covered in the fare. As a new rider they should take the responsibilty of knowing what to expect and how service works. Then maybe they wouldnt get ripped off or scammed. You are getting into a car with a stranger and using a service, know what to expect. Its like people who purchase something have no idea how to use it, how to build it or whatever but wont read the directions. They download the Uber app and request a car but they dont read anything else like reading info in the app. If they get ripped off its mostly because they didnt look into. They didnt look any further than the screen to request a car. Unfortunately you are going to get ripped off when you know nothing about the service. The toll scam,  you know its a cashless transaction. SMH. If you you are that stupid not to check into something you are using for 1st time dont cry when something goes wrong. I love how all these articles about what drivers do wrong, how drivers scam riders, how awful drivers are. Yes, there are some evil mean drivers out there that dont care and are dishonest. Will lie and try to scam extra money but not all are like that. I could write a long list of things passengers do to get their fare refunded, get driver in trouble or deactivated, and many other things they do that are dishonest. The crap some of these passengers pull are rediculous. One of my favorites that happens all the time is "my friend just lives a few blocks can you drop them off or its on the way"? Happens to me every weekend on bar pick ups. There are many more things and when I first started driving I got caught up in a few of their lies. Some were my own fault  as I didnt go on rider app to check out it worked. Lessons learned.

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     5 years ago in  Lots of Driver Scams - Watch out, passengers!

    I usually sit at a gas station 2 blocks from my house waiting for rides when I start my shift. My house is 2 blocks from the gas station. Why would it matter if I sit at the gas station or sit at my house? It takes me 30 secs to go out start my car and head to pick up. If I am in my house or at the gas station its taking me same time to get there.   I am not getting paid til rider is in my car and start the trip. Why should Uber or rider dictate or care where I wait? Not costing them anything. Also no rules on Uber where you can and cant sit while waiting for rides. Before a driver accepts a trip they are on their own time. 

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     5 years ago in  TRYP (a new ridershare company) promising $500K a month?

    I have viewed info on mutiple sites. Forums, You Tube, people who blog for ride share, and more. Looked up CEO (founder) and he doesnt have a good track record. Majority of what I read says its a scam.  They claim that they invited only "good drivers" to join them. How do they know who is good? They were putting info up on here for past month asking us to give them our email. The info they have provided is vague.  I responded to a thread on ride guru that one of them posted. I asked some questions. Its been 24 hrs still no response.  Drivers I know will not send them money and I do not intend to either. I can only caution drivers to wait before sending them their hard earned money. 

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     5 years ago in  Does Uber charge a fee for scheduled rides?

    Thank you for posting as it made me look it up:).  I didnt know that scheduling 60 min or less you could still get hit with surge. 

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     5 years ago in  Does anyone really think this will make riders want to.tip?

    I agree. When we all pay 200.00 per month to sign up for TRYP (see thread on here if not sure what I am talking about) we can add their name. Lol These things are just getting rediculous.  I dont put signs up unless at airport or going to pick up in a  real busy area. The app gives our make & model, time of arrival and license plate. If I am pulling up and only car there that matches their app shouldn't be hard to figure out its me. I really rather not advertise for a few reasons. I really dont want lights all over my car advertising for Uber and Lyft:)

  • As a driver I've returned at least 10 items. Thankfully most are close to my home. I've had 2 where they were 25 to 40 min away. I collected 2 fees and  3 tips out of the 10. The others I returned but did not report to Uber as I said they were close to my home.  It took me 5/10 min to return. Last week 1 rider left I Phone, caused me to lose 30 min (long story)on the app. accepting rides and 23 min to meet him halfway the next day. He was drunk the night before very annoying and outspoken entire 30 min trip. Trust me 15.00 didnt cover the aggravation and lost time. If he had tipped me 5.00 I probably would've still reported to Uber for fee of 10.00. In normal circumstances, you leave phone, we get in contact, it takes me 5/10 min to return to you, you dont cause me lost time, you offer a tip then no I would not report at all for fee. Sometimes just the fact that you acknowledged that I went out of my way and offered a tip is enough for me.  Uber allows riders to contact us via the generic number for 24hrs. Unfortunately  they do not allow driver to contact rider on that number. Most people call it leave a message but not their phone number. Now not much of a choice but to contact Uber. However I have sent Uber a message not to charge rider. That probably wouldnt be a good idea to take a tip then take the fee as rider may contact Uber and complain. Uber may not be happy you did this and take fee back. If rider tips 15.00 or more no you should not take that fee. Definately being a jerk if you do. 

    FYI riders

    You leave an item in an Uber and get drivers VM leave a message with your real phone number if you are not uncomfortable doing so. You may get item back right away if they are still in the area.