Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

  • The baby is dead so that is hardly considered an abortion. It is a miscarriage. Big difference. Him declining to take her hardly put her at risk. Ubers are not ambulances, rescue squad, etc. If you have a medical emergency you shouldn't  be taking an Uber.  Mormon drivers not taking to bars is a hell of big difference. Actually if their  beliefs were that strong about alcohol may be a good idea not driving weekend nights. Of course you shouldn't decline gay people but yet again big difference in gay people and the topic. My post was not about abortion rights. It was about being forced to take rides. If you feel uncomfortable, unsafe we can refuse a ride. As a citizens of the US i have religious freedoms. In my religion its against that religion to participate in abortions. So no I am not taking a person to get one. That is my right to practice my religion. For your 2 examples big difference in scenarios. Mormon religion doesnt say dont drive drunk people. If it does dont drive weekends. As far as gay people although some religions dont agree with it I am not aware of any that states you have to stay away from gay people or you cant drive gay people. Catholic school religion states "you cannot have abortion or participate in one". 

  • Didnt say it was my business. The driver shouldn't of said what he said, agreed.  What other people do is their business not mine but as a catholic I dont believe in abortion or assisting in one. I want no parts in  helping. 

  • We seem to be losing some of our freedom everyday. This isnt just referring to just rideshare. We cant say anything anymore as it may "offend" someone, we are supposed to use the "correct pronouns" or  its considered criminal behavior (yes there are groups/people out there that want laws passed for it to be considered criminal behavior if you dont use the correct pronouns), what happened to freedom of Religion (if you are religiously and morally against abortion why should you have to participate)?  If it was against this drivers religion or beliefs why should they have to drive rider to the abortion clinic? We are independent contractors. We own or make payments on our cars. It is our business, our car our rules. Granted if we do or dont do certain things we can be deactivated but now we have to go against our religion and/or our beliefs. BULLSHIT!!!  My car was paid for by me, i pay for gas, i maintain it, clean it, etc no  ignorant self entitled a##hole is going to force me to take them anywhere I dont want to go. These young adults need to grow up and realize everybody dont have to cater to them, do what they want you to do, or believe in what they believe, or agree with their choices. I've seen in other forums where riders think we should not be allowed to smoke in our cars (yes not a good idea unless you have good air freshner or dont mind a low rating) but where do these self entitled idiots get off saying what we can and cant do in something we pay for and own? She called the police. FOR WHAT? Boo hoo my Uber driver wouldnt take me to the abortion clinic. SERIOUSLY??? Uber deactivated the guy. This is total bullshit. You can get an Uber to an abortion clinic but cant take one to get birth control. 

  • I agree. Riders need to be educated. Trying to post on whatever I can. 

  • Exactly. A politician in SC wants to pass a bill thst dtivers must have sign on car. Not going to work. There are so many people selling Lyft and Uber light up signs on FB, EBay, Amazon, etc...  I feel they are doung this to placate the parents. Act like they care. Anyone can make these signs, anyone can sell them, and anyone can buy them. Riders need to start checking what the color, make, model, license plate, and pic match their app. Watch our car pull up on app. Maybe Uber and Lyft can text code to both driver and rider once driver pulls up make sure codes match. Give drivers ID or Certificate with raised seal to put on dash. Something. These signs will not prevent  someone from getting in wrong Uber or a non Uber. 


  • As long as a rider isnt rude, disrespectful, makes a mess, or damages my car I could careless what they do. Are some of the conversations they have annoying? Of course. Who cares they are in your car for a short time. Most people who are on their phones are people I want no parts of having  a conversation with anyway. Riders are paying for the time they are in your car shouldnt they be able to choose how they spend that time? Maybe they dont want to have a conversation with "a creepy Uber driver" because there are some out there. You are dealing with the public you take the good rides with the bad. You need to be Friendly, calm, and patient. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Declining Long Distance Short Rides

    Don't know:) I took one look at that request and said "OH HELL NO,  THEY'RE OUT OF THEIR F@#KING MINDS".  Didn't realize I had my window down and I hear a voice ouside my car say "Mom, that lady is yelling at herself". I burst out laughing at that point. To which I got a dirty look. I screenshot it and clicked DECLINE. It came back to me 3X over 15 min. I assume they waited no less than 30 min for a pick up. Someone may have needed 1 more trip to finish quest, an unsuspecting newbie, or driver didnt notice the rating. There would have to be a huge surge for me to pick up that rider or a big bonus. I was only sitting  maybe 250' from rider but it was dark and  too many people were waiting for rides so I couldnt tell which person it was.

  • Pic is bigger for rider to see. Although riders comain pics dont look like drivers they look like they are 10yrs younger than driver. Stickers are useless. License ate may be on back but but rider can still check it. The extra 10 secs it takes may save their lives. Maybe Uber and Lyft should send driver a raised seal certificate with the make, model, color, plate, driver first name,  and pic or a small license sized ID to place on dash. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Declining Long Distance Short Rides

    My rating right now is 4.94. Here are 2 recent request I have received. 

     Both of which I declined. Especially the pool one. I dont take pool anyway but definately not with a 4.33.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Declining Long Distance Short Rides

    No unfortunately that isnt how it works. When rider request a ride it goes to nearest driver ratings are not even a consideration. Ratings give Uber a reason to deactivate drivers. A rider rating doesnt matter to Uber.  It could be 4.2 (lowest I've received on ride request) that rider will still continue on platform ordering rides. However he will be waiting for awhile most times as most drivers will decline them. The night I got their request it came back to me 3X over a 12 min period. They were obviously not having much luck in getting a driver to accept. 

    Since Uber Pro has come out the riders who reach Diamond Status are offered highly rated drivers. My question has been, will these Diamond status riders wait longer for a highly rated driver? Here in Philly drivers average rating is 4.80. A recent rider of mine who reached Diamond Status explained what her choices are when she requests a ride. The day I got her I was 20 min away. 

    High rated driver will take 20 min for pick up or accept closest driver. She chose high rated (4.95) as in her area that was normal wait time for driver to get to her anyway. Since I was 20 min away though it then cost her an additional $9.79 for me to get her for long pick up fee. I was headed in that vicinity anyway and it was a long trip 45+ min.  As it turned out she was headed 20 min from my home and she was my last trip of the day:).Some days the stars align:)

  • Yes definately planned. I think he was out looking to get a female possibly to rape them or kill them or both. I dont think it was sn accident. Even if he pulled up and said he was her driver the worst that couldve happened was she said no your not and he would just move on to the next female outside a bar. 

    Like I explained in other comment. I have people all the time ask if I am their Uber. When I ask who they are waiting for the cars dont match and sometimes their driver is male. They dont look at anything other than their request was accepted. This frequently happens with young people and outside bars. Some of the stories these young people tell me i cant decide if they are really stupid, naive, or both. They are definately careless. Hope this wakes a few up. Uber and Lyft can implement something where we have an ID or a Certificate with raised Seal (so cant be duplicated) posted on our dash.  

  • I assume he was just out looking seen her alone looking at her phone and assumed she was waiting for Uber. All he had to do was pull up and these naive young girls just jump in. Unfortunately he really didnt have to say a word.  I have people ask me all the time if I am their Uber and I dont have the signs on my car. When you are driving alone and slow in areas that uber pick up at frequently any car that stops or drives slow they assume you are an Uber. I have people ask and Ill ask name.  When they say a different name I'll say well is your Uber a Black Honda Pilot with a female driver. They look at their phone and say "no white mazda with male driver". Yes that far off because all they do is order it and dont look at anything else.  

    Maybe he set out just to pick up  a female see if he could get anywhere with her. She turned him down and things went bad from there. Maybe he just went to rape her and they went bad. The area she was found in was  not an area that was well known. A rider I spoke with last night told me 2 guys hunting or something found her. The way he made it sound sorta a freak accident they even found her. So who knows maybe was something he planned. She wasnt buried very well. He probably didnt think anyonevwould find her for awhile if ever.  Uber and Lyft should send emails or notices to riders reminding them to check before you get in one. I have young female riders all the time how they get in Ubers really drunk by themselves and pass out. It also shouldnt be legal to sell Uber and Lyft trade dress. As of now anyone can make signs, lights, etc... and sell it. I am surprised Uber and Lyft havent trademarked their names. Although this guy may not even had a placard on his car. As a driver not much I can do other then to educate my riders to check before they get in cars. Still depends on them to listen and actually do it. Maybe Uber and Lyft should give drivers an ID card sorta like a license that we need to put on our dash or show rider. This is just awful for the parents, family, and friends. A young beautiful woman dead. I hope they fry the bastard.

  • Riders please check your app. If it says a Black Pilot is picking you up. Make sure its a black Pilot, make sure your driver matches pic, match license plate. I get that may take an extra minute but had this young woman did it her family wouldnt be planning her funeral and burying her in a few days. In my experience riders under 35 pay no attention to who is picking them up. I've had to text rider what kind of vehicle I am in & the color. I shouldnt have to its on your app. In 2000 rides I have had 2 riders check my license plate. I have 2 vehicles on platform very different from one another. Blue Ford Focus and Black Honda Pilot. I have forgotten to switch my vehicle in the app when i switch vehicles. One night I picked up 7 riders. First 6 were female it wasnt until my 7th rider mentioned the app said a blue car was to pick him up. I thanked him for saying something and switched it but we were almost done the ride when he said something. 


    You make sure the vehicle make and model match

    License plate matches

    Driver profile pic looks like the driver


  • Two weeks ago Saturday ended up in Center City Philly. Hate it down there but it was surged and consecitive ride bonus was offered. Wasnt going to make it back to burbs so stayed there. Uber screwed up pick up location and sent me towards an old off ramp on 95 now closed and oncoming traffic to be T boned. I then realized I left my bullet proof car and vest at home along with my body armour and gun. Shit went wrong in first 2 min of accepting trip it was just going to get worse. I cancelled. I then ended up over by Sugar House Casino on small side street  so I could turn around and get the hell outta there. Its 2am and no street lights and had a pair of 10 yr old glasses on. I can assure you what I seen next was as clear as day. A somewhat decent 20 something girl in an extremely short dress and high heels is headed towards casino. I can only assume she was a prostitute who just conducted business and got out of a car rather quickly. Her dress in the front never got pulled down. No underwear a full on 1970's ungroomed black bush is all you could see.  How do you not know your whole front area is hanging out for the world to see and the wind to blow through. It was chilly out.  Surprised icicles were not hanging off. I really wanted yo hand her a few bucks to get waxed or groomed. Grateful she wasnt my next rider cause even though I just cancelled a rider she would've been cancelled also. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber Destination Mode Paying 30% Less

    Uber doesnt need to read post to get data. They know what we do or dont do very quickly. In the event their AI and algorithms fail at giving them answers everything drivers do or dont do is all over you tube or quora. How many you tubers put crap on their channels? There are multiple articles, post, blogs, videos everywhere. Uber isnt stupid. So really to call another driver an "idiot" for his comment kind of rude. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Declining Long Distance Short Rides

    During the day I feel safer. More traffic on road. Late at night, people being drunk, too risky. As a driver its dufficult to protect yourself. Your in a confined area, in a seatbelt, operating a vehicle. You use mace in your car you are going to feel effects, knife too difficult to maneuver, even a gun would be difficult. Being a female I am not taking that chance. Although I wouldnt suggest a male picking that person up. Too many things had to happen to have rating that low. Uber tends to take riders side so if something did happen probably wouldnt believe driver anyway. Uber protects rider at all costs. Drivers are easily replaced. You can see that just by ratings. As I mentioned in ladt post driver is deactivated at a 4.60. If passenger rating below that doesnt matter still able to request rides.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Declining Long Distance Short Rides

    Before we get into "if you dont like it dont drive for Uber, get a different job, quit, etc". Drivers are still driving yes. Yes we complain. Not everyone can just up and find another job. My reason is the flexibility which I need right now. I like driving, I like most of my riders (most are awesome, interesting, kind,  people), its even fun at times. The problem is Uber and Lyft were supposed to be taking 20%/25% of the fare depending when drivers signed up. They are now taking anywhere from 30%/70% of the fare. Whatever you see Uber or Lyft giving drivers there is a catch to it all. They give drivers nothing out of the kindness of their heart. They lie, cheat, and steal not just from the drivers but from the riders (upfront pricing). Uber and Lyft made driving for rideshare sound like drivers could make decent money and all they have done is take,  take, take away from the driver it seems to never stop. They dont care about drivers, so many good drivers are no longer driving. Some of these new drivers and probably some veteran drivers are doing whatever they can to make money. Is it fair to the riders? Some of them yes more than fair. Other riders that are decent, kind, polite, no unfortunately not fair to them.  As much as you think drivers scam riders there are riders scaming drivers all the time.  We get fares taken away because riders make up lies about the driver. Uber dont want to hear our side, they take the fare away. So before we start bashing drivers for "cherry picking" you need to first know what it's like to own your own business, know what its like to go out of your way for a few bucks only to have it taken away because a rider wants a free ride. I get a ping for a ride request 10.27 min 3.77 miles away (sometimes the time & distance are longer). I will make .7 for the long pick up. I get to my rider who is drunk I wait 3 min for them to come out of bar & get into my car, i then drive them 4 min 1.57 miles up the road for 3.43. If anyone out there thinks this is fair I really want to know your reasoning/logic on that. Is it fair for driver to call rider and ask where they are going, find out its a short distance, then tell rider to cancel or the driver cancels. No absolutely not. I am the sole provider for my 4 kids so if I choose to take certain rides and not others than your damn right I "cherry pick". My family is my main concern, food, clothing, shelter, and their health.  However I never call my rider to ask where they are going if its a short ride I do it and treat rider just like any other rider. I dont accept a ride then cancel it unless its a minor or child with no safety seat. Riders need to stop assuming we are all mean, horrible, drivers that dont care. Drivers need to stop assuming every passenger is mean, rude, ignorant, and cheap. Uber and Lyft created this because they take the drivers money and scam the rider out of more money than the ride should be. However its not the driver getting the extra money. They have riders rate drivers and vice versa so that became an issue. Riders rate drivers low for dumb reasons and drivers rate riders low for dumb reasons. So instead of driver against rider, rider against driver we all need to be pissed and annoyed at the companies who created this. Place the blame where it belongs. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Declining Long Distance Short Rides

    If you are waiting longer than usual it could be because of your rating. I will not pick up a passenger with a 4.60 (drivers are deactivated at this rating) or lower after 10pm.  However during the day I will pick up but not below a 4.50. If you find yourself waiting check your rating. Thete are drivers that wont pick up below 4.75. 

  • This comes from a video on You Tube. The person doing the video breaks down the letter on his video. Do you think this will help? Some of the You Tubbers like Kevin (Apptrepreneur) claims the Strike held on Monday may actually be helpful. What are your opinions/thoughts? Going to try and share video but my tech skills are awful. 

    So in case I cant share it its on You Tube by Kevin the Apptrepreneur.

    Name of Video. Uber Employee to Company. We are hurting our drivers. Will try to put it up once O figure it out. Sorry.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Uber Destination Mode Paying 30% Less

    😄 I dont see how its fair they we benefit off other drivers loss. Nothing Uber does is fair so dont know why I am surprised. Maybe Bernie pitched the idea to Uber. You could save your destination pay for 6 months to buy your ticket:) Try not to spend thst money all at once:)