Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA

Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
8198 Rider Driver


Posts by momof4

Comments by momof4

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     5 years ago in  driver playing obscene rap music

    If it was Uber we have to rate you pretty quickly and cannot change the rating. However the passenger doesnt have to rate right away. Give it 10 min then rate driver your rating is all ready in then. I would assume that driver would be an idiot to rate a passenger low for something as minor as changing music. Although in your case your driver seemed like an idiot. I have play list and always check with my rider what they prefer. If they dont care I put something on that doesnt have foul language or abusive lyrics. Sometimes younger passengers request their type of music and it is awful but I have common sense not to play that type of music when certain passengers are in my car. If something comes on that I know has language.  I quickly turn it off if there is a child or older adult and apologize. Its rare that happens but it did once. A passenger responded "no big deal my child has heard worse". I try to keep my music with clean version although most of it is(occassionaly one or two slip by me:) 

    The worst thing that has happened is I asked my 21 yr old daughter to make me a play list for her age group. Back in my day songs may have had sexual meaning but didnt come right out with the words. My rider was a young man in his early 20's nicely dressed, well spoken, polite, and respectful. I asked if Hip Hop was ok? He replied sure thats fine. I wanted to crawl under the car with some of the lyrics that were coming out of these singers mouth. Needless to say when I ask my younger riders I ask specifically if they like A, B, C songs before I put them on. I wanted to strangle my daughter I was never so uncomfortable. Thankfully he didnt complain. My daughters choice in music is a disgrace. She was brought up on Rock dont know where/when she went wrong:)

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     5 years ago in  Declining Long Distance Short Rides

    Uber catches on to everything. If they dont figure it out for themseves all they have to do is watch you tube video (lol) or rideshare websites to see and hear what goes on. I am sure their algorithms tell them everything they need to know within a short period of time:)

  • Ride pass enables the person to avoid surge pricing. I would assume Uber then has to pay the drivers surge. How else but to slash drivers rates or to take 30%/40% of drivers fare on destination filter. They keep saying Uber wants to look good for IPO. Are investors that foolish not to see this?

  • That is disgusting. I know drivers are trying to make money but come on be a decent human being. I've taken a few services dog. One did get hair everywhere that took me time to get it all out.  It took me 1.50  and 5 min to vacuum. The rider I had after was very allergic to dogs. Did it suck yes, I didnt make any money probably lost a ride. Thankfully my passenger was understanding even after she sneezed and her eyes watered her whole trip. However I did my good deed for the day, i wont get deactivated or in trouble for declining, and karma wont bite me in the ass for being a sucky human being:)

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     5 years ago in  Lyft getting into repair business. Good idea?

    I have a good cheap honest mechanic wouldnt go to Lyft service place. They are in it to make money. The workers there will probably be told to report drivers car if dirty, banged up, messy, (not that should be)etc.. next thing you know you will be deactivated. You may even be told you need something you dont or told they fixed something they didnt. Uber and Lyft are not very trustworthy not trusting them to work on my car.

  • It sounded good until you had to purchase the charger. How much does it run your electric bill up? Wasn't Lime scooters bought by Uber? If so then there isnt much money to be made once you pay for charger and use your electricity. 

  • You can usually tell if someone wants to talk or not. When they enter "hi, how are you? How was your day"? If they give details continue to talk or ask questions then most likely they want to talk. If they answer with one word answers and say nothing else other than ok and fine then you can assume they dont want conversation. However when they get in and dont say hello back and dont respond to how are you?  Sorry thats being rude. Would it kill you to answer hello and fine? I also have people who are doing work or are on a conference call. They usually say "I have a business call or I am going to do some work". Awesome I now know I dont need to talk to you. I turn the radio down or off or stick one headphone in so i can still hear music or gps (if i need it). Then you have the rider that cant acknowledge you at all. Gets in car doesnt say hello and barks orders between sentences to caller. Stop here, go there and just continues to call everyone in their contacts. They speak loudly and repeat "like, umm, cool". After making a stop for them dont even say thank you or at the end of a trip. I am sure drivers out there no the type. They are on an expense account (even their 1st class flight, high end hotel), have that self entitled attitude, basically treat you like you are the lowely hired help beneath them. Had one to JFK last week. Right before trip my daughter calls and tells me she may have cancer. So my mind is racing as is.  Stopped not once but twice. No thank you from rider. Listened to him talk about some gross thing on his side and how he wanted to pick it and if he said like or cool one more time I would've choked him.  Worried about my daughter. Cant pick up anyone in NY, it was rush hour (traffic never good but rush hour is a nightmare), and not only did his attitude suck but didnt tip a dime. Karma bit him in the ass. As he exited my car he  dropped his laptop on the concrete:) No my daughter didnt have cancer she misunderstood doctor when she said she has some abnormal cells that needed to be watched. Just mentioned that to make a point how people get in your car treat you like dirt and they just dont care. Does it kill a rider or driver to say hi, how are you, how is your day? Of course I wouldnt blurt out my daughter may have cancer but it would be nice for everyone to treat each other with kindness and respect. Suppose your rider just found out they or their family member had cancer or some other terrible thing happened would ot kill you to be nice? Or to listen to them? Yes, i know you dont get paid to. Just the decent thing to do. I know another driver who was taking rider to airport so he could get to his dying brother.  Hot the call on the way there he died. The driver said he was sorry and listened to the guy for a few minutes. Just doing a nice thing because. He received a $20.00 tip. 

  • Not sure this is a scam or coincidence. Had a rider's mom order an Uber (he was in his 40's). After 10 min. into long trip he decided he wanted to give me directions. 3 GPS apps were directing me in a different direction which I brought to his attention. He insisted I take his route. I screen shoted the route I wanted to take and had also sent texts to another driver after trip about my concerns as trip took 25 min longer than it should. I should've contacted Uber but didnt think of it at the time as I was tipped 10.00 so didnt thimk there was an issue. However I did rate rider 4 stars because of the route he had me take. Two days later Uber took 9.77 away. I sent screenshots of texts and GPS and explained. I was getting nowhere. I called customer service and they gave me my money back. I checked the app all they gave me was 5.57. I tried messaging back and finally gave up as it was taking me more time then it was worth. I truly believe Uber instructs CS to give us wrong answers or hires dumbasses to give us wrong answers so we get fed up and stop asking for our money.  A week later had another ride on Lyft a scheduled trip. Rider insisted I take different route and also called Lyft because price changed from quote. She also changed address from original one although it was not much further. Lyft did back me on this one and refused to change price. Drivers just beware when riders ask you to take a different route. I now screenshot all routes that i intend to take (Waze). If rider tells me to take different route than GPS  I notify Uber or Lyft immediately following trip. I've also heard of a driver through another driver that she was deactivated after 3 riders reported she took longer routes in one month. She claims she followed GPS. She fought it and did get reactivated. True or not I dont know but I know what I just dealt with so just beware.

  • I drive XL and X. I have a few rides people ordered Uber X seen I had bigger car and had friends jump in. Some even cancelled their Uber because it was taking too long. Sure go ahead fill all 7 seats because as soon as I drop you off I am sending message to Uber and getting XL fare. I usually wait to send message until next morning after they tip as I know most likely they rated me then. Not only do I get til and 5 stars but get increase in fare. Had a group of really obnoxious guys tell me they purposely order Uber X and cancel before fee kicks in until they get bigger car. I took them they tipped me 10.00 cash, gave me 5 stars and exited. Figured they tipped because I took them when there was 5 and didnt complain. Next time they checked app they were in for big surprise. Stop trying to screw drivers to save a few bucks. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber Destination Mode Paying 30% Less

    A driver tried it yesterday just to see now it jumped to 40% off. I just received $6.17 for not using it. I can now purchase a 2lt soda and a pretzel or a gallon of milk and loaf of bread. Made my day. NOT!

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     5 years ago in  What's a typical passenger rating for Uber? Is 4.50 good?

    Lyft seems to have reset passenger ratings. Awful lot of 5 star passengers out there with Lyft. Seems somewhat odd. Uber on the other hand I've been getting 4.27, 4.32, 4.37, 4.45. The lowest so far I've picked up was a 4.50 Female on Uber. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber Pool

    Uber pool allows 2 riders. So you and a friend are included in the fare. When using pool the riders do not need to be going to exact same place. Just the same direction. 


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     5 years ago in  How bad will the surge be on St. Patrick's Day?

    It depends on tour area and how many drivers are out. If you are planning on going out in a normally busy area good possibility it will surge. If you know what time you are ending your night you may want to schedule your Uber 60 minutes in advance (I suggest 75 min in advance if possible. Just to be on safe side). Uber will not hit you with surge pricing if scheduled more than an hour in advance. 

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     5 years ago in  Uber Instant pay not working. Anyone hsving trouble?

    Took few hours but finally worked.

  • There will be a catch if they do go forward with it. Neither Uber or Lyft give anything away without a catch especially to drivers. Drivers are a mearly a means to an end. Probably have to sign on to drive for them indefinitely accepting every ping and not cancelling a single ping 12 hrs per day 7 days per week. Not only do you have to do this but your children will when they are old enough and when your childrens children are old enough they will have to do it also. Especially when their autonomous vehicles are not ready when they expect them to be. 

  • You should of told your rider he called a Lyft and went back to his country. 

  • Base it on the rating system. Did they tip you? Were they polite? Did they puke in your car? Were they annoying and rude? 5 stars, return the item. 4 stars, maybe. 3 stars or less sorry I cleaned my car and didnt find a thing or the rider after you must have found it and kept it, or consider it a tip:)

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     5 years ago in  New Surge System Revolt Cleveland, OH

    Since the surge changed to flat fees I have seen an average of $2 to $8.00 Mostly $4.00 or less. Once in awhile during a storm or holiday it may go to $15.00/20.00. The storm back in November hit 30.00 in Center City first and last time I seen that. Yes its nice to hit a surge and be able to hold on to it until next ride but I am not real excited over 2.00.

     What I am curious about a few months back my daughter called me about 2:15 am to pick her and her friends up because Uber was asking for 122.00 from Center City to Far Northeast Philly. Normally with no surge ride for XL would be $45/$50. I went on my driver app it was showing a 10.00 surge for driver. Where was rest of the money going? Not in drivers pocket. Of course riders think thats where its going. So why tip us if we are making all that money for a 25 min ride? Just Uber screwing over driver yet again.