Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • Doesn't matter to me. If they get in my car with intentions to hack me into little pieces its not going to matter where they are sitting:) I am driving watching the road and GPS not their every move.  While driving if someone pulls a gun its not going to matter what seat they are in. I am screwed. I hate the backseat as I get a headache and somewhat anxious then again I dont like any seat unless its the drivers seat. Thats why I dont Uber. If you feel more comfortable up front just ask the driver when they show up. You can also text them after they accept ride.  It can take any awkwardness away if you are shy or driver feels uncomfortable saying no to a rider in person. The only thing I ask if a rider sits up front dont back seat drive and dont be reaching around playing with radio, bluetooth, etc .  Its annoying. 

  • Yes it is a big list. Lol  Thanks for adding those 2 cant believe I forgot them. Couldn't agree more. . The more time I spend on the road the more I see it the more annoying it gets. I get why people have road rage. Lol  The no turn signal is just lazy, inconsiderate, rude idiots. Last night had 2 idiot females 1 on I 95 doing 35 and braking for no reasons full on texting more than just an "ok" other one on busy highway doing 20 in a 35. Thought it was a little old lady no some young dumbass texting again not a short text. Not that you should be texting at all. Wth do these people not understand? You want to have your car totaled, end up under a tractor trailer decapitated go for it. I personally want to get my riders to there destination safely and my ass home to my family. Just self entitled, rude, inconsiderate behavior. Do they really think that they are driving normally while texting? Do you not feel yourself braking every 20 secs or wonder why everyone is passing you. I am going to take out the biggest automobile policy with full tort get in front of one of these morons and slam my brakes on. Get a lawyer sue the crap out of them. When their insurance skyrockets maybe they will learn. They are going to seriously hurt someone or kill them over a damn text that can wait or a damn selfie for valadation for whatever their parents didnt provide for their spoiled asses. I've seen both m & f's of all ages doing it but mostly younger people under 25. The ones that talk on the phone dont operate their vehicle much better. Their is this thing called ear pieces, blue tooth, hands free. They need to use them it just may save their life and others. I have an idea I am sure no one thought of yet pull over their are shoulders, strip malls, parking lots everywhere. Unfortunately there are idiots that think its ok to stop in the middle of the road because traffic may not be heavy and text. WTH??? Another inconsiderate ignorant type of person. 

    Stats for US

    Car crashes are #1 Killer for Teens - It's considered an American Epidemic and  TOTALLY PREVENTABLE

    Since there is no way to test for distracted driving it's believed that these types of accidents are extremely under reported. 

     #1 KILLER OF TEENS 9 people per day die in distracted driving crashes. 58% of teen crashes are distracted driving, 391,000 crashes per yr by distracted drivers, 16 to 19 yr olds 3X more likely to be involved in a fatal accident. 1 out of 4 accidents is because of cell phone use. 

     They need to learn "a license is a privilege not a right".  Having a drivers license isnt your constitutional right. It's based on skills and the ability to drive safely. You should have to prove you have common sense, consideration for others, and your not a total d@#%he bag. 

    I dont want my family, friends, and riders to be a statistic because some idiot cant refrain from texting for a few minutes. How do you live with yourself after you kill someone because you were texting a friend about  your plans or taking a selfie? Nobody is perfect, I am far from it, we all make mistakes, and accidents do happen but distracted driving its preventable. Its your choice your decision. One that can ruin your life and end others. 

    Sorry back on the soapbox again with lengthy post. People who cause aggravation, devastation, inconvenience, pain, suffering, financial loss  and possibly death because of their selfish decisions annoy me to no end. 

  • I heard about this awhile back. They did say that they may "train" willing drivers to handle drunk people. Those drivers would do the pick ups. Dont know what kind of training could be involved. Probably have to watch a video. Then you are a Certified drunk pick up Uber driver. Maybe Uber will supply a few vomit bags for getting certified. Uber would be absolutely foolish to decline riders who were drunk. Friday and Saturday nights after 9pm thats mostly what you get people headed out to party. Pick ups at 2 to 3am almost guarantee you a drunk rider or at very least a pick up from bar with a slightly buzzed rider:)

  • Had a rider one night that almost sure he was snorting something in my car. Destination was a known drug hood. Was very quiet first few min then  Asked me to turn up music. Asked him what type of music he wanted on, responded with "whatever is fine". Heard some rustling around a few sniffs 2 min later his personality changed he became very happy & talkative didnt shut up for remainder of 25 min ride:) Didnt do anything as I wasnt 100% sure he did anything. 

    Riders always try to get in car with open alcohol containers. I tell them they have to get rid of them. A few have gotten in without me noticing until trip is over. Sometimes they bring it in cups when i say something they say its water. One night dropping young 21 yr old girls off . They were going to their friends bachelorette party. They got in with" cups of water" that i missed. There was a  cop  10' from where i pulled up standing on sidewalk they didnt notice.  I see they are headed out with the cups at this point. I said somerhing about drinking in my car to which they replied "its just water". I responded back with "the cop thats standing behind my car isnt going to believe you anymore than I do". Miraculously the water had turned into vodka and they just looked at each other and one said "what do we do".? I replied, "Although you lied to me, brought open containers of alcohol into my car, and could've cost me the loss of my license, jail time, and fines I'll cut you a break since your friend is getting married". "Leave them in the cupholders and just get out and I wont report it to Uber". They thanked me over and over and put a 20.00 tip in the app. I was young once try to be understanding. 

    Another night 3 very drunk late 20's women get in my car. Two have open beers. I start to say something and the one up front says I'm a cop the one in back is sergeant we got your back. Whatever we were going 5 min up the road. Come to a red light one up front says "blow the red light you eont get a ticket".  I replied, I'm good we can wait safety first". Wth else do i say lol. Cant reason with drunk cops. Get them to destination they tip me 20.00 front seat loud one gets out and drops glass beer bottle and shatters everywhere. People outside the bar start saying things she yells, "I'm a cop stfu". I just pulled away. Lucky me got them again on the way home. More drunk then they were before. Loud poured a drink out the window then they settled down. Next day 15.00 tip on the app. Philly's finest at their best.

  • I am not trying to give you a hard time but you need to understand that this seemed somewhat shady or just BS. Again usually when something seems to good to be true you know how it goes. Look at Uber and Lyft perfect example. So you have to realize people dont always trust whats on the web. Especially if its vague and promising you that its the next big thing. Just being cautious. I would be kind of concerned if people just starting putting contact info out there on just your initial post.  What forum is your email on in the event other drivers want to see what this is all about or why not post here? This is a decent reputable site with no trolls posting BS. 

  • Ok but 2 months have gone by and havent seen anything else pop up about this company. Some vague info would be nice. Timeline. When will info be avaiable? Your also asking people for email addresses. How do we know who you are? How do we know its not a scam? Lets say someone says "ok send me info" how do you know they are not going to put whatever you give them all over the forum and other forums? So info would be out there anyway. So how do you know who you can trust? For you to give me info i would have to put my email address up here then I am open to a bunch of spam. I just dont get how you dont want to give info out in the open on forums but I give my email address you send me info I copy and paste to every forum out there. Not that I would do it. I am just questioning how putting it up here or emailing to anyone on this forum would protect your info. It can be shared everywhere once one person has it. Do you get my point? You know the old saying "when something sounds to good to be true it probably isn't". This is the web full of scams, liars, cheaters, con artist, etc... How do we know this isnt? You pop up here out of the blue make your company sound much better than current ride share companies and you will not give any info other than basics. Trust is my issue. Not sure I trust this. 

  • These idiots have been posting about this for 2 months. Always under different name. Always offering no info. They want your email. Some scam probably. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Drivers the game will change

    Someone else posted same crap in here 2 mths ago. When no one took the bait they disaapeared. 

  • People post such crap. This was posted 2 mths ago. Havent heard a word again about if. So much for great new ride share company. Lol

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Rideshare Company Pays 100% to drivers

    What is the catch? 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  New Years Resolution for Uber/Lyft Riders! What if????

    It was the weekend after New Years last Saturday night. I can tell you now it was most likely sheer luck.:)

  • Seen a driver tonight with stickers on both front and back windshield and sm stickers on side windows for Uber and Lyft. Pink Lyft beacon Blue Uber light. Drove passed him all of a sudden i see a blinding white strobe light in rearview. Dont know what that was all about. Regardless these lights sitting on dash are somewhat distracting at times. The white stobe light was definately a distraction. Didnt know if I was getting pulled over or beamed up by aliens. Chill on the ride share decor we get it you drive for Uber snd Lyft. Just saying I dont want to advertise driving for either for a few reasons. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Every Uber customer service response.

    I assume you probably did this but in the event you didnt. Send your message from the original message you received saying you were deactivated. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  We want to interview UK Uber riders/drivers! (Paid)

    I do one called Product Lab. Each week they send me a reminder and link to upload my pay statement for Lyft for which they were paying me 20.00 per week now they are paying me $10.00  per week. Here in the US

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Help!!! I have a an issue and dont know what to do.

    Was able to somewhat fix Lyft. Still not able to fix Uber. After logging on then turning over lay off Uber app goes crazy. There has to be a way to fix this. I am accidentally accepting ride request that are far away or riders rating is 4.30. I end up cancelling at least 5 per week just because (an example) i go to hit send on a text message as request is coming in. 

  • I dont think drivers should be able to publish these videos but what about passengers that video drivers and throw that up on social media? Should work both ways. Both parties can record video and audio but neither should be able to put up on social media sites, news sites, etc... I just put up a thread on a new video that surfaced regarding an Uber driver and a rider.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Does anyone really think this will make riders want to.tip?

    You can choose either or or both. No way would I put out 30.00 for this. I wouldnt use it if they were giving it away for free. Lol Maybe if i wantef to advertise my own company but not U/L.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Help!!! I have a an issue and dont know what to do.

    Just tried it. It is whats causing it. When I log onto Uber it will not let me go online until I allow it to over lay. They are assholes. I shouldnt have to allow it.  I have to allow it but once I am online I can take permission away and its good. It just sucks that I have to allow out go online with Uber then take the permission away while online at least with Uber havent checked Lyft yet

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Help!!! I have a an issue and dont know what to do.

    Thank you for answering. Appreciate it.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Help!!! I have a an issue and dont know what to do.

    As i am texting the request comes through as I am tapping the key to text  it accepts request. I think I figured it out. Ot was on my settings. My app on both Uber and Lyft had permission to pop up over whatever else I was on.  I unclicked it. I'll see what happens. I never clicked it for it to have permission to do it so I assume the U/L app have it built in to do it.